@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ varying float world_pos_z;
varying float world_normal_z;
varying vec3 eye_normal;
-uniform bool compute_triangle_normals_in_fs;
void main()
if (any(lessThan(clipping_planes_dots, ZERO)))
@@ -59,36 +57,7 @@ void main()
vec3 color = uniform_color.rgb;
float alpha = uniform_color.a;
- vec2 intensity_fs = intensity;
- vec3 eye_normal_fs = eye_normal;
- float world_normal_z_fs = world_normal_z;
- if (compute_triangle_normals_in_fs) {
- vec3 triangle_normal = normalize(cross(dFdx(model_pos.xyz), dFdy(model_pos.xyz)));
- triangle_normal = -triangle_normal;
- // First transform the normal into camera space and normalize the result.
- eye_normal_fs = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * triangle_normal);
- // Compute the cos of the angle between the normal and lights direction. The light is directional so the direction is constant for every vertex.
- // Since these two are normalized the cosine is the dot product. We also need to clamp the result to the [0,1] range.
- float NdotL = max(dot(eye_normal_fs, LIGHT_TOP_DIR), 0.0);
- intensity_fs = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
- vec3 position = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * model_pos).xyz;
- intensity_fs.y = LIGHT_TOP_SPECULAR * pow(max(dot(-normalize(position), reflect(-LIGHT_TOP_DIR, eye_normal_fs)), 0.0), LIGHT_TOP_SHININESS);
- // Perform the same lighting calculation for the 2nd light source (no specular applied).
- NdotL = max(dot(eye_normal_fs, LIGHT_FRONT_DIR), 0.0);
- intensity_fs.x += NdotL * LIGHT_FRONT_DIFFUSE;
- // z component of normal vector in world coordinate used for slope shading
- world_normal_z_fs = slope.actived ? (normalize(slope.volume_world_normal_matrix * triangle_normal)).z : 0.0;
- }
- if (slope.actived && world_normal_z_fs < slope.normal_z - EPSILON) {
+ if (slope.actived && world_normal_z < slope.normal_z - EPSILON) {
color = vec3(0.7, 0.7, 1.0);
alpha = 1.0;
@@ -96,8 +65,8 @@ void main()
color = (any(lessThan(delta_box_min, ZERO)) || any(greaterThan(delta_box_max, ZERO))) ? mix(color, ZERO, 0.3333) : color;
if (use_environment_tex)
- gl_FragColor = vec4(0.45 * texture2D(environment_tex, normalize(eye_normal_fs).xy * 0.5 + 0.5).xyz + 0.8 * color * intensity_fs.x, alpha);
+ gl_FragColor = vec4(0.45 * texture2D(environment_tex, normalize(eye_normal).xy * 0.5 + 0.5).xyz + 0.8 * color * intensity.x, alpha);
- gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(intensity_fs.y) + color * intensity_fs.x, alpha);
+ gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(intensity.y) + color * intensity.x, alpha);