@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Base';
has 'cache' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {{}});
-use Slic3r::Geometry qw(A B X Y scale unscale scaled_epsilon);
+use Slic3r::Geometry qw(A B X Y MIN scale unscale scaled_epsilon);
sub fill_surface {
my $self = shift;
@@ -16,73 +16,67 @@ sub fill_surface {
my $rotate_vector = $self->infill_direction($surface);
$self->rotate_points($expolygon, $rotate_vector);
- my $expolygon_off = $expolygon->offset_ex(scale $params{flow_spacing}/2)->[0];
- return {} if !defined $expolygon_off; # skip some very small polygons (which shouldn't arrive here)
+ my $flow_spacing = $params{flow_spacing};
+ my $min_spacing = scale $params{flow_spacing};
+ my $line_spacing = $min_spacing / $params{density};
+ my $line_oscillation = $line_spacing - $min_spacing;
+ my $is_line_pattern = $self->isa('Slic3r::Fill::Line');
+ my $bounding_box = $expolygon->bounding_box;
- my $flow_spacing = $params{flow_spacing};
- my $min_spacing = scale $params{flow_spacing};
- my $distance_between_lines = $min_spacing / $params{density};
- my $line_oscillation = $distance_between_lines - $min_spacing;
- my $is_line_pattern = $self->isa('Slic3r::Fill::Line');
- my $cache_id = sprintf "d%s_s%.2f_a%.2f",
- $params{density}, $params{flow_spacing}, $rotate_vector->[0][0];
+ # define flow spacing according to requested density
+ if ($params{density} == 1 && !$params{dont_adjust}) {
+ $line_spacing = $self->adjust_solid_spacing(
+ width => $bounding_box->size->[X],
+ distance => $line_spacing,
+ );
+ $flow_spacing = unscale $line_spacing;
+ } else {
+ # extend bounding box so that our pattern will be aligned with other layers
+ # $bounding_box->[X1] and [Y1] represent the displacement between new bounding box offset and old one
+ $bounding_box->extents->[X][MIN] -= $bounding_box->x_min;
+ $bounding_box->extents->[Y][MIN] -= $bounding_box->y_min;
+ }
- if (!$self->cache->{$cache_id}) {
- # compute bounding box
- my $bounding_box;
- {
- my $bb_polygon = $self->bounding_box->polygon;
- $bb_polygon->scale(sqrt 2);
- $self->rotate_points($bb_polygon, $rotate_vector);
- $bounding_box = $bb_polygon->bounding_box;
- }
- # define flow spacing according to requested density
- if ($params{density} == 1 && !$params{dont_adjust}) {
- $distance_between_lines = $self->adjust_solid_spacing(
- width => $bounding_box->size->[X],
- distance => $distance_between_lines,
- );
- $flow_spacing = unscale $distance_between_lines;
+ # generate the basic pattern
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $x = $bounding_box->x_min;
+ my $x_max = $bounding_box->x_max + scaled_epsilon;
+ my @vertical_lines = ();
+ while ($x <= $x_max) {
+ my $vertical_line = Slic3r::Line->new([$x, $bounding_box->y_max], [$x, $bounding_box->y_min]);
+ if ($is_line_pattern && $i % 2) {
+ $vertical_line->[A][X] += $line_oscillation;
+ $vertical_line->[B][X] -= $line_oscillation;
- # generate the basic pattern
- my $x = $bounding_box->x_min;
- my @vertical_lines = ();
- for (my $i = 0; $x <= $bounding_box->x_max + scaled_epsilon; $i++) {
- my $vertical_line = Slic3r::Line->new([$x, $bounding_box->y_max], [$x, $bounding_box->y_min]);
- if ($is_line_pattern && $i % 2) {
- $vertical_line->[A][X] += $line_oscillation;
- $vertical_line->[B][X] -= $line_oscillation;
- }
- push @vertical_lines, $vertical_line;
- $x += $distance_between_lines;
- }
- $self->cache->{$cache_id} = [@vertical_lines];
+ push @vertical_lines, $vertical_line;
+ $i++;
+ $x += $line_spacing;
# clip paths against a slightly offsetted expolygon, so that the first and last paths
# are kept even if the expolygon has vertical sides
+ # the minimum offset for preventing edge lines from being clipped is scaled_epsilon;
+ # however we use a larger offset to support expolygons with slightly skewed sides and
+ # not perfectly straight
my @polylines = map Slic3r::Polyline->new(@$_),
@{ Boost::Geometry::Utils::multi_polygon_multi_linestring_intersection(
- [ map $_->pp, @{ $expolygon->offset_ex(scaled_epsilon) } ],
- [ map $_->pp, @{ $self->cache->{$cache_id} } ],
+ [ map $_->pp, @{$expolygon->offset_ex($line_spacing*0.05)} ],
+ [ map $_->pp, @vertical_lines ],
) };
# connect lines
unless ($params{dont_connect}) {
+ my ($expolygon_off) = @{$expolygon->offset_ex(scale $params{flow_spacing}/2)};
my $collection = Slic3r::Polyline::Collection->new(
polylines => [ @polylines ],
@polylines = ();
my $tolerance = 10 * scaled_epsilon;
- my $diagonal_distance = $distance_between_lines * 2;
+ my $diagonal_distance = $line_spacing * 2;
my $can_connect = $is_line_pattern
? sub {
- ($_[X] >= ($distance_between_lines - $line_oscillation) - $tolerance) && ($_[X] <= ($distance_between_lines + $line_oscillation) + $tolerance)
+ ($_[X] >= ($line_spacing - $line_oscillation) - $tolerance) && ($_[X] <= ($line_spacing + $line_oscillation) + $tolerance)
&& $_[Y] <= $diagonal_distance
: sub { $_[X] <= $diagonal_distance && $_[Y] <= $diagonal_distance };