@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ sub _init_menubar {
wxTheApp->append_menu_item($fileMenu, "&Export Config Bundle…", 'Export all presets to file', sub {
}, undef, 'lorry_go.png');
+ wxTheApp->append_menu_item($fileMenu, "&Import Config from GCode-File…", 'Load presets from a created GCode-File', sub {
+ $self->import_fromGCode;
+ }, undef, 'lorry_import.png');
my $repeat;
wxTheApp->append_menu_item($fileMenu, "Q&uick Slice…\tCtrl+U", 'Slice file', sub {
@@ -557,6 +560,64 @@ sub load_config_file {
$self->{plater}->select_preset_by_name($name, $_) for qw(print filament printer);
+sub import_fromGCode{ # import configuration from gcode file sliced with Slic3r
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ if (!$file) {
+ my $dir = $last_config ? dirname($last_config) : $Slic3r::GUI::Settings->{recent}{config_directory} || $Slic3r::GUI::Settings->{recent}{skein_directory} || '';
+ my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, 'Select GCode File to load config from:', $dir, &Slic3r::GUI::FILE_WILDCARDS->{gcode}, &Slic3r::GUI::FILE_WILDCARDS->{gcode}, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST);
+ return unless $dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK;
+ $file = Slic3r::decode_path($dlg->GetPaths);
+ $dlg->Destroy;
+ }
+ $Slic3r::GUI::Settings->{recent}{config_directory} = dirname($file);
+ wxTheApp->save_settings;
+ # open $file and read the first line to make sure it was sliced using Slic3r
+ open(FILEFIRSTLINE, '<', "$file")
+ or die( "Can't open file to import gcode: $!" );
+ my $firstLine = <FILEFIRSTLINE>;
+ # Exit, if file was not sliced using Slic3r
+ if( index($firstLine, "generated by Slic3r") < 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ # if file sliced by Slic3r, read it
+ open(GFILE, "$file")
+ or die( "Can't open file to import gcode: $!" );
+ my @lines = reverse <GFILE>; # read the file from the back
+ my $line;
+ my @settinglines="";
+ foreach $line (@lines) {
+ # if line is empty, we're done -> EOF
+ if (substr($line, 0, 1) eq ";"){
+ $line = substr($line,2, length($line)-2);
+ push @settinglines, $line;
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close (GFILE);
+ # (over-) write config to temp-file -> <gcode-filename.ini>
+ my $tempfile = substr $file, 0, rindex( $file, q{.} );
+ $tempfile="$tempfile.ini";
+ open (TEMPFILESETTINGS, "> $tempfile");
+ print TEMPFILESETTINGS @settinglines;
+ $self->load_config_file($tempfile);
+ # todo: do we want to delete the <gcode-filename.ini> file after load_config?
sub export_configbundle {
my $self = shift;