@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ sub add_model {
$model->split_meshes if $Slic3r::Config->avoid_crossing_perimeters && !$Slic3r::Config->complete_objects;
foreach my $object (@{ $model->objects }) {
+ # we align object to origin before applying transformations
my @align = $object->align_to_origin;
# extract meshes by material
@@ -135,8 +136,11 @@ sub add_model {
$mesh->scale(1 / &Slic3r::SCALING_FACTOR);
- # calculate transformed size
- my $size = [ Slic3r::Geometry::size_3D([ map @{$_->used_vertices}, grep $_, @meshes ]) ];
+ # we also align object after transformations so that we only work with positive coordinates
+ # and the assumption that bounding_box === size works
+ my $bb = Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBox->new_from_points_3D([ map @{$_->used_vertices}, grep $_, @meshes ]);
+ my @align2 = map -$bb->extents->[$_][MIN], (X,Y,Z);
+ $_->move(@align2) for grep $_, @meshes;
# initialize print object
push @{$self->objects}, Slic3r::Print::Object->new(
@@ -144,10 +148,10 @@ sub add_model {
meshes => [ @meshes ],
copies => [
- ? (map [ scale($_->offset->[X] - $align[X]), scale($_->offset->[Y] - $align[Y]) ], @{$object->instances})
+ ? (map [ scale($_->offset->[X] - $align[X]) - $align2[X], scale($_->offset->[Y] - $align[Y]) - $align2[Y] ], @{$object->instances})
: [0,0],
- size => $size,
+ size => $bb->size, # transformed size
input_file => $object->input_file,
layer_height_ranges => $object->layer_height_ranges,