@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ option(SLIC3R_MSVC_PDB "Generate PDB files on MSVC in Release mode" 1)
option(SLIC3R_PERL_XS "Compile XS Perl module and enable Perl unit and integration tests" 0)
option(SLIC3R_ASAN "Enable ASan on Clang and GCC" 0)
# If SLIC3R_FHS is 1 -> SLIC3R_DESKTOP_INTEGRATION is always 0, othrewise variable.
-CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SLIC3R_DESKTOP_INTEGRATION "Allow perfoming desktop integration during runtime" 0 "NOT SLIC3R_FHS" 0)
+CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SLIC3R_DESKTOP_INTEGRATION "Allow perfoming desktop integration during runtime" 1 "NOT SLIC3R_FHS" 0)
set(OPENVDB_FIND_MODULE_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to OpenVDB installation's find modules.")