@@ -604,8 +604,8 @@ static void generic_exception_handle()
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("std::bad_alloc exception: %1%") % ex.what();
} catch (const boost::io::bad_format_string& ex) {
- wxString errmsg = _L("PrusaSlicer has encountered a localization error. "
- "Please report to PrusaSlicer team, what language was active and in which scenario "
+ wxString errmsg = _L(SLIC3R_APP_NAME " has encountered a localization error. "
+ "Please report to " SLIC3R_APP_NAME " team, what language was active and in which scenario "
"this issue happened. Thank you.\n\nThe application will now terminate.");
wxMessageBox(errmsg + "\n\n" + wxString(ex.what()), _L("Critical error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Uncaught exception: %1%") % ex.what();
@@ -739,13 +739,13 @@ void GUI_App::init_app_config()
// Error while parsing config file. We'll customize the error message and rethrow to be displayed.
if (is_editor()) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(
- _u8L("Error parsing PrusaSlicer config file, it is probably corrupted. "
+ _u8L("Error parsing " SLIC3R_APP_NAME " config file, it is probably corrupted. "
"Try to manually delete the file to recover from the error. Your user profiles will not be affected.") +
"\n\n" + app_config->config_path() + "\n\n" + error);
else {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(
- _u8L("Error parsing PrusaGCodeViewer config file, it is probably corrupted. "
+ _u8L("Error parsing " GCODEVIEWER_APP_NAME " config file, it is probably corrupted. "
"Try to manually delete the file to recover from the error.") +
"\n\n" + app_config->config_path() + "\n\n" + error);
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ bool GUI_App::on_init_inner()
wxString::Format(_L("%s\nDo you want to continue?"), msg),
- "PrusaSlicer", wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO);
dlg.ShowCheckBox(_L("Remember my choice"));
if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return false;
@@ -2438,8 +2438,8 @@ void GUI_App::associate_gcode_files()
::GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, app_path, sizeof(app_path));
std::wstring prog_path = L"\"" + std::wstring(app_path) + L"\"";
- std::wstring prog_id = L"PrusaSlicer.GCodeViewer.1";
- std::wstring prog_desc = L"PrusaSlicerGCodeViewer";
+ std::wstring prog_id = SLIC3R_APP_WKEY L".GCodeViewer.1";
+ std::wstring prog_desc = L"" GCODEVIEWER_APP_NAME;
std::wstring prog_command = prog_path + L" \"%1\"";
std::wstring reg_base = L"Software\\Classes";
std::wstring reg_extension = reg_base + L"\\.gcode";