@@ -82,17 +82,21 @@ use constant EXTERNAL_INFILL_MARGIN => 3;
use constant INSET_OVERLAP_TOLERANCE => 0.2;
# keep track of threads we created
-my @threads : shared = ();
+my @threads = ();
my $sema = Thread::Semaphore->new;
my $paused = 0;
sub spawn_thread {
my ($cb) = @_;
+ my $parent_tid = threads->tid;
@_ = ();
my $thread = threads->create(sub {
+ Slic3r::debugf "Starting thread %d (parent: %d)...\n", threads->tid, $parent_tid;
local $SIG{'KILL'} = sub {
- Slic3r::debugf "Exiting thread...\n";
+ Slic3r::debugf "Exiting thread %d...\n", threads->tid;
+ kill_all_threads();
@@ -205,6 +209,7 @@ sub kill_all_threads {
# detach any running thread created in the current one
my @killed = ();
foreach my $thread (get_running_threads()) {
+ Slic3r::debugf "Thread %d killing %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
push @killed, $thread;
@@ -212,7 +217,11 @@ sub kill_all_threads {
# unlock semaphore before we block on wait
# otherwise we'd get a deadlock if threads were paused
- $_->join for @killed; # block until threads are killed
+ foreach my $thread (@killed) {
+ Slic3r::debugf " Threads %d waiting for %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
+ $thread->join; # block until threads are killed
+ Slic3r::debugf " Thread %d finished waiting for %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
+ }
@threads = ();