@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
#include "GCode/WipeTower.hpp"
#include "GCode/WipeTowerIntegration.hpp"
#include "GCode/Travels.hpp"
-#include "GCode/LayerChanges.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
@@ -2081,6 +2080,50 @@ AABBTreeLines::LinesDistancer<Linef> get_previous_layer_distancer(
+std::string GCodeGenerator::get_layer_change_gcode(const Vec3d& from, const Vec3d& to, const unsigned extruder_id) {
+ const Polyline xy_path{
+ this->gcode_to_point(from.head<2>()),
+ this->gcode_to_point(to.head<2>())
+ };
+ using namespace GCode::Impl::Travels;
+ ElevatedTravelParams elevation_params{
+ get_elevated_traval_params(xy_path, this->m_config, extruder_id)};
+ const double initial_elevation = from.z();
+ const double z_change = to.z() - from.z();
+ elevation_params.lift_height = std::max(z_change, elevation_params.lift_height);
+ const double path_length = unscaled(xy_path.length());
+ const double lift_at_travel_end =
+ (elevation_params.lift_height / elevation_params.slope_end * path_length);
+ if (lift_at_travel_end < z_change) {
+ elevation_params.lift_height = z_change;
+ elevation_params.slope_end = path_length;
+ }
+ const std::vector<double> ensure_points_at_distances = linspace(
+ elevation_params.slope_end - elevation_params.blend_width / 2.0,
+ elevation_params.slope_end + elevation_params.blend_width / 2.0,
+ elevation_params.parabola_points_count
+ );
+ Points3 travel{generate_elevated_travel(
+ xy_path.points, ensure_points_at_distances, initial_elevation,
+ ElevatedTravelFormula{elevation_params}
+ )};
+ std::string travel_gcode;
+ Vec3d previous_point{this->point_to_gcode(travel.front())};
+ for (const Vec3crd& point : tcb::span{travel}.subspan(1)) {
+ const Vec3d gcode_point{this->point_to_gcode(point)};
+ travel_gcode += this->m_writer.get_travel_to_xyz_gcode(previous_point, gcode_point, "layer change");
+ previous_point = gcode_point;
+ }
+ return travel_gcode;
// In sequential mode, process_layer is called once per each object and its copy,
// therefore layers will contain a single entry and single_object_instance_idx will point to the copy of the object.
// In non-sequential mode, process_layer is called per each print_z height with all object and support layers accumulated.
@@ -2150,6 +2193,7 @@ LayerResult GCodeGenerator::process_layer(
m_enable_loop_clipping = !enable;
std::string gcode;
assert(is_decimal_separator_point()); // for the sprintfs
@@ -2168,6 +2212,7 @@ LayerResult GCodeGenerator::process_layer(
m_last_layer_z = static_cast<float>(print_z);
m_max_layer_z = std::max(m_max_layer_z, m_last_layer_z);
m_last_height = height;
+ m_current_layer_first_position = std::nullopt;
// Set new layer - this will change Z and force a retraction if retract_layer_change is enabled.
if (! print.config().before_layer_gcode.value.empty()) {
@@ -2179,7 +2224,7 @@ LayerResult GCodeGenerator::process_layer(
print.config().before_layer_gcode.value, m_writer.extruder()->id(), &config)
+ "\n";
- gcode += this->change_layer(previous_layer_z, print_z, result.spiral_vase_enable); // this will increase m_layer_index
+ gcode += this->change_layer(previous_layer_z, print_z); // this will increase m_layer_index
m_layer = &layer;
if (this->line_distancer_is_required(layer_tools.extruders) && this->m_layer != nullptr && this->m_layer->lower_layer != nullptr) {
this->m_previous_layer_distancer = GCode::Impl::get_previous_layer_distancer(layers, layer.lower_layer->lslices);
@@ -2305,6 +2350,33 @@ LayerResult GCodeGenerator::process_layer(
is_anything_overridden, false /* print_wipe_extrusions */);
+ // During layer change the starting position of next layer is now known.
+ // The solution is thus to emplace a temporary tag to the gcode, cache the postion and
+ // replace the tag later. The tag is Layer_Change_Travel, the cached position is
+ // m_current_layer_first_position and it is replaced here.
+ const std::string tag = GCodeProcessor::reserved_tag(GCodeProcessor::ETags::Layer_Change_Travel);
+ std::string layer_change_gcode;
+ const bool do_ramping_layer_change = (
+ m_previous_layer_last_position
+ && m_current_layer_first_position
+ && m_layer_change_extruder_id
+ && !result.spiral_vase_enable
+ && print_z > previous_layer_z
+ && EXTRUDER_CONFIG(travel_ramping_lift)
+ && EXTRUDER_CONFIG(travel_slope) > 0 && EXTRUDER_CONFIG(travel_slope) < 90
+ );
+ if (do_ramping_layer_change) {
+ layer_change_gcode = this->get_layer_change_gcode(*m_previous_layer_last_position, *m_current_layer_first_position, *m_layer_change_extruder_id);
+ } else {
+ if (!m_current_layer_first_position) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Destination is required for layer change!");
+ }
+ layer_change_gcode = this->writer().get_travel_to_z_gcode(m_current_layer_first_position->z(), "simple layer change");
+ }
+ boost::algorithm::replace_first(gcode, tag, layer_change_gcode);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Exported layer " << layer.id() << " print_z " << print_z <<
@@ -2604,63 +2676,10 @@ std::string GCodeGenerator::preamble()
return gcode;
-std::optional<std::string> GCodeGenerator::get_helical_layer_change_gcode(
- const coordf_t previous_layer_z,
- const coordf_t print_z,
- const std::string& comment
-) {
- if (!this->last_pos_defined()) {
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- const double circle_radius{2};
- const unsigned n_gon_points_count{16};
- const Point n_gon_start_point{this->last_pos()};
- GCode::Impl::LayerChanges::Bed bed{
- this->m_config.bed_shape.values,
- circle_radius * 2
- };
- if (!bed.contains_within_padding(this->point_to_gcode(n_gon_start_point))) {
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- const Vec2crd n_gon_vector{scaled(Vec2d{
- (bed.centroid - this->point_to_gcode(n_gon_start_point)).normalized() * circle_radius
- })};
- const Point n_gon_centeroid{n_gon_start_point + n_gon_vector};
- const Polygon n_gon{GCode::Impl::LayerChanges::generate_regular_polygon(
- n_gon_centeroid,
- n_gon_start_point,
- n_gon_points_count
- )};
- const double n_gon_circumference = unscaled(n_gon.length());
- const double z_change{print_z - previous_layer_z};
- Points3 helix{GCode::Impl::Travels::generate_elevated_travel(
- n_gon.points,
- {},
- previous_layer_z,
- [&](const double distance){
- return distance / n_gon_circumference * z_change;
- }
- )};
- helix.emplace_back(to_3d(this->last_pos(), scaled(print_z)));
- return this->generate_travel_gcode(helix, comment);
// called by GCodeGenerator::process_layer()
std::string GCodeGenerator::change_layer(
coordf_t previous_layer_z,
- coordf_t print_z,
- const bool spiral_vase_enabled
+ coordf_t print_z
) {
std::string gcode;
if (m_layer_count > 0)
@@ -2670,31 +2689,16 @@ std::string GCodeGenerator::change_layer(
if (EXTRUDER_CONFIG(retract_layer_change))
gcode += this->retract_and_wipe();
- const std::string comment{"move to next layer (" + std::to_string(m_layer_index) + ")"};
+ Vec3d new_position = this->writer().get_position();
+ new_position.z() = print_z;
+ this->writer().update_position(new_position);
- bool do_helical_layer_change{
- !spiral_vase_enabled
- && print_z > previous_layer_z
- && EXTRUDER_CONFIG(retract_layer_change)
- && EXTRUDER_CONFIG(retract_length) > 0
- && EXTRUDER_CONFIG(travel_ramping_lift)
- && EXTRUDER_CONFIG(travel_slope) > 0 && EXTRUDER_CONFIG(travel_slope) < 90
- };
+ m_previous_layer_last_position = this->m_last_pos_defined ?
+ std::optional{to_3d(this->point_to_gcode(this->last_pos()), previous_layer_z)} :
+ std::nullopt;
- const std::optional<std::string> helix_gcode{
- do_helical_layer_change ?
- this->get_helical_layer_change_gcode(
- m_config.z_offset.value + previous_layer_z,
- m_config.z_offset.value + print_z,
- comment
- ) :
- std::nullopt
- };
- gcode += (
- helix_gcode ?
- *helix_gcode :
- m_writer.travel_to_z(m_config.z_offset.value + print_z, comment)
- );
+ gcode += GCodeProcessor::reserved_tag(GCodeProcessor::ETags::Layer_Change_Travel);
+ this->m_layer_change_extruder_id = m_writer.extruder()->id();
// forget last wiping path as wiping after raising Z is pointless
@@ -2963,19 +2967,31 @@ std::string GCodeGenerator::_extrude(
std::string gcode;
const std::string_view description_bridge = path_attr.role.is_bridge() ? " (bridge)"sv : ""sv;
- // go to first point of extrusion path
- if (!m_last_pos_defined) {
- const double z = this->m_last_layer_z + this->m_config.z_offset.value;
- const std::string comment{"move to print after unknown position"};
- gcode += this->retract_and_wipe();
- gcode += this->m_writer.travel_to_xy(this->point_to_gcode(path.front().point), comment);
- gcode += this->m_writer.get_travel_to_z_gcode(z, comment);
- } else if ( m_last_pos != path.front().point) {
- std::string comment = "move to first ";
- comment += description;
- comment += description_bridge;
- comment += " point";
- gcode += this->travel_to(path.front().point, path_attr.role, comment);
+ if (!m_current_layer_first_position) {
+ // Make the first travel just one G1.
+ const Vec3crd point = to_3d(path.front().point, scaled(this->m_last_layer_z + this->m_config.z_offset.value));
+ const Vec3d gcode_point = to_3d(this->point_to_gcode(point.head<2>()), unscaled(point.z()));
+ this->set_last_pos(path.front().point);
+ this->writer().update_position(gcode_point);
+ gcode += this->writer().get_travel_to_xy_gcode(gcode_point.head<2>(), "move to first layer point");
+ gcode += this->writer().get_travel_to_z_gcode(gcode_point.z(), "move to first layer point");
+ m_current_layer_first_position = gcode_point;
+ } else {
+ // go to first point of extrusion path
+ if (!m_last_pos_defined) {
+ const double z = this->m_last_layer_z + this->m_config.z_offset.value;
+ const std::string comment{"move to print after unknown position"};
+ gcode += this->retract_and_wipe();
+ gcode += this->m_writer.travel_to_xy(this->point_to_gcode(path.front().point), comment);
+ gcode += this->m_writer.get_travel_to_z_gcode(z, comment);
+ } else if ( m_last_pos != path.front().point) {
+ std::string comment = "move to first ";
+ comment += description;
+ comment += description_bridge;
+ comment += " point";
+ const std::string travel_gcode{this->travel_to(path.front().point, path_attr.role, comment)};
+ gcode += travel_gcode;
+ }
// compensate retraction
@@ -3217,9 +3233,13 @@ std::string GCodeGenerator::generate_travel_gcode(
// use G1 because we rely on paths being straight (G0 may make round paths)
gcode += this->m_writer.set_travel_acceleration(acceleration);
- for (const Vec3crd& point : travel) {
- gcode += this->m_writer.travel_to_xyz(to_3d(this->point_to_gcode(point.head<2>()), unscaled(point.z())), comment);
+ Vec3d previous_point{this->point_to_gcode(travel.front())};
+ for (const Vec3crd& point : tcb::span{travel}.subspan(1)) {
+ const Vec3d gcode_point{this->point_to_gcode(point)};
+ gcode += this->m_writer.travel_to_xyz(previous_point, gcode_point, comment);
+ previous_point = gcode_point;
if (! GCodeWriter::supports_separate_travel_acceleration(config().gcode_flavor)) {
@@ -3351,6 +3371,14 @@ std::string GCodeGenerator::travel_to(const Point &point, ExtrusionRole role, st
const double retract_length = this->m_config.retract_length.get_at(extruder_id);
bool can_be_flat{!needs_retraction || retract_length == 0};
const double initial_elevation = this->m_last_layer_z + this->m_config.z_offset.value;
+ const double upper_limit = this->m_config.retract_lift_below.get_at(extruder_id);
+ const double lower_limit = this->m_config.retract_lift_above.get_at(extruder_id);
+ if ((lower_limit > 0 && initial_elevation < lower_limit) ||
+ (upper_limit > 0 && initial_elevation > upper_limit)) {
+ can_be_flat = true;
+ }
const Points3 travel = (
can_be_flat ?
GCode::Impl::Travels::generate_flat_travel(xy_path.points, initial_elevation) :