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Fix of
"Unicode char like for example "ł" crush app when used in profile name"

The Prusa3D binary builds are missing the UTF8 libraries.
To avoid having to bundle them, the case sensitive regexes testing
file suffixes were replaced with explicit enumeration of lower / upper
case letters. While crude, it avoids triggering the UTF8 library.

bubnikv 7 years ago

+ 2 - 2

@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ sub decode_path {
     my ($path) = @_;
     $path = Encode::decode(locale_fs => $path)
-        unless utf8::is_utf8($path);
+        unless Encode::is_utf8($path);
     # The filesystem might force a normalization form (like HFS+ does) so 
     # if we rely on the filename being comparable after the open() + readdir()
     # roundtrip (like when creating and then selecting a preset), we need to 

+ 3 - 1

@@ -101,7 +101,9 @@ sub load {
     my $class = shift;
     my ($file) = @_;
-    if ($file =~ /\.gcode$/i || $file =~ /\.g$/i) {
+    # Instead of using the /i modifier for case-insensitive matching, the case insensitivity is expressed
+    # explicitely to avoid having to bundle the UTF8 Perl library.
+    if ($file =~ /\.[gG][cC][oO][dD][eE]/ || $file =~ /\.[gG]/) {
         my $config = $class->new;        
         return $config;

+ 3 - 1

@@ -313,7 +313,9 @@ sub presets {
     my %presets = ();
     opendir my $dh, Slic3r::encode_path("$Slic3r::GUI::datadir/$section")
         or die "Failed to read directory $Slic3r::GUI::datadir/$section (errno: $!)\n";
-    foreach my $file (grep /\.ini$/i, readdir $dh) {
+    # Instead of using the /i modifier for case-insensitive matching, the case insensitivity is expressed
+    # explicitely to avoid having to bundle the UTF8 Perl library.
+    foreach my $file (grep /\.[iI][nN][iI]$/, readdir $dh) {
         $file = Slic3r::decode_path($file);
         my $name = basename($file);
         $name =~ s/\.ini$//;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ sub quick_slice {
             $output_file = $qs_last_output_file if defined $qs_last_output_file;
         } elsif ($params{save_as}) {
             $output_file = $sprint->output_filepath;
-            $output_file =~ s/\.gcode$/.svg/i if $params{export_svg};
+            $output_file =~ s/\.[gG][cC][oO][dD][eE]$/.svg/ if $params{export_svg};
             my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, 'Save ' . ($params{export_svg} ? 'SVG' : 'G-code') . ' file as:',
                 basename($output_file), $params{export_svg} ? &Slic3r::GUI::FILE_WILDCARDS->{svg} : &Slic3r::GUI::FILE_WILDCARDS->{gcode}, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT);
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ sub repair_stl {
     my $output_file = $input_file;
-        $output_file =~ s/\.stl$/_fixed.obj/i;
+        $output_file =~ s/\.[sS][tT][lL]$/_fixed.obj/;
         my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, "Save OBJ file (less prone to coordinate errors than STL) as:", dirname($output_file),
             basename($output_file), &Slic3r::GUI::FILE_WILDCARDS->{obj}, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT);
         if ($dlg->ShowModal != wxID_OK) {

+ 3 - 3

@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ sub load_files {
     # One of the files is potentionally a bundle of files. Don't bundle them, but load them one by one.
     # Only bundle .stls or .objs if the printer has multiple extruders.
     my $one_by_one = (@$nozzle_dmrs <= 1) || (@$input_files == 1) || 
-        defined(first { $_ =~ /.amf$/i || $_ =~ /.3mf$/i || $_ =~ /.prusa$/i } @$input_files);
+        defined(first { $_ =~ /.[aA][mM][fF]$/ || $_ =~ /.3[mM][fF]$/ || $_ =~ /.[pP][rR][uI][sS][aA]$/ } @$input_files);
     my $process_dialog = Wx::ProgressDialog->new('Loading…', "Processing input file\n" . basename($input_files->[0]), 100, $self, 0);
@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ sub _get_export_file {
     my $output_file = $main::opt{output};
         $output_file = $self->{print}->output_filepath($output_file);
-        $output_file =~ s/\.gcode$/$suffix/i;
+        $output_file =~ s/\.[gG][cC][oO][dD][eE]$/$suffix/;
         my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, "Save $format file as:", dirname($output_file),
             basename($output_file), &Slic3r::GUI::MODEL_WILDCARD, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT);
         if ($dlg->ShowModal != wxID_OK) {
@@ -2194,7 +2194,7 @@ sub OnDropFiles {
     @_ = ();
     # only accept STL, OBJ and AMF files
-    return 0 if grep !/\.(?:stl|obj|amf(?:\.xml)?|prusa)$/i, @$filenames;
+    return 0 if grep !/\.(?:[sS][tT][lL]|[oO][bB][jJ]|[aA][mM][fF](?:\.[xX][mM][lL])?|[pP][rR][uU][sS][aA])$/, @$filenames;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ sub save_preset {
     if (!defined $name) {
         my $preset = $self->get_current_preset;
         my $default_name = $preset->default ? 'Untitled' : $preset->name;
-        $default_name =~ s/\.ini$//i;
+        $default_name =~ s/\.[iI][nN][iI]$//;
         my $dlg = Slic3r::GUI::SavePresetWindow->new($self,
             title   => lc($self->title),
@@ -1830,7 +1830,7 @@ sub accept {
     my ($self, $event) = @_;
     if (($self->{chosen_name} = $self->{combo}->GetValue)) {
-        if ($self->{chosen_name} !~ /^[^<>:\/\\|?*\"]+$/i) {
+        if ($self->{chosen_name} !~ /^[^<>:\/\\|?*\"]+$/) {
             Slic3r::GUI::show_error($self, "The supplied name is not valid; the following characters are not allowed: <>:/\|?*\"");
         } elsif ($self->{chosen_name} eq '- default -') {
             Slic3r::GUI::show_error($self, "The supplied name is not available.");

+ 4 - 4

@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ sub read_from_file {
     my ($class, $input_file, $add_default_instances) = @_;
     $add_default_instances //= 1;
-    my $model = $input_file =~ /\.stl$/i            ? Slic3r::Model->load_stl(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file), basename($input_file))
-              : $input_file =~ /\.obj$/i            ? Slic3r::Model->load_obj(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file), basename($input_file))
-              : $input_file =~ /\.amf(\.xml)?$/i    ? Slic3r::Model->load_amf(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file))
-              : $input_file =~ /\.prusa$/i          ? Slic3r::Model->load_prus(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file))
+    my $model = $input_file =~ /\.[sS][tT][lL]$/                    ? Slic3r::Model->load_stl(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file), basename($input_file))
+              : $input_file =~ /\.[oO][bB][jJ]$/                    ? Slic3r::Model->load_obj(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file), basename($input_file))
+              : $input_file =~ /\.[aA][mM][fF](\.[xX][mM][lL])?$/   ? Slic3r::Model->load_amf(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file))
+              : $input_file =~ /\.[pP][rR][uU][sS][aA]$/            ? Slic3r::Model->load_prus(Slic3r::encode_path($input_file))
               : die "Input file must have .stl, .obj or .amf(.xml) extension\n";
     die "The supplied file couldn't be read because it's empty.\n"

+ 1 - 1

@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ sub export_svg {
     my $fh = $params{output_fh};
     if (!$fh) {
         my $output_file = $self->output_filepath($params{output_file});
-        $output_file =~ s/\.gcode$/.svg/i;
+        $output_file =~ s/\.[gG][cC][oO][dD][eE]$/.svg/;
         Slic3r::open(\$fh, ">", $output_file) or die "Failed to open $output_file for writing\n";
         print "Exporting to $output_file..." unless $params{quiet};

+ 2 - 2

@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ if (@ARGV) {  # slicing from command line
         foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
             $file = Slic3r::decode_path($file);
             die "Repair is currently supported only on STL files\n"
-                if $file !~ /\.stl$/i;
+                if $file !~ /\.[sS][tT][lL]$/;
             my $output_file = $file;
-            $output_file =~ s/\.(stl)$/_fixed.obj/i;
+            $output_file =~ s/\.([sS][tT][lL])$/_fixed.obj/;
             my $tmesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ my %opt = ();
     my $model = Slic3r::Model->load_amf(Slic3r::encode_path($ARGV[0]));
     my $output_file = $ARGV[0];
-    $output_file =~ s/\.amf(?:\.xml)?$/\.stl/i;
+    $output_file =~ s/\.[aA][mM][fF](?:\.[xX][mM][lL])?$/\.stl/;
     printf "Writing to %s\n", basename($output_file);
     $model->store_stl(Slic3r::encode_path($output_file), binary => !$opt{ascii});

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff