@@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ DoubleSlider::DoubleSlider( wxWindow *parent,
m_cog_icon_dim = int((float)m_bmp_cog.bmp().GetSize().x / scale_factor);
m_selection = ssUndef;
- m_pause_print_msg = _utf8(L("Place bearings in slots and resume"));
+ m_ticks.set_pause_print_msg(_utf8(L("Place bearings in slots and resume")));
// slider events
Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &DoubleSlider::OnPaint, this);
@@ -2539,13 +2539,13 @@ Slic3r::Model::CustomGCodeInfo DoubleSlider::GetTicksValues() const
const int val_size = m_values.size();
if (!m_values.empty())
- for (const TICK_CODE& tick : m_ticks) {
+ for (const TICK_CODE& tick : m_ticks.ticks) {
if (tick.tick > val_size)
values.emplace_back(t_custom_code{m_values[tick.tick], tick.gcode, tick.extruder, tick.color});
- custom_gcode_per_print_z.mode = m_mode;
+ custom_gcode_per_print_z.mode = m_force_mode_apply ? m_mode : m_ticks.mode;
return custom_gcode_per_print_z;
@@ -2554,13 +2554,13 @@ void DoubleSlider::SetTicksValues(const Slic3r::Model::CustomGCodeInfo& custom_g
if (m_values.empty())
- m_ticks_mode = m_mode;
+ m_ticks.mode = m_mode;
const bool was_empty = m_ticks.empty();
- m_ticks.clear();
+ m_ticks.ticks.clear();
const std::vector<t_custom_code>& heights = custom_gcode_per_print_z.gcodes;
for (auto h : heights) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(m_values.begin(), m_values.end(), h.print_z - epsilon());
@@ -2568,14 +2568,14 @@ void DoubleSlider::SetTicksValues(const Slic3r::Model::CustomGCodeInfo& custom_g
if (it == m_values.end())
- m_ticks.emplace(TICK_CODE{int(it-m_values.begin()), h.gcode, h.extruder, h.color});
+ m_ticks.ticks.emplace(TICK_CODE{int(it-m_values.begin()), h.gcode, h.extruder, h.color});
if (!was_empty && m_ticks.empty())
// Switch to the "Feature type"/"Tool" from the very beginning of a new object slicing after deleting of the old one
- m_ticks_mode = custom_gcode_per_print_z.mode;
+ m_ticks.mode = custom_gcode_per_print_z.mode;
@@ -2649,7 +2649,7 @@ void DoubleSlider::draw_action_icon(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint pt_beg, const wxPoin
wxBitmap* icon = m_is_action_icon_focesed ? &m_bmp_add_tick_off.bmp() : &m_bmp_add_tick_on.bmp();
- if (m_ticks.find(TICK_CODE{tick}) != m_ticks.end())
+ if (m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{tick}) != m_ticks.ticks.end())
icon = m_is_action_icon_focesed ? &m_bmp_del_tick_off.bmp() : &m_bmp_del_tick_on.bmp();
wxCoord x_draw, y_draw;
@@ -2792,7 +2792,7 @@ void DoubleSlider::draw_ticks(wxDC& dc)
int height, width;
get_size(&width, &height);
const wxCoord mid = is_horizontal() ? 0.5*height : 0.5*width;
- for (auto tick : m_ticks)
+ for (auto tick : m_ticks.ticks)
const wxCoord pos = get_position_from_value(tick.tick);
@@ -2801,11 +2801,23 @@ void DoubleSlider::draw_ticks(wxDC& dc)
is_horizontal() ? dc.DrawLine(pos, mid+14, pos, mid+9) :
dc.DrawLine(mid + 14, pos/* - 1*/, mid + 9, pos/* - 1*/);
+ wxBitmap icon = wxNullBitmap;
// Draw icon for "Pause print" or "Custom Gcode"
if (tick.gcode != Slic3r::ColorChangeCode && tick.gcode != Slic3r::ToolChangeCode)
+ icon = create_scaled_bitmap(this, tick.gcode == Slic3r::PausePrintCode ? "pause_print" : "edit_gcode");
+ else
- wxBitmap icon = create_scaled_bitmap(this, tick.gcode == Slic3r::PausePrintCode ? "pause_print" : "edit_gcode");
+ if ((tick.gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode && (
+ (m_ticks.mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder ) ||
+ (m_ticks.mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder) )) ||
+ (tick.gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode &&
+ (m_ticks.mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle && m_mode != t_mode::MultiAsSingle ) ))
+ icon = create_scaled_bitmap(this, "error_tick");
+ }
+ if (!icon.IsNull())
+ {
wxCoord x_draw, y_draw;
is_horizontal() ? x_draw = pos - 0.5 * m_tick_icon_dim : y_draw = pos - 0.5 * m_tick_icon_dim;
is_horizontal() ? y_draw = mid + 22 : x_draw = mid + m_thumb_size.x + 3;
@@ -2820,7 +2832,7 @@ std::string DoubleSlider::get_color_for_tool_change_tick(std::set<TICK_CODE>::co
const int current_extruder = it->extruder == 0 ? std::max<int>(m_only_extruder, 1) : it->extruder;
auto it_n = it;
- while (it_n != m_ticks.begin()) {
+ while (it_n != m_ticks.ticks.begin()) {
if (it_n->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode && it_n->extruder == current_extruder)
return it_n->color;
@@ -2834,7 +2846,7 @@ std::string DoubleSlider::get_color_for_color_change_tick(std::set<TICK_CODE>::c
const int def_extruder = std::max<int>(1, m_only_extruder);
auto it_n = it;
bool is_tool_change = false;
- while (it_n != m_ticks.begin()) {
+ while (it_n != m_ticks.ticks.begin()) {
if (it_n->gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode) {
is_tool_change = true;
@@ -2881,9 +2893,9 @@ void DoubleSlider::draw_colored_band(wxDC& dc)
const int default_color_idx = m_mode==t_mode::MultiAsSingle ? std::max<int>(m_only_extruder - 1, 0) : 0;
draw_band(dc, wxColour(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->get_extruder_colors_from_plater_config()[default_color_idx]), main_band);
- std::set<TICK_CODE>::const_iterator tick_it = m_ticks.begin();
+ std::set<TICK_CODE>::const_iterator tick_it = m_ticks.ticks.begin();
- while (tick_it != m_ticks.end())
+ while (tick_it != m_ticks.ticks.end())
if ( (m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder && tick_it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode ) ||
(m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle && (tick_it->gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode || tick_it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode)) )
@@ -2993,7 +3005,7 @@ bool DoubleSlider::is_point_in_rect(const wxPoint& pt, const wxRect& rect)
int DoubleSlider::is_point_near_tick(const wxPoint& pt)
- for (auto tick : m_ticks) {
+ for (auto tick : m_ticks.ticks) {
const wxCoord pos = get_position_from_value(tick.tick);
if (is_horizontal()) {
@@ -3030,8 +3042,13 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
wxClientDC dc(this);
wxPoint pos = event.GetLogicalPosition(dc);
- if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_tick_action) && m_is_enabled_tick_manipulation) {
- action_tick(taOnIcon);
+ if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_tick_action) && m_is_enabled_tick_manipulation)
+ {
+ const auto it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value });
+ if (it == m_ticks.ticks.end())
+ m_force_add_tick = true;
+ else
+ m_force_delete_tick = true;
@@ -3054,12 +3071,13 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
m_selection == ssLower ? correct_lower_value() : correct_higher_value();
if (!m_selection) m_selection = ssHigher;
- m_ticks.clear();
+ m_ticks.ticks.clear();
else if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_cog_icon) && m_mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder) {
// show dialog for set extruder sequence
- m_edit_extruder_sequence = true;
+ m_force_edit_extruder_sequence = true;
+ return;
@@ -3127,8 +3145,8 @@ wxString DoubleSlider::get_tooltip(IconFocus icon_focus)
else if (m_is_action_icon_focesed)
const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value;
- const auto tick_code_it = m_ticks.find(TICK_CODE{tick});
- tooltip = tick_code_it == m_ticks.end() ? (m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle ?
+ const auto tick_code_it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{tick});
+ tooltip = tick_code_it == m_ticks.ticks.end() ? (m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle ?
_(L("For add change extruder use left mouse button click")) :
_(L("For add color change use left mouse button click")) ) + "\n" +
_(L("For add another code use right mouse button click")) :
@@ -3211,10 +3229,8 @@ void DoubleSlider::append_change_extruder_menu_item(wxMenu* menu)
if (m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle)
append_menu_item(change_extruder_menu, wxID_ANY, item_name, "",
- [this, i](wxCommandEvent&) { change_extruder(i); }, "", menu,
+ [this, i](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(Slic3r::ToolChangeCode, i); }, "", menu,
[is_active_extruder]() { return !is_active_extruder; }, Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater());
-// append_menu_radio_item(change_extruder_menu, wxID_ANY, item_name, "",
-// [this, i](wxCommandEvent&) { change_extruder(i); }, menu)->Check(i == initial_extruder);
const wxString change_extruder_menu_name = m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle ? _(L("Change extruder")) : _(L("Change extruder (N/A)"));
@@ -3245,13 +3261,13 @@ void DoubleSlider::append_add_color_change_menu_item(wxMenu* menu)
(is_used_extruder ? " (" + _(L("used")) + ")" : "");
append_menu_item(add_color_change_menu, wxID_ANY, item_name, "",
- [this, i](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode, i); }, "", menu,
+ [this, i](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode, i); }, "", menu,
[is_used_extruder]() { return is_used_extruder; }, Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater());
const wxString menu_name = from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Add color change (%1%) for:"))) % Slic3r::ColorChangeCode).str());
wxMenuItem* add_color_change_menu_item = menu->AppendSubMenu(add_color_change_menu, menu_name, "");
- add_color_change_menu_item->SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(nullptr, "colorchange_add_m"));
+ add_color_change_menu_item->SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(this, "colorchange_add_m"));
@@ -3262,28 +3278,21 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event)
m_is_left_down = false;
- if (m_show_context_menu)
+ if (m_force_delete_tick)
- if (m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder)
- add_code(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode);
- else
- {
- wxMenu menu;
- if (m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle)
- append_change_extruder_menu_item(&menu);
- else
- append_add_color_change_menu_item(&menu);
- Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->PopupMenu(&menu);
- }
- m_show_context_menu = false;
+ delete_current_tick();
+ m_force_delete_tick = false;
- if (m_edit_extruder_sequence) {
+ else
+ if (m_force_add_tick)
+ {
+ add_current_tick();
+ m_force_add_tick = false;
+ }
+ else
+ if (m_force_edit_extruder_sequence) {
- m_edit_extruder_sequence = false;
+ m_force_edit_extruder_sequence = false;
@@ -3329,45 +3338,6 @@ void DoubleSlider::move_current_thumb(const bool condition)
-void DoubleSlider::action_tick(const TicksAction action)
- if (m_selection == ssUndef)
- return;
- const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value;
- const auto it = m_ticks.find(TICK_CODE{tick});
- if (it != m_ticks.end()) // erase this tick
- {
- if (action == taAdd)
- return;
- m_ticks.erase(TICK_CODE{tick});
- post_ticks_changed_event(it->gcode);
- Refresh();
- Update();
- return;
- }
- if (action == taDel)
- return;
- if (action == taAdd)
- {
- // OnChar() is called immediately after OnKeyDown(), which can cause call of add_code() twice.
- // To avoid this case we should suppress second add_code() call.
- if (m_suppress_add_code)
- return;
- m_suppress_add_code = true;
- if (m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder) // if (m_mode != t_mode::MultiExtruder)
- add_code(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode);
- m_suppress_add_code = false;
- return;
- }
- m_show_context_menu = true;
void DoubleSlider::OnWheel(wxMouseEvent& event)
// Set nearest to the mouse thumb as a selected, if there is not selected thumb
@@ -3391,10 +3361,18 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnWheel(wxMouseEvent& event)
void DoubleSlider::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event)
const int key = event.GetKeyCode();
- if (key == WXK_NUMPAD_ADD)
- action_tick(taAdd);
- else if (key == 390 || key == WXK_DELETE || key == WXK_BACK)
- action_tick(taDel);
+ if (key == WXK_NUMPAD_ADD) {
+ // OnChar() is called immediately after OnKeyDown(), which can cause call of add_tick() twice.
+ // To avoid this case we should suppress second add_tick() call.
+ m_ticks.suppress_plus(true);
+ add_current_tick(true);
+ }
+ else if (key == 390 || key == WXK_DELETE || key == WXK_BACK) {
+ // OnChar() is called immediately after OnKeyDown(), which can cause call of delete_tick() twice.
+ // To avoid this case we should suppress second delete_tick() call.
+ m_ticks.suppress_minus(true);
+ delete_current_tick();
+ }
else if (is_horizontal())
if (key == WXK_LEFT || key == WXK_RIGHT)
@@ -3428,10 +3406,14 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent &event)
void DoubleSlider::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event)
const int key = event.GetKeyCode();
- if (key == '+')
- action_tick(taAdd);
- else if (key == '-')
- action_tick(taDel);
+ if (key == '+' && !m_ticks.suppressed_plus()) {
+ add_current_tick(true);
+ m_ticks.suppress_plus(false);
+ }
+ else if (key == '-' && !m_ticks.suppressed_minus()) {
+ delete_current_tick();
+ m_ticks.suppress_minus(false);
+ }
void DoubleSlider::OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
@@ -3446,8 +3428,8 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value;
// if on this Z doesn't exist tick
- auto it = m_ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ tick });
- if (it == m_ticks.end())
+ auto it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ tick });
+ if (it == m_ticks.ticks.end())
// show context menu on OnRightUp()
m_show_context_menu = true;
@@ -3484,8 +3466,8 @@ int DoubleSlider::get_extruder_for_tick(int tick)
if (m_ticks.empty())
return default_initial_extruder;
- auto it = m_ticks.lower_bound(TICK_CODE{tick});
- while (it != m_ticks.begin()) {
+ auto it = m_ticks.ticks.lower_bound(TICK_CODE{tick});
+ while (it != m_ticks.ticks.begin()) {
if(it->gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode)
return it->extruder;
@@ -3522,16 +3504,17 @@ std::set<int> DoubleSlider::get_used_extruders_for_tick(int tick)
return {default_initial_extruder};
std::set<int> used_extruders;
- auto it_start = m_ticks.lower_bound(TICK_CODE{tick});
+ const std::set<TICK_CODE>& ticks = m_ticks.ticks;
+ auto it_start = ticks.lower_bound(TICK_CODE{tick});
auto it = it_start;
- if (it == m_ticks.begin() && it->gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode) {
+ if (it == ticks.begin() && it->gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode) {
if (tick < it->tick)
- while (it != m_ticks.begin()) {
+ while (it != ticks.begin()) {
if(it->gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode)
@@ -3540,11 +3523,11 @@ std::set<int> DoubleSlider::get_used_extruders_for_tick(int tick)
- if (it == m_ticks.begin() && used_extruders.empty())
+ if (it == ticks.begin() && used_extruders.empty())
it = it_start;
- while (it != m_ticks.end()) {
+ while (it != ticks.end()) {
if(it->gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode)
@@ -3565,7 +3548,7 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event)
if (m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder)
append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Add color change")) + " (M600)", "",
- [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode); }, "colorchange_add_m", &menu,
+ [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode); }, "colorchange_add_m", &menu,
[](){return true;}, this);
@@ -3574,11 +3557,11 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event)
append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Add pause print")) + " (M601)", "",
- [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code(Slic3r::PausePrintCode); }, "pause_print", &menu,
+ [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(Slic3r::PausePrintCode); }, "pause_print", &menu,
[]() {return true; }, this);
append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Add custom G-code")), "",
- [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code(""); }, "edit_gcode", &menu,
+ [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(""); }, "edit_gcode", &menu,
[]() {return true; }, this);
@@ -3588,7 +3571,7 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event)
else if (m_show_edit_menu) {
wxMenu menu;
- std::set<TICK_CODE>::iterator it = m_ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value });
+ std::set<TICK_CODE>::iterator it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value });
const bool is_color_change = it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode;
append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode ? _(L("Edit color")) :
@@ -3599,7 +3582,7 @@ void DoubleSlider::OnRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event)
append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode ? _(L("Delete color change")) :
it->gcode == Slic3r::PausePrintCode ? _(L("Delete pause print")) :
_(L("Delete custom G-code")), "",
- [this](wxCommandEvent&) { action_tick(taDel); }, "colorchange_del_f", &menu);
+ [this](wxCommandEvent&) { delete_current_tick();}, "colorchange_del_f", &menu);
@@ -3656,123 +3639,100 @@ static std::string get_pause_print_msg(const std::string& msg_in, double height)
return into_u8(dlg.GetValue());
-void DoubleSlider::add_code(std::string code, int selected_extruder/* = -1*/)
+void DoubleSlider::add_code_as_tick(std::string code, int selected_extruder/* = -1*/)
+ if (m_selection == ssUndef)
+ return;
const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value;
- // if on this Z doesn't exist tick
- auto it = m_ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ tick });
- if (it != m_ticks.end())
+ if (m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ tick }) != m_ticks.ticks.end() || // if on this Z doesn't exist tick
+ !check_ticks_changed_event(code))
- std::string color;
const int extruder = selected_extruder > 0 ? selected_extruder : std::max<int>(1, m_only_extruder);
- if (code == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode)
+ if (!m_ticks.add_tick(tick, code, extruder, m_values[tick]))
+ return;
+ post_ticks_changed_event(code);
+void DoubleSlider::add_current_tick(bool call_from_keyboard /*= false*/)
+ if (m_selection == ssUndef)
+ return;
+ const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value;
+ auto it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ tick });
+ if (it != m_ticks.ticks.end() || // this tick is already exist
+ !check_ticks_changed_event(m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle ? Slic3r::ToolChangeCode : Slic3r::ColorChangeCode))
+ return;
+ if (m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder)
+ add_code_as_tick(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode);
+ else
- std::vector<std::string> colors = Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->get_extruder_colors_from_plater_config();
+ wxMenu menu;
- if (m_ticks.empty())
- color = colors[extruder-1];
+ if (m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle)
+ append_change_extruder_menu_item(&menu);
+ append_add_color_change_menu_item(&menu);
+ wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition;
+ if (call_from_keyboard)
- auto before_tick_it = std::lower_bound(m_ticks.begin(), m_ticks.end(), TICK_CODE{ tick });
- while (before_tick_it != m_ticks.begin()) {
- --before_tick_it;
- if (before_tick_it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode && before_tick_it->extruder == extruder) {
- color = before_tick_it->color;
- break;
- }
- }
+ int width, height;
+ get_size(&width, &height);
- if (color.empty())
- color = colors[extruder-1];
+ const wxCoord coord = 0.75 * (is_horizontal() ? height : width);
+ this->GetPosition(&width, &height);
+ pos = is_horizontal() ?
+ wxPoint(get_position_from_value(tick), height + coord) :
+ wxPoint(width + coord, get_position_from_value(tick));
- color = get_new_color(color);
- if (color.empty())
- return;
+ Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->PopupMenu(&menu, pos);
- else if (code == Slic3r::PausePrintCode)
- {
- /* PausePrintCode doesn't need a color, so
- * this field is used for save a short message shown on Printer display
- * */
- color = get_pause_print_msg(m_pause_print_msg, m_values[tick]);
- if (color.empty())
- return;
- m_pause_print_msg = color;
- }
- else if (code.empty())
- {
- code = get_custom_code(m_custom_gcode, m_values[tick]);
- if (code.empty())
- return;
- m_custom_gcode = code;
- }
- m_ticks.emplace(TICK_CODE{tick, code, extruder, color});
- post_ticks_changed_event(code);
- Refresh();
- Update();
-void DoubleSlider::edit_tick()
+void DoubleSlider::delete_current_tick()
- const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value;
- // if on this Z exists tick
- std::set<TICK_CODE>::iterator it = m_ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ tick });
- if (it != m_ticks.end())
- {
- std::string edited_value;
- if (it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode)
- edited_value = get_new_color(it->color);
- else if (it->gcode == Slic3r::PausePrintCode)
- edited_value = get_pause_print_msg(it->color, m_values[it->tick]);
- else
- edited_value = get_custom_code(it->gcode, m_values[it->tick]);
+ if (m_selection == ssUndef)
+ return;
+ auto it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value });
- if (edited_value.empty())
+ if (it != m_ticks.ticks.end())
+ {
+ if (!check_ticks_changed_event(it->gcode))
- TICK_CODE changed_tick = *it;
- if (it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode || it->gcode == Slic3r::PausePrintCode) {
- if (it->color == edited_value)
- return;
- changed_tick.color = edited_value;
- }
- else {
- if (it->gcode == edited_value)
- return;
- changed_tick.gcode = edited_value;
- }
- m_ticks.erase(it);
- m_ticks.emplace(changed_tick);
- post_ticks_changed_event(changed_tick.gcode);
+ const std::string code = it->gcode;
+ m_ticks.ticks.erase(it);
+ post_ticks_changed_event(code);
-void DoubleSlider::change_extruder(int extruder)
+void DoubleSlider::edit_tick()
const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value;
+ const std::set<TICK_CODE>::iterator it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TICK_CODE{ tick });
- std::vector<std::string> colors = Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->get_extruder_colors_from_plater_config();
- // if on this Y doesn't exist tick
- if (m_ticks.find(TICK_CODE{tick}) == m_ticks.end())
- {
- m_ticks.emplace(TICK_CODE{tick, Slic3r::ToolChangeCode, extruder, extruder == 0 ? "" : colors[extruder-1]});
+ if (it == m_ticks.ticks.end() || // if on this Z exists tick
+ !check_ticks_changed_event(it->gcode))
+ return;
- post_ticks_changed_event(Slic3r::ToolChangeCode);
- Refresh();
- Update();
- }
+ const std::string code = it->gcode;
+ if (m_ticks.edit_tick(it, m_values[it->tick]))
+ post_ticks_changed_event(code);
void DoubleSlider::edit_extruder_sequence()
+ if (!check_ticks_changed_event(Slic3r::ToolChangeCode))
+ return;
Slic3r::GUI::ExtruderSequenceDialog dlg(m_extruders_sequence);
if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK)
@@ -3783,13 +3743,7 @@ void DoubleSlider::edit_extruder_sequence()
m_extruders_sequence = from_dlg_val;
- auto it = m_ticks.begin();
- while (it != m_ticks.end()) {
- if (it->gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode)
- it = m_ticks.erase(it);
- else
- ++it;
- }
+ m_ticks.erase_all_ticks_with_code(Slic3r::ToolChangeCode);
int tick = 0;
double value = 0.0;
@@ -3800,8 +3754,8 @@ void DoubleSlider::edit_extruder_sequence()
while (tick <= m_max_value)
- int cur_extruder = m_extruders_sequence.extruders[extruder];
- m_ticks.emplace(TICK_CODE{tick, Slic3r::ToolChangeCode, cur_extruder + 1, colors[cur_extruder]});
+ const int cur_extruder = m_extruders_sequence.extruders[extruder];
+ m_ticks.ticks.emplace(TICK_CODE{tick, Slic3r::ToolChangeCode, cur_extruder + 1, colors[cur_extruder]});
if (extruder == extr_cnt)
@@ -3825,38 +3779,181 @@ void DoubleSlider::edit_extruder_sequence()
void DoubleSlider::post_ticks_changed_event(const std::string& gcode /*= ""*/)
- if ( m_ticks_mode == m_mode ||
- (gcode != Slic3r::ColorChangeCode && gcode != Slic3r::ToolChangeCode) )
- {
- wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), wxCommandEvent(wxCUSTOMEVT_TICKSCHANGED));
- return;
- }
+ m_force_mode_apply = (gcode.empty() || gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode || gcode == Slic3r::ToolChangeCode);
+ wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), wxCommandEvent(wxCUSTOMEVT_TICKSCHANGED));
+bool DoubleSlider::check_ticks_changed_event(const std::string& gcode)
+ if ( m_ticks.mode == m_mode ||
+ (gcode != Slic3r::ColorChangeCode && gcode != Slic3r::ToolChangeCode) ||
+ (m_ticks.mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle) || // All ColorChanges will be applied for 1st extruder
+ (m_ticks.mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle) ) // Just mark ColorChanges for all unused extruders
+ return true;
- if (m_ticks_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle)
+ if ((m_ticks.mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder ) ||
+ (m_ticks.mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder) )
+ if (!m_ticks.has_tick_with_code(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode))
+ return true;
+ wxString message = (m_ticks.mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder ?
+ _(L("The last color change data was saved for a single extruder printer profile.")) :
+ _(L("The last color change data was saved for a multiple extruder printer profile."))
+ ) + "\n" +
+ _(L("Your current changes will cause a deletion of all saved color changes.")) + "\n\n\t" +
+ _(L("Are you sure you want to continue?"));
+ wxMessageDialog msg(this, message, _(L("Notice")), wxYES_NO);
+ if (msg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
+ m_ticks.erase_all_ticks_with_code(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode);
+ post_ticks_changed_event(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode);
+ }
+ return false;
- if (m_ticks_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder)
+ // m_ticks_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle
+ if( m_ticks.has_tick_with_code(Slic3r::ToolChangeCode) )
+ wxString message = m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder ? (
+ _(L("The last color change data was saved for a multi extruder printing.")) + "\n\n" +
+ _(L("Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n\t"
+ "NO if you want all tool changes switch to color changes, \n\t"
+ "or CANCEL for do nothing")) + "\n\n\t" +
+ _(L("Do you want to delete all saved tool changes?"))
+ ) : ( // t_mode::MultiExtruder
+ _(L("The last color change data was saved for a multi extruder printing with tool changes for whole print.")) + "\n\n" +
+ _(L("Your current changes will cause a deletion of all saved tool changes.")) + "\n\n\t" +
+ _(L("Are you sure you want to continue?")) ) ;
+ wxMessageDialog msg(this, message, _(L("Notice")), wxYES_NO | (m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder ? wxCANCEL : 0));
+ const int answer = msg.ShowModal();
+ if (answer == wxID_YES) {
+ m_ticks.erase_all_ticks_with_code(Slic3r::ToolChangeCode);
+ post_ticks_changed_event(Slic3r::ToolChangeCode);
+ }
+ else if (m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder && answer == wxID_NO) {
+ m_ticks.switch_code(Slic3r::ToolChangeCode, Slic3r::ColorChangeCode);
+ post_ticks_changed_event(Slic3r::ColorChangeCode);
+ }
+ return false;
- if (m_ticks_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle && m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder)
+ return true;
+bool DoubleSlider::TICK_CODE_INFO::add_tick(const int tick, std::string& code, const int extruder, double print_z)
+ std::string color;
+ if (code.empty()) // custom Gcode
+ code = get_custom_code(custom_gcode, print_z);
+ if (code.empty())
+ return false;
+ custom_gcode = code;
- if (m_ticks_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle && m_mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder)
+ else if (code == Slic3r::PausePrintCode)
+ /* PausePrintCode doesn't need a color, so
+ * this field is used for save a short message shown on Printer display
+ * */
+ color = get_pause_print_msg(pause_print_msg, print_z);
+ if (color.empty())
+ return false;
+ pause_print_msg = color;
- if (m_ticks_mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::SingleExtruder)
+ else
+ std::vector<std::string> colors = Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->get_extruder_colors_from_plater_config();
+ color = colors[extruder - 1];
+ if (code == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode)
+ {
+ if (!ticks.empty())
+ {
+ auto before_tick_it = std::lower_bound(ticks.begin(), ticks.end(), TICK_CODE{ tick });
+ while (before_tick_it != ticks.begin()) {
+ --before_tick_it;
+ if (before_tick_it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode && before_tick_it->extruder == extruder) {
+ color = before_tick_it->color;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ color = get_new_color(color);
+ if (color.empty())
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ticks.emplace(TICK_CODE{ tick, code, extruder, color });
+ return true;
+bool DoubleSlider::TICK_CODE_INFO::edit_tick(std::set<TICK_CODE>::iterator it, double print_z)
+ std::string edited_value;
+ if (it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode)
+ edited_value = get_new_color(it->color);
+ else if (it->gcode == Slic3r::PausePrintCode)
+ edited_value = get_pause_print_msg(it->color, print_z);
+ else
+ edited_value = get_custom_code(it->gcode, print_z);
+ if (edited_value.empty())
+ return false;
+ TICK_CODE changed_tick = *it;
+ if (it->gcode == Slic3r::ColorChangeCode || it->gcode == Slic3r::PausePrintCode) {
+ if (it->color == edited_value)
+ return false;
+ changed_tick.color = edited_value;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (it->gcode == edited_value)
+ return false;
+ changed_tick.gcode = edited_value;
- if (m_ticks_mode == t_mode::MultiExtruder && m_mode == t_mode::MultiAsSingle)
- {
+ ticks.erase(it);
+ ticks.emplace(changed_tick);
+ return true;
+void DoubleSlider::TICK_CODE_INFO::switch_code(const std::string& code_from, const std::string& code_to)
+ for (auto it{ ticks.begin() }, end{ ticks.end() }; it != end; )
+ if (it->gcode == code_from)
+ {
+ TICK_CODE tick = *it;
+ tick.gcode = code_to;
+ tick.extruder = 1;
+ ticks.erase(it);
+ it = ticks.emplace(tick).first;
+ }
+ else
+ ++it;
+void DoubleSlider::TICK_CODE_INFO::erase_all_ticks_with_code(const std::string& gcode)
+ for (auto it{ ticks.begin() }, end{ ticks.end() }; it != end; ) {
+ if (it->gcode == gcode)
+ it = ticks.erase(it);
+ else
+ ++it;
- wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), wxCommandEvent(wxCUSTOMEVT_TICKSCHANGED));
+bool DoubleSlider::TICK_CODE_INFO::has_tick_with_code(const std::string& gcode)
+ for (const TICK_CODE& tick : ticks)
+ if (tick.gcode == gcode)
+ return true;
+ return false;