Browse Source

Faster algorithm for rectilinear fill

Alessandro Ranellucci 13 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ our $temperature        = 200;
 our $retract_length         = 1;    # mm
 our $retract_restart_extra  = 0;    # mm
 our $retract_speed          = 40;   # mm/sec
-our $retract_before_travel  = 1;    # mm
+our $retract_before_travel  = 2;    # mm
 # skirt options
 our $skirts             = 1;

+ 4 - 0

@@ -218,6 +218,10 @@ sub validate {
     $Slic3r::print_center = [ split /,/, $Slic3r::print_center ]
         if !ref $Slic3r::print_center;
+    # --fill-type
+    die "Invalid value for --fill-type\n"
+        if !exists $Slic3r::Fill::FillTypes{$Slic3r::fill_type};
     # --fill-density
     die "Invalid value for --fill-density\n"
         if $Slic3r::fill_density < 0 || $Slic3r::fill_density > 1;

+ 5 - 9

@@ -69,15 +69,11 @@ sub extrude {
     my $gcode = "";
-    # reset extrusion distance counter
-    if (!$Slic3r::use_relative_e_distances) {
-        $self->extrusion_distance(0);
-        $gcode .= "G92 E0 ; reset extrusion distance\n";
-    }
-    # retract
-    if (Slic3r::Geometry::distance_between_points($self->last_pos, $path->points->[0]->p) * $Slic3r::resolution
-        >= $Slic3r::retract_before_travel) {
+    # retract if distance from previous position is greater or equal to the one
+    # specified by the user *and* to the maximum distance between infill lines
+    my $distance_from_last_pos = Slic3r::Geometry::distance_between_points($self->last_pos, $path->points->[0]->p) * $Slic3r::resolution;
+    if ($distance_from_last_pos >= $Slic3r::retract_before_travel
+        && $distance_from_last_pos >= $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::fill_density * sqrt(2)) {
         $gcode .= $self->retract;

+ 3 - 1

@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ use Moo;
 use Slic3r::Fill::Base;
 use Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear;
+use Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear2;
 has 'print'     => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
 has 'fillers'   => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
 our %FillTypes = (
-    rectilinear => 'Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear',
+    rectilinear  => 'Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear',
+    rectilinear2 => 'Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear2',
 sub BUILD {

+ 11 - 128

@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ use constant X1 => 0;
 use constant Y1 => 1;
 use constant X2 => 2;
 use constant Y2 => 3;
-use constant A => 0;
-use constant B => 1;
-use constant X => 0;
-use constant Y => 1;
 use XXX;
@@ -18,119 +14,23 @@ sub fill_surface {
     my $self = shift;
     my ($surface, %params) = @_;
-    my $polygons = [ $surface->p ];
     # rotate polygons so that we can work with vertical lines here
+    my $polygons = [ $surface->p ];
     my $rotate_vector = $self->infill_direction($polygons);
     $self->rotate_points($polygons, $rotate_vector);
-    my $distance_between_lines = $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution / $params{density};
-    my $number_of_lines = int(0.99999999 + $self->max_print_dimension / $distance_between_lines); # ceil
-    #printf "distance = %f\n", $distance_between_lines;
-    #printf "number_of_lines = %d\n", $number_of_lines;
-    # this arrayref will hold intersection points of the fill grid with surface segments
-    my $points = [ map [], 0..$number_of_lines-1 ];
-    foreach my $line (map Slic3r::Geometry::polygon_lines($_), @$polygons) {
-        # find out the coordinates
-        my @coordinates = map @$_, @$line;
-        # get the extents of the segment along the primary axis
-        my @line_c = sort { $a <=> $b } @coordinates[X1, X2];
-        Slic3r::debugf "Segment %d,%d - %d,%d (extents: %f, %f)\n", @coordinates, @line_c;
-        for (my $c = int($line_c[0] / $distance_between_lines) * $distance_between_lines; 
-                $c <= $line_c[1]; $c += $distance_between_lines) {
-            next if $c < $line_c[0] || $c > $line_c[1];
-            my $i = sprintf('%.0f', $c / $distance_between_lines) - 1;
-            #printf "CURRENT \$i = %d, \$c = %f\n", $i, $c;
-            # if the segment is parallel to our ray, there will be two intersection points
-            if ($line_c[0] == $line_c[1]) {
-                Slic3r::debugf "  Segment is parallel!\n";
-                push @{ $points->[$i] }, $coordinates[Y1], $coordinates[Y2];
-                Slic3r::debugf "   intersections at %f (%d) = %f, %f\n", $c, $i, $points->[$i][-2], $points->[$i][-1];
-            } else {
-                Slic3r::debugf "  Segment NOT parallel!\n";
-                # one point of intersection
-                push @{ $points->[$i] }, $coordinates[Y1] + ($coordinates[Y2] - $coordinates[Y1])
-                    * ($c - $coordinates[X1]) / ($coordinates[X2] - $coordinates[X1]);
-                Slic3r::debugf "   intersection at %f (%d) = %f\n", $c, $i, $points->[$i][-1];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    # sort and remove duplicates
-    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$points; $i++) {
-        my %h = map { sprintf("%.9f", $_) => 1 } @{ $points->[$i] };
-        $points->[$i] = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %h ];
-    }
-    # generate extrusion paths
-    my (@paths, @path_points) = ();
-    my $direction = 0;
+    my $bounding_box = [ Slic3r::Geometry::bounding_box(map @$_, $polygons) ];
+    my $surface_width  = $bounding_box->[X2] - $bounding_box->[X1];
+    my $surface_height = $bounding_box->[Y2] - $bounding_box->[Y1];
-    my $stop_path = sub {
-        # defensive programming
-        if (@path_points == 1) {
-            #warn "There shouldn't be only one point in the current path";
-        }
-        # if we were constructing a path, stop it
-        push @paths, [ @path_points ] if @path_points > 1;
-        @path_points = ();
-    };
+    my $distance_between_lines = $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution / $params{density};
-    # loop until we have spare points
-    CYCLE: while (scalar map(@$_, @$points) > 1) {
-        # loop through rows
-        ROW: for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$points; $i++) {
-            my $row = $points->[$i] or next ROW;
-            Slic3r::debugf "\nProcessing row %d (direction: %d)...\n", $i, $direction;
-            if (!@$row) {
-                Slic3r::debugf "  no points\n";
-                $stop_path->();
-                next ROW;
-            }
-            Slic3r::debugf "  points = %s\n", join ', ', @$row if $Slic3r::debug;
-            # coordinate of current row
-            my $c = ($i + 1) * $distance_between_lines;
-            # need to start a path?
-            if (!@path_points) {
-                Slic3r::debugf "  path starts at %d\n", $row->[0];
-                push @path_points, [ $c, shift @$row ];
-            }
-            my @search_points = @$row;
-            @search_points = reverse @search_points if $direction == 1;
-            my @connectable_points = $self->find_connectable_points($polygons, $path_points[-1], $c, [@search_points]);
-            Slic3r::debugf "  ==> found %d connectable points = %s\n", scalar(@connectable_points),
-                join ', ', @connectable_points if $Slic3r::debug;
-            if (!@connectable_points && @path_points && $path_points[-1][0] != $c) {
-                # no connectable in this row
-                $stop_path->();
-            }
-            if (@connectable_points == 1 && $path_points[0][0] != $c 
-                && (($connectable_points[0] == $row->[-1] && $direction == 0)
-                    || ($connectable_points[0] == $row->[0] && $direction == 1))) {
-                $i--; # keep searching on current row in the opposite direction
-            }
-            foreach my $p (@connectable_points) {
-                push @path_points, [ $c, $p ];
-                @$row = grep $_ != $p, @$row;  # remove point from row
-            }
-            # invert direction
-            $direction = $direction ? 0 : 1;
-        }
-        $stop_path->() if @path_points;
+    my @paths = ();
+    my $x = $bounding_box->[X1];
+    while ($x < $bounding_box->[X2]) {
+        my $vertical_line = [ [$x, $bounding_box->[Y2]], [$x, $bounding_box->[Y1]] ];
+        push @paths, @{ Slic3r::Geometry::clip_segment_complex_polygon($vertical_line, $polygons) };
+        $x += int($distance_between_lines);
     # paths must be rotated back
@@ -139,21 +39,4 @@ sub fill_surface {
     return @paths;
-# this function will select the first contiguous block of 
-# points connectable to a given one
-sub find_connectable_points {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($polygons, $point, $c, $points) = @_;
-    my @connectable_points = ();
-    foreach my $p (@$points) {
-        if (!Slic3r::Geometry::can_connect_points($point, [ $c, $p ], $polygons)) {
-             @connectable_points ? last : next;
-        }
-        push @connectable_points, $p;
-        $point = [ $c, $p ] if $point->[0] != $c;
-    }
-    return @connectable_points;

+ 159 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+package Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear2;
+use Moo;
+extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Base';
+use constant X1 => 0;
+use constant Y1 => 1;
+use constant X2 => 2;
+use constant Y2 => 3;
+use constant A => 0;
+use constant B => 1;
+use constant X => 0;
+use constant Y => 1;
+use XXX;
+sub fill_surface {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($surface, %params) = @_;
+    my $polygons = [ $surface->p ];
+    # rotate polygons so that we can work with vertical lines here
+    my $rotate_vector = $self->infill_direction($polygons);
+    $self->rotate_points($polygons, $rotate_vector);
+    my $distance_between_lines = $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution / $params{density};
+    my $number_of_lines = int(0.99999999 + $self->max_print_dimension / $distance_between_lines); # ceil
+    #printf "distance = %f\n", $distance_between_lines;
+    #printf "number_of_lines = %d\n", $number_of_lines;
+    # this arrayref will hold intersection points of the fill grid with surface segments
+    my $points = [ map [], 0..$number_of_lines-1 ];
+    foreach my $line (map Slic3r::Geometry::polygon_lines($_), @$polygons) {
+        # find out the coordinates
+        my @coordinates = map @$_, @$line;
+        # get the extents of the segment along the primary axis
+        my @line_c = sort { $a <=> $b } @coordinates[X1, X2];
+        Slic3r::debugf "Segment %d,%d - %d,%d (extents: %f, %f)\n", @coordinates, @line_c;
+        for (my $c = int($line_c[0] / $distance_between_lines) * $distance_between_lines; 
+                $c <= $line_c[1]; $c += $distance_between_lines) {
+            next if $c < $line_c[0] || $c > $line_c[1];
+            my $i = sprintf('%.0f', $c / $distance_between_lines) - 1;
+            #printf "CURRENT \$i = %d, \$c = %f\n", $i, $c;
+            # if the segment is parallel to our ray, there will be two intersection points
+            if ($line_c[0] == $line_c[1]) {
+                Slic3r::debugf "  Segment is parallel!\n";
+                push @{ $points->[$i] }, $coordinates[Y1], $coordinates[Y2];
+                Slic3r::debugf "   intersections at %f (%d) = %f, %f\n", $c, $i, $points->[$i][-2], $points->[$i][-1];
+            } else {
+                Slic3r::debugf "  Segment NOT parallel!\n";
+                # one point of intersection
+                push @{ $points->[$i] }, $coordinates[Y1] + ($coordinates[Y2] - $coordinates[Y1])
+                    * ($c - $coordinates[X1]) / ($coordinates[X2] - $coordinates[X1]);
+                Slic3r::debugf "   intersection at %f (%d) = %f\n", $c, $i, $points->[$i][-1];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # sort and remove duplicates
+    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$points; $i++) {
+        my %h = map { sprintf("%.9f", $_) => 1 } @{ $points->[$i] };
+        $points->[$i] = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %h ];
+    }
+    # generate extrusion paths
+    my (@paths, @path_points) = ();
+    my $direction = 0;
+    my $stop_path = sub {
+        # defensive programming
+        if (@path_points == 1) {
+            #warn "There shouldn't be only one point in the current path";
+        }
+        # if we were constructing a path, stop it
+        push @paths, [ @path_points ] if @path_points > 1;
+        @path_points = ();
+    };
+    # loop until we have spare points
+    CYCLE: while (scalar map(@$_, @$points) > 1) {
+        # loop through rows
+        ROW: for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$points; $i++) {
+            my $row = $points->[$i] or next ROW;
+            Slic3r::debugf "\nProcessing row %d (direction: %d)...\n", $i, $direction;
+            if (!@$row) {
+                Slic3r::debugf "  no points\n";
+                $stop_path->();
+                next ROW;
+            }
+            Slic3r::debugf "  points = %s\n", join ', ', @$row if $Slic3r::debug;
+            # coordinate of current row
+            my $c = ($i + 1) * $distance_between_lines;
+            # need to start a path?
+            if (!@path_points) {
+                Slic3r::debugf "  path starts at %d\n", $row->[0];
+                push @path_points, [ $c, shift @$row ];
+            }
+            my @search_points = @$row;
+            @search_points = reverse @search_points if $direction == 1;
+            my @connectable_points = $self->find_connectable_points($polygons, $path_points[-1], $c, [@search_points]);
+            Slic3r::debugf "  ==> found %d connectable points = %s\n", scalar(@connectable_points),
+                join ', ', @connectable_points if $Slic3r::debug;
+            if (!@connectable_points && @path_points && $path_points[-1][0] != $c) {
+                # no connectable in this row
+                $stop_path->();
+            }
+            if (@connectable_points == 1 && $path_points[0][0] != $c 
+                && (($connectable_points[0] == $row->[-1] && $direction == 0)
+                    || ($connectable_points[0] == $row->[0] && $direction == 1))) {
+                $i--; # keep searching on current row in the opposite direction
+            }
+            foreach my $p (@connectable_points) {
+                push @path_points, [ $c, $p ];
+                @$row = grep $_ != $p, @$row;  # remove point from row
+            }
+            # invert direction
+            $direction = $direction ? 0 : 1;
+        }
+        $stop_path->() if @path_points;
+    }
+    # paths must be rotated back
+    $self->rotate_points_back(\@paths, $rotate_vector);
+    return @paths;
+# this function will select the first contiguous block of 
+# points connectable to a given one
+sub find_connectable_points {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($polygons, $point, $c, $points) = @_;
+    my @connectable_points = ();
+    foreach my $p (@$points) {
+        if (!Slic3r::Geometry::can_connect_points($point, [ $c, $p ], $polygons)) {
+             @connectable_points ? last : next;
+        }
+        push @connectable_points, $p;
+        $point = [ $c, $p ] if $point->[0] != $c;
+    }
+    return @connectable_points;

+ 10 - 8

@@ -316,15 +316,10 @@ sub polygon_points_visibility {
     return 1;
-my $i = 0;
 sub line_intersection {
     my ($line1, $line2, $require_crossing) = @_;
     $require_crossing ||= 0;
-    Slic3r::SVG::output(undef, "line_intersection_" . $i++ . ".svg",
-        lines => [ $line1, $line2 ],
-    ) if 0;
     my $intersection = _line_intersection(map @$_, @$line1, @$line2);
     return (ref $intersection && $intersection->[1] == $require_crossing) 
         ? $intersection->[0] 
@@ -460,16 +455,23 @@ sub clip_segment_complex_polygon {
     my ($line, $polygons) = @_;
     my @intersections = grep $_, map line_intersection($line, $_, 1), 
-        map polygon_lines($_), @$polygons;
+        map polygon_lines($_), @$polygons or return ();
-    @intersections = sort { "$a->[X],$a->[Y]" cmp "$b->[X],$b->[Y]" } @intersections;
+    # this is not very elegant, however it works
+    @intersections = sort { sprintf("%020f,%020f", @$a) cmp sprintf("%020f,%020f", @$b) } @intersections;
     shift(@intersections) if !grep(point_in_polygon($intersections[0], $_), @$polygons)
         && !grep(polygon_segment_having_point($_, $intersections[0]), @$polygons);
+    # defensive programming
+    die "Invalid intersections" if @intersections % 2 != 0;
     my @lines = ();
     while (@intersections) {
-        push @lines, [ shift(@intersections), shift(@intersections) ];
+        # skip tangent points
+        my @points = map shift @intersections, 1..2;
+        next if points_coincide(@points);
+        push @lines, [ @points ];
     return [@lines];

+ 4 - 4

@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ sub output {
     my $svg = svg($print);
-    foreach my $type (qw(polygons polylines)) {
+    foreach my $type (qw(polygons polylines white_polygons red_polylines)) {
         if ($things{$type}) {
-            my $method = $type eq 'polygons' ? 'polygon' : 'polyline';
+            my $method = $type =~ /polygons/ ? 'polygon' : 'polyline';
             my $g = $svg->group(
                 style => {
                     'stroke-width' => 2,
-                    'stroke' => 'black',
-                    'fill' => 'none',
+                    'stroke' => $type =~ /red_/ ? 'red' : 'black',
+                    'fill' => $type eq 'polygons' ? 'grey' : 'none',
             foreach my $polygon (@{$things{$type}}) {

+ 1 - 0

@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ GetOptions(
     # print options
     'perimeters=i'          => \$Slic3r::perimeter_offsets,
     'solid-layers=i'        => \$Slic3r::solid_layers,
+    'fill-type=s'           => \$Slic3r::fill_type,
     'fill-density=f'        => \$Slic3r::fill_density,
     'fill-angle=i'          => \$Slic3r::fill_angle,
     'temperature=i'         => \$Slic3r::temperature,

+ 44 - 8

@@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
 use Test::More;
-plan tests => 10;
+plan tests => 13;
     use FindBin;
     use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+use Math::Clipper qw(is_counter_clockwise);
 use Slic3r;
+is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 10], [ [5, 10], [20, 10] ]), 1, 'point in horizontal segment';
+is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([30, 10], [ [5, 10], [20, 10] ]), 0, 'point not in horizontal segment';
+is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 10], [ [10, 5], [10, 20] ]), 1, 'point in vertical segment';
+is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 30], [ [10, 5], [10, 20] ]), 0, 'point not in vertical segment';
+is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([15, 15], [ [10, 10], [20, 20] ]), 1, 'point in diagonal segment';
+is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([20, 15], [ [10, 10], [20, 20] ]), 0, 'point not in diagonal segment';
 my $square = [  # ccw
     [10, 10],
     [20, 10],
@@ -52,11 +64,35 @@ is_deeply $intersections, [
-is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 10], [ [5, 10], [20, 10] ]), 1, 'point in horizontal segment';
-is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([30, 10], [ [5, 10], [20, 10] ]), 0, 'point not in horizontal segment';
-is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 10], [ [10, 5], [10, 20] ]), 1, 'point in vertical segment';
-is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([10, 30], [ [10, 5], [10, 20] ]), 0, 'point not in vertical segment';
-is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([15, 15], [ [10, 10], [20, 20] ]), 1, 'point in diagonal segment';
-is Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_segment([20, 15], [ [10, 10], [20, 20] ]), 0, 'point not in diagonal segment';
+my $large_circle = [  # ccw
+    [151.8639,288.1192], [133.2778,284.6011], [115.0091,279.6997], [98.2859,270.8606], [82.2734,260.7933], 
+    [68.8974,247.4181], [56.5622,233.0777], [47.7228,216.3558], [40.1617,199.0172], [36.6431,180.4328], 
+    [34.932,165.2312], [37.5567,165.1101], [41.0547,142.9903], [36.9056,141.4295], [40.199,124.1277], 
+    [47.7776,106.7972], [56.6335,90.084], [68.9831,75.7557], [82.3712,62.3948], [98.395,52.3429], 
+    [115.1281,43.5199], [133.4004,38.6374], [151.9884,35.1378], [170.8905,35.8571], [189.6847,37.991], 
+    [207.5349,44.2488], [224.8662,51.8273], [240.0786,63.067], [254.407,75.4169], [265.6311,90.6406], 
+    [275.6832,106.6636], [281.9225,124.52], [286.8064,142.795], [287.5061,161.696], [286.7874,180.5972], 
+    [281.8856,198.8664], [275.6283,216.7169], [265.5604,232.7294], [254.3211,247.942], [239.9802,260.2776], 
+    [224.757,271.5022], [207.4179,279.0635], [189.5605,285.3035], [170.7649,287.4188],
+is is_counter_clockwise($large_circle), 1, "contour is counter-clockwise";
+my $small_circle = [  # cw
+    [158.227,215.9007], [164.5136,215.9007], [175.15,214.5007], [184.5576,210.6044], [190.2268,207.8743], 
+    [199.1462,201.0306], [209.0146,188.346], [213.5135,177.4829], [214.6979,168.4866], [216.1025,162.3325], 
+    [214.6463,151.2703], [213.2471,145.1399], [209.0146,134.9203], [199.1462,122.2357], [189.8944,115.1366], 
+    [181.2504,111.5567], [175.5684,108.8205], [164.5136,107.3655], [158.2269,107.3655], [147.5907,108.7656], 
+    [138.183,112.6616], [132.5135,115.3919], [123.5943,122.2357], [113.7259,134.92], [109.2269,145.7834], 
+    [108.0426,154.7799], [106.638,160.9339], [108.0941,171.9957], [109.4933,178.1264], [113.7259,188.3463], 
+    [123.5943,201.0306], [132.8461,208.1296], [141.4901,211.7094], [147.172,214.4458],
+is is_counter_clockwise($small_circle), 0, "hole is clockwise";
+$line = [ [152.741724,288.086671142818], [152.741724,34.166466971035] ];
+my $intersections = Slic3r::Geometry::clip_segment_complex_polygon($line, [ $large_circle, $small_circle ]);
+is_deeply $intersections, [
+    [ [152.741724, 35.166466971035], [152.741724, 108.087543109156] ],
+    [ [152.741724, 215.178806915206], [152.741724, 288.086671142818] ],
+], 'line is clipped to square with hole';