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Tech ENABLE_ALLOW_NEGATIVE_Z-> Layers height editing related fixes

enricoturri1966 3 лет назад

+ 5 - 4

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void main()
     float z_texture_col = object_z_row - z_texture_row;
     float z_blend = 0.25 * cos(min(M_PI, abs(M_PI * (object_z - z_cursor) * 1.8 / z_cursor_band_width))) + 0.25;
     // Calculate level of detail from the object Z coordinate.
-    // This makes the slowly sloping surfaces to be show with high detail (with stripes),
+    // This makes the slowly sloping surfaces to be shown with high detail (with stripes),
     // and the vertical surfaces to be shown with low detail (no stripes)
     float z_in_cells = object_z_row * 190.;
     // Gradient of Z projected on the screen.
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ void main()
     float dy_vtc = dFdy(z_in_cells);
     float lod = clamp(0.5 * log2(max(dx_vtc * dx_vtc, dy_vtc * dy_vtc)), 0., 1.);
     // Sample the Z texture. Texture coordinates are normalized to <0, 1>.
-    vec4 color = mix(texture2D(z_texture, vec2(z_texture_col, z_texture_row_to_normalized * (z_texture_row + 0.5    )), -10000.),
-                     texture2D(z_texture, vec2(z_texture_col, z_texture_row_to_normalized * (z_texture_row * 2. + 1.)),  10000.), lod);
+    vec4 color = vec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0);
+    if (z_texture_row >= 0.0)
+        color = mix(texture2D(z_texture, vec2(z_texture_col, z_texture_row_to_normalized * (z_texture_row + 0.5    )), -10000.),
+                    texture2D(z_texture, vec2(z_texture_col, z_texture_row_to_normalized * (z_texture_row * 2. + 1.)),  10000.), lod);            
     // Mix the final color.
     gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(intensity.y), 1.0) +  intensity.x * mix(color, vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), z_blend);

+ 16 - 0

@@ -1639,9 +1639,15 @@ PrintRegionConfig PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(const PrintRegion
 void PrintObject::update_slicing_parameters()
+    if (!m_slicing_params.valid)
+        m_slicing_params = SlicingParameters::create_from_config(
+            this->print()->config(), m_config, this->model_object()->bounding_box().max.z(), this->object_extruders());
     if (! m_slicing_params.valid)
         m_slicing_params = SlicingParameters::create_from_config(
             this->print()->config(), m_config, unscale<double>(this->height()), this->object_extruders());
 SlicingParameters PrintObject::slicing_parameters(const DynamicPrintConfig& full_config, const ModelObject& model_object, float object_max_z)
@@ -1703,6 +1709,15 @@ bool PrintObject::update_layer_height_profile(const ModelObject &model_object, c
         updated = true;
+    // Verify the layer_height_profile.
+    if (!layer_height_profile.empty() &&
+        // Must not be of even length.
+        ((layer_height_profile.size() & 1) != 0 ||
+            // Last entry must be at the top of the object.
+            std::abs(layer_height_profile[layer_height_profile.size() - 2] - slicing_parameters.object_print_z_max) > 1e-3))
+        layer_height_profile.clear();
     // Verify the layer_height_profile.
     if (! layer_height_profile.empty() && 
             // Must not be of even length.
@@ -1710,6 +1725,7 @@ bool PrintObject::update_layer_height_profile(const ModelObject &model_object, c
             // Last entry must be at the top of the object.
              std::abs(layer_height_profile[layer_height_profile.size() - 2] - slicing_parameters.object_print_z_height()) > 1e-3))
     if (layer_height_profile.empty()) {
         //layer_height_profile = layer_height_profile_adaptive(slicing_parameters, model_object.layer_config_ranges, model_object.volumes);

+ 24 - 9

@@ -169,11 +169,18 @@ void GLCanvas3D::LayersEditing::set_config(const DynamicPrintConfig* config)
 void GLCanvas3D::LayersEditing::select_object(const Model &model, int object_id)
     const ModelObject *model_object_new = (object_id >= 0) ? model.objects[object_id] : nullptr;
+    // Maximum height of an object changes when the object gets rotated or scaled.
+    // Changing maximum height of an object will invalidate the layer heigth editing profile.
+    // m_model_object->bounding_box() is cached, therefore it is cheap even if this method is called frequently.
+    const float new_max_z = (model_object_new == nullptr) ? 0.0f : static_cast<float>(model_object_new->bounding_box().max.z());
     // Maximum height of an object changes when the object gets rotated or scaled.
     // Changing maximum height of an object will invalidate the layer heigth editing profile.
     // m_model_object->raw_bounding_box() is cached, therefore it is cheap even if this method is called frequently.
 	float new_max_z = (model_object_new == nullptr) ? 0.f : model_object_new->raw_bounding_box().size().z();
-	if (m_model_object != model_object_new || this->last_object_id != object_id || m_object_max_z != new_max_z ||
+    if (m_model_object != model_object_new || this->last_object_id != object_id || m_object_max_z != new_max_z ||
         (model_object_new != nullptr && m_model_object->id() != model_object_new->id())) {
         m_layer_height_profile_modified = false;
@@ -348,11 +355,12 @@ std::string GLCanvas3D::LayersEditing::get_tooltip(const GLCanvas3D& canvas) con
             float h = 0.0f;
             for (size_t i = m_layer_height_profile.size() - 2; i >= 2; i -= 2) {
-                float zi = m_layer_height_profile[i];
-                float zi_1 = m_layer_height_profile[i - 2];
+                const float zi = static_cast<float>(m_layer_height_profile[i]);
+                const float zi_1 = static_cast<float>(m_layer_height_profile[i - 2]);
                 if (zi_1 <= z && z <= zi) {
                     float dz = zi - zi_1;
-                    h = (dz != 0.0f) ? lerp(m_layer_height_profile[i - 1], m_layer_height_profile[i + 1], (z - zi_1) / dz) : m_layer_height_profile[i + 1];
+                    h = (dz != 0.0f) ? static_cast<float>(lerp(m_layer_height_profile[i - 1], m_layer_height_profile[i + 1], (z - zi_1) / dz)) :
+                        static_cast<float>(m_layer_height_profile[i + 1]);
@@ -381,10 +389,10 @@ void GLCanvas3D::LayersEditing::render_active_object_annotations(const GLCanvas3
     glsafe(::glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_z_texture_id));
     // Render the color bar
-    float l = bar_rect.get_left();
-    float r = bar_rect.get_right();
-    float t = bar_rect.get_top();
-    float b = bar_rect.get_bottom();
+    const float l = bar_rect.get_left();
+    const float r = bar_rect.get_right();
+    const float t = bar_rect.get_top();
+    const float b = bar_rect.get_bottom();
     ::glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
@@ -560,7 +568,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::LayersEditing::update_slicing_parameters()
 	if (m_slicing_parameters == nullptr) {
 		m_slicing_parameters = new SlicingParameters();
-    	*m_slicing_parameters = PrintObject::slicing_parameters(*m_config, *m_model_object, m_object_max_z);
+        *m_slicing_parameters = PrintObject::slicing_parameters(*m_config, *m_model_object, m_object_max_z);
@@ -3575,6 +3583,13 @@ void GLCanvas3D::do_move(const std::string& snapshot_type)
+    // if the selection is not valid to allow for layer editing after the move, we need to turn off the tool if it is running
+    // similar to void Plater::priv::selection_changed()
+    if (!wxGetApp().plater()->can_layers_editing() && is_layers_editing_enabled())
+        post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_LAYERSEDITING));
     if (object_moved)

+ 9 - 7

@@ -2630,11 +2630,8 @@ int Plater::priv::get_selected_volume_idx() const
 void Plater::priv::selection_changed()
     // if the selection is not valid to allow for layer editing, we need to turn off the tool if it is running
-    bool enable_layer_editing = layers_height_allowed();
-    if (!enable_layer_editing && view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()) {
-        SimpleEvent evt(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_LAYERSEDITING);
-        on_action_layersediting(evt);
-    }
+    if (!layers_height_allowed() && view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled())
+        on_action_layersediting(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_LAYERSEDITING));
     // forces a frame render to update the view (to avoid a missed update if, for example, the context menu appears)
@@ -4024,7 +4021,7 @@ void Plater::priv::reset_gcode_toolpaths()
 bool Plater::priv::can_set_instance_to_object() const
     const int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx();
-    return (0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size()) && (model.objects[obj_idx]->instances.size() > 1);
+    return 0 <= obj_idx && obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size() && model.objects[obj_idx]->instances.size() > 1;
 bool Plater::priv::can_split(bool to_objects) const
@@ -4038,7 +4035,12 @@ bool Plater::priv::layers_height_allowed() const
         return false;
     int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx();
-    return (0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size()) && config->opt_bool("variable_layer_height") && view3D->is_layers_editing_allowed();
+    return 0 <= obj_idx && obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size() && model.objects[obj_idx]->bounding_box().max.z() > 0.0 &&
+        config->opt_bool("variable_layer_height") && view3D->is_layers_editing_allowed();
+    return 0 <= obj_idx && obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size() && config->opt_bool("variable_layer_height") && view3D->is_layers_editing_allowed();
 bool Plater::priv::can_mirror() const

+ 7 - 7

@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void Selection::add(unsigned int volume_idx, bool as_single_selection, bool chec
     if (!already_contained || needs_reset)
-        wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add")));
+        wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Add"));
         if (needs_reset)
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ void Selection::remove(unsigned int volume_idx)
     if (!contains_volume(volume_idx))
-    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove")));
+    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove"));
     GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[volume_idx];
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ void Selection::add_object(unsigned int object_idx, bool as_single_selection)
         (as_single_selection && matches(volume_idxs)))
-    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add Object")));
+    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Add Object"));
     // resets the current list if needed
     if (as_single_selection)
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ void Selection::remove_object(unsigned int object_idx)
     if (!m_valid)
-    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove Object")));
+    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove Object"));
@@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ void Selection::add_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx,
     if (!m_valid)
-    std::vector<unsigned int> volume_idxs = get_volume_idxs_from_instance(object_idx, instance_idx);
+    const std::vector<unsigned int> volume_idxs = get_volume_idxs_from_instance(object_idx, instance_idx);
     if ((!as_single_selection && contains_all_volumes(volume_idxs)) ||
         (as_single_selection && matches(volume_idxs)))
-    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add Instance")));
+    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Add Instance"));
     // resets the current list if needed
     if (as_single_selection)
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ void Selection::remove_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_i
     if (!m_valid)
-    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove Instance")));
+    wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove Instance"));
     do_remove_instance(object_idx, instance_idx);