@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "SLAPad.hpp"
#include "SLABoilerPlate.hpp"
#include "SLASpatIndex.hpp"
+#include "ConcaveHull.hpp"
#include "boost/log/trivial.hpp"
#include "SLABoostAdapter.hpp"
@@ -206,36 +207,6 @@ Contour3D inline straight_walls(const Polygon &plate,
return walls(plate, plate, lo_z, hi_z, .0 /*offset_diff*/, thr);
-// As it shows, the current offset_ex in ClipperUtils hangs if used in jtRound
-// mode
-ClipperLib::Paths fast_offset(const ClipperLib::Paths &paths,
- coord_t delta,
- ClipperLib::JoinType jointype)
- using ClipperLib::ClipperOffset;
- using ClipperLib::etClosedPolygon;
- using ClipperLib::Paths;
- using ClipperLib::Path;
- ClipperOffset offs;
- offs.ArcTolerance = scaled<double>(0.01);
- for (auto &p : paths)
- // If the input is not at least a triangle, we can not do this algorithm
- if(p.size() < 3) {
- BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Invalid geometry for offsetting!";
- return {};
- }
- offs.AddPaths(paths, jointype, etClosedPolygon);
- Paths result;
- offs.Execute(result, static_cast<double>(delta));
- return result;
// Function to cut tiny connector cavities for a given polygon. The input poly
// will be offsetted by "padding" and small rectangle shaped cavities will be
// inserted along the perimeter in every "stride" distance. The stick rectangles
@@ -322,158 +293,15 @@ ExPolygons breakstick_holes(const ExPolygons &input, Args...args)
return ret;
-/// A fake concave hull that is constructed by connecting separate shapes
-/// with explicit bridges. Bridges are generated from each shape's centroid
-/// to the center of the "scene" which is the centroid calculated from the shape
-/// centroids (a star is created...)
-class ConcaveHull {
- Polygons m_polys;
- Point centroid(const Points& pp) const
- {
- Point c;
- switch(pp.size()) {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: c = pp.front(); break;
- case 2: c = (pp[0] + pp[1]) / 2; break;
- default: {
- auto MAX = std::numeric_limits<Point::coord_type>::max();
- auto MIN = std::numeric_limits<Point::coord_type>::min();
- Point min = {MAX, MAX}, max = {MIN, MIN};
- for(auto& p : pp) {
- if(p(0) < min(0)) min(0) = p(0);
- if(p(1) < min(1)) min(1) = p(1);
- if(p(0) > max(0)) max(0) = p(0);
- if(p(1) > max(1)) max(1) = p(1);
- }
- c(0) = min(0) + (max(0) - min(0)) / 2;
- c(1) = min(1) + (max(1) - min(1)) / 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- return c;
- }
- inline Point centroid(const Polygon &poly) const { return poly.centroid(); }
- Points calculate_centroids() const
- {
- // We get the centroids of all the islands in the 2D slice
- Points centroids = reserve_vector<Point>(m_polys.size());
- std::transform(m_polys.begin(), m_polys.end(),
- std::back_inserter(centroids),
- [this](const Polygon &poly) { return centroid(poly); });
- return centroids;
- }
- void merge_polygons() { m_polys = union_(m_polys); }
- void add_connector_rectangles(const Points ¢roids,
- coord_t max_dist,
- ThrowOnCancel thr)
- {
- namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
- using PointIndexElement = std::pair<Point, unsigned>;
- using PointIndex = bgi::rtree<PointIndexElement, bgi::rstar<16, 4>>;
- // Centroid of the centroids of islands. This is where the additional
- // connector sticks are routed.
- Point cc = centroid(centroids);
- PointIndex ctrindex;
- unsigned idx = 0;
- for(const Point &ct : centroids)
- ctrindex.insert(std::make_pair(ct, idx++));
- m_polys.reserve(m_polys.size() + centroids.size());
- idx = 0;
- for (const Point &c : centroids) {
- thr();
- double dx = c.x() - cc.x(), dy = c.y() - cc.y();
- double l = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- double nx = dx / l, ny = dy / l;
- const Point &ct = centroids[idx];
- std::vector<PointIndexElement> result;
- ctrindex.query(bgi::nearest(ct, 2), std::back_inserter(result));
- double dist = max_dist;
- for (const PointIndexElement &el : result)
- if (el.second != idx) {
- dist = Line(el.first, ct).length();
- break;
- }
- idx++;
- if (dist >= max_dist) return;
- Polygon r;
- r.points.reserve(3);
- r.points.emplace_back(cc);
- Point d(scaled(nx), scaled(ny));
- r.points.emplace_back(c + Point(-d.y(), d.x()));
- r.points.emplace_back(c + Point(d.y(), -d.x()));
- offset(r, scaled<float>(1.));
- m_polys.emplace_back(r);
- }
- }
- ConcaveHull(const ExPolygons& polys, double merge_dist, ThrowOnCancel thr)
- : ConcaveHull{to_polygons(polys), merge_dist, thr} {}
- ConcaveHull(const Polygons& polys, double mergedist, ThrowOnCancel thr)
- {
- if(polys.empty()) return;
- m_polys = polys;
- merge_polygons();
- if(m_polys.size() == 1) return;
- Points centroids = calculate_centroids();
- add_connector_rectangles(centroids, scaled(mergedist), thr);
- merge_polygons();
- }
- // const Polygons & polygons() const { return m_polys; }
- ExPolygons to_expolygons() const
- {
- auto ret = reserve_vector<ExPolygon>(m_polys.size());
- for (const Polygon &p : m_polys) ret.emplace_back(ExPolygon(p));
- return ret;
- }
- void offset_waffle_style(coord_t delta) {
- ClipperLib::Paths paths = Slic3rMultiPoints_to_ClipperPaths(m_polys);
- paths = fast_offset(paths, 2 * delta, ClipperLib::jtRound);
- paths = fast_offset(paths, -delta, ClipperLib::jtRound);
- m_polys = ClipperPaths_to_Slic3rPolygons(paths);
- }
- static inline coord_t get_waffle_offset(const PadConfig &c)
- {
- return scaled(c.brim_size_mm + c.wing_distance());
- }
+static inline coord_t get_waffle_offset(const PadConfig &c)
+ return scaled(c.brim_size_mm + c.wing_distance());
- static inline double get_merge_distance(const PadConfig &c)
- {
- return 2. * (1.8 * c.wall_thickness_mm) + c.max_merge_dist_mm;
- }
+static inline double get_merge_distance(const PadConfig &c)
+ return 2. * (1.8 * c.wall_thickness_mm) + c.max_merge_dist_mm;
// Part of the pad configuration that is used for 3D geometry generation
struct PadConfig3D {
@@ -591,7 +419,7 @@ public:
ClipperLib::jtMiter, 1);
- ConcaveHull fullcvh =
+ ExPolygons fullcvh =
wafflized_concave_hull(support_blueprint, model_bp_offs, cfg, thr);
auto model_bp_sticks =
@@ -600,7 +428,7 @@ public:
- ExPolygons fullpad = diff_ex(fullcvh.to_expolygons(), model_bp_sticks);
+ ExPolygons fullpad = diff_ex(fullcvh, model_bp_sticks);
@@ -619,7 +447,7 @@ private:
// Create the wafflized pad around all object in the scene. This pad doesnt
// have any holes yet.
- ConcaveHull wafflized_concave_hull(const ExPolygons &supp_bp,
+ ExPolygons wafflized_concave_hull(const ExPolygons &supp_bp,
const ExPolygons &model_bp,
const PadConfig &cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
@@ -629,10 +457,8 @@ private:
for (auto &ep : supp_bp) allin.emplace_back(ep.contour);
for (auto &ep : model_bp) allin.emplace_back(ep.contour);
- ConcaveHull ret{allin, ConcaveHull::get_merge_distance(cfg), thr};
- ret.offset_waffle_style(ConcaveHull::get_waffle_offset(cfg));
- return ret;
+ ConcaveHull cchull{allin, get_merge_distance(cfg), thr};
+ return offset_waffle_style_ex(cchull, get_waffle_offset(cfg));
// To remove parts of the pad skeleton which do not host any supports
@@ -663,10 +489,9 @@ public:
for (auto &ep : support_blueprint) outer.emplace_back(ep.contour);
for (auto &ep : model_blueprint) outer.emplace_back(ep.contour);
- ConcaveHull ochull{outer, ConcaveHull::get_merge_distance(cfg), thr};
+ ConcaveHull ochull{outer, get_merge_distance(cfg), thr};
- ochull.offset_waffle_style(ConcaveHull::get_waffle_offset(cfg));
- outer = ochull.to_expolygons();
+ outer = offset_waffle_style_ex(ochull, get_waffle_offset(cfg));
@@ -861,7 +686,7 @@ std::string PadConfig::validate() const
if (brim_size_mm < MIN_BRIM_SIZE_MM ||
bottom_offset() > brim_size_mm + wing_distance() ||
- ConcaveHull::get_waffle_offset(*this) <= MIN_BRIM_SIZE_MM)
+ get_waffle_offset(*this) <= MIN_BRIM_SIZE_MM)
return L("Pad brim size is too small for the current configuration.");
return "";