@@ -225,12 +225,14 @@ sub make_perimeters {
# offsetting a polygon can result in one or many offset polygons
my @new_offsets = ();
foreach my $expolygon (@last_offsets) {
- my @offsets = map $_->offset_ex(+0.5*$distance), $expolygon->offset_ex(-1.5*$distance);
+ my @offsets = map $_->offset_ex(+0.5*$distance), $expolygon->noncollapsing_offset_ex(-1.5*$distance);
push @new_offsets, @offsets;
+ # where the above check collapses the expolygon, then there's no room for an inner loop
+ # and we can extract the gap for later processing
my $diff = diff_ex(
- [ map @$_, $expolygon->offset_ex(-$distance) ],
- [ map @$_, @offsets ],
+ [ map @$_, $expolygon->offset_ex(-0.5*$distance) ],
+ [ map @$_, map $_->offset_ex(+0.5*$distance), @offsets ], # should these be offsetted in a single pass?
push @gaps, grep $_->area >= $gap_area_threshold, @$diff;
@@ -245,14 +247,40 @@ sub make_perimeters {
my @fill_boundaries = map $_->offset_ex(-$distance), @last_offsets;
$_->simplify(scale &Slic3r::RESOLUTION) for @fill_boundaries;
push @{ $self->surfaces }, @fill_boundaries;
+ }
+ # fill gaps using dynamic extrusion width
+ {
# detect the small gaps that we need to treat like thin polygons,
# thus generating the skeleton and using it to fill them
- push @{ $self->thin_fills },
- map $_->medial_axis(scale $self->perimeter_flow->width),
- @gaps;
- Slic3r::debugf " %d gaps filled\n", scalar @{ $self->thin_fills }
- if @{ $self->thin_fills };
+ my $w = $self->perimeter_flow->width;
+ my @widths = (1.5 * $w, $w, 0.5 * $w, 0.2 * $w);
+ foreach my $width (@widths) {
+ my $scaled_width = scale $width;
+ # extract the gaps having this width
+ my @this_width = map $_->offset_ex(+0.5*$scaled_width), map $_->noncollapsing_offset_ex(-0.5*$scaled_width), @gaps;
+ # fill them
+ my %path_args = (
+ flow_spacing => $self->perimeter_flow->clone(width => $width)->spacing,
+ );
+ push @{ $self->thin_fills }, map {
+ $_->isa('Slic3r::Polygon')
+ ? (map $_->pack, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->new(polygon => $_, %path_args)->split_at_first_point) # we should keep these as loops
+ : Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->pack(polyline => $_, %path_args),
+ } map $_->medial_axis($scaled_width), @this_width;
+ Slic3r::debugf " %d gaps filled with extrusion width = %s\n", scalar @this_width, $width
+ if @{ $self->thin_fills };
+ # check what's left
+ @gaps = @{diff_ex(
+ [ map @$_, @gaps ],
+ [ map @$_, @this_width ],
+ )};
+ }