@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::execute(SupportTreeBuilder & builder,
if(sm.pts.empty()) return false;
+ builder.ground_level = sm.emesh.ground_level() - sm.cfg.object_elevation_mm;
SupportTreeBuildsteps alg(builder, sm);
// Let's define the individual steps of the processing. We can experiment
@@ -166,64 +168,6 @@ bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::execute(SupportTreeBuilder & builder,
return pc == ABORT;
-// Give points on a 3D ring with given center, radius and orientation
-// method based on:
-// https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/73237/parametric-equation-of-a-circle-in-3d-space
-template<size_t N>
-class PointRing {
- std::array<double, N> m_phis;
- // Two vectors that will be perpendicular to each other and to the
- // axis. Values for a(X) and a(Y) are now arbitrary, a(Z) is just a
- // placeholder.
- // a and b vectors are perpendicular to the ring direction and to each other.
- // Together they define the plane where we have to iterate with the
- // given angles in the 'm_phis' vector
- Vec3d a = {0, 1, 0}, b;
- double m_radius = 0.;
- static inline bool constexpr is_one(double val)
- {
- return std::abs(std::abs(val) - 1) < 1e-20;
- }
- PointRing(const Vec3d &n)
- {
- m_phis = linspace_array<N>(0., 2 * PI);
- // We have to address the case when the direction vector v (same as
- // dir) is coincident with one of the world axes. In this case two of
- // its components will be completely zero and one is 1.0. Our method
- // becomes dangerous here due to division with zero. Instead, vector
- // 'a' can be an element-wise rotated version of 'v'
- if(is_one(n(X)) || is_one(n(Y)) || is_one(n(Z))) {
- a = {n(Z), n(X), n(Y)};
- b = {n(Y), n(Z), n(X)};
- }
- else {
- a(Z) = -(n(Y)*a(Y)) / n(Z); a.normalize();
- b = a.cross(n);
- }
- }
- Vec3d get(size_t idx, const Vec3d src, double r) const
- {
- double phi = m_phis[idx];
- double sinphi = std::sin(phi);
- double cosphi = std::cos(phi);
- double rpscos = r * cosphi;
- double rpssin = r * sinphi;
- // Point on the sphere
- return {src(X) + rpscos * a(X) + rpssin * b(X),
- src(Y) + rpscos * a(Y) + rpssin * b(Y),
- src(Z) + rpscos * a(Z) + rpssin * b(Z)};
- }
template<class C, class Hit = EigenMesh3D::hit_result>
static Hit min_hit(const C &hits)
@@ -312,7 +256,7 @@ EigenMesh3D::hit_result SupportTreeBuildsteps::pinhead_mesh_intersect(
EigenMesh3D::hit_result SupportTreeBuildsteps::bridge_mesh_intersect(
- const Vec3d &src, const Vec3d &dir, double r, bool ins_check)
+ const Vec3d &src, const Vec3d &dir, double r, double safety_d)
static const size_t SAMPLES = 8;
PointRing<SAMPLES> ring{dir};
@@ -321,16 +265,19 @@ EigenMesh3D::hit_result SupportTreeBuildsteps::bridge_mesh_intersect(
// Hit results
std::array<Hit, SAMPLES> hits;
+ double sd = std::isnan(safety_d) ? m_cfg.safety_distance_mm : safety_d;
+ sd = sd * r / m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm;
+ bool ins_check = sd < m_cfg.safety_distance_mm;
ccr::enumerate(hits.begin(), hits.end(),
- [this, r, src, ins_check, &ring, dir] (Hit &hit, size_t i) {
- const double sd = m_cfg.safety_distance_mm;
+ [this, r, src, ins_check, &ring, dir, sd] (Hit &hit, size_t i) {
// Point on the circle on the pin sphere
Vec3d p = ring.get(i, src, r + sd);
- auto hr = m_mesh.query_ray_hit(p + sd * dir, dir);
+ auto hr = m_mesh.query_ray_hit(p + r * dir, dir);
if(ins_check && hr.is_inside()) {
if(hr.distance() > 2 * r + sd) hit = Hit(0.0);
@@ -460,7 +407,7 @@ bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_nearpillar(const Head &head,
Vec3d bridgestart = headjp;
Vec3d bridgeend = nearjp_u;
- double max_len = m_cfg.max_bridge_length_mm;
+ double max_len = r * m_cfg.max_bridge_length_mm / m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm;
double max_slope = m_cfg.bridge_slope;
double zdiff = 0.0;
@@ -494,7 +441,7 @@ bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_nearpillar(const Head &head,
// There will be a minimum distance from the ground where the
// bridge is allowed to connect. This is an empiric value.
- double minz = m_builder.ground_level + 2 * m_cfg.head_width_mm;
+ double minz = m_builder.ground_level + 4 * head.r_back_mm;
if(bridgeend(Z) < minz) return false;
double t = bridge_mesh_distance(bridgestart, dirv(bridgestart, bridgeend), r);
@@ -509,7 +456,7 @@ bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_nearpillar(const Head &head,
if(zdiff > 0) {
m_builder.add_pillar(head.id, bridgestart, r);
m_builder.add_junction(bridgestart, r);
- m_builder.add_bridge(bridgestart, bridgeend, head.r_back_mm);
+ m_builder.add_bridge(bridgestart, bridgeend, r);
} else {
m_builder.add_bridge(head.id, bridgeend);
@@ -520,40 +467,6 @@ bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_nearpillar(const Head &head,
return true;
-bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::search_pillar_and_connect(const Head &head)
- PointIndex spindex = m_pillar_index.guarded_clone();
- long nearest_id = ID_UNSET;
- Vec3d querypoint = head.junction_point();
- while(nearest_id < 0 && !spindex.empty()) { m_thr();
- // loop until a suitable head is not found
- // if there is a pillar closer than the cluster center
- // (this may happen as the clustering is not perfect)
- // than we will bridge to this closer pillar
- Vec3d qp(querypoint(X), querypoint(Y), m_builder.ground_level);
- auto qres = spindex.nearest(qp, 1);
- if(qres.empty()) break;
- auto ne = qres.front();
- nearest_id = ne.second;
- if(nearest_id >= 0) {
- if(size_t(nearest_id) < m_builder.pillarcount()) {
- if(!connect_to_nearpillar(head, nearest_id)) {
- nearest_id = ID_UNSET; // continue searching
- spindex.remove(ne); // without the current pillar
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return nearest_id >= 0;
void SupportTreeBuildsteps::create_ground_pillar(const Vec3d &jp,
const Vec3d &sourcedir,
double radius,
@@ -565,9 +478,10 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::create_ground_pillar(const Vec3d &jp,
Vec3d endp = {jp(X), jp(Y), gndlvl};
double sd = m_cfg.pillar_base_safety_distance_mm;
long pillar_id = ID_UNSET;
- double min_dist = sd + m_cfg.base_radius_mm + EPSILON;
+ bool can_add_base = radius >= m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm;
+ double base_r = can_add_base ? m_cfg.base_radius_mm : 0.;
+ double min_dist = sd + base_r + EPSILON;
double dist = 0;
- bool can_add_base = true;
bool normal_mode = true;
// If in zero elevation mode and the pillar is too close to the model body,
@@ -612,7 +526,7 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::create_ground_pillar(const Vec3d &jp,
endp = jp + std::get<0>(result.optimum) * dir;
Vec3d pgnd = {endp(X), endp(Y), gndlvl};
- can_add_base = result.score > min_dist;
+ can_add_base = can_add_base && result.score > min_dist;
double gnd_offs = m_mesh.ground_level_offset();
auto abort_in_shame =
@@ -712,84 +626,85 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::filter()
auto [polar, azimuth] = dir_to_spheric(n);
// skip if the tilt is not sane
- if(polar >= PI - m_cfg.normal_cutoff_angle) {
- // We saturate the polar angle to 3pi/4
- polar = std::max(polar, 3*PI / 4);
- // save the head (pinpoint) position
- Vec3d hp = m_points.row(fidx);
- double w = m_cfg.head_width_mm +
- m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm +
- 2*m_cfg.head_front_radius_mm;
- double pin_r = double(m_support_pts[fidx].head_front_radius);
- // Reassemble the now corrected normal
- auto nn = spheric_to_dir(polar, azimuth).normalized();
- // check available distance
- EigenMesh3D::hit_result t
- = pinhead_mesh_intersect(hp, // touching point
- nn, // normal
- pin_r,
- m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm,
- w);
+ if(polar < PI - m_cfg.normal_cutoff_angle) return;
- if(t.distance() <= w) {
- // Let's try to optimize this angle, there might be a
- // viable normal that doesn't collide with the model
- // geometry and its very close to the default.
- StopCriteria stc;
- stc.max_iterations = m_cfg.optimizer_max_iterations;
- stc.relative_score_difference = m_cfg.optimizer_rel_score_diff;
- stc.stop_score = w; // space greater than w is enough
- GeneticOptimizer solver(stc);
- solver.seed(0); // we want deterministic behavior
- auto oresult = solver.optimize_max(
- [this, pin_r, w, hp](double plr, double azm)
- {
- auto dir = spheric_to_dir(plr, azm).normalized();
- double score = pinhead_mesh_distance(
- hp, dir, pin_r, m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm, w);
- return score;
- },
- initvals(polar, azimuth), // start with what we have
- bound(3 * PI / 4, PI), // Must not exceed the tilt limit
- bound(-PI, PI) // azimuth can be a full search
- );
- if(oresult.score > w) {
- polar = std::get<0>(oresult.optimum);
- azimuth = std::get<1>(oresult.optimum);
- nn = spheric_to_dir(polar, azimuth).normalized();
- t = EigenMesh3D::hit_result(oresult.score);
- }
+ // We saturate the polar angle to 3pi/4
+ polar = std::max(polar, 3*PI / 4);
+ // save the head (pinpoint) position
+ Vec3d hp = m_points.row(fidx);
+ // The distance needed for a pinhead to not collide with model.
+ double w = m_cfg.head_width_mm +
+ m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm +
+ 2*m_cfg.head_front_radius_mm;
+ double pin_r = double(m_support_pts[fidx].head_front_radius);
+ // Reassemble the now corrected normal
+ auto nn = spheric_to_dir(polar, azimuth).normalized();
+ // check available distance
+ EigenMesh3D::hit_result t
+ = pinhead_mesh_intersect(hp, // touching point
+ nn, // normal
+ pin_r,
+ m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm,
+ w);
+ if(t.distance() <= w) {
+ // Let's try to optimize this angle, there might be a
+ // viable normal that doesn't collide with the model
+ // geometry and its very close to the default.
+ StopCriteria stc;
+ stc.max_iterations = m_cfg.optimizer_max_iterations;
+ stc.relative_score_difference = m_cfg.optimizer_rel_score_diff;
+ stc.stop_score = w; // space greater than w is enough
+ GeneticOptimizer solver(stc);
+ solver.seed(0); // we want deterministic behavior
+ auto oresult = solver.optimize_max(
+ [this, pin_r, w, hp](double plr, double azm)
+ {
+ auto dir = spheric_to_dir(plr, azm).normalized();
+ double score = pinhead_mesh_intersect(
+ hp, dir, pin_r, m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm, w).distance();
+ return score;
+ },
+ initvals(polar, azimuth), // start with what we have
+ bound(3 * PI / 4, PI), // Must not exceed the tilt limit
+ bound(-PI, PI) // azimuth can be a full search
+ );
+ if(oresult.score > w) {
+ polar = std::get<0>(oresult.optimum);
+ azimuth = std::get<1>(oresult.optimum);
+ nn = spheric_to_dir(polar, azimuth).normalized();
+ t = EigenMesh3D::hit_result(oresult.score);
- // save the verified and corrected normal
- m_support_nmls.row(fidx) = nn;
- if (t.distance() > w) {
- // Check distance from ground, we might have zero elevation.
- if (hp(Z) + w * nn(Z) < m_builder.ground_level) {
- addfn(m_iheadless, fidx);
- } else {
- // mark the point for needing a head.
- addfn(m_iheads, fidx);
- }
- } else if (polar >= 3 * PI / 4) {
- // Headless supports do not tilt like the headed ones
- // so the normal should point almost to the ground.
+ }
+ // save the verified and corrected normal
+ m_support_nmls.row(fidx) = nn;
+ if (t.distance() > w) {
+ // Check distance from ground, we might have zero elevation.
+ if (hp(Z) + w * nn(Z) < m_builder.ground_level) {
addfn(m_iheadless, fidx);
+ } else {
+ // mark the point for needing a head.
+ addfn(m_iheads, fidx);
+ } else if (polar >= 3 * PI / 4) {
+ // Headless supports do not tilt like the headed ones
+ // so the normal should point almost to the ground.
+ addfn(m_iheadless, fidx);
ccr::enumerate(filtered_indices.begin(), filtered_indices.end(), filterfn);
@@ -811,6 +726,27 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::add_pinheads()
m_support_pts[i].pos.cast<double>() // displacement
+ for (unsigned i : m_iheadless) {
+ const auto R = double(m_support_pts[i].head_front_radius);
+ // The support point position on the mesh
+ Vec3d sph = m_support_pts[i].pos.cast<double>();
+ // Get an initial normal from the filtering step
+ Vec3d n = m_support_nmls.row(i);
+ // First we need to determine the available space for a mini pinhead.
+ // The goal is the move away from the model a little bit to make the
+ // contact point small as possible and avoid pearcing the model body.
+ double pin_space = std::min(2 * R, bridge_mesh_distance(sph, n, R, 0.));
+ if (pin_space <= 0) continue;
+ m_iheads.emplace_back(i);
+ m_builder.add_head(i, R, R, pin_space,
+ m_cfg.head_penetration_mm, n, sph);
+ }
void SupportTreeBuildsteps::classify()
@@ -864,8 +800,6 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::classify()
void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_to_ground()
- const double pradius = m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm;
ClusterEl cl_centroids;
@@ -931,7 +865,7 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_to_ground()
Vec3d pstart = sidehead.junction_point();
// Vec3d pend = Vec3d{pstart(X), pstart(Y), gndlvl};
// Could not find a pillar, create one
- create_ground_pillar(pstart, sidehead.dir, pradius, sidehead.id);
+ create_ground_pillar(pstart, sidehead.dir, sidehead.r_back_mm, sidehead.id);
@@ -943,7 +877,7 @@ bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_ground(Head &head, const Vec3d &dir)
double r = head.r_back_mm;
double t = bridge_mesh_distance(hjp, dir, head.r_back_mm);
double d = 0, tdown = 0;
- t = std::min(t, m_cfg.max_bridge_length_mm);
+ t = std::min(t, m_cfg.max_bridge_length_mm * r / m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm);
while (d < t && !std::isinf(tdown = bridge_mesh_distance(hjp + d * dir, DOWN, r)))
d += r;
@@ -1041,6 +975,42 @@ bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::connect_to_model_body(Head &head)
return true;
+bool SupportTreeBuildsteps::search_pillar_and_connect(const Head &source)
+ // Hope that a local copy takes less time than the whole search loop.
+ // We also need to remove elements progressively from the copied index.
+ PointIndex spindex = m_pillar_index.guarded_clone();
+ long nearest_id = ID_UNSET;
+ Vec3d querypt = source.junction_point();
+ while(nearest_id < 0 && !spindex.empty()) { m_thr();
+ // loop until a suitable head is not found
+ // if there is a pillar closer than the cluster center
+ // (this may happen as the clustering is not perfect)
+ // than we will bridge to this closer pillar
+ Vec3d qp(querypt(X), querypt(Y), m_builder.ground_level);
+ auto qres = spindex.nearest(qp, 1);
+ if(qres.empty()) break;
+ auto ne = qres.front();
+ nearest_id = ne.second;
+ if(nearest_id >= 0) {
+ if(size_t(nearest_id) < m_builder.pillarcount()) {
+ if(!connect_to_nearpillar(source, nearest_id)) {
+ nearest_id = ID_UNSET; // continue searching
+ spindex.remove(ne); // without the current pillar
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nearest_id >= 0;
void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_to_model()
// We need to check if there is an easy way out to the bed surface.
@@ -1054,18 +1024,18 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_to_model()
auto& head = m_builder.head(idx);
// Search nearby pillar
- if(search_pillar_and_connect(head)) { head.transform(); return; }
+ if (search_pillar_and_connect(head)) { head.transform(); return; }
// Cannot connect to nearby pillar. We will try to search for
// a route to the ground.
- if(connect_to_ground(head)) { head.transform(); return; }
+ if (connect_to_ground(head)) { head.transform(); return; }
// No route to the ground, so connect to the model body as a last resort
if (connect_to_model_body(head)) { return; }
// We have failed to route this head.
- << "Failed to route model facing support point. ID: " << idx;
+ << "Failed to route model facing support point. ID: " << idx;
@@ -1107,9 +1077,10 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::interconnect_pillars()
// connections are already enough for the pillar
if(pillar.links >= neighbors) return;
+ double max_d = d * pillar.r / m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm;
// Query all remaining points within reach
- auto qres = m_pillar_index.query([qp, d](const PointIndexEl& e){
- return distance(e.first, qp) < d;
+ auto qres = m_pillar_index.query([qp, max_d](const PointIndexEl& e){
+ return distance(e.first, qp) < max_d;
// sort the result by distance (have to check if this is needed)
@@ -1288,37 +1259,54 @@ void SupportTreeBuildsteps::routing_headless()
// We will sink the pins into the model surface for a distance of 1/3 of
// the pin radius
- for(unsigned i : m_iheadless) {
- m_thr();
- const auto R = double(m_support_pts[i].head_front_radius);
- const double HWIDTH_MM = std::min(R, m_cfg.head_penetration_mm);
- // Exact support position
- Vec3d sph = m_support_pts[i].pos.cast<double>();
- Vec3d n = m_support_nmls.row(i); // mesh outward normal
- Vec3d sp = sph - n * HWIDTH_MM; // stick head start point
- Vec3d sj = sp + R * n; // stick start point
- // This is only for checking
- double idist = bridge_mesh_distance(sph, DOWN, R, true);
- double realdist = ray_mesh_intersect(sj, DOWN).distance();
- double dist = realdist;
- if (std::isinf(dist)) dist = sph(Z) - m_builder.ground_level;
- if(std::isnan(idist) || idist < 2*R || std::isnan(dist) || dist < 2*R) {
- BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Can not find route for headless"
- << " support stick at: "
- << sj.transpose();
- continue;
- }
- bool use_endball = !std::isinf(realdist);
- Vec3d ej = sj + (dist + HWIDTH_MM) * DOWN ;
- m_builder.add_compact_bridge(sp, ej, n, R, use_endball);
- }
+// for(unsigned i : m_iheadless) {
+// m_thr();
+// const auto R = double(m_support_pts[i].head_front_radius);
+// // The support point position on the mesh
+// Vec3d sph = m_support_pts[i].pos.cast<double>();
+// // Get an initial normal from the filtering step
+// Vec3d n = m_support_nmls.row(i);
+// // First we need to determine the available space for a mini pinhead.
+// // The goal is the move away from the model a little bit to make the
+// // contact point small as possible and avoid pearcing the model body.
+// double pin_space = std::min(2 * R, bridge_mesh_distance(sph, n, R, 0.));
+// if (pin_space <= 0) continue;
+// auto &head = m_builder.add_head(i, R, R, pin_space,
+// m_cfg.head_penetration_mm, n, sph);
+// // collision check
+// m_head_to_ground_scans[i] =
+// bridge_mesh_intersect(head.junction_point(), DOWN, R);
+// // Here the steps will be similar as in route_to_model step:
+// // 1. Search for a nearby pillar, include other mini pillars
+// // Search nearby pillar
+// if (search_pillar_and_connect(head)) { head.transform(); continue; }
+// if (std::isinf(m_head_to_ground_scans[i].distance())) {
+// create_ground_pillar(head.junction_point(), head.dir, m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm, head.id);
+// }
+// // Cannot connect to nearby pillar. We will try to search for
+// // a route to the ground.
+// if (connect_to_ground(head)) { head.transform(); continue; }
+// // No route to the ground, so connect to the model body as a last resort
+// if (connect_to_model_body(head)) { continue; }
+// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Can not find route for headless"
+// << " support stick at: "
+// << sph.transpose();
+// head.invalidate();
+// }