@@ -16,16 +16,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Console/ConfigurationResolver.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Console/Report/FixReport/ReporterFactory.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Console/Report/ListSetsReport/ReporterFactory.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Foreach overwrites \\$token with its value variable\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -36,31 +26,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, string given on the left side\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Documentation/FixerDocumentGenerator.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, string given on the right side\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Documentation/FixerDocumentGenerator.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, string given on the left side\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Documentation/FixerDocumentGenerator.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, string given on the right side\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Documentation/FixerDocumentGenerator.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, array\\<string, int\\|string\\>\\|null given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/FileReader.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\NoAliasFunctionsFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -206,11 +171,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, int\\<0, max\\> given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 2,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ClassNotation/ClassDefinitionFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int\\|null given on the right side\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -221,11 +181,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, string given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ClassNotation/FinalInternalClassFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ClassNotation\\\\FinalInternalClassFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -281,11 +236,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\NoEmptyCommentFixer\\:\\:getCommentBlock\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -311,31 +261,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ConstantNotation/NativeConstantInvocationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token\\|null given on the left side\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ControlStructureBracesFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, PhpCsFixer\\\\Tokenizer\\\\Token given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/ControlStructureBracesFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the left side\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:getCompareFixableInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -606,26 +536,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, int\\|null given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string\\|null given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 2,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, string\\|null given on the right side\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocAlignFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -641,11 +556,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoAliasTagFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int\\<0, max\\> given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocParamOrderFixer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^For loop initial assignment overwrites variable \\$pos\\.$#',
'count' => 2,
@@ -726,26 +636,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/TypesSpacesFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/FixerFactory.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Linter/ProcessLintingResult.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, array\\<string, array\\<int, string\\>\\|string\\>\\|null given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Runner/Runner.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, array\\<string, int\\|string\\>\\|null given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Runner/Runner.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Short ternary operator is not allowed\\. Use null coalesce operator if applicable or consider using long ternary\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -766,11 +661,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 2,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/Analysis/ArgumentAnalysis.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string\\|null given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Tokenizer/Analyzer/ArgumentsAnalyzer.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^For loop initial assignment overwrites variable \\$index\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
@@ -821,41 +711,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Tokenizer/Transformer/ConstructorPromotionTransformer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Tokenizer/Transformers.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 2,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../tests/AutoReview/ProjectCodeTest.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, int given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../tests/DocBlock/TypeExpressionTest.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, int\\<0, 1\\> given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../tests/DocBlock/TypeExpressionTest.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Variable \\$expression might not be defined\\.$#',
'count' => 1,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../tests/DocBlock/TypeExpressionTest.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, SplFileInfo\\|null given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../tests/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixerTest.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
- 'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string\\|null given\\.$#',
- 'count' => 1,
- 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../tests/Fixer/Basic/EncodingFixerTest.php',
$ignoreErrors[] = [
'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, string\\|null given\\.$#',
'count' => 1,