Browse Source

DX: unify Preg:match in logical conditions (#7146)

Kuba Werłos 1 year ago

+ 1 - 241

@@ -26,26 +26,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Console/Report/ListSetsReport/ReporterFactory.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/DocBlock/Annotation.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Foreach overwrites \\$token with its value variable\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Doctrine/Annotation/Tokens.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array \\(array\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Token\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Tokens\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$array \\(array\\<int, mixed\\>\\) of method SplFixedArray\\<PhpCsFixer\\\\Doctrine\\\\Annotation\\\\Token\\>\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -76,11 +61,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/FileReader.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Alias/BacktickToShellExecFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Alias\\\\NoAliasFunctionsFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -121,26 +101,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/BracesFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 3,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/CurlyBracesPositionFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/CurlyBracesPositionFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/CurlyBracesPositionFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/CurlyBracesPositionFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, mixed given on the left side\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -156,31 +121,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 2,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/CurlyBracesPositionFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/NoMultipleStatementsPerLineFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/NoMultipleStatementsPerLineFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, mixed given on the left side\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/NonPrintableCharacterFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Basic/PsrAutoloadingFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Basic\\\\PsrAutoloadingFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -331,29 +276,14 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ClassNotation/OrderedClassElementsFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ClassNotation/SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Comment\\\\CommentToPhpdocFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Comment/CommentToPhpdocFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 2,
+	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Comment/HeaderCommentFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
@@ -396,31 +326,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/IncludeFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 3,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 3,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoBreakCommentFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoSuperfluousElseifFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/NoSuperfluousElseifFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ControlStructure\\\\YodaStyleFixer\\:\\:getCompareFixableInfo\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -436,11 +341,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/YodaStyleFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/DoctrineAnnotation/DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\LambdaNotUsedImportFixer\\:\\:countImportsUsedAsArgument\\(\\) has parameter \\$arguments with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -471,21 +371,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/LambdaNotUsedImportFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, mixed given\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/FunctionNotation/MethodArgumentSpaceFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\FunctionNotation\\\\MethodArgumentSpaceFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -526,11 +416,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Import/GroupImportFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Import/NoUnusedImportsFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Import\\\\OrderedImportsFixer\\:\\:getNewOrder\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -641,11 +526,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Operator/NoUselessConcatOperatorFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Operator/NoUselessConcatOperatorFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Operator\\\\OperatorLinebreakFixer\\:\\:getNonBooleanOperators\\(\\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -691,11 +571,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/PhpUnit/PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\PhpUnit\\\\PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -716,11 +591,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/GeneralPhpdocTagRenameFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/NoEmptyPhpdocFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer\\:\\:annotationIsSuperfluous\\(\\) has parameter \\$info with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -746,21 +616,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a ternary operator condition, string\\|null given\\.$#',
 	'count' => 2,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocAlignFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, string\\|null given on the right side\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -781,16 +641,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocNoAliasTagFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocParamOrderFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 3,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocParamOrderFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int\\<0, max\\> given\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -816,21 +666,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTagCasingFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTagTypeFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, int given on the left side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTagTypeFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTagTypeFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\|null\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Phpdoc\\\\PhpdocToCommentFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -846,51 +681,11 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocTypesFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 2,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Phpdoc/PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Semicolon/SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Strict\\\\StrictParamFixer\\:\\:fixFunction\\(\\) has parameter \\$functionParams with no value type specified in iterable type array\\.$#',
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Strict/StrictParamFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/StringNotation/HeredocToNowdocFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/StringNotation/NoTrailingWhitespaceInStringFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/StringNotation/SingleQuoteFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 2,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/ArrayIndentationFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -901,21 +696,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/HeredocIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/MethodChainingIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/NoExtraBlankLinesFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\NoExtraBlankLinesFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,
@@ -941,26 +721,6 @@ $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'count' => 1,
 	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/StatementIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in &&, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 4,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/StatementIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/StatementIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, int given\\.$#',
-	'count' => 2,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/StatementIndentationFixer.php',
-$ignoreErrors[] = [
-	'message' => '#^Only booleans are allowed in \\|\\|, int given on the right side\\.$#',
-	'count' => 1,
-	'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../src/Fixer/Whitespace/StatementIndentationFixer.php',
 $ignoreErrors[] = [
 	'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$configuration \\(array\\<string, mixed\\>\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\Whitespace\\\\TypesSpacesFixer\\:\\:configure\\(\\) should be contravariant with parameter \\$configuration \\(array\\) of method PhpCsFixer\\\\Fixer\\\\ConfigurableFixerInterface\\:\\:configure\\(\\)$#',
 	'count' => 1,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ abstract class AbstractPhpdocToTypeDeclarationFixer extends AbstractFixer implem
             if (false === $this->configuration['scalar_types']) {
                 return null;
-        } elseif (1 !== Preg::match('/^'.self::REGEX_CLASS.'$/', $commonType)) {
+        } elseif (!Preg::match('/^'.self::REGEX_CLASS.'$/', $commonType)) {
             return null;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ final class UnifiedDiffer implements DifferInterface
         } else {
             $filePath = $file->getRealPath();
-            if (1 === Preg::match('/\s/', $filePath)) {
+            if (Preg::match('/\s/', $filePath)) {
                 $filePath = '"'.$filePath.'"';

+ 1 - 1

@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ final class Annotation
-            $this->typesContent = 1 === $matchingResult
+            $this->typesContent = $matchingResult
                 ? $matches['types']
                 : null;

+ 3 - 3

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ final class Line
     public function containsUsefulContent(): bool
-        return 0 !== Preg::match('/\\*\s*\S+/', $this->content) && '' !== trim(str_replace(['/', '*'], ' ', $this->content));
+        return Preg::match('/\\*\s*\S+/', $this->content) && '' !== trim(str_replace(['/', '*'], ' ', $this->content));
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ final class Line
     public function containsATag(): bool
-        return 0 !== Preg::match('/\\*\s*@/', $this->content);
+        return Preg::match('/\\*\s*@/', $this->content);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ final class Line
         $matched = Preg::match('/^(\h*\*)[^\r\n]*(\r?\n)$/', $this->content, $matches);
-        if (1 !== $matched) {
+        if (!$matched) {

+ 4 - 4

@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ final class TypeExpression
                 $type = substr($type, 1);
-            if (1 === Preg::match('/\[\h*\]$/', $type)) {
+            if (Preg::match('/\[\h*\]$/', $type)) {
                 $type = 'array';
-            } elseif (1 === Preg::match('/^(.+?)\h*[<{(]/', $type, $matches)) {
+            } elseif (Preg::match('/^(.+?)\h*[<{(]/', $type, $matches)) {
                 $type = $matches[1];
@@ -551,11 +551,11 @@ final class TypeExpression
             return $type;
-        if (1 === Preg::match('/\[\]$/', $type)) {
+        if (Preg::match('/\[\]$/', $type)) {
             return 'array';
-        if (1 === Preg::match('/^(.+?)</', $type, $matches)) {
+        if (Preg::match('/^(.+?)</', $type, $matches)) {
             return $matches[1];

+ 2 - 2

@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ final class WhitespaceAfterCommaInArrayFixer extends AbstractFixer implements Co
                 } elseif (
                     && ' ' !== $tokens[$i + 1]->getContent()
-                    && 1 === Preg::match('/^\h+$/', $tokens[$i + 1]->getContent())
-                    && (!$tokens[$i + 2]->isComment() || 1 === Preg::match('/^\h+$/', $tokens[$i + 3]->getContent()))
+                    && Preg::match('/^\h+$/', $tokens[$i + 1]->getContent())
+                    && (!$tokens[$i + 2]->isComment() || Preg::match('/^\h+$/', $tokens[$i + 3]->getContent()))
                 ) {
                     $tokens[$i + 1] = new Token([T_WHITESPACE, ' ']);

+ 5 - 5

@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ $bar = function () { $result = true;
                     if (
                         ($allowSingleLineIfEmpty && !$tokenInsideBraces->isWhitespace() && !$tokenInsideBraces->isComment())
-                        || ($tokenInsideBraces->isWhitespace() && 1 === Preg::match('/\R/', $tokenInsideBraces->getContent()))
+                        || ($tokenInsideBraces->isWhitespace() && Preg::match('/\R/', $tokenInsideBraces->getContent()))
                     ) {
                         $addNewlinesInsideBraces = true;
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ $bar = function () { $result = true;
                     if (
-                        && 1 === Preg::match('/\R/', $tokens[$previousTokenIndex]->getContent())
+                        && Preg::match('/\R/', $tokens[$previousTokenIndex]->getContent())
                     ) {
                         $whitespace = ' ';
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ $bar = function () { $result = true;
             for ($prevIndex = $closeBraceIndex - 1; $tokens->isEmptyAt($prevIndex); --$prevIndex);
             $prevToken = $tokens[$prevIndex];
-            if ($prevToken->isWhitespace() && 1 === Preg::match('/\R/', $prevToken->getContent())) {
+            if ($prevToken->isWhitespace() && Preg::match('/\R/', $prevToken->getContent())) {
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ $bar = function () { $result = true;
         for (++$index, $max = \count($tokens) - 1; $index < $max; ++$index) {
             $token = $tokens[$index];
             if (!$token->isComment()) {
-                return $token->isWhitespace() && 1 === Preg::match('/\R/', $token->getContent());
+                return $token->isWhitespace() && Preg::match('/\R/', $token->getContent());
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ $bar = function () { $result = true;
         $token = $tokens[$index + 1];
-        if ($token->isWhitespace() && 1 !== Preg::match('/\R/', $token->getContent())) {
+        if ($token->isWhitespace() && !Preg::match('/\R/', $token->getContent())) {
             $token = $tokens[$index + 2];

+ 1 - 1

@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ final class NoMultipleStatementsPerLineFixer extends AbstractFixer implements Wh
                 $token = $tokens[$nextIndex];
                 if ($token->isWhitespace() || $token->isComment()) {
-                    if (1 === Preg::match('/\R/', $token->getContent())) {
+                    if (Preg::match('/\R/', $token->getContent())) {

+ 2 - 2

@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ final class OctalNotationFixer extends AbstractFixer
             $content = $token->getContent();
-            if (1 !== Preg::match('#^0[\d_]+$#', $content)) {
+            if (!Preg::match('#^0[\d_]+$#', $content)) {
-            $tokens[$index] = 1 === Preg::match('#^0+$#', $content)
+            $tokens[$index] = Preg::match('#^0+$#', $content)
                 ? new Token([T_LNUMBER, '0'])
                 : new Token([T_LNUMBER, '0o'.('_' === $content[1] ? '0' : '').substr($content, 1)]);

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff