@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+ * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
+ *
+ * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
+ * Dariusz Rumiński <dariusz.ruminski@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
+ * with this source code in the file LICENSE.
+ */
+namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Casing;
+use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
+ * @internal
+ *
+ * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Casing\NativeTypeDeclarationCasingFixer
+ */
+final class NativeTypeDeclarationCasingFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixCases
+ */
+ public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+ function A(int $a): void {}
+ class Foo
+ {
+ private bool $c = false;
+ private bool $d = false;
+ public function B(int $a): bool { return $this->c || $this->d; }
+ }
+ function C(float $a): array { return [$a];}
+ function D(array $a): array { return [$a];}
+ ',
+ '<?php
+ function A(INT $a): VOID {}
+ class Foo
+ {
+ private BOOL $c = false;
+ private BOOL $d = false;
+ public function B(INT $a): BOOL { return $this->c || $this->d; }
+ }
+ function C(FLOAT $a): ARRAY { return [$a];}
+ function D(ARRAY $a): ARRAY { return [$a];}
+ ',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixFunctionTypesCases
+ */
+ public function testFixFunctionTypes(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public static function provideFixFunctionTypesCases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+class Foo
+ private function Bar(array $bar) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ '<?php
+class Foo
+ private function Bar(ARRAY $bar) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+interface Foo
+ public function Bar(array $bar);
+ '<?php
+interface Foo
+ public function Bar(ArrAY $bar);
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+function Foo(/**/array/**/$bar) {
+ return false;
+ '<?php
+function Foo(/**/ARRAY/**/$bar) {
+ return false;
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+class Bar { function Foo(array $a, callable $b, self $c) {} }
+ ',
+ '<?php
+class Bar { function Foo(ARRAY $a, CALLABLE $b, Self $c) {} }
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php
+function Foo(INTEGER $a) {}
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function Foo(
+ String\A $x,
+ B\String\C $y
+ ) {}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php final class Foo1 { final public function Foo(bool $A, float $B, int $C, string $D): int {} }',
+ '<?php final class Foo1 { final public function Foo(BOOL $A, FLOAT $B, INT $C, STRING $D): INT {} }',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function Foo(bool $A, float $B, int $C, string $D): int {}',
+ '<?php function Foo(BOOL $A, FLOAT $B, INT $C, STRING $D): INT {}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function Foo(): Foo\A { return new Foo(); }',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php trait XYZ { function Foo(iterable $A): void {} }',
+ '<?php trait XYZ { function Foo(ITERABLE $A): VOID {} }',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function Foo(iterable $A): void {}',
+ '<?php function Foo(ITERABLE $A): VOID {}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function Foo(?int $A): void {}',
+ '<?php function Foo(?INT $A): VOID {}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function Foo(string $A): ?/* */int {}',
+ '<?php function Foo(STRING $A): ?/* */INT {}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function Foo(object $A): void {}',
+ '<?php function Foo(OBJECT $A): VOID {}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php return function (callable $c) {};',
+ '<?php return function (CALLABLE $c) {};',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php return fn (callable $c): int => 1;',
+ '<?php return fn (CALLABLE $c): INT => 1;',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixFunctionTypes80Cases
+ *
+ * @requires PHP 8.0
+ */
+ public function testFixFunctionTypes80(string $expected, string $input): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public static function provideFixFunctionTypes80Cases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield [
+ '<?php class T { public function Foo(object $A): static {}}',
+ '<?php class T { public function Foo(object $A): StatiC {}}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php class T { public function Foo(object $A): ?static {}}',
+ '<?php class T { public function Foo(object $A): ?StatiC {}}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php class T { public function Foo(mixed $A): mixed {}}',
+ '<?php class T { public function Foo(Mixed $A): MIXED {}}',
+ ];
+ yield 'mixed in arrow function' => [
+ '<?php return fn (mixed $c): mixed => 1;',
+ '<?php return fn (MiXeD $c): MIXED => 1;',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function foo(int|bool $x) {}',
+ '<?php function foo(INT|BOOL $x) {}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function foo(int | bool $x) {}',
+ '<?php function foo(INT | BOOL $x) {}',
+ ];
+ yield [
+ '<?php function foo(): int|bool {}',
+ '<?php function foo(): INT|BOOL {}',
+ ];
+ yield 'return type string|false' => [
+ '<?php function foo(): string|false {}',
+ '<?php function foo(): string|FALSE {}',
+ ];
+ yield 'return type string|null' => [
+ '<?php function foo(): string|null {}',
+ '<?php function foo(): string|NULL {}',
+ ];
+ yield 'union types in arrow function' => [
+ '<?php return fn (string|null $c): int|null => 1;',
+ '<?php return fn (string|NULL $c): INT|NULL => 1;',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixFunctionTypes81Cases
+ *
+ * @requires PHP 8.1
+ */
+ public function testFixFunctionTypes81(string $expected, string $input): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public static function provideFixFunctionTypes81Cases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield 'return type `never`' => [
+ '<?php class T { public function Foo(object $A): never {die;}}',
+ '<?php class T { public function Foo(object $A): NEVER {die;}}',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixFunctionTypes82Cases
+ *
+ * @requires PHP 8.2
+ */
+ public function testFixFunctionTypes82(string $expected, string $input): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public static function provideFixFunctionTypes82Cases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield 'disjunctive normal form types in arrow function' => [
+ '<?php return fn ((A&B)|C|null $c): (X&Y)|Z|null => 1;',
+ '<?php return fn ((A&B)|C|Null $c): (X&Y)|Z|NULL => 1;',
+ ];
+ yield 'iterable: disjunctive normal form types in arrow function' => [
+ '<?php return fn (iterable|C|null $c): (X&Y)|Z|null => 1;',
+ '<?php return fn (ITERABLE|C|Null $c): (X&Y)|Z|NULL => 1;',
+ ];
+ foreach (['true', 'false', 'null'] as $type) {
+ yield sprintf('standalone type `%s` in class method', $type) => [
+ sprintf('<?php class T { public function Foo(%s $A): %1$s {return $A;}}', $type),
+ sprintf('<?php class T { public function Foo(%s $A): %1$s {return $A;}}', strtoupper($type)),
+ ];
+ yield sprintf('standalone type `%s` in function', $type) => [
+ sprintf('<?php function Foo(%s $A): %1$s {return $A;}', $type),
+ sprintf('<?php function Foo(%s $A): %1$s {return $A;}', strtoupper($type)),
+ ];
+ yield sprintf('standalone type `%s` in closure', $type) => [
+ sprintf('<?php array_filter([], function (%s $A): %1$s {return $A;});', $type),
+ sprintf('<?php array_filter([], function (%s $A): %1$s {return $A;});', strtoupper($type)),
+ ];
+ yield sprintf('standalone type `%s` in arrow function', $type) => [
+ sprintf('<?php array_filter([], fn (%s $A): %1$s => $A);', $type),
+ sprintf('<?php array_filter([], fn (%s $A): %1$s => $A);', strtoupper($type)),
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixConstantsCases
+ *
+ * @requires PHP 8.3
+ */
+ public function testFixConstants(string $expected, string $input = null): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public static function provideFixConstantsCases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield 'simple case' => [
+ '<?php
+ class Foo
+ {
+ const int FOO = 6;
+ }
+ ',
+ '<?php
+ class Foo
+ {
+ const INT FOO = 6;
+ }
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'single types' => [
+ '<?php
+ class Foo
+ {
+ const int SOME_INT = 3;
+ const array SOME_ARRAY = [7];
+ const float SOME_FLOAT = 1.23;
+ const iterable SOME_ITERABLE = [1, 2];
+ const mixed SOME_MIXED = 1;
+ const null SOME_NULL = NULL;
+ const string SOME_STRING = "X";
+ }
+ ',
+ '<?php
+ class Foo
+ {
+ const INT SOME_INT = 3;
+ const ARRAY SOME_ARRAY = [7];
+ const Float SOME_FLOAT = 1.23;
+ const ITERABLE SOME_ITERABLE = [1, 2];
+ const MIXED SOME_MIXED = 1;
+ }
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'nullables `self`, `parent` and `object`' => [
+ '<?php
+ class Foo extends FooParent
+ {
+ const ?object SOME_OBJECT = NULL;
+ const ?parent SOME_PARENT = NULL;
+ const ?self SOME_SELF = NULL;
+ const ?int/* x */A/* y */= 3;
+ const ?BAR B = null;
+ const ?BAR C = null;
+ const ?\BAR D = null;
+ const ?\INT\B E = null;
+ public const ?INT\A/* x */X=C;
+ }
+ ',
+ '<?php
+ class Foo extends FooParent
+ {
+ const ?Self SOME_SELF = NULL;
+ const ?INT/* x */A/* y */= 3;
+ const ?BAR B = null;
+ const ?BAR C = null;
+ const ?\BAR D = null;
+ const ?\INT\B E = null;
+ public const ?INT\A/* x */X=C;
+ }
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'simple `|`' => [
+ '<?php class Foo1 {
+ const D|float BAR = 1.0;
+ }',
+ '<?php class Foo1 {
+ const D|Float BAR = 1.0;
+ }',
+ ];
+ yield 'multiple `|`' => [
+ '<?php class Foo2 {
+ const int|array|null|A\B|\C\D|float BAR_1 = NULL;
+ }',
+ '<?php class Foo2 {
+ }',
+ ];
+ yield 'handle mix of `|` and `(X&Y)`' => [
+ '<?php
+ class Foo extends FooParent
+ {
+ private const Z|A\S\T\R|int|float|iterable SOMETHING = 123;
+ protected const \A\B|(Foo & Stringable )|null|\X D = null;
+ public const Foo&Stringable G = V::A;
+ }
+ ',
+ '<?php
+ class Foo extends FooParent
+ {
+ private const Z|A\S\T\R|INT|FLOAT|ITERABLE SOMETHING = 123;
+ protected const \A\B|(Foo & Stringable )|NULL|\X D = null;
+ public const Foo&Stringable G = V::A;
+ }
+ ',
+ ];
+ yield 'interface, nullable int' => [
+ '<?php interface SomeInterface {
+ const ?int FOO = 1;
+ }',
+ '<?php interface SomeInterface {
+ const ?INT FOO = 1;
+ }',
+ ];
+ yield 'trait, string' => [
+ '<?php trait T {
+ const string TEST = E::TEST;
+ }',
+ '<?php trait T {
+ const STRING TEST = E::TEST;
+ }',
+ ];
+ yield 'enum, int' => [
+ '<?php enum E: string {
+ case Hearts = "H";
+ const int TEST = 789;
+ const self A = self::Hearts;
+ const static B = self::Hearts;
+ }',
+ '<?php enum E: string {
+ case Hearts = "H";
+ const INT TEST = 789;
+ const SELF A = self::Hearts;
+ const STATIC B = self::Hearts;
+ }',
+ ];
+ yield 'do not fix' => [
+ '<?php class Foo {
+ }
+ CONST A = 1;',
+ ];
+ }
+ public function testDoNotFixConstCases(): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest(
+ '<?php
+ class Foo
+ {
+ const A = 1;
+ const B = [];
+ const INT = "A"; // class constant; INT is the name of the const, not the type
+ const FLOAT=1.2;
+ }
+ const INT = "A"; // outside class; INT is the name of the const, not the type
+ ',
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFixClassPropertiesCases
+ */
+ public function testFixClassProperties(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
+ {
+ $this->doTest($expected, $input);
+ }
+ public static function provideFixClassPropertiesCases(): iterable
+ {
+ yield 'class properties single type' => [
+ '<?php
+ class D{}
+ $a = new class extends D {
+ private array $ax;
+ private bool $bx = false;
+ private float $cx = 3.14;
+ private int $dx = 667;
+ private iterable $ex = [];
+ private mixed $f;
+ private object $g;
+ private parent $h;
+ private self $i;
+ private static $j;
+ private ?string $k;
+ private $INT = 1;
+ private FOO $bar;
+ private A\INT\B $z;
+ };
+ ',
+ '<?php
+ class D{}
+ $a = new class extends D {
+ private ARRAY $ax;
+ private BOOL $bx = false;
+ private FLOAT $cx = 3.14;
+ private INT $dx = 667;
+ private ITERABLE $ex = [];
+ private MIXED $f;
+ private OBJECT $g;
+ private PARENT $h;
+ private Self $i;
+ private STatic $j;
+ private ?STRIng $k;
+ private $INT = 1;
+ private FOO $bar;
+ private A\INT\B $z;
+ };
+ ',
+ ];
+ if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 8_00_00) {
+ yield 'union Types' => [
+ '<?php $a = new class {
+ private null|int|bool $a4 = false;
+ };',
+ '<?php $a = new class {
+ private NULL|INT|BOOL $a4 = false;
+ };',
+ ];
+ }
+ if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 8_01_00) {
+ yield 'class readonly property' => [
+ '<?php class Z {
+ private readonly array $ax;
+ };',
+ '<?php class Z {
+ private readonly ARRAY $ax;
+ };',
+ ];
+ }
+ if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 8_02_00) {
+ yield 'intersection Types' => [
+ '<?php $a = new class {
+ private (A&B)|int|D $d5;
+ private (A\STRING\B&B\INT\C)|int|(A&B) $e6;
+ };',
+ '<?php $a = new class {
+ private (A&B)|INT|D $d5;
+ private (A\STRING\B&B\INT\C)|int|(A&B) $e6;
+ };',
+ ];
+ }
+ }