123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360 |
- <?php
- declare(strict_types=1);
- /*
- * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
- *
- * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- * Dariusz Rumiński <dariusz.ruminski@gmail.com>
- *
- * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
- * with this source code in the file LICENSE.
- */
- namespace PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Casing;
- use PhpCsFixer\AbstractFixer;
- use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\CodeSample;
- use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinition;
- use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinitionInterface;
- use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\VersionSpecification;
- use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\VersionSpecificCodeSample;
- use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Analyzer\Analysis\TypeAnalysis;
- use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Analyzer\FunctionsAnalyzer;
- use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\CT;
- use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Token;
- use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Tokens;
- use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\TokensAnalyzer;
- final class NativeTypeDeclarationCasingFixer extends AbstractFixer
- {
- /*
- * https://wiki.php.net/rfc/typed_class_constants
- * Supported types
- * Class constant type declarations support all type declarations supported by PHP,
- * except `void`, `callable`, `never`.
- *
- * array
- * bool
- * callable
- * float
- * int
- * iterable
- * object
- * mixed
- * parent
- * self
- * string
- * any class or interface name -> not native, so not applicable for this Fixer
- * ?type -> not native, `?` has no casing, so not applicable for this Fixer
- *
- * Not in the list referenced but supported:
- * null
- * static
- */
- 'array' => true,
- 'bool' => true,
- 'float' => true,
- 'int' => true,
- 'iterable' => true,
- 'mixed' => true,
- 'null' => true,
- 'object' => true,
- 'parent' => true,
- 'self' => true,
- 'string' => true,
- 'static' => true,
- ];
- 'array' => true,
- 'bool' => true,
- 'float' => true,
- 'int' => true,
- 'iterable' => true,
- 'mixed' => true,
- 'null' => true,
- 'object' => true,
- 'parent' => true,
- 'self' => true,
- 'static' => true,
- 'string' => true,
- ];
- private const TYPE_SEPARATION_TYPES = [
- ];
- /**
- * https://secure.php.net/manual/en/functions.arguments.php#functions.arguments.type-declaration.
- *
- * self PHP 5.0
- * array PHP 5.1
- * callable PHP 5.4
- * bool PHP 7.0
- * float PHP 7.0
- * int PHP 7.0
- * string PHP 7.0
- * iterable PHP 7.1
- * void PHP 7.1
- * object PHP 7.2
- * static PHP 8.0 (return type only)
- * mixed PHP 8.0
- * false PHP 8.0 (union return type only)
- * null PHP 8.0 (union return type only)
- * never PHP 8.1 (return type only)
- * true PHP 8.2 (standalone type: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/true-type)
- * false PHP 8.2 (standalone type: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/null-false-standalone-types)
- * null PHP 8.2 (standalone type: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/null-false-standalone-types)
- *
- * @var array<string, true>
- */
- private array $functionTypeHints;
- private FunctionsAnalyzer $functionsAnalyzer;
- /**
- * @var list<list<int>>
- */
- private array $propertyTypeModifiers;
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- $this->propertyTypeModifiers = [[T_PRIVATE], [T_PROTECTED], [T_PUBLIC]];
- $this->functionTypeHints = [
- 'array' => true,
- 'bool' => true,
- 'callable' => true,
- 'float' => true,
- 'int' => true,
- 'iterable' => true,
- 'object' => true,
- 'self' => true,
- 'string' => true,
- 'void' => true,
- ];
- if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 8_00_00) {
- $this->functionTypeHints['false'] = true;
- $this->functionTypeHints['mixed'] = true;
- $this->functionTypeHints['null'] = true;
- $this->functionTypeHints['static'] = true;
- }
- if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 8_01_00) {
- $this->functionTypeHints['never'] = true;
- $this->propertyTypeModifiers[] = [T_READONLY];
- }
- if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 8_02_00) {
- $this->functionTypeHints['true'] = true;
- }
- $this->functionsAnalyzer = new FunctionsAnalyzer();
- }
- public function getDefinition(): FixerDefinitionInterface
- {
- return new FixerDefinition(
- 'Native type declarations should be used in the correct case.',
- [
- new CodeSample(
- "<?php\nclass Bar {\n public function Foo(CALLABLE \$bar): INT\n {\n return 1;\n }\n}\n"
- ),
- new VersionSpecificCodeSample(
- "<?php\nclass Foo\n{\n const INT BAR = 1;\n}\n",
- new VersionSpecification(8_03_00),
- ),
- ]
- );
- }
- public function isCandidate(Tokens $tokens): bool
- {
- $classyFound = $tokens->isAnyTokenKindsFound(Token::getClassyTokenKinds());
- return
- $tokens->isAnyTokenKindsFound([T_FUNCTION, T_FN])
- || ($classyFound && $tokens->isTokenKindFound(T_STRING))
- || (
- \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 8_03_00
- && $tokens->isTokenKindFound(T_CONST)
- && $classyFound
- );
- }
- protected function applyFix(\SplFileInfo $file, Tokens $tokens): void
- {
- $this->fixFunctions($tokens);
- $this->fixClassConstantsAndProperties($tokens);
- }
- private function fixFunctions(Tokens $tokens): void
- {
- for ($index = $tokens->count() - 1; $index >= 0; --$index) {
- if ($tokens[$index]->isGivenKind([T_FUNCTION, T_FN])) {
- $this->fixFunctionReturnType($tokens, $index);
- $this->fixFunctionArgumentTypes($tokens, $index);
- }
- }
- }
- private function fixFunctionArgumentTypes(Tokens $tokens, int $index): void
- {
- foreach ($this->functionsAnalyzer->getFunctionArguments($tokens, $index) as $argument) {
- $this->fixArgumentType($tokens, $argument->getTypeAnalysis());
- }
- }
- private function fixFunctionReturnType(Tokens $tokens, int $index): void
- {
- $this->fixArgumentType($tokens, $this->functionsAnalyzer->getFunctionReturnType($tokens, $index));
- }
- private function fixArgumentType(Tokens $tokens, ?TypeAnalysis $type = null): void
- {
- if (null === $type) {
- return;
- }
- for ($index = $type->getStartIndex(); $index <= $type->getEndIndex(); ++$index) {
- if ($tokens[$tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index)]->isGivenKind(T_NS_SEPARATOR)) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->fixCasing($this->functionTypeHints, $tokens, $index);
- }
- }
- private function fixClassConstantsAndProperties(Tokens $tokens): void
- {
- $analyzer = new TokensAnalyzer($tokens);
- $elements = array_reverse($analyzer->getClassyElements(), true);
- foreach ($elements as $index => $element) {
- if ('const' === $element['type']) {
- if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 8_03_00 && !$this->isConstWithoutType($tokens, $index)) {
- foreach ($this->getNativeTypeHintCandidatesForConstant($tokens, $index) as $nativeTypeHintIndex) {
- $this->fixCasing($this::CLASS_CONST_SUPPORTED_HINTS, $tokens, $nativeTypeHintIndex);
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ('property' === $element['type']) {
- foreach ($this->getNativeTypeHintCandidatesForProperty($tokens, $index) as $nativeTypeHintIndex) {
- $this->fixCasing($this::CLASS_PROPERTY_SUPPORTED_HINTS, $tokens, $nativeTypeHintIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** @return iterable<int> */
- private function getNativeTypeHintCandidatesForConstant(Tokens $tokens, int $index): iterable
- {
- $constNameIndex = $this->getConstNameIndex($tokens, $index);
- $index = $this->getFirstIndexOfType($tokens, $index);
- do {
- $typeEnd = $this->getTypeEnd($tokens, $index, $constNameIndex);
- if ($typeEnd === $index) {
- yield $index;
- }
- do {
- $index = $tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index);
- } while ($tokens[$index]->isGivenKind(self::TYPE_SEPARATION_TYPES));
- } while ($index < $constNameIndex);
- }
- private function isConstWithoutType(Tokens $tokens, int $index): bool
- {
- $index = $tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index);
- return $tokens[$index]->isGivenKind(T_STRING) && $tokens[$tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index)]->equals('=');
- }
- private function getConstNameIndex(Tokens $tokens, int $index): int
- {
- return $tokens->getPrevMeaningfulToken(
- $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, ['=']),
- );
- }
- /** @return iterable<int> */
- private function getNativeTypeHintCandidatesForProperty(Tokens $tokens, int $index): iterable
- {
- $propertyNameIndex = $index;
- $index = $tokens->getPrevTokenOfKind($index, $this->propertyTypeModifiers);
- $index = $this->getFirstIndexOfType($tokens, $index);
- do {
- $typeEnd = $this->getTypeEnd($tokens, $index, $propertyNameIndex);
- if ($typeEnd === $index) {
- yield $index;
- }
- do {
- $index = $tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index);
- } while ($tokens[$index]->isGivenKind(self::TYPE_SEPARATION_TYPES));
- } while ($index < $propertyNameIndex);
- return [];
- }
- private function getFirstIndexOfType(Tokens $tokens, int $index): int
- {
- $index = $tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index);
- if ($tokens[$index]->isGivenKind(CT::T_NULLABLE_TYPE)) {
- $index = $tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index);
- }
- if ($tokens[$index]->isGivenKind(CT::T_DISJUNCTIVE_NORMAL_FORM_TYPE_PARENTHESIS_OPEN)) {
- $index = $tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index);
- }
- return $index;
- }
- private function getTypeEnd(Tokens $tokens, int $index, int $upperLimit): int
- {
- if (!$tokens[$index]->isGivenKind([T_STRING, T_NS_SEPARATOR])) {
- return $index; // callable, array, self, static, etc.
- }
- $endIndex = $index;
- while ($tokens[$index]->isGivenKind([T_STRING, T_NS_SEPARATOR]) && $index < $upperLimit) {
- $endIndex = $index;
- $index = $tokens->getNextMeaningfulToken($index);
- }
- return $endIndex;
- }
- /**
- * @param array<string, true> $supportedTypeHints
- */
- private function fixCasing(array $supportedTypeHints, Tokens $tokens, int $index): void
- {
- $typeContent = $tokens[$index]->getContent();
- $typeContentLower = strtolower($typeContent);
- if (isset($supportedTypeHints[$typeContentLower]) && $typeContent !== $typeContentLower) {
- $tokens[$index] = new Token([$tokens[$index]->getId(), $typeContentLower]);
- }
- }
- }