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casperlamboo 1 year ago

+ 36 - 32

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 5.1\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-16 20:35+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Miroslav Šustek <>\n"
 "Language-Team: DenyCZ <>\n"
@@ -1622,11 +1622,6 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
 msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
 msgstr "Horizontální faktor zvětšení pro kompenzaci smrštění"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
-msgstr "Jak daleko od sebe musí být větve, když se dotýkají modelu. Zmenšení této vzdálenosti způsobí, že se stromová podpora dotkne modelu ve více bodech, což způsobí lepší přesah, ale těžší odstranění podpory."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
 msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
@@ -3462,11 +3457,6 @@ msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
 msgstr "Nahrazuje nejvzdálenější část horního / spodního vzoru řadou soustředných čar. Použití jedné nebo dvou čar zlepšuje střechy, které začínají na výplňovém materiálu."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr "Rozlišení pro výpočet kolizí, aby nedošlo k nárazu do modelu. Nastavením této nižší se vytvoří přesnější stromy, které selhávají méně často, ale dramaticky se zvyšuje doba slicování."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
@@ -4467,11 +4457,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr "Úhel větví. Použijte nižší úhel, aby byly více vertikální a stabilnější. K dosažení většího dosahu použijte vyšší úhel."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
@@ -4941,6 +4926,11 @@ msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
 msgstr "Maximální úhel přesahů po jejich tisku. Při hodnotě 0 ° jsou všechny převisy nahrazeny kusem modelu připojeným k podložce, 90 ° model nijak nijak nezmění."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
 msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable.  Holes smaller than this will be retained.  A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
@@ -5931,11 +5921,6 @@ msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr "Strom"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
-msgstr "Úhel větve stromové podpory"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
@@ -5951,16 +5936,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
 msgstr "Průměr úhlu větve podpěry stromu"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr "Vzdálenost větví stromu"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr "Stromová podpora - rozlišení kolize"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
@@ -5968,7 +5943,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -5976,6 +5951,11 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
 msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
 msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"
@@ -6854,6 +6834,10 @@ msgstr "cestování"
 #~ msgid "Generate a tree-like support with branches that support your print. This may reduce material usage and print time, but greatly increases slicing time."
 #~ msgstr "Vygenerujte stromovou podporu s větvemi, které podporují váš tisk. To může snížit spotřebu materiálu a dobu tisku, ale výrazně prodlužuje dobu slicování."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
+#~ msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
+#~ msgstr "Jak daleko od sebe musí být větve, když se dotýkají modelu. Zmenšení této vzdálenosti způsobí, že se stromová podpora dotkne modelu ve více bodech, což způsobí lepší přesah, ale těžší odstranění podpory."
 #~ msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_e description"
 #~ msgid "How many steps of the stepper motors will result in one millimeter of extrusion."
 #~ msgstr "Kolik kroků krokových motorů vyústí v jeden milimetr vytlačování."
@@ -6958,6 +6942,10 @@ msgstr "cestování"
 #~ msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
 #~ msgstr "Když je povoleno, tiskne stěny v pořadí od vnějšku dovnitř. To může pomoci zlepšit rozměrovou přesnost v X a Y při použití plastu s vysokou viskozitou, jako je ABS; může však snížit kvalitu tisku vnějšího povrchu, zejména na převisy."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
+#~ msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
+#~ msgstr "Rozlišení pro výpočet kolizí, aby nedošlo k nárazu do modelu. Nastavením této nižší se vytvoří přesnější stromy, které selhávají méně často, ale dramaticky se zvyšuje doba slicování."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Retrakce"
@@ -7034,6 +7022,10 @@ msgstr "cestování"
 #~ msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
 #~ msgstr "Strategie pro zajištění toho, aby se v každém místě připojení připojily dvě po sobě následující vrstvy. Zpětné zasunutí umožní, aby linie vzhůru ztvrdly ve správné poloze, ale mohou způsobit broušení vlákna. Uzel může být vytvořen na konci vzestupné linie, aby se zvýšila šance na připojení k ní a aby se linka ochladila; to však může vyžadovat nízké rychlosti tisku. Další strategií je kompenzovat prohnutý vrchol horní linie; čáry však nebudou vždy klesat, jak bylo předpovězeno."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+#~ msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+#~ msgstr "Úhel větví. Použijte nižší úhel, aby byly více vertikální a stabilnější. K dosažení většího dosahu použijte vyšší úhel."
 #~ msgctxt "lightning_infill_prune_angle description"
 #~ msgid "The difference a lightning infill layer can have with the one immediately above w.r.t the pruning of the outer extremities of trees. Measured in the angle given the thickness."
 #~ msgstr "Určuje, pod jakým úhlem mezi jednotlivými vrstvami se větve bleskové výplně zkracují."
@@ -7118,6 +7110,18 @@ msgstr "cestování"
 #~ msgid "Tree Support"
 #~ msgstr "Stromová podpora"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
+#~ msgstr "Úhel větve stromové podpory"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
+#~ msgstr "Vzdálenost větví stromu"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
+#~ msgstr "Stromová podpora - rozlišení kolize"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
 #~ msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
 #~ msgstr "Zpoždení pohybu dole při tisku DT"

+ 1 - 2

@@ -3303,8 +3303,7 @@ msgstr "Drucker verwalten"
 #: plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/resources/qml/MonitorPrinterCard.qml:280
 msgctxt "@info"
 msgid "Webcam feeds for cloud printers cannot be viewed from UltiMaker Cura. Click \"Manage printer\" to visit Ultimaker Digital Factory and view this webcam."
-msgstr "Webcam-Feeds für Cloud-Drucker können nicht in Ultimaker Cura angezeigt werden. Klicken Sie auf „Drucker verwalten“, um die Ultimaker Digital Factory zu"
-" besuchen und diese Webcam zu sehen."
+msgstr "Webcam-Feeds für Cloud-Drucker können nicht in Ultimaker Cura angezeigt werden. Klicken Sie auf „Drucker verwalten“, um die Ultimaker Digital Factory zu besuchen und diese Webcam zu sehen."
 #: plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/resources/qml/MonitorPrinterCard.qml:340
 msgctxt "@label:status"

+ 36 - 32

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -1619,11 +1619,6 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
 msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
 msgstr "Schrumpfungskompensation für horizontalen Skalierungsfaktor"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
-msgstr "Dies beschreibt, wie weit die Äste weg sein müssen, wenn sie das Modell berühren. Eine geringe Entfernung lässt die Baumstützstruktur das Modell an mehreren Punkten berühren, und führt zu einem besseren Überhang, allerdings lässt sich die Stützstruktur auch schwieriger entfernen."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
 msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
@@ -3459,11 +3454,6 @@ msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
 msgstr "Der äußerste Teil des oberen/unteren Musters wird durch eine Anzahl von konzentrischen Linien ersetzt. Die Verwendung von ein oder zwei Linien verbessert Dächer, die auf Füllmaterial beginnen."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr "Dies ist die Auflösung für die Berechnung von Kollisionen, um ein Anschlagen des Modells zu verhindern. Eine niedrigere Einstellung sorgt für akkuratere Bäume, die weniger häufig fehlschlagen, erhöht jedoch die Slicing-Zeit erheblich."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
@@ -4464,11 +4454,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr "Dies beschreibt den Winkel der Astdurchmesser, da sie stufenweise zum Boden hin dicker werden. Ein Winkel von 0 lässt die Äste über die gesamte Länge hinweg eine gleiche Dicke haben. Ein geringer Winkel kann die Stabilität der Baumstützstruktur erhöhen."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr "Dies bezeichnet den Winkel der Äste. Verwenden Sie einen geringeren Winkel, um sie vertikaler und stabiler zu gestalten. Verwenden Sie einen stärkeren Winkel, um mehr Reichweite zu erhalten."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
@@ -4938,6 +4923,11 @@ msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
 msgstr "Der maximale Winkel von Überhängen, nachdem sie druckbar gemacht wurden. Bei einem Wert von 0° werden alle Überhänge durch ein Teil des Modells ersetzt, das mit der Druckplatte verbunden ist, 90° führt zu keiner Änderung des Modells."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
 msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable.  Holes smaller than this will be retained.  A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
@@ -5928,11 +5918,6 @@ msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr "Tree"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
-msgstr "Astwinkel der Baumstützstruktur"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
@@ -5948,16 +5933,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
 msgstr "Winkel Astdurchmesser der Baumstützstruktur"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr "Astabstand der Baumstützstruktur"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr "Kollisionsauflösung der Baumstützstruktur"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
@@ -5965,7 +5940,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -5973,6 +5948,11 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
 msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
 msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"
@@ -6735,6 +6715,10 @@ msgstr "Bewegungen"
 #~ msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Flusskompensation: Die extrudierte Materialmenge wird mit diesem Wert multipliziert. Dies gilt nur für das Drucken mit Drahtstruktur."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
+#~ msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
+#~ msgstr "Dies beschreibt, wie weit die Äste weg sein müssen, wenn sie das Modell berühren. Eine geringe Entfernung lässt die Baumstützstruktur das Modell an mehreren Punkten berühren, und führt zu einem besseren Überhang, allerdings lässt sich die Stützstruktur auch schwieriger entfernen."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
 #~ msgid "Knot"
 #~ msgstr "Knoten"
@@ -6747,6 +6731,10 @@ msgstr "Bewegungen"
 #~ msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
 #~ msgstr "Es wird „schwebend“ nur die äußere Oberfläche mit einer dünnen Netzstruktur gedruckt. Dazu werden die Konturen des Modells horizontal gemäß den gegebenen Z-Intervallen gedruckt, welche durch aufwärts und diagonal abwärts verlaufende Linien verbunden werden."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
+#~ msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
+#~ msgstr "Dies ist die Auflösung für die Berechnung von Kollisionen, um ein Anschlagen des Modells zu verhindern. Eine niedrigere Einstellung sorgt für akkuratere Bäume, die weniger häufig fehlschlagen, erhöht jedoch die Slicing-Zeit erheblich."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Einziehen"
@@ -6775,6 +6763,10 @@ msgstr "Bewegungen"
 #~ msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
 #~ msgstr "Eine Strategie, um sicherzustellen, dass an jedem Verbindungspunkt zwei Schichten miteinander verbunden werden. Durch den Einzug härten die Aufwärtslinien in der richtigen Position, allerdings kann es dabei zum Schleifen des Filaments kommen. Am Ende jeder Aufwärtslinie kann ein Knoten gemacht werden, um die Chance einer erfolgreichen Verbindung zu erhöhen und die Linie abkühlen zu lassen; allerdings ist dafür möglicherweise eine niedrige Druckgeschwindigkeit erforderlich. Eine andere Strategie ist die es an der Oberseite einer Aufwärtslinie das Herabsinken zu kompensieren; allerdings sinken nicht alle Linien immer genauso ab, wie dies erwartet wird."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+#~ msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+#~ msgstr "Dies bezeichnet den Winkel der Äste. Verwenden Sie einen geringeren Winkel, um sie vertikaler und stabiler zu gestalten. Verwenden Sie einen stärkeren Winkel, um mehr Reichweite zu erhalten."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
 #~ msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Der abgedeckte Abstand beim Herstellen einer Verbindung vom Dachumriss nach innen. Dies gilt nur für das Drucken mit Drahtstruktur."
@@ -6795,6 +6787,18 @@ msgstr "Bewegungen"
 #~ msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Die Zeit, die für die äußeren Umfänge eines Lochs aufgewendet wird, das später zu einem Dach werden soll. Durch längere Zeiten kann die Verbindung besser werden. Dies gilt nur für das Drucken mit Drahtstruktur."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
+#~ msgstr "Astwinkel der Baumstützstruktur"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
+#~ msgstr "Astabstand der Baumstützstruktur"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
+#~ msgstr "Kollisionsauflösung der Baumstützstruktur"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
 #~ msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
 #~ msgstr "Abwärtsverzögerung beim Drucken mit Drahtstruktur"

+ 36 - 32

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -1619,11 +1619,6 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
 msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
 msgstr "Factor de escala horizontal para la compensación de la contracción"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
-msgstr "Qué separación deben tener las ramas cuando tocan el modelo. Reducir esta distancia ocasionará que el soporte en árbol toque el modelo en más puntos, produciendo mejor cobertura pero dificultando la tarea de retirar el soporte."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
 msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
@@ -3459,11 +3454,6 @@ msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
 msgstr "Reemplaza la parte más externa del patrón superior/inferior con un número de líneas concéntricas. Mediante el uso de una o dos líneas mejora los techos que comienzan en el material de relleno."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr "Resolución para computar colisiones para evitar golpear el modelo. Establecer un ajuste bajo producirá árboles más precisos que producen fallos con menor frecuencia, pero aumenta significativamente el tiempo de fragmentación."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
@@ -4464,11 +4454,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr "El ángulo del diámetro de las ramas es gradualmente más alto según se acercan a la base. Un ángulo de 0 ocasionará que las ramas tengan un grosor uniforme en toda su longitud. Un poco de ángulo puede aumentar la estabilidad del soporte en árbol."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr "El ángulo de las ramas. Utilice un ángulo inferior para que sean más verticales y estables. Utilice un ángulo superior para poder tener más alcance."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
@@ -4938,6 +4923,11 @@ msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
 msgstr "Ángulo máximo de los voladizos una vez que se han hecho imprimibles. Un valor de 0º hace que todos los voladizos sean reemplazados por una pieza del modelo conectada a la placa de impresión y un valor de 90º no cambiará el modelo."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
 msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable.  Holes smaller than this will be retained.  A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
@@ -5928,11 +5918,6 @@ msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr "Árbol"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
-msgstr "Ángulo de las ramas del soporte en árbol"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
@@ -5948,16 +5933,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
 msgstr "Ángulo de diámetro de las ramas del soporte en árbol"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr "Distancia de las ramas del soporte en árbol"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr "Resolución de colisión del soporte en árbol"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
@@ -5965,7 +5940,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -5973,6 +5948,11 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
 msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
 msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"
@@ -6735,6 +6715,10 @@ msgstr "desplazamiento"
 #~ msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Compensación de flujo: la cantidad de material extruido se multiplica por este valor. Solo se aplica a la impresión de alambre."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
+#~ msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
+#~ msgstr "Qué separación deben tener las ramas cuando tocan el modelo. Reducir esta distancia ocasionará que el soporte en árbol toque el modelo en más puntos, produciendo mejor cobertura pero dificultando la tarea de retirar el soporte."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
 #~ msgid "Knot"
 #~ msgstr "Nudo"
@@ -6747,6 +6731,10 @@ msgstr "desplazamiento"
 #~ msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
 #~ msgstr "Imprime solo la superficie exterior con una estructura reticulada poco densa, imprimiendo 'en el aire'. Esto se realiza mediante la impresión horizontal de los contornos del modelo a intervalos Z dados que están conectados a través de líneas ascendentes y descendentes en diagonal."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
+#~ msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
+#~ msgstr "Resolución para computar colisiones para evitar golpear el modelo. Establecer un ajuste bajo producirá árboles más precisos que producen fallos con menor frecuencia, pero aumenta significativamente el tiempo de fragmentación."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Retraer"
@@ -6775,6 +6763,10 @@ msgstr "desplazamiento"
 #~ msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
 #~ msgstr "Estrategia para asegurarse de que dos capas consecutivas conecten en cada punto de conexión. La retracción permite que las líneas ascendentes se endurezcan en la posición correcta, pero pueden hacer que filamento se desmenuce. Se puede realizar un nudo al final de una línea ascendente para aumentar la posibilidad de conexión a la misma y dejar que la línea se enfríe; sin embargo, esto puede requerir velocidades de impresión lentas. Otra estrategia consiste en compensar el combado de la parte superior de una línea ascendente; sin embargo, las líneas no siempre caen como se espera."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+#~ msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+#~ msgstr "El ángulo de las ramas. Utilice un ángulo inferior para que sean más verticales y estables. Utilice un ángulo superior para poder tener más alcance."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
 #~ msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Distancia cubierta al hacer una conexión desde un contorno del techo hacia el interior. Solo se aplica a la impresión de alambre."
@@ -6795,6 +6787,18 @@ msgstr "desplazamiento"
 #~ msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "El tiempo empleado en los perímetros exteriores del agujero que se convertirá en un techo. Cuanto mayor sea el tiempo, mejor será la conexión. Solo se aplica a la impresión de alambre."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
+#~ msgstr "Ángulo de las ramas del soporte en árbol"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
+#~ msgstr "Distancia de las ramas del soporte en árbol"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
+#~ msgstr "Resolución de colisión del soporte en árbol"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
 #~ msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
 #~ msgstr "Retardo inferior en IA"

+ 4 - 24

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -3768,22 +3768,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -3816,16 +3806,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_type label"
 msgid "Support Placement"
@@ -3878,7 +3858,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json

+ 12 - 32

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 5.1\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-15 11:17+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bothof <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Finnish\n"
@@ -1617,11 +1617,6 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
 msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
 msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
-msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
 msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
@@ -3457,11 +3452,6 @@ msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
 msgstr "Korvaa ylä-/alakuvion uloimman osan samankeskisillä linjoilla. Yhden tai kahden linjan käyttäminen parantaa kattoja, jotka alkavat täyttömateriaalin keskeltä."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
@@ -4466,11 +4456,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
@@ -4939,6 +4924,11 @@ msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
 msgstr "Ulokkeiden maksimikulma, kun niistä on tehty tulostettavia. 0 asteessa kaikki ulokkeet korvataan mallikappaleella, joka on yhdistetty alustaan. 90 asteessa mallia ei muuteta millään tavalla."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
 msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable.  Holes smaller than this will be retained.  A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
@@ -5930,11 +5920,6 @@ msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
-msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
@@ -5950,16 +5935,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
 msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
@@ -5967,7 +5942,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -5975,6 +5950,11 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
 msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
 msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"

+ 36 - 32

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -1619,11 +1619,6 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
 msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
 msgstr "Compensation du rétrécissement du facteur d'échelle horizontale"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
-msgstr "Distance à laquelle doivent se trouver les branches lorsqu'elles touchent le modèle. Si vous réduisez cette distance, le support arborescent touchera le modèle à plus d'endroits, ce qui causera un meilleur porte-à-faux mais rendra le support plus difficile à enlever."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
 msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
@@ -3459,11 +3454,6 @@ msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
 msgstr "Remplace la partie la plus externe du motif du dessus/dessous par un certain nombre de lignes concentriques. Le fait d'utiliser une ou deux lignes améliore les plafonds qui commencent sur du matériau de remplissage."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr "Résolution servant à calculer les collisions afin d'éviter de heurter le modèle. Plus ce paramètre est faible, plus les arborescences seront précises et stables, mais cela augmente considérablement le temps de découpage."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
@@ -4464,11 +4454,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr "Angle du diamètre des branches au fur et à mesure qu'elles s'épaississent lorsqu'elles sont proches du fond. Avec un angle de 0°, les branches auront une épaisseur uniforme sur toute leur longueur. Donner un peu d'angle permet d'augmenter la stabilité du support arborescent."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr "Angle des branches. Utilisez un angle plus faible pour les rendre plus verticales et plus stables ; utilisez un angle plus élevé pour avoir plus de portée."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
@@ -4938,6 +4923,11 @@ msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
 msgstr "L'angle maximal des porte-à-faux après qu'ils aient été rendus imprimables. À une valeur de 0°, tous les porte-à-faux sont remplacés par une pièce de modèle rattachée au plateau, tandis que 90° ne changera en rien le modèle."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
 msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable.  Holes smaller than this will be retained.  A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
@@ -5928,11 +5918,6 @@ msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr "Arborescence"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
-msgstr "Angle des branches de support arborescent"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
@@ -5948,16 +5933,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
 msgstr "Angle de diamètre des branches de support arborescent"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr "Distance des branches de support arborescent"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr "Résolution de collision du support arborescent"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
@@ -5965,7 +5940,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -5973,6 +5948,11 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
 msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
 msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"
@@ -6735,6 +6715,10 @@ msgstr "déplacement"
 #~ msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Compensation du débit : la quantité de matériau extrudée est multipliée par cette valeur. Uniquement applicable à l'impression filaire."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
+#~ msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
+#~ msgstr "Distance à laquelle doivent se trouver les branches lorsqu'elles touchent le modèle. Si vous réduisez cette distance, le support arborescent touchera le modèle à plus d'endroits, ce qui causera un meilleur porte-à-faux mais rendra le support plus difficile à enlever."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
 #~ msgid "Knot"
 #~ msgstr "Nœud"
@@ -6747,6 +6731,10 @@ msgstr "déplacement"
 #~ msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
 #~ msgstr "Imprime uniquement la surface extérieure avec une structure grillagée et clairsemée. Cette impression est « dans les airs » et est réalisée en imprimant horizontalement les contours du modèle aux intervalles donnés de l’axe Z et en les connectant au moyen de lignes ascendantes et diagonalement descendantes."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
+#~ msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
+#~ msgstr "Résolution servant à calculer les collisions afin d'éviter de heurter le modèle. Plus ce paramètre est faible, plus les arborescences seront précises et stables, mais cela augmente considérablement le temps de découpage."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Rétraction"
@@ -6775,6 +6763,10 @@ msgstr "déplacement"
 #~ msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
 #~ msgstr "Stratégie garantissant que deux couches consécutives se touchent à chaque point de connexion. La rétraction permet aux lignes ascendantes de durcir dans la bonne position, mais cela peut provoquer l’écrasement des filaments. Un nœud peut être fait à la fin d’une ligne ascendante pour augmenter les chances de raccorder cette ligne et la laisser refroidir. Toutefois, cela peut nécessiter de ralentir la vitesse d’impression. Une autre stratégie consiste à compenser l’affaissement du dessus d’une ligne ascendante, mais les lignes ne tombent pas toujours comme prévu."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+#~ msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+#~ msgstr "Angle des branches. Utilisez un angle plus faible pour les rendre plus verticales et plus stables ; utilisez un angle plus élevé pour avoir plus de portée."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
 #~ msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "La distance couverte lors de l'impression d'une connexion d'un contour de toit vers l’intérieur. Uniquement applicable à l'impression filaire."
@@ -6795,6 +6787,18 @@ msgstr "déplacement"
 #~ msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Temps passé sur le périmètre extérieur de l’orifice qui deviendra le dessus. Un temps plus long peut garantir une meilleure connexion. Uniquement applicable pour l'impression filaire."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
+#~ msgstr "Angle des branches de support arborescent"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
+#~ msgstr "Distance des branches de support arborescent"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
+#~ msgstr "Résolution de collision du support arborescent"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
 #~ msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
 #~ msgstr "Attente pour le bas de l'impression filaire"

+ 36 - 32

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 5.1\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-24 09:43+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nagy Attila <>\n"
 "Language-Team: AT-VLOG\n"
@@ -1624,11 +1624,6 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
 msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
 msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
-msgstr "Azt adja meg, hogy milyen messze kell lenniük az ágaknak, mikor a modellt érintik. Ha a távolság kicsi, a ta támasza több ponton is megérinti a modellt, ami jobb alátámasztást ad, de nehezebb eltávolítani majd a támaszt utólag."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
 msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
@@ -3464,11 +3459,6 @@ msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
 msgstr "Lecseréli az alsó/felső felületi minta legkülsőbb falait koncentrikus vonalra.Egy vagy két vonal használata javítja a felső záró felületeket, ott, ahol még a kitöltés látható."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr "Felbontás az ütközések kiszámítására, annak érdekében, hogy elkerüljük a modellel való ütközést. Ha alacsonyabb a beállítás, az pontosabb fákat eredményez, amik kevésbé dőlnek el, de a szeletelési időt drámai módon megnöveli."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
@@ -4473,11 +4463,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr "Az ágak átmérőjének változási szöge. Az ágak felülről lefelé vastagodnak. Ha a szög 0, akkor az ágak átmérője egyenletes, teljes hosszukban.Egy kis szög érték növelheti a fa tartásának stabilitását."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr "Az ágak szöge. Használjon alacsonyabb szöget, hogy függőlegesebb és stabilabbak legyenek. A jobb kinyúláshoz használjon nagyobb szöget."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
@@ -4948,6 +4933,11 @@ msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
 msgstr "A túlnyúlások maximális szöge a nyomtathatóvá tétel után. 0 ° értéknél az összes túlnyúlást egy, az építőlemezhez kapcsolt modelldarab váltja fel, a 90 ° -ot a modell semmilyen módon nem változtatja meg."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
 msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable.  Holes smaller than this will be retained.  A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
@@ -5942,11 +5932,6 @@ msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
-msgstr "Támaszágak szöge"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
@@ -5962,16 +5947,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
 msgstr "Támaszágak átmérő szög"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr "Támaszágak távolsága"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr "Ütközés felbontás"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
@@ -5979,7 +5954,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -5987,6 +5962,11 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
 msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
 msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"
@@ -6867,6 +6847,10 @@ msgstr "fej átpozícionálás"
 #~ msgid "Generate a tree-like support with branches that support your print. This may reduce material usage and print time, but greatly increases slicing time."
 #~ msgstr "Generáljon fához hasonló támasz ágakkal, amelyek megtámasztják a nyomtatványt.Ez csökkentheti az anyagfelhasználást és a nyomtatási időt, de jelentősen megnöveli a szeletelési időt."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
+#~ msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
+#~ msgstr "Azt adja meg, hogy milyen messze kell lenniük az ágaknak, mikor a modellt érintik. Ha a távolság kicsi, a ta támasza több ponton is megérinti a modellt, ami jobb alátámasztást ad, de nehezebb eltávolítani majd a támaszt utólag."
 #~ msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_e description"
 #~ msgid "How many steps of the stepper motors will result in one millimeter of extrusion."
 #~ msgstr "Hány lépést kell a motornak megtenni ahhoz, hogy 1 mm mozgás történjen a nyomtatószál adagolásakor."
@@ -6967,6 +6951,10 @@ msgstr "fej átpozícionálás"
 #~ msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
 #~ msgstr "A falakat külső, majd belső sorrendben nyomtatja, ha ez engedélyezve van.Ez hozzájárulhat a X és Y méret pontosságának javításához, különösen nagy viszkozitású műanyag, például ABS használatakor. Ez azonban csökkentheti a külső felület nyomtatási minőségét, különösen az átlapolásoknál."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
+#~ msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
+#~ msgstr "Felbontás az ütközések kiszámítására, annak érdekében, hogy elkerüljük a modellel való ütközést. Ha alacsonyabb a beállítás, az pontosabb fákat eredményez, amik kevésbé dőlnek el, de a szeletelési időt drámai módon megnöveli."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Visszahúzás"
@@ -7051,6 +7039,10 @@ msgstr "fej átpozícionálás"
 #~ msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
 #~ msgstr "Stratégia annak biztosítására, hogy két egymást követő réteg kapcsolódjon minden egyes csatlakozási ponthoz. A visszahúzás lehetővé teszi, hogy a felfelé mutató vonalak a megfelelő helyzetben megkeményedjenek, de ez az adagolókerék megcsúszását, és a szál eldarálását okozhatja. Egy felfelé mutató vonal végén csomót lehet készíteni, hogy növeljük az ahhoz való csatlakozás eredményességét, és hagyjuk, hogy a vonal vége lehűljön; ez azonban lassú nyomtatási sebességet igényelhet. Egy másik stratégia, a felfelé mutató vonal tetejének elmaradásának kompenzálása; azonban a vonalak nem mindig esnek le a várt módon."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+#~ msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+#~ msgstr "Az ágak szöge. Használjon alacsonyabb szöget, hogy függőlegesebb és stabilabbak legyenek. A jobb kinyúláshoz használjon nagyobb szöget."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
 #~ msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "A beépített távolság, amikor a tetőtől körvonalakat bekapcsolnak. Csak a huzalnyomásra vonatkozik."
@@ -7131,6 +7123,18 @@ msgstr "fej átpozícionálás"
 #~ msgid "Tree Support"
 #~ msgstr "Fa támasz"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
+#~ msgstr "Támaszágak szöge"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
+#~ msgstr "Támaszágak távolsága"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
+#~ msgstr "Ütközés felbontás"
 #~ msgctxt "support_tree_wall_count label"
 #~ msgid "Tree Support Wall Line Count"
 #~ msgstr "Fal vonal szám"

+ 36 - 32

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -1619,11 +1619,6 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
 msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
 msgstr "Fattore di scala orizzontale per la compensazione della contrazione"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
-msgstr "La distanza tra i rami necessaria quando toccano il modello. Una distanza ridotta causa il contatto del supporto ad albero con il modello in più punti, generando migliore sovrapposizione ma rendendo più difficoltosa la rimozione del supporto."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
 msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
@@ -3459,11 +3454,6 @@ msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
 msgstr "Sostituisce la parte più esterna della configurazione degli strati superiori/inferiori con una serie di linee concentriche. L’utilizzo di una o due linee migliora le parti superiori (tetti) che iniziano sul materiale di riempimento."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr "Risoluzione per calcolare le collisioni per evitare di colpire il modello. L’impostazione a un valore basso genera alberi più accurati che si rompono meno sovente, ma aumenta notevolmente il tempo di sezionamento."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
@@ -4464,11 +4454,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr "L’angolo del diametro dei rami con il graduale ispessimento verso il fondo. Un angolo pari a 0 genera rami con spessore uniforme sull’intera lunghezza. Un angolo minimo può aumentare la stabilità del supporto ad albero."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr "L’angolo dei rami. Utilizzare un angolo minore per renderli più verticali e più stabili. Utilizzare un angolo maggiore per avere una portata maggiore."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
@@ -4938,6 +4923,11 @@ msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
 msgstr "L’angolo massimo degli sbalzi dopo essere stati resi stampabili. A un valore di 0° tutti gli sbalzi sono sostituiti da un pezzo del modello collegato al piano di stampa, 90° non cambia il modello in alcun modo."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
 msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable.  Holes smaller than this will be retained.  A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
@@ -5928,11 +5918,6 @@ msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr "Albero"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
-msgstr "Angolo ramo supporto ad albero"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
@@ -5948,16 +5933,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
 msgstr "Angolo diametro ramo supporto ad albero"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr "Distanza ramo supporto ad albero"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr "Risoluzione collisione supporto ad albero"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
@@ -5965,7 +5940,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -5973,6 +5948,11 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
 msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
 msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"
@@ -6735,6 +6715,10 @@ msgstr "spostamenti"
 #~ msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Determina la compensazione del flusso: la quantità di materiale estruso viene moltiplicata per questo valore. Applicabile solo alla funzione Wire Printing."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
+#~ msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
+#~ msgstr "La distanza tra i rami necessaria quando toccano il modello. Una distanza ridotta causa il contatto del supporto ad albero con il modello in più punti, generando migliore sovrapposizione ma rendendo più difficoltosa la rimozione del supporto."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
 #~ msgid "Knot"
 #~ msgstr "Nodo"
@@ -6747,6 +6731,10 @@ msgstr "spostamenti"
 #~ msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
 #~ msgstr "Consente di stampare solo la superficie esterna come una struttura di linee, realizzando una stampa \"sospesa nell'aria\". Questa funzione si realizza mediante la stampa orizzontale dei contorni del modello con determinati intervalli Z che sono collegati tramite linee che si estendono verticalmente verso l'alto e diagonalmente verso il basso."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
+#~ msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
+#~ msgstr "Risoluzione per calcolare le collisioni per evitare di colpire il modello. L’impostazione a un valore basso genera alberi più accurati che si rompono meno sovente, ma aumenta notevolmente il tempo di sezionamento."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "Retrazione"
@@ -6775,6 +6763,10 @@ msgstr "spostamenti"
 #~ msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
 #~ msgstr "Strategia per garantire il collegamento di due strati consecutivi ad ogni punto di connessione. La retrazione consente l'indurimento delle linee verticali verso l'alto nella giusta posizione, ma può causare la deformazione del filamento. È possibile realizzare un nodo all'estremità di una linea verticale verso l'alto per accrescere la possibilità di collegamento e lasciarla raffreddare; tuttavia ciò può richiedere velocità di stampa ridotte. Un'altra strategia consiste nel compensare il cedimento della parte superiore di una linea verticale verso l'alto; tuttavia le linee non sempre ricadono come previsto."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+#~ msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+#~ msgstr "L’angolo dei rami. Utilizzare un angolo minore per renderli più verticali e più stabili. Utilizzare un angolo maggiore per avere una portata maggiore."
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
 #~ msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Indica la distanza percorsa durante la realizzazione di una connessione da un profilo della superficie superiore (tetto) verso l'interno. Applicabile solo alla funzione Wire Printing."
@@ -6795,6 +6787,18 @@ msgstr "spostamenti"
 #~ msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "Indica il tempo trascorso sul perimetro esterno del foro di una superficie superiore (tetto). Tempi più lunghi possono garantire un migliore collegamento. Applicabile solo alla funzione Wire Printing."
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
+#~ msgstr "Angolo ramo supporto ad albero"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
+#~ msgstr "Distanza ramo supporto ad albero"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
+#~ msgstr "Risoluzione collisione supporto ad albero"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
 #~ msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
 #~ msgstr "Ritardo dopo spostamento verso il basso WP"

+ 36 - 32

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-18 08:40+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
@@ -1619,11 +1619,6 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
 msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
 msgstr "水平スケールファクタ収縮補正"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
-msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
-msgstr "枝がモデルに接触するところで確保する枝の間隔。この間隔を小さくするとツリーサポートがモデルに接触する点が増え、支える効果が高まりますが、サポートの取り外しが難しくなります。"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
 msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
@@ -3461,11 +3456,6 @@ msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
 msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
 msgstr "上部/下部パターンの最も外側の部分を同心円の線で置き換えます。 1つまたは2つの線を使用すると、トップ部分の造形が改善されます。"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
-msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
-msgstr "モデルに干渉しないようにする衝突計算の精細度。小さい値を設定すると、失敗の少ない正確なツリーが生成されますが、スライス時間は大きく増加します。"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
 msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
@@ -4468,11 +4458,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
 msgstr "基部に向かって徐々に太くなる枝の直径の角度。角度が0の場合、枝の太さは全長にわたって同じになります。少し角度を付けると、ツリーサポートの安定性が高まります。"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
-msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
-msgstr "枝の角度。枝を垂直で安定したものにするためには小さい角度を使用します。高さを得るためには大きい角度を使用します。"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
 msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
@@ -4942,6 +4927,11 @@ msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
 msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
 msgstr "印刷可能になったオーバーハングの最大角度。 0°の値では、すべてのオーバーハングがビルドプレートに接続されたモデルの一部に置き換えられます。90°では、モデルは決して変更されません。"
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
 msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable.  Holes smaller than this will be retained.  A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
@@ -5932,11 +5922,6 @@ msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr "ツリー"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
-msgstr "ツリーサポート枝角度"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
@@ -5952,16 +5937,6 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
 msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
 msgstr "ツリーサポート枝直径角度"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
-msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
-msgstr "ツリーサポート枝間隔"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
-msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
-msgstr "ツリーサポート衝突精細度"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
@@ -5969,7 +5944,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
-msgid "Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter"
+msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
 msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
@@ -5977,6 +5952,11 @@ msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
 msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
 msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
 msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"
@@ -6737,6 +6717,10 @@ msgstr "移動"
 #~ msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "流れ補正:押出されたマテリアルの量はこの値の乗算になります。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
+#~ msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
+#~ msgstr "枝がモデルに接触するところで確保する枝の間隔。この間隔を小さくするとツリーサポートがモデルに接触する点が増え、支える効果が高まりますが、サポートの取り外しが難しくなります。"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
 #~ msgid "Knot"
 #~ msgstr "ノット"
@@ -6749,6 +6733,10 @@ msgstr "移動"
 #~ msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
 #~ msgstr "薄い空気中に印刷し、疎なウエブ構造で外面のみを印刷します。これは、上向きおよび斜め下向きの線を介して接続された所定のZ間隔でモデルの輪郭を水平に印刷することによって実現される。"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
+#~ msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
+#~ msgstr "モデルに干渉しないようにする衝突計算の精細度。小さい値を設定すると、失敗の少ない正確なツリーが生成されますが、スライス時間は大きく増加します。"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
 #~ msgid "Retract"
 #~ msgstr "引き戻し"
@@ -6777,6 +6765,10 @@ msgstr "移動"
 #~ msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
 #~ msgstr "各接続ポイントで2つの連続したレイヤーが密着していることを確認するためのストラテジー。収縮すると上向きの線が正しい位置で硬化しますが、フィラメントの研削が行われる可能性があります。上向きの線の終わりに結び目をつけて接続する機会を増やし、線を冷やすことができます。ただし、印刷速度が遅くなることがあります。別の方法は、上向きの線の上端のたるみを補償することである。しかし、予測どおりにラインが必ずしも落ちるとは限りません。"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
+#~ msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
+#~ msgstr "枝の角度。枝を垂直で安定したものにするためには小さい角度を使用します。高さを得るためには大きい角度を使用します。"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
 #~ msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "ルーフから内側に輪郭を描くときの距離。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
@@ -6797,6 +6789,18 @@ msgstr "移動"
 #~ msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
 #~ msgstr "トップレイヤーにある穴の外側に掛ける時間。長い時間の方はより良い密着を得られます。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
+#~ msgstr "ツリーサポート枝角度"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
+#~ msgstr "ツリーサポート枝間隔"
+#~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
+#~ msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
+#~ msgstr "ツリーサポート衝突精細度"
 #~ msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
 #~ msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
 #~ msgstr "WP底面遅延"

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff