fdmprinter.def.json.po 324 KB

  1. #, fuzzy
  2. msgid ""
  3. msgstr ""
  4. "Project-Id-Version: Uranium json setting files\n"
  5. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: plugins@ultimaker.com\n"
  6. "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-24 09:08+0000\n"
  7. "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
  8. "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
  9. "Language-Team: LANGUAGE\n"
  10. "Language: \n"
  11. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  12. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  13. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  14. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  15. msgctxt "ironing_inset description"
  16. msgid "A distance to keep from the edges of the model. Ironing all the way to the edge of the mesh may result in a jagged edge on your print."
  17. msgstr "モデルの端からの距離。端までアイロンをすると、端が荒れる場合があります。"
  18. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  19. msgctxt "material_no_load_move_factor description"
  20. msgid "A factor indicating how much the filament gets compressed between the feeder and the nozzle chamber, used to determine how far to move the material for a filament switch."
  21. msgstr "フィーダーとノズルチャンバーの間でフィラメントが圧縮される量を示す係数。フィラメントスイッチの材料を移動する距離を決めるために使用されます。"
  22. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  23. msgctxt "roofing_angles description"
  24. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use when the top surface skin layers use the lines or zig zag pattern. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees)."
  25. msgstr "トップ表面層に縦かジグザグパターンを利用する時に使用する整数の行方向のリスト。リスト内から順番に使われていき、リストの最後に達するとまた最初の設定値に戻ります。リストアイテムはカンマで区切られ、全体はカッコで括られています。デフォルトでは何も入っておらず、設定角度は (45 度と 135 度)になっています。"
  26. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  27. msgctxt "skin_angles description"
  28. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use when the top/bottom layers use the lines or zig zag pattern. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees)."
  29. msgstr "上/下のレイヤーが線またはジグザグパターンを使う際の整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、層が進行するにつれて順番に使用され、リストの終わりに達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは、従来のデフォルト角度(45度と135度)を使用する空のリストです。"
  30. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  31. msgctxt "support_infill_angles description"
  32. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angle 0 degrees."
  33. msgstr "使用する整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、層が進行するにつれて順番に使用され、リストの終わりに達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは空のリストであり、デフォルト角度の0度を使用します。"
  34. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  35. msgctxt "support_bottom_angles description"
  36. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angles (alternates between 45 and 135 degrees if interfaces are quite thick or 90 degrees)."
  37. msgstr "使用する整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、レイヤの層に合わせて順番に使用され、リストの末尾に達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは空のリストとなり、デフォルトの角度を使用します(面がかなり厚い場合には45度と135度を交互に使用、それ以外では90度を使用)。"
  38. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  39. msgctxt "support_interface_angles description"
  40. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angles (alternates between 45 and 135 degrees if interfaces are quite thick or 90 degrees)."
  41. msgstr "使用する整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、レイヤの層に合わせて順番に使用され、リストの末尾に達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは空のリストとなり、デフォルトの角度を使用します(面がかなり厚い場合には45度と135度を交互に使用、それ以外では90度を使用)。"
  42. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  43. msgctxt "support_roof_angles description"
  44. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angles (alternates between 45 and 135 degrees if interfaces are quite thick or 90 degrees)."
  45. msgstr "使用する整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、レイヤの層に合わせて順番に使用され、リストの末尾に達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは空のリストとなり、デフォルトの角度を使用します(面がかなり厚い場合には45度と135度を交互に使用、それ以外では90度を使用)。"
  46. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  47. msgctxt "infill_angles description"
  48. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees for the lines and zig zag patterns and 45 degrees for all other patterns)."
  49. msgstr "使用する整数線の方向のリスト。リストの要素は、レイヤの層に合わせて順番に使用され、リストの末尾に達すると、最初から再び開始されます。リスト項目はコンマで区切られ、リスト全体は大括弧で囲まれています。デフォルトは空のリストです。これは、従来のデフォルト角度(線とジグザグのパターンでは45と135度、他のすべてのパターンでは45度)を使用することを意味します。"
  50. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  51. msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas description"
  52. msgid "A list of polygons with areas the nozzle is not allowed to enter."
  53. msgstr "ノズルが入ることができない領域を持つポリゴンのリスト。"
  54. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  55. msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas description"
  56. msgid "A list of polygons with areas the print head is not allowed to enter."
  57. msgstr "プリントヘッドの領域を持つポリゴンのリストは入力できません。"
  58. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  59. msgctxt "brim_inside_margin description"
  60. msgid "A part fully enclosed inside another part can generate an outer brim that touches the inside of the other part. This removes all brim within this distance from internal holes."
  61. msgstr "別の部品内に完全に囲まれた部品は、別の部品の内側に接触する外側縁ができることがあります。この設定によって、内部の穴からこの間隔内のすべての縁が除去されます。"
  62. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  63. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_reach_limit description"
  64. msgid "A recomendation to how far branches can move from the points they support. Branches can violate this value to reach their destination (buildplate or a flat part of the model). Lowering this value will make the support more sturdy, but increase the amount of branches (and because of that material usage/print time) "
  65. msgstr ""
  66. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  67. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs label"
  68. msgid "Absolute Extruder Prime Position"
  69. msgstr "エクストルーダーの絶対位置"
  70. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  71. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_variation label"
  72. msgid "Adaptive Layers Maximum Variation"
  73. msgstr "適応レイヤー最大差分"
  74. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  75. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_threshold label"
  76. msgid "Adaptive Layers Topography Size"
  77. msgstr "適応レイヤーのトポグラフィーサイズ"
  78. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  79. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_variation_step label"
  80. msgid "Adaptive Layers Variation Step Size"
  81. msgstr "適応レイヤー差分ステップサイズ"
  82. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  83. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_enabled description"
  84. msgid "Adaptive layers computes the layer heights depending on the shape of the model."
  85. msgstr "適応レイヤーは、レイヤーの高さをモデルの形状に合わせて計算します。"
  86. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  87. msgctxt "infill_wall_line_count description"
  88. msgid ""
  89. "Add extra walls around the infill area. Such walls can make top/bottom skin lines sag down less which means you need less top/bottom skin layers for the same quality at the cost of some extra material.\n"
  90. "This feature can combine with the Connect Infill Polygons to connect all the infill into a single extrusion path without the need for travels or retractions if configured right."
  91. msgstr ""
  92. "インフィルエリア周辺に外壁を追加します。このような壁は、上層/底層ラインにたるみを作ります。つまり、一部の外壁材料の費用で同じ品質を実現するためには、必要な上層/底層スキンが少ないことを意味します。\n"
  93. "この機能は、インフィルポリゴン接合と組み合わせて、構成が正しい場合、移動または引き戻しが必要なく、すべてのインフィルを1つの押出経路に接続することができます。"
  94. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  95. msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
  96. msgid "Adhesion"
  97. msgstr "密着性"
  98. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  99. msgctxt "material_adhesion_tendency label"
  100. msgid "Adhesion Tendency"
  101. msgstr "接着傾向"
  102. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  103. msgctxt "skin_overlap description"
  104. msgid "Adjust the amount of overlap between the walls and (the endpoints of) the skin-centerlines, as a percentage of the line widths of the skin lines and the innermost wall. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin. Note that, given an equal skin and wall line-width, any percentage over 50% may already cause any skin to go past the wall, because at that point the position of the nozzle of the skin-extruder may already reach past the middle of the wall."
  105. msgstr "壁とスキンの中央ライン(のエンドポイント)が交差する量(スキンラインのライン幅と壁の最内部に対する割合)を調整します。わずかな交差によって、壁がスキンにしっかりつながります。スキンと壁のライン幅が同じで、割合が50%を超えると、スキンが壁を通過している可能性があります。これは、その時点で、スキン押出機のノズルの位置が、すでに壁の真ん中を過ぎている可能性があるためです。"
  106. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  107. msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm description"
  108. msgid "Adjust the amount of overlap between the walls and (the endpoints of) the skin-centerlines. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin. Note that, given an equal skin and wall line-width, any value over half the width of the wall may already cause any skin to go past the wall, because at that point the position of the nozzle of the skin-extruder may already reach past the middle of the wall."
  109. msgstr "壁とスキンの中央ライン(のエンドポイント)が交差する量を調整します。わずかな交差によって、壁がスキンにしっかりつながります。スキンと壁のライン幅が同じで、壁の幅が半分以上の値になると、スキンが壁を通過している可能性があります。これは、その時点で、スキン押出機のノズルの位置が、すでに壁の真ん中を過ぎている可能性があるためです。"
  110. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  111. msgctxt "infill_sparse_density description"
  112. msgid "Adjusts the density of infill of the print."
  113. msgstr "プリントのインフィルの密度を調整します。"
  114. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  115. msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
  116. msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
  117. msgstr "サポート材のルーフとフロアの密度を調整します 大きな値ではオーバーハングでの成功率があがりますが、サポート材が除去しにくくなります。"
  118. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  119. msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate description"
  120. msgid "Adjusts the density of the support structure used to generate the tips of the branches. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove. Use Support Roof for very high values or ensure support density is similarly high at the top."
  121. msgstr ""
  122. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  123. msgctxt "support_infill_rate description"
  124. msgid "Adjusts the density of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
  125. msgstr "サポート材の密度を調整します。大きな値ではオーバーハングが良くなりますが、サポート材が除去しにくくなります。"
  126. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  127. msgctxt "material_diameter description"
  128. msgid "Adjusts the diameter of the filament used. Match this value with the diameter of the used filament."
  129. msgstr "使用するフィラメントの太さの調整 この値を使用するフィラメントの太さと一致させてください。"
  130. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  131. msgctxt "support_type description"
  132. msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
  133. msgstr "サポート材の配置を調整します。配置はTouching BuildplateまたはEveryWhereに設定することができます。EveryWhereに設定した場合、サポート材がモデルの上にもプリントされます。"
  134. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  135. msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled description"
  136. msgid "After printing the prime tower with one nozzle, wipe the oozed material from the other nozzle off on the prime tower."
  137. msgstr "1本のノズルでプライムタワーを印刷した後、もう片方のノズルから滲み出した材料をプライムタワーが拭き取ります。"
  138. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  139. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch description"
  140. msgid "After the machine switched from one extruder to the other, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. This prevents the nozzle from leaving oozed material on the outside of a print."
  141. msgstr "マシーンが1つのエクストルーダーからもう一つのエクストルーダーに切り替えられた際、ビルドプレートが下降して、ノズルと印刷物との間に隙間が形成される。これによりノズルが造形物の外側にはみ出たマテリアルを残さないためである。"
  142. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  143. msgctxt "retraction_combing option all"
  144. msgid "All"
  145. msgstr "すべて"
  146. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  147. msgctxt "print_sequence option all_at_once"
  148. msgid "All at Once"
  149. msgstr "一度にすべて"
  150. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  151. msgctxt "resolution description"
  152. msgid "All settings that influence the resolution of the print. These settings have a large impact on the quality (and print time)"
  153. msgstr "プリントの解像度に影響を与えるすべての設定。これらの設定は、品質(および印刷時間)に大きな影響を与えます。"
  154. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  155. msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter label"
  156. msgid "Alternate Extra Wall"
  157. msgstr "代替予備壁"
  158. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  159. msgctxt "alternate_carve_order label"
  160. msgid "Alternate Mesh Removal"
  161. msgstr "代替メッシュの削除"
  162. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  163. msgctxt "material_alternate_walls label"
  164. msgid "Alternate Wall Directions"
  165. msgstr "ウォールの代替の向き"
  166. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  167. msgctxt "material_alternate_walls description"
  168. msgid "Alternate wall directions every other layer and inset. Useful for materials that can build up stress, like for metal printing."
  169. msgstr "レイヤーやインセットについて1つおきに適用されるウォールの代替の向き。金属プリンティングの場合など、応力が蓄積される可能性がある材料に有用です。"
  170. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  171. msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type option aluminum"
  172. msgid "Aluminum"
  173. msgstr "アルミニウム"
  174. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  175. msgctxt "machine_always_write_active_tool label"
  176. msgid "Always Write Active Tool"
  177. msgstr "常にアクティブなツールを書き込む"
  178. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  179. msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
  180. msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
  181. msgstr "移動して外側のウォールをプリントする際、毎回引き戻しをします。"
  182. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  183. msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
  184. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes."
  185. msgstr "各穴のすべてのポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値は穴のサイズを大きくします。負の値は穴のサイズを小さくします。"
  186. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  187. msgctxt "xy_offset description"
  188. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
  189. msgstr "各レイヤーのすべてのポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値は大きすぎる穴を補うことができます。負の値は小さすぎる穴を補うことができます。"
  190. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  191. msgctxt "xy_offset_layer_0 description"
  192. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in the first layer. A negative value can compensate for squishing of the first layer known as \"elephant's foot\"."
  193. msgstr "最初のレイヤーのポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの値。マイナスの値はelephant's footと呼ばれる第一層が潰れるを現象を軽減させます。"
  194. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  195. msgctxt "support_offset description"
  196. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support."
  197. msgstr "各レイヤーのサポート用ポリゴンに適用されるオフセットの量。正の値はサポート領域を円滑にし、より丈夫なサポートにつながります。"
  198. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  199. msgctxt "support_bottom_offset description"
  200. msgid "Amount of offset applied to the floors of the support."
  201. msgstr "サポートのフロアに適用されるオフセット量。"
  202. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  203. msgctxt "support_roof_offset description"
  204. msgid "Amount of offset applied to the roofs of the support."
  205. msgstr "サポートのルーフに適用されるオフセット量。"
  206. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  207. msgctxt "support_interface_offset description"
  208. msgid "Amount of offset applied to the support interface polygons."
  209. msgstr "サポートインターフェイスポリゴンに適用されるオフセット量。"
  210. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  211. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_amount description"
  212. msgid "Amount to retract the filament so it does not ooze during the wipe sequence."
  213. msgstr "拭き取りシーケンス中に出ないように押し戻すフィラメントの量。"
  214. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  215. msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add description"
  216. msgid "An addition to the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to a thicker shell of small cubes near the boundary of the model."
  217. msgstr "この立方体を細分するかどうかを決定するために、各立方体の中心から半径に加えてモデルの境界を調べます。値を大きくすると、モデルの境界付近に小さな立方体のより厚いシェルができます。"
  218. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  219. msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
  220. msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
  221. msgstr "メッシュオーバーハング例外"
  222. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  223. msgctxt "material_anti_ooze_retracted_position label"
  224. msgid "Anti-ooze Retracted Position"
  225. msgstr "滲出防止引戻し位置"
  226. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  227. msgctxt "material_anti_ooze_retraction_speed label"
  228. msgid "Anti-ooze Retraction Speed"
  229. msgstr "滲出防止引戻し速度"
  230. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  231. msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords description"
  232. msgid "Apply the extruder offset to the coordinate system. Affects all extruders."
  233. msgstr "エクストルーダーのオフセットを座標システムに適用します。すべてのエクストルーダーが影響を受けます。"
  234. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  235. msgctxt "interlocking_enable description"
  236. msgid "At the locations where models touch, generate an interlocking beam structure. This improves the adhesion between models, especially models printed in different materials."
  237. msgstr "モデルが接触する箇所に、インターロックビーム構造を生成します。その結果、モデル、特に異なる材料でプリントされたモデル間の密着性が向上します。"
  238. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  239. msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts label"
  240. msgid "Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling"
  241. msgstr "移動は印刷したパーツを回避する"
  242. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  243. msgctxt "travel_avoid_supports label"
  244. msgid "Avoid Supports When Traveling"
  245. msgstr "移動はサポートを回避する"
  246. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  247. msgctxt "z_seam_position option back"
  248. msgid "Back"
  249. msgstr "戻る"
  250. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  251. msgctxt "z_seam_position option backleft"
  252. msgid "Back Left"
  253. msgstr "後方左"
  254. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  255. msgctxt "z_seam_position option backright"
  256. msgid "Back Right"
  257. msgstr "後方右"
  258. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  259. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option BFB"
  260. msgid "Bits from Bytes"
  261. msgstr "Bits from Bytes"
  262. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  263. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option both"
  264. msgid "Both"
  265. msgstr "両方"
  266. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  267. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option nothing"
  268. msgid "Both overlap"
  269. msgstr ""
  270. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  271. msgctxt "bottom_layers label"
  272. msgid "Bottom Layers"
  273. msgstr "底面レイヤー"
  274. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  275. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 label"
  276. msgid "Bottom Pattern Initial Layer"
  277. msgstr "底層初期レイヤー"
  278. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  279. msgctxt "bottom_skin_expand_distance label"
  280. msgid "Bottom Skin Expand Distance"
  281. msgstr "底面展開距離"
  282. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  283. msgctxt "bottom_skin_preshrink label"
  284. msgid "Bottom Skin Removal Width"
  285. msgstr "底面除去幅"
  286. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  287. msgctxt "bottom_thickness label"
  288. msgid "Bottom Thickness"
  289. msgstr "底面厚さ"
  290. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  291. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position label"
  292. msgid "Break Preparation Retracted Position"
  293. msgstr "フィラメントの引き出し準備引戻し位置"
  294. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  295. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_speed label"
  296. msgid "Break Preparation Retraction Speed"
  297. msgstr "フィラメント引き出し準備引戻し速度"
  298. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  299. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_temperature label"
  300. msgid "Break Preparation Temperature"
  301. msgstr "フィラメント引き出し準備温度"
  302. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  303. msgctxt "material_break_retracted_position label"
  304. msgid "Break Retracted Position"
  305. msgstr "フィラメント引き出しの引戻し位置"
  306. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  307. msgctxt "material_break_speed label"
  308. msgid "Break Retraction Speed"
  309. msgstr "フィラメント引き出しの引戻し速度"
  310. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  311. msgctxt "material_break_temperature label"
  312. msgid "Break Temperature"
  313. msgstr "フィラメント引き出し温度"
  314. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  315. msgctxt "support_skip_some_zags label"
  316. msgid "Break Up Support In Chunks"
  317. msgstr "接続部分のサポート分割"
  318. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  319. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed label"
  320. msgid "Bridge Fan Speed"
  321. msgstr "ブリッジファン速度"
  322. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  323. msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers label"
  324. msgid "Bridge Has Multiple Layers"
  325. msgstr "ブリッジを構成する多重レイヤー"
  326. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  327. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density_2 label"
  328. msgid "Bridge Second Skin Density"
  329. msgstr "ブリッジセカンドスキンの密度"
  330. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  331. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed_2 label"
  332. msgid "Bridge Second Skin Fan Speed"
  333. msgstr "ブリッジセカンドスキンのファン速度"
  334. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  335. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow_2 label"
  336. msgid "Bridge Second Skin Flow"
  337. msgstr "ブリッジセカンドスキンのフロー"
  338. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  339. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed_2 label"
  340. msgid "Bridge Second Skin Speed"
  341. msgstr "ブリッジセカンドスキンの速度"
  342. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  343. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density label"
  344. msgid "Bridge Skin Density"
  345. msgstr "ブリッジスキンの密度"
  346. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  347. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow label"
  348. msgid "Bridge Skin Flow"
  349. msgstr "ブリッジスキンフロー"
  350. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  351. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed label"
  352. msgid "Bridge Skin Speed"
  353. msgstr "ブリッジスキン速度"
  354. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  355. msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold label"
  356. msgid "Bridge Skin Support Threshold"
  357. msgstr "ブリッジスキンサポートのしきい値"
  358. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  359. msgctxt "bridge_sparse_infill_max_density label"
  360. msgid "Bridge Sparse Infill Max Density"
  361. msgstr "ブリッジスパースインフィル最大密度"
  362. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  363. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density_3 label"
  364. msgid "Bridge Third Skin Density"
  365. msgstr "ブリッジサードスキンの密度"
  366. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  367. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed_3 label"
  368. msgid "Bridge Third Skin Fan Speed"
  369. msgstr "ブリッジサードスキンのファン速度"
  370. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  371. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow_3 label"
  372. msgid "Bridge Third Skin Flow"
  373. msgstr "ブリッジサードスキンのフロー"
  374. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  375. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed_3 label"
  376. msgid "Bridge Third Skin Speed"
  377. msgstr "ブリッジサードスキンの速度"
  378. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  379. msgctxt "bridge_wall_coast label"
  380. msgid "Bridge Wall Coasting"
  381. msgstr "ブリッジ壁コースティング"
  382. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  383. msgctxt "bridge_wall_material_flow label"
  384. msgid "Bridge Wall Flow"
  385. msgstr "ブリッジ壁フロー"
  386. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  387. msgctxt "bridge_wall_speed label"
  388. msgid "Bridge Wall Speed"
  389. msgstr "ブリッジ壁速度"
  390. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  391. msgctxt "adhesion_type option brim"
  392. msgid "Brim"
  393. msgstr "ブリム"
  394. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  395. msgctxt "brim_gap label"
  396. msgid "Brim Distance"
  397. msgstr "ブリム距離"
  398. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  399. msgctxt "brim_inside_margin label"
  400. msgid "Brim Inside Avoid Margin"
  401. msgstr "内側縁がマージンに接触しないようにする"
  402. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  403. msgctxt "brim_line_count label"
  404. msgid "Brim Line Count"
  405. msgstr "ブリムライン数"
  406. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  407. msgctxt "brim_outside_only label"
  408. msgid "Brim Only on Outside"
  409. msgstr "外側にブリムのみ印刷"
  410. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  411. msgctxt "brim_replaces_support label"
  412. msgid "Brim Replaces Support"
  413. msgstr "ブリム交換サポート"
  414. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  415. msgctxt "brim_width label"
  416. msgid "Brim Width"
  417. msgstr "ブリム幅"
  418. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  419. msgctxt "platform_adhesion label"
  420. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
  421. msgstr "ビルドプレート密着性"
  422. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  423. msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr label"
  424. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
  425. msgstr "ビルドプレート接着エクストルーダー"
  426. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  427. msgctxt "adhesion_type label"
  428. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Type"
  429. msgstr "ビルドプレート接着タイプ"
  430. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  431. msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type label"
  432. msgid "Build Plate Material"
  433. msgstr "ビルドプレートの材料"
  434. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  435. msgctxt "machine_shape label"
  436. msgid "Build Plate Shape"
  437. msgstr "ビルドプレートの形状"
  438. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  439. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature label"
  440. msgid "Build Plate Temperature"
  441. msgstr "ビルドプレート温度"
  442. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  443. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 label"
  444. msgid "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer"
  445. msgstr "初期レイヤーのビルドプレート温度"
  446. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  447. msgctxt "build_volume_temperature label"
  448. msgid "Build Volume Temperature"
  449. msgstr "造形温度"
  450. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  451. msgctxt "center_object label"
  452. msgid "Center Object"
  453. msgstr "オブジェクト中心配置"
  454. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  455. msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled description"
  456. msgid "Change the geometry of the printed model such that minimal support is required. Steep overhangs will become shallow overhangs. Overhanging areas will drop down to become more vertical."
  457. msgstr "最小限のサポートが必要となるように印刷モデルのジオメトリを変更します。急なオーバーハングは浅いオーバーハングになります。オーバーハングした領域は、より垂直になるように下がります。"
  458. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  459. msgctxt "support_structure description"
  460. msgid "Chooses between the techniques available to generate support. \"Normal\" support creates a support structure directly below the overhanging parts and drops those areas straight down. \"Tree\" support creates branches towards the overhanging areas that support the model on the tips of those branches, and allows the branches to crawl around the model to support it from the build plate as much as possible."
  461. msgstr "サポートを生成するために利用できる技術を選択します。「標準」のサポート構造はオーバーハング部品のすぐ下に作成し、そのエリアを真下に生成します。「ツリー」サポートはオーバーハングエリアに向かって枝を作成し、モデルを枝の先端で支えます。枝をモデルのまわりにはわせて、できる限りビルドプレートから支えます。"
  462. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  463. msgctxt "coasting_speed label"
  464. msgid "Coasting Speed"
  465. msgstr "コースティング速度"
  466. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  467. msgctxt "coasting_volume label"
  468. msgid "Coasting Volume"
  469. msgstr "コースティングのボリューム"
  470. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  471. msgctxt "coasting_enable description"
  472. msgid "Coasting replaces the last part of an extrusion path with a travel path. The oozed material is used to print the last piece of the extrusion path in order to reduce stringing."
  473. msgstr "コースティングは、それぞれの造形ラインの最後の部分をトラベルパスで置き換えます。はみ出た材料は、糸引きを減らすために造形ライン最後の部分を印刷するために使用される。"
  474. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  475. msgctxt "retraction_combing label"
  476. msgid "Combing Mode"
  477. msgstr "コーミングモード"
  478. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  479. msgctxt "retraction_combing description"
  480. msgid "Combing keeps the nozzle within already printed areas when traveling. This results in slightly longer travel moves but reduces the need for retractions. If combing is off, the material will retract and the nozzle moves in a straight line to the next point. It is also possible to avoid combing over top/bottom skin areas or to only comb within the infill."
  481. msgstr "コーミングは、走行時にすでに印刷された領域内にノズルを保ちます。その結果、移動距離はわずかに長くなりますが、引き込みの必要性は減ります。コーミングがオフの場合、フィラメントの引き戻しを行い、ノズルは次のポイントまで直線移動します。また、インフィルのみにてコーミングすることにより、トップとボトムのスキン領域上での櫛通りを回避できます。"
  482. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  483. msgctxt "command_line_settings label"
  484. msgid "Command Line Settings"
  485. msgstr "コマンドライン設定"
  486. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  487. msgctxt "infill_pattern option concentric"
  488. msgid "Concentric"
  489. msgstr "同心円"
  490. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  491. msgctxt "ironing_pattern option concentric"
  492. msgid "Concentric"
  493. msgstr "同心円"
  494. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  495. msgctxt "roofing_pattern option concentric"
  496. msgid "Concentric"
  497. msgstr "同心円"
  498. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  499. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
  500. msgid "Concentric"
  501. msgstr "同心円"
  502. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  503. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option concentric"
  504. msgid "Concentric"
  505. msgstr "同心円"
  506. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  507. msgctxt "support_pattern option concentric"
  508. msgid "Concentric"
  509. msgstr "同心円"
  510. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  511. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
  512. msgid "Concentric"
  513. msgstr "同心円"
  514. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  515. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option concentric"
  516. msgid "Concentric"
  517. msgstr "同心円"
  518. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  519. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option concentric"
  520. msgid "Concentric"
  521. msgstr "同心円"
  522. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  523. msgctxt "support_conical_angle label"
  524. msgid "Conical Support Angle"
  525. msgstr "円錐サポートの角度"
  526. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  527. msgctxt "support_conical_min_width label"
  528. msgid "Conical Support Minimum Width"
  529. msgstr "円錐サポートの最大幅"
  530. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  531. msgctxt "zig_zaggify_infill label"
  532. msgid "Connect Infill Lines"
  533. msgstr "インフィルライン接合"
  534. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  535. msgctxt "connect_infill_polygons label"
  536. msgid "Connect Infill Polygons"
  537. msgstr "インフィルポリゴン接合"
  538. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  539. msgctxt "zig_zaggify_support label"
  540. msgid "Connect Support Lines"
  541. msgstr "サポートライン接続"
  542. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  543. msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags label"
  544. msgid "Connect Support ZigZags"
  545. msgstr "サポートジグザグ接続"
  546. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  547. msgctxt "connect_skin_polygons label"
  548. msgid "Connect Top/Bottom Polygons"
  549. msgstr "上層/底層ポリゴンに接合"
  550. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  551. msgctxt "connect_infill_polygons description"
  552. msgid "Connect infill paths where they run next to each other. For infill patterns which consist of several closed polygons, enabling this setting greatly reduces the travel time."
  553. msgstr "互いに次に実行するインフィルパスに接合します。いくつかの閉じられたポリゴンを含むインフィルパターンの場合、この設定を有効にすることにより、移動時間が大幅に短縮されます。"
  554. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  555. msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags description"
  556. msgid "Connect the ZigZags. This will increase the strength of the zig zag support structure."
  557. msgstr "ジグザグを接続します。ジグザグ形のサポート材の強度が上がります。"
  558. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  559. msgctxt "zig_zaggify_support description"
  560. msgid "Connect the ends of the support lines together. Enabling this setting can make your support more sturdy and reduce underextrusion, but it will cost more material."
  561. msgstr "サポートライン両端を接続します。この設定を有効にすると、より確実なサポートで抽出不足を解消しますが、材料の費用がかさみます。"
  562. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  563. msgctxt "zig_zaggify_infill description"
  564. msgid "Connect the ends where the infill pattern meets the inner wall using a line which follows the shape of the inner wall. Enabling this setting can make the infill adhere to the walls better and reduce the effects of infill on the quality of vertical surfaces. Disabling this setting reduces the amount of material used."
  565. msgstr "内壁の形状に沿ったラインを使用してインフィルパターンと内壁が合うところで接合します。この設定を有効にすると、インフィルが壁により密着するようになり、垂直面の品質に対するインフィルの影響が軽減します。この設定を無効にすると、材料の使用量が減ります。"
  566. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  567. msgctxt "connect_skin_polygons description"
  568. msgid "Connect top/bottom skin paths where they run next to each other. For the concentric pattern enabling this setting greatly reduces the travel time, but because the connections can happen midway over infill this feature can reduce the top surface quality."
  569. msgstr "互いに次に実行する上層/底層スキンパスに接合します。同心円のパターンの場合、この設定を有効にすることにより、移動時間が短縮されますが、インフィルまでの途中で接合があるため、この機能で上層面の品質が損なわれることがあります。"
  570. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  571. msgctxt "z_seam_corner description"
  572. msgid "Control whether corners on the model outline influence the position of the seam. None means that corners have no influence on the seam position. Hide Seam makes the seam more likely to occur on an inside corner. Expose Seam makes the seam more likely to occur on an outside corner. Hide or Expose Seam makes the seam more likely to occur at an inside or outside corner. Smart Hiding allows both inside and outside corners, but chooses inside corners more frequently, if appropriate."
  573. msgstr "モデル輪郭の角がシームの位置に影響を及ぼすかどうかを制御します。[なし] は、角がシームの位置に影響を及ぼさないことを意味します。シームを隠すにすると、シームが内側の角に生じる可能性が高くなります。シームを外側にすると、シームが外側の角に生じる可能性が高くなります。シームを隠す/外側に出すは、シームが内側または外側の角に生じる可能性が高くなります。スマート・シームを使用すると、内外両側の角を使用できますが、適切な場合には内側の角が選択される頻度が高まります。"
  574. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  575. msgctxt "infill_multiplier description"
  576. msgid "Convert each infill line to this many lines. The extra lines do not cross over each other, but avoid each other. This makes the infill stiffer, but increases print time and material usage."
  577. msgstr "各インフィルラインをこの多重ラインに変換します。余分なラインが互いに交差せず、互いを避け合います。これによりインフィルが硬くなり、印刷時間と材料使用量が増えます。"
  578. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  579. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed label"
  580. msgid "Cool Down Speed"
  581. msgstr "冷却速度"
  582. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  583. msgctxt "cooling description"
  584. msgid "Cooling"
  585. msgstr "冷却"
  586. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  587. msgctxt "cooling label"
  588. msgid "Cooling"
  589. msgstr "冷却"
  590. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  591. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cross"
  592. msgid "Cross"
  593. msgstr "クロス"
  594. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  595. msgctxt "support_pattern option cross"
  596. msgid "Cross"
  597. msgstr "クロス"
  598. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  599. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cross_3d"
  600. msgid "Cross 3D"
  601. msgstr "3Dクロス"
  602. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  603. msgctxt "cross_infill_pocket_size label"
  604. msgid "Cross 3D Pocket Size"
  605. msgstr "3Dクロスポケットのサイズ"
  606. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  607. msgctxt "cross_support_density_image label"
  608. msgid "Cross Fill Density Image for Support"
  609. msgstr "サポート用クロス画像のインフィル密度"
  610. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  611. msgctxt "cross_infill_density_image label"
  612. msgid "Cross Infill Density Image"
  613. msgstr "クロス画像のインフィル密度"
  614. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  615. msgctxt "material_crystallinity label"
  616. msgid "Crystalline Material"
  617. msgstr "結晶性材料"
  618. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  619. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubic"
  620. msgid "Cubic"
  621. msgstr "キュービック"
  622. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  623. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubicsubdiv"
  624. msgid "Cubic Subdivision"
  625. msgstr "キュービックサブディビジョン"
  626. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  627. msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
  628. msgid "Cubic Subdivision Shell"
  629. msgstr "キュービックサブディビジョンシェル"
  630. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  631. msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
  632. msgid "Cutting Mesh"
  633. msgstr "メッシュ切断"
  634. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  635. msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph description"
  636. msgid "Data linking material flow (in mm3 per second) to temperature (degrees Celsius)."
  637. msgstr "マテリアルフロー(毎秒 3mm) と温度 (° c) をリンクします。"
  638. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  639. msgctxt "machine_acceleration label"
  640. msgid "Default Acceleration"
  641. msgstr "デフォルト加速度"
  642. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  643. msgctxt "default_material_bed_temperature label"
  644. msgid "Default Build Plate Temperature"
  645. msgstr "ビルドプレートのデフォルト温度"
  646. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  647. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e label"
  648. msgid "Default Filament Jerk"
  649. msgstr "フィラメントデフォルトジャーク"
  650. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  651. msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature label"
  652. msgid "Default Printing Temperature"
  653. msgstr "デフォルト印刷温度"
  654. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  655. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy label"
  656. msgid "Default X-Y Jerk"
  657. msgstr "X-Yデフォルトジャーク"
  658. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  659. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z label"
  660. msgid "Default Z Jerk"
  661. msgstr "Zデフォルトジャーク"
  662. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  663. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy description"
  664. msgid "Default jerk for movement in the horizontal plane."
  665. msgstr "水平面内での移動のデフォルトジャーク。"
  666. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  667. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z description"
  668. msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the Z-direction."
  669. msgstr "Z方向のモーターのデフォルトジャーク。"
  670. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  671. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e description"
  672. msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the filament."
  673. msgstr "フィラメントのモーターのデフォルトジャーク。"
  674. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  675. msgctxt "bridge_settings_enabled description"
  676. msgid "Detect bridges and modify print speed, flow and fan settings while bridges are printed."
  677. msgstr "ブリッジを検出し、ブリッジを印刷しながらて印刷速度、フロー、ファンの設定を変更します。"
  678. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  679. msgctxt "inset_direction description"
  680. msgid "Determines the order in which walls are printed. Printing outer walls earlier helps with dimensional accuracy, as faults from inner walls cannot propagate to the outside. However printing them later allows them to stack better when overhangs are printed. When there is an uneven amount of total innner walls, the 'center last line' is always printed last."
  681. msgstr "ウォールをプリントする順序を決定します。アウターウォールを先にプリントすると、インナーウォールの不具合が外側に影響しないため、寸法精度が向上します。一方、アウターウォールを後からプリントすると、オーバーハングをプリントする際にうまく積み重ねることができます。インナーウォールの合計が奇数の場合、「中央の最後のライン」は必ず最後にプリントされます。"
  682. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  683. msgctxt "infill_mesh_order description"
  684. msgid "Determines the priority of this mesh when considering multiple overlapping infill meshes. Areas where multiple infill meshes overlap will take on the settings of the mesh with the highest rank. An infill mesh with a higher rank will modify the infill of infill meshes with lower rank and normal meshes."
  685. msgstr "インフィルメッシュの重なりが複数生じた場合のこのメッシュの優先度を決定します。複数のインフィルメッシュの重なりがあるエリアでは、最もランクが高いメッシュの設定になります。ランクが高いインフィルメッシュは、ランクが低いインフィルメッシュのインフィルと通常のメッシュを変更します。"
  686. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  687. msgctxt "lightning_infill_support_angle description"
  688. msgid "Determines when a lightning infill layer has to support anything above it. Measured in the angle given the thickness of a layer."
  689. msgstr "ライトニングインフィルレイヤーがその上の物を支える必要がある場合を決定します。レイヤーの厚さを考慮して角度で指定されます。"
  690. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  691. msgctxt "lightning_infill_overhang_angle description"
  692. msgid "Determines when a lightning infill layer has to support the model above it. Measured in the angle given the thickness."
  693. msgstr "ライトニングインフィルレイヤーがその上のモデルを支える必要がある場合を決定します。厚さを考慮して角度で指定されます。"
  694. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  695. msgctxt "material_diameter label"
  696. msgid "Diameter"
  697. msgstr "直径"
  698. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  699. msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter description"
  700. msgid "Diameter every branch tries to achieve when reaching the buildplate. Improves bed adhesion."
  701. msgstr ""
  702. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  703. msgctxt "adhesion_type description"
  704. msgid "Different options that help to improve both priming your extrusion and adhesion to the build plate. Brim adds a single layer flat area around the base of your model to prevent warping. Raft adds a thick grid with a roof below the model. Skirt is a line printed around the model, but not connected to the model."
  705. msgstr "エクストルーダーとビルドプレートへの接着両方を改善するのに役立つさまざまなオプション。 Brimは、モデルのベースの周りに単一レイヤーを平面的に追加して、ワーピングを防止します。 Raftは、モデルの下に太いグリッドを追加します。スカートはモデルの周りに印刷されたラインですが、モデルには接続されていません。"
  706. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  707. msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas label"
  708. msgid "Disallowed Areas"
  709. msgstr "拒否エリア"
  710. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  711. msgctxt "infill_line_distance description"
  712. msgid "Distance between the printed infill lines. This setting is calculated by the infill density and the infill line width."
  713. msgstr "造形されたインフィルラインの距離。この設定は、インフィル密度およびライン幅によって計算される。"
  714. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  715. msgctxt "support_initial_layer_line_distance description"
  716. msgid "Distance between the printed initial layer support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density."
  717. msgstr "印刷した初期層間の距離が構造ライをサポートします。この設定は、対応濃度で算出されます。"
  718. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  719. msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
  720. msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
  721. msgstr "印刷されたサポートのフロアのライン間の距離。この設定は、密度によって計算されますが、個別に調整することもできます。"
  722. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  723. msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
  724. msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
  725. msgstr "印刷されたサポートルーフ線間の距離。この設定は、サポート密度によって計算されますが、個別に調整することもできます。"
  726. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  727. msgctxt "support_line_distance description"
  728. msgid "Distance between the printed support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density."
  729. msgstr "印刷されたサポート材の間隔。この設定は、サポート材の密度によって算出されます。"
  730. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  731. msgctxt "support_bottom_distance description"
  732. msgid "Distance from the print to the bottom of the support."
  733. msgstr "印刷物とサポート材底部までの距離。"
  734. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  735. msgctxt "support_top_distance description"
  736. msgid "Distance from the top of the support to the print."
  737. msgstr "サポートの上部から印刷物までの距離。"
  738. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  739. msgctxt "support_z_distance description"
  740. msgid "Distance from the top/bottom of the support structure to the print. This gap provides clearance to remove the supports after the model is printed. This value is rounded up to a multiple of the layer height."
  741. msgstr "サポート材のトップ/ボトム部分と印刷物との距離。この幅がプリント後のサポート材を除去する隙間を作ります。値は積層ピッチの倍数にて計算されます。"
  742. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  743. msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist description"
  744. msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after every infill line, to make the infill stick to the walls better. This option is similar to infill overlap, but without extrusion and only on one end of the infill line."
  745. msgstr "インフィルラインごとに挿入された移動距離は壁のインフィルへの接着をより良くします。このオプションは、インフィルオーバーラップに似ていますが、押出なく、インフィルラインの片側にのみあります。"
  746. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  747. msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist description"
  748. msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after the outer wall, to hide the Z seam better."
  749. msgstr "外壁の後に挿入された移動の距離はZシームをよりよく隠します。"
  750. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  751. msgctxt "draft_shield_dist description"
  752. msgid "Distance of the draft shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
  753. msgstr "ドラフトシールドと造形物のX / Y方向の距離。"
  754. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  755. msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist description"
  756. msgid "Distance of the ooze shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
  757. msgstr "壁(ooze shield)の造形物からの距離。"
  758. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  759. msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang description"
  760. msgid "Distance of the support structure from the overhang in the X/Y directions."
  761. msgstr "X/Y方向におけるオーバーハングからサポートまでの距離。"
  762. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  763. msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
  764. msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
  765. msgstr "印刷物からX/Y方向へのサポート材との距離。"
  766. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  767. msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
  768. msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
  769. msgstr "これより小さいインフィルの領域を生成しないでください (代わりにスキンを使用してください)。"
  770. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  771. msgctxt "draft_shield_height label"
  772. msgid "Draft Shield Height"
  773. msgstr "ドラフトシールドの高さ"
  774. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  775. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation label"
  776. msgid "Draft Shield Limitation"
  777. msgstr "ドラフトシールドの制限"
  778. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  779. msgctxt "draft_shield_dist label"
  780. msgid "Draft Shield X/Y Distance"
  781. msgstr "ドラフトシールドとX/Yの距離"
  782. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  783. msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
  784. msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
  785. msgstr "サポートメッシュの下処理"
  786. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  787. msgctxt "dual label"
  788. msgid "Dual Extrusion"
  789. msgstr "デュアルエクストルーダー"
  790. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  791. msgctxt "machine_shape option elliptic"
  792. msgid "Elliptic"
  793. msgstr "楕円形"
  794. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  795. msgctxt "acceleration_enabled label"
  796. msgid "Enable Acceleration Control"
  797. msgstr "加速度制御を有効にする"
  798. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  799. msgctxt "bridge_settings_enabled label"
  800. msgid "Enable Bridge Settings"
  801. msgstr "ブリッジ設定を有効にする"
  802. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  803. msgctxt "coasting_enable label"
  804. msgid "Enable Coasting"
  805. msgstr "コースティングを有効にする"
  806. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  807. msgctxt "support_conical_enabled label"
  808. msgid "Enable Conical Support"
  809. msgstr "円錐サポートを有効にする"
  810. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  811. msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
  812. msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
  813. msgstr "ドラフトシールドを有効にする"
  814. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  815. msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
  816. msgid "Enable Ironing"
  817. msgstr "アイロン有効"
  818. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  819. msgctxt "jerk_enabled label"
  820. msgid "Enable Jerk Control"
  821. msgstr "ジャーク制御を有効にする"
  822. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  823. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled label"
  824. msgid "Enable Nozzle Temperature Control"
  825. msgstr "ノズルの温度管理を有効にする"
  826. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  827. msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled label"
  828. msgid "Enable Ooze Shield"
  829. msgstr "Ooze Shieldを有効にする"
  830. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  831. msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
  832. msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
  833. msgstr "プライムボルブを有効にする"
  834. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  835. msgctxt "prime_tower_enable label"
  836. msgid "Enable Prime Tower"
  837. msgstr "プライムタワーを有効にする"
  838. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  839. msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled label"
  840. msgid "Enable Print Cooling"
  841. msgstr "印刷中の冷却を有効にする"
  842. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  843. msgctxt "retraction_enable label"
  844. msgid "Enable Retraction"
  845. msgstr "引き戻し有効"
  846. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  847. msgctxt "support_brim_enable label"
  848. msgid "Enable Support Brim"
  849. msgstr "サポートブリムを有効にする"
  850. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  851. msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
  852. msgid "Enable Support Floor"
  853. msgstr "サポートフロアを有効にする"
  854. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  855. msgctxt "support_interface_enable label"
  856. msgid "Enable Support Interface"
  857. msgstr "サポートインタフェースを有効にする"
  858. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  859. msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
  860. msgid "Enable Support Roof"
  861. msgstr "サポートルーフを有効にする"
  862. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  863. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_enabled label"
  864. msgid "Enable Travel Acceleration"
  865. msgstr "プリントヘッド加速(トラベルアクセラレーション)を有効にする"
  866. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  867. msgctxt "jerk_travel_enabled label"
  868. msgid "Enable Travel Jerk"
  869. msgstr "トラベルジャークを有効にする"
  870. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  871. msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
  872. msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
  873. msgstr "モデルの周りに壁(ooze shield)を作る。これを生成することで、一つ目のノズルの高さと2つ目のノズルが同じ高さであったとき、2つ目のノズルを綺麗にします。"
  874. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  875. msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
  876. msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
  877. msgstr "X または Y 軸の速度が変更する際、プリントヘッドのジャークを調整することができます。ジャークを増やすことは、印刷時間を短縮できますがプリントの質を損ねます。"
  878. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  879. msgctxt "acceleration_enabled description"
  880. msgid "Enables adjusting the print head acceleration. Increasing the accelerations can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
  881. msgstr "プリントヘッドのスピード調整の有効化 加速度の増加は印刷時間を短縮しますが印刷の質を損ねます。"
  882. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  883. msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled description"
  884. msgid "Enables the print cooling fans while printing. The fans improve print quality on layers with short layer times and bridging / overhangs."
  885. msgstr "印刷中の冷却ファンを有効にします。ファンは、短いレイヤープリントやブリッジ/オーバーハングのレイヤーがある印刷物の品質を向上させます。"
  886. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  887. msgctxt "machine_end_gcode label"
  888. msgid "End G-code"
  889. msgstr "G-codeの終了"
  890. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  891. msgctxt "material_end_of_filament_purge_length label"
  892. msgid "End of Filament Purge Length"
  893. msgstr "フィラメントパージ長さの後"
  894. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  895. msgctxt "material_end_of_filament_purge_speed label"
  896. msgid "End of Filament Purge Speed"
  897. msgstr "フィラメントパージ速度の後"
  898. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  899. msgctxt "brim_replaces_support description"
  900. msgid "Enforce brim to be printed around the model even if that space would otherwise be occupied by support. This replaces some regions of the first layer of support by brim regions."
  901. msgstr "スペースがサポートで埋まっている場合でも、モデルの周辺にブリムを印刷します。これにより、サポートの最初の層の一部のエリアがブリムになります。"
  902. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  903. msgctxt "support_type option everywhere"
  904. msgid "Everywhere"
  905. msgstr "全対象"
  906. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  907. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance option exclusive"
  908. msgid "Exclusive"
  909. msgstr "排他"
  910. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  911. msgctxt "experimental label"
  912. msgid "Experimental"
  913. msgstr "実験"
  914. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  915. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_outer"
  916. msgid "Expose Seam"
  917. msgstr "シーム表示"
  918. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  919. msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching label"
  920. msgid "Extensive Stitching"
  921. msgstr "強めのスティッチング"
  922. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  923. msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching description"
  924. msgid "Extensive stitching tries to stitch up open holes in the mesh by closing the hole with touching polygons. This option can introduce a lot of processing time."
  925. msgstr "強めのスティッチングは、穴をメッシュで塞いでデータを作成します。このオプションは、長い処理時間が必要となります。"
  926. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  927. msgctxt "infill_wall_line_count label"
  928. msgid "Extra Infill Wall Count"
  929. msgstr "外側インフィル壁の数"
  930. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  931. msgctxt "skin_outline_count label"
  932. msgid "Extra Skin Wall Count"
  933. msgstr "外側表面の数"
  934. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  935. msgctxt "switch_extruder_extra_prime_amount description"
  936. msgid "Extra material to prime after nozzle switching."
  937. msgstr "ノズル切替え後のプライムに必要な余剰材料。"
  938. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  939. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
  940. msgid "Extruder Prime X Position"
  941. msgstr "エクストルーダープライムX位置"
  942. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  943. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
  944. msgid "Extruder Prime Y Position"
  945. msgstr "エクストルーダープライムY位置"
  946. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  947. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z label"
  948. msgid "Extruder Prime Z Position"
  949. msgstr "エクストルーダーのZ座標"
  950. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  951. msgctxt "machine_extruders_share_heater label"
  952. msgid "Extruders Share Heater"
  953. msgstr "エクストルーダーのヒーター共有"
  954. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  955. msgctxt "machine_extruders_share_nozzle label"
  956. msgid "Extruders Share Nozzle"
  957. msgstr "エクストルーダーの共有ノズル"
  958. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  959. msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed label"
  960. msgid "Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier"
  961. msgstr "押出クールダウン速度修飾子"
  962. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  963. msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor description"
  964. msgid "Extrusion width based correction factor on the speed. At 0% the movement speed is kept constant at the Print Speed. At 100% the movement speed is adjusted so that the flow (in mm³/s) is kept constant, i.e. lines half the normal Line Width are printed twice as fast and lines twice as wide are printed half as fast. A value larger than 100% can help to compensate for the higher pressure required to extrude wide lines."
  965. msgstr "押出幅に基づく速度の補正係数。0%では、移動速度が一定のプリント速度に保たれます。100%では、フロー(mm³/s単位)が一定になるように移動速度が調整されます。つまり、通常のライン幅の半分のラインは2倍の速さでプリントされ、幅が2倍のラインは半分の速さでプリントされます。100%より大きな値を設定すると、幅広のラインを押し出すのに必要な高い圧力を補うことができます。"
  966. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  967. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed label"
  968. msgid "Fan Speed"
  969. msgstr "ファン速度"
  970. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  971. msgctxt "support_fan_enable label"
  972. msgid "Fan Speed Override"
  973. msgstr "ファン速度上書き"
  974. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  975. msgctxt "small_feature_max_length description"
  976. msgid "Feature outlines that are shorter than this length will be printed using Small Feature Speed."
  977. msgstr "この長さより短い輪郭の形体は、Small Feature Speedを使用して印刷されます。"
  978. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  979. msgctxt "experimental description"
  980. msgid "Features that haven't completely been fleshed out yet."
  981. msgstr "これからもっと充実させていく機能です。"
  982. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  983. msgctxt "machine_feeder_wheel_diameter label"
  984. msgid "Feeder Wheel Diameter"
  985. msgstr "フィーダーホイール直径"
  986. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  987. msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature label"
  988. msgid "Final Printing Temperature"
  989. msgstr "最終印刷温度"
  990. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  991. msgctxt "machine_firmware_retract label"
  992. msgid "Firmware Retraction"
  993. msgstr "ファームウェア引き戻し"
  994. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  995. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 label"
  996. msgid "First Layer Support Extruder"
  997. msgstr "最初のレイヤー用サポートエクストルーダー"
  998. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  999. msgctxt "material_flow label"
  1000. msgid "Flow"
  1001. msgstr "フロー"
  1002. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1003. msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor label"
  1004. msgid "Flow Equalization Ratio"
  1005. msgstr "フロー均一化率"
  1006. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1007. msgctxt "flow_rate_extrusion_offset_factor label"
  1008. msgid "Flow Rate Compensation Factor"
  1009. msgstr "流量補正要因"
  1010. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1011. msgctxt "flow_rate_max_extrusion_offset label"
  1012. msgid "Flow Rate Compensation Max Extrusion Offset"
  1013. msgstr "流量補正時の最大抽出オフセット"
  1014. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1015. msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph label"
  1016. msgid "Flow Temperature Graph"
  1017. msgstr "フロー温度グラフ"
  1018. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1019. msgctxt "material_flow_layer_0 description"
  1020. msgid "Flow compensation for the first layer: the amount of material extruded on the initial layer is multiplied by this value."
  1021. msgstr "初期レイヤーの流量補修:初期レイヤーの マテリアル吐出量はこの値の乗算で計算されます。"
  1022. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1023. msgctxt "skin_material_flow_layer_0 description"
  1024. msgid "Flow compensation on bottom lines of the first layer"
  1025. msgstr "最初のレイヤーの底面ラインのフロー補正"
  1026. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1027. msgctxt "infill_material_flow description"
  1028. msgid "Flow compensation on infill lines."
  1029. msgstr "インフィルのフロー補正。"
  1030. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1031. msgctxt "support_interface_material_flow description"
  1032. msgid "Flow compensation on lines of support roof or floor."
  1033. msgstr "支持材の天井面または床面のフロー補正。"
  1034. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1035. msgctxt "roofing_material_flow description"
  1036. msgid "Flow compensation on lines of the areas at the top of the print."
  1037. msgstr "印刷物の上部表面のフロー補正。"
  1038. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1039. msgctxt "prime_tower_flow description"
  1040. msgid "Flow compensation on prime tower lines."
  1041. msgstr "プライムタワーのフロー補正。"
  1042. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1043. msgctxt "skirt_brim_material_flow description"
  1044. msgid "Flow compensation on skirt or brim lines."
  1045. msgstr "スカートまたはブリムのフロー補正。"
  1046. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1047. msgctxt "support_bottom_material_flow description"
  1048. msgid "Flow compensation on support floor lines."
  1049. msgstr "支持材床面のフロー補正。"
  1050. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1051. msgctxt "support_roof_material_flow description"
  1052. msgid "Flow compensation on support roof lines."
  1053. msgstr "支持材天井面のフロー補正。"
  1054. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1055. msgctxt "support_material_flow description"
  1056. msgid "Flow compensation on support structure lines."
  1057. msgstr "支持材のフロー補正。"
  1058. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1059. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow_layer_0 description"
  1060. msgid "Flow compensation on the outermost wall line of the first layer."
  1061. msgstr "最初のレイヤーの最も外側のウォールライン上のフロー補正。"
  1062. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1063. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow description"
  1064. msgid "Flow compensation on the outermost wall line."
  1065. msgstr "最外壁のフロー補正。"
  1066. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1067. msgctxt "skin_material_flow description"
  1068. msgid "Flow compensation on top/bottom lines."
  1069. msgstr "上面/下面のフロー補正。"
  1070. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1071. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow_layer_0 description"
  1072. msgid "Flow compensation on wall lines for all wall lines except the outermost one, but only for the first layer"
  1073. msgstr "最も外側のウォールラインを除くすべてのウォールラインのフロー補正(ただし、最初のレイヤーのみ)"
  1074. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1075. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow description"
  1076. msgid "Flow compensation on wall lines for all wall lines except the outermost one."
  1077. msgstr "最外壁以外の壁のフロー補正。"
  1078. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1079. msgctxt "wall_material_flow description"
  1080. msgid "Flow compensation on wall lines."
  1081. msgstr "壁のフロー補正。"
  1082. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1083. msgctxt "material_flow description"
  1084. msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  1085. msgstr "流れの補修: 押出されるマテリアルの量は、この値から乗算されます。"
  1086. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1087. msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
  1088. msgid "Flush Purge Length"
  1089. msgstr "フラッシュパージ長さ"
  1090. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1091. msgctxt "material_flush_purge_speed label"
  1092. msgid "Flush Purge Speed"
  1093. msgstr "フラッシュパージ速度"
  1094. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1095. msgctxt "min_wall_line_width description"
  1096. msgid "For thin structures around once or twice the nozzle size, the line widths need to be altered to adhere to the thickness of the model. This setting controls the minimum line width allowed for the walls. The minimum line widths inherently also determine the maximum line widths, since we transition from N to N+1 walls at some geometry thickness where the N walls are wide and the N+1 walls are narrow. The widest possible wall line is twice the Minimum Wall Line Width."
  1097. msgstr "ノズルサイズの1~2倍程度の薄い構造の場合、モデルの厚さに合わせてライン幅を変更する必要があります。この設定は、ウォールに許容される最小ライン幅を制御します。ジオメトリーの厚さが、Nのウォールが幅広く、N+1のウォールが狭い場所で、NからN+1のウォールに移行するため、最小ライン幅は本質的に最大ライン幅も決定します。ウォールラインの許容最大幅は、最小ウォールライン幅の2倍です。"
  1098. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1099. msgctxt "support_tree_rest_preference option buildplate"
  1100. msgid "Force Only Buildplate"
  1101. msgstr ""
  1102. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1103. msgctxt "z_seam_position option front"
  1104. msgid "Front"
  1105. msgstr "前"
  1106. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1107. msgctxt "z_seam_position option frontleft"
  1108. msgid "Front Left"
  1109. msgstr "前左"
  1110. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1111. msgctxt "z_seam_position option frontright"
  1112. msgid "Front Right"
  1113. msgstr "前方右"
  1114. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1115. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option full"
  1116. msgid "Full"
  1117. msgstr "制限なし"
  1118. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1119. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled label"
  1120. msgid "Fuzzy Skin"
  1121. msgstr "ファジースキン"
  1122. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1123. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density label"
  1124. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Density"
  1125. msgstr "ファジースキンの密度"
  1126. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1127. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_outside_only label"
  1128. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Outside Only"
  1129. msgstr "ファジースキン外のみ"
  1130. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1131. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist label"
  1132. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Point Distance"
  1133. msgstr "ファジースキン点間距離"
  1134. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1135. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness label"
  1136. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Thickness"
  1137. msgstr "ファジースキンの厚さ"
  1138. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1139. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor label"
  1140. msgid "G-code Flavor"
  1141. msgstr "G-codeフレーバー"
  1142. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1143. msgctxt "machine_end_gcode description"
  1144. msgid ""
  1145. "G-code commands to be executed at the very end - separated by \n"
  1146. "."
  1147. msgstr ""
  1148. "最後に実行するG-codeコマンドは、\n"
  1149. "で区切ります。"
  1150. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1151. msgctxt "machine_start_gcode description"
  1152. msgid ""
  1153. "G-code commands to be executed at the very start - separated by \n"
  1154. "."
  1155. msgstr ""
  1156. "最初に実行するG-codeコマンドは、\n"
  1157. "で区切ります。"
  1158. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1159. msgctxt "material_guid description"
  1160. msgid "GUID of the material. This is set automatically."
  1161. msgstr "マテリアルのGUID。これは自動的に設定されます。"
  1162. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1163. msgctxt "gantry_height label"
  1164. msgid "Gantry Height"
  1165. msgstr "ガントリーの高さ"
  1166. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1167. msgctxt "interlocking_enable label"
  1168. msgid "Generate Interlocking Structure"
  1169. msgstr "インターロック構造の生成"
  1170. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1171. msgctxt "support_enable label"
  1172. msgid "Generate Support"
  1173. msgstr "サポート開始"
  1174. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1175. msgctxt "support_brim_enable description"
  1176. msgid "Generate a brim within the support infill regions of the first layer. This brim is printed underneath the support, not around it. Enabling this setting increases the adhesion of support to the build plate."
  1177. msgstr "最初の層のインフィルエリア内ブリムを生成します。このブリムは、サポートの周囲ではなく、サポートの下に印刷されます。この設定を有効にすると、サポートのビルドプレートへの吸着性が高まります。"
  1178. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1179. msgctxt "support_interface_enable description"
  1180. msgid "Generate a dense interface between the model and the support. This will create a skin at the top of the support on which the model is printed and at the bottom of the support, where it rests on the model."
  1181. msgstr "モデルとサポートの間に密なインターフェースを生成します。これにより、モデルが印刷されているサポートの上部、モデル上のサポートの下部にスキンが作成されます。"
  1182. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1183. msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
  1184. msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
  1185. msgstr "サポートの上部とモデルの間に高密度の厚板を形成します。モデルとサポート材の間にスキンが作成されます。"
  1186. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1187. msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
  1188. msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
  1189. msgstr "サポートの上部とモデルの間に高密度の厚板を形成します。モデルとサポート材の間にスキンが作成されます。"
  1190. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1191. msgctxt "support_enable description"
  1192. msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
  1193. msgstr "オーバーハングするモデルのサポートパーツの構造を形成します。これらのサポートがなければ、印刷は失敗します。"
  1194. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1195. msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type option glass"
  1196. msgid "Glass"
  1197. msgstr "ガラス"
  1198. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1199. msgctxt "ironing_enabled description"
  1200. msgid "Go over the top surface one additional time, but this time extruding very little material. This is meant to melt the plastic on top further, creating a smoother surface. The pressure in the nozzle chamber is kept high so that the creases in the surface are filled with material."
  1201. msgstr "微量の材料のみを吐出して、再度上部表面を動きます。これにより上部のプラスティックが溶かされ、よりスムースな表面になります。ノズルチャンバーには高い圧力が保たれるため、表面上のしわが材料で埋められます。"
  1202. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1203. msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height label"
  1204. msgid "Gradual Infill Step Height"
  1205. msgstr "インフィル半減高さ"
  1206. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1207. msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps label"
  1208. msgid "Gradual Infill Steps"
  1209. msgstr "インフィル半減回数"
  1210. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1211. msgctxt "gradual_support_infill_step_height label"
  1212. msgid "Gradual Support Infill Step Height"
  1213. msgstr "サポートインフィル半減前の高さ"
  1214. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1215. msgctxt "gradual_support_infill_steps label"
  1216. msgid "Gradual Support Infill Steps"
  1217. msgstr "サポートインフィル半減回数"
  1218. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1219. msgctxt "cool_min_temperature description"
  1220. msgid "Gradually reduce to this temperature when printing at reduced speeds because of minimum layer time."
  1221. msgstr "レイヤー時間が最小であるため、速度を落としてプリントする場合は、この温度まで徐々に下げてください。"
  1222. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1223. msgctxt "infill_pattern option grid"
  1224. msgid "Grid"
  1225. msgstr "グリッド"
  1226. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1227. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
  1228. msgid "Grid"
  1229. msgstr "グリッド"
  1230. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1231. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option grid"
  1232. msgid "Grid"
  1233. msgstr "グリッド"
  1234. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1235. msgctxt "support_pattern option grid"
  1236. msgid "Grid"
  1237. msgstr "グリッド"
  1238. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1239. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
  1240. msgid "Grid"
  1241. msgstr "グリッド"
  1242. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1243. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Griffin"
  1244. msgid "Griffin"
  1245. msgstr "Griffin"
  1246. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1247. msgctxt "infill_pattern option gyroid"
  1248. msgid "Gyroid"
  1249. msgstr "ジャイロイド"
  1250. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1251. msgctxt "support_pattern option gyroid"
  1252. msgid "Gyroid"
  1253. msgstr "ジャイロイド"
  1254. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1255. msgctxt "machine_heated_build_volume label"
  1256. msgid "Has Build Volume Temperature Stabilization"
  1257. msgstr "造形温度安定化処理有り"
  1258. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1259. msgctxt "machine_heated_bed label"
  1260. msgid "Has Heated Build Plate"
  1261. msgstr "加熱式ビルドプレートあり"
  1262. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1263. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed label"
  1264. msgid "Heat Up Speed"
  1265. msgstr "加熱速度"
  1266. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1267. msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length label"
  1268. msgid "Heat Zone Length"
  1269. msgstr "ノズル加熱長さ"
  1270. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1271. msgctxt "draft_shield_height description"
  1272. msgid "Height limitation of the draft shield. Above this height no draft shield will be printed."
  1273. msgstr "ドラフトシールドの高さ制限。この高さを超えるとドラフトシールドが印刷されません。"
  1274. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1275. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_inner"
  1276. msgid "Hide Seam"
  1277. msgstr "シーム非表示"
  1278. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1279. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_any"
  1280. msgid "Hide or Expose Seam"
  1281. msgstr "シーム表示/非表示"
  1282. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1283. msgctxt "hole_xy_offset label"
  1284. msgid "Hole Horizontal Expansion"
  1285. msgstr "穴の水平展開"
  1286. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1287. msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter label"
  1288. msgid "Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter"
  1289. msgstr ""
  1290. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1291. msgctxt "small_hole_max_size description"
  1292. msgid "Holes and part outlines with a diameter smaller than this will be printed using Small Feature Speed."
  1293. msgstr "これより直径が小さな輪郭の穴とパーツは、Small Feature Speedを使用して印刷されます。"
  1294. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1295. msgctxt "xy_offset label"
  1296. msgid "Horizontal Expansion"
  1297. msgstr "水平展開"
  1298. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1299. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
  1300. msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
  1301. msgstr "水平スケールファクタ収縮補正"
  1302. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1303. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
  1304. msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
  1305. msgstr "加熱中にフィラメントの引き出しが生じる距離。"
  1306. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1307. msgctxt "material_anti_ooze_retracted_position description"
  1308. msgid "How far the material needs to be retracted before it stops oozing."
  1309. msgstr "滲出を止めるには材料をどこまで引き戻す必要があるか。"
  1310. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1311. msgctxt "flow_rate_extrusion_offset_factor description"
  1312. msgid "How far to move the filament in order to compensate for changes in flow rate, as a percentage of how far the filament would move in one second of extrusion."
  1313. msgstr "流量の変化を補正するためにフィラメントを移動する距離。フィラメントが1秒の押出で移動する距離の割合として指定します。"
  1314. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1315. msgctxt "material_break_retracted_position description"
  1316. msgid "How far to retract the filament in order to break it cleanly."
  1317. msgstr "フィラメントをきれいに引き出すにはフィラメントをどこまで引き戻すか。"
  1318. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1319. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_speed description"
  1320. msgid "How fast the filament needs to be retracted just before breaking it off in a retraction."
  1321. msgstr "フィラメントの引き出しが起こるための引き戻しの距離。"
  1322. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1323. msgctxt "material_anti_ooze_retraction_speed description"
  1324. msgid "How fast the material needs to be retracted during a filament switch to prevent oozing."
  1325. msgstr "滲出を防止するにはフィラメントスイッチ中に材料をどの程度速く引き戻す必要があるか。"
  1326. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1327. msgctxt "material_end_of_filament_purge_speed description"
  1328. msgid "How fast to prime the material after replacing an empty spool with a fresh spool of the same material."
  1329. msgstr "空のスプールを同じ材料の新しいスプールに交換した後に、材料の下準備をする速度。"
  1330. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1331. msgctxt "material_flush_purge_speed description"
  1332. msgid "How fast to prime the material after switching to a different material."
  1333. msgstr "材料を切り替えた後に、材料の下準備をする速度。"
  1334. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1335. msgctxt "material_maximum_park_duration description"
  1336. msgid "How long the material can be kept out of dry storage safely."
  1337. msgstr "材料を乾燥保管容器の外に置くことができる期間。"
  1338. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1339. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_x description"
  1340. msgid "How many steps of the stepper motor will result in one millimeter of movement in the X direction."
  1341. msgstr "X 方向に 1 ミリメートルの移動でステップモーターが行うステップの数を示します。"
  1342. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1343. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_y description"
  1344. msgid "How many steps of the stepper motor will result in one millimeter of movement in the Y direction."
  1345. msgstr "Y 方向に 1 ミリメートルの移動でステップモーターが行うステップの数を示します。"
  1346. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1347. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_z description"
  1348. msgid "How many steps of the stepper motor will result in one millimeter of movement in the Z direction."
  1349. msgstr "Z 方向に 1 ミリメートルの移動でステップモーターが行うステップの数を示します。"
  1350. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1351. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_e description"
  1352. msgid "How many steps of the stepper motors will result in moving the feeder wheel by one millimeter around its circumference."
  1353. msgstr "フィーダーホイールを円周上で1ミリメートル移動させるのに、ステップモーターが行うステップの数を示します。"
  1354. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1355. msgctxt "material_end_of_filament_purge_length description"
  1356. msgid "How much material to use to purge the previous material out of the nozzle (in length of filament) when replacing an empty spool with a fresh spool of the same material."
  1357. msgstr "空のスプールを同じ材料の新しいスプールに交換したときに、ノズルから前の材料をパージするために使用する材料の量(フィラメントの長さ)。"
  1358. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1359. msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length description"
  1360. msgid "How much material to use to purge the previous material out of the nozzle (in length of filament) when switching to a different material."
  1361. msgstr "材料を切り替えたときに、ノズルから前の材料をパージするために使用する材料の量(フィラメントの長さ)。"
  1362. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1363. msgctxt "machine_extruders_shared_nozzle_initial_retraction description"
  1364. msgid "How much the filament of each extruder is assumed to have been retracted from the shared nozzle tip at the completion of the printer-start gcode script; the value should be equal to or greater than the length of the common part of the nozzle's ducts."
  1365. msgstr "プリンタ起動gcodeスクリプト完了時に、各エクストルーダーのフィラメントが共有ノズルの先端部分から引き戻されていると想定される量。この値は、ノズルのダクトの共通部分の長さ以上にする必要があります。"
  1366. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1367. msgctxt "support_interface_priority description"
  1368. msgid "How support interface and support will interact when they overlap. Currently only implemented for support roof."
  1369. msgstr ""
  1370. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1371. msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model description"
  1372. msgid "How tall a branch has to be if it is placed on the model. Prevents small blobs of support. This setting is ignored when a branch is supporting a support roof."
  1373. msgstr ""
  1374. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1375. msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
  1376. msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
  1377. msgstr "対象領域に対してこのパーセンテージ未満のスキン領域がサポートされている場合、ブリッジ設定で印刷します。それ以外の場合は、通常のスキン設定で印刷します。"
  1378. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1379. msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
  1380. msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
  1381. msgstr "有効な場合、空気上部の第二および第三レイヤーは以下の設定で印刷されます。それ以外の場合は、それらのレイヤーは通常の設定で印刷されます。"
  1382. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1383. msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance description"
  1384. msgid "If it would be transitioning back and forth between different numbers of walls in quick succession, don't transition at all. Remove transitions if they are closer together than this distance."
  1385. msgstr "異なる数のウォール間を相次いで行き来する場合は、まったく移行しないようにします。移行同士がこの距離よりも近い場合は、それらの移行を削除します。"
  1386. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1387. msgctxt "raft_margin description"
  1388. msgid "If the raft is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print."
  1389. msgstr "ラフトが有効になっている場合、モデルの周りに余分なラフト領域ができます。値を大きくするとより強力なラフトができますが、多くの材料を使用し、造形範囲は少なくなります。"
  1390. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1391. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all description"
  1392. msgid "Ignore the internal geometry arising from overlapping volumes within a mesh and print the volumes as one. This may cause unintended internal cavities to disappear."
  1393. msgstr "メッシュ内の重なり合うボリュームから生じる内部ジオメトリを無視し、ボリュームを1つとして印刷します。これにより、意図しない内部空洞が消えることがあります。"
  1394. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1395. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend label"
  1396. msgid "Include Build Plate Temperature"
  1397. msgstr "ビルドプレート温度を含む"
  1398. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1399. msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend label"
  1400. msgid "Include Material Temperatures"
  1401. msgstr "マテリアル温度を含む"
  1402. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1403. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance option inclusive"
  1404. msgid "Inclusive"
  1405. msgstr "包括"
  1406. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1407. msgctxt "infill description"
  1408. msgid "Infill"
  1409. msgstr "インフィル"
  1410. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1411. msgctxt "infill label"
  1412. msgid "Infill"
  1413. msgstr "インフィル"
  1414. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1415. msgctxt "acceleration_infill label"
  1416. msgid "Infill Acceleration"
  1417. msgstr "インフィル加速度"
  1418. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1419. msgctxt "infill_before_walls label"
  1420. msgid "Infill Before Walls"
  1421. msgstr "インフィル優先"
  1422. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1423. msgctxt "infill_sparse_density label"
  1424. msgid "Infill Density"
  1425. msgstr "インフィル密度"
  1426. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1427. msgctxt "infill_extruder_nr label"
  1428. msgid "Infill Extruder"
  1429. msgstr "インフィルエクストルーダー"
  1430. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1431. msgctxt "infill_material_flow label"
  1432. msgid "Infill Flow"
  1433. msgstr "インフィルフロー"
  1434. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1435. msgctxt "jerk_infill label"
  1436. msgid "Infill Jerk"
  1437. msgstr "インフィルジャーク"
  1438. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1439. msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness label"
  1440. msgid "Infill Layer Thickness"
  1441. msgstr "インフィル層の厚さ"
  1442. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1443. msgctxt "infill_angles label"
  1444. msgid "Infill Line Directions"
  1445. msgstr "インフィルラインの向き"
  1446. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1447. msgctxt "infill_line_distance label"
  1448. msgid "Infill Line Distance"
  1449. msgstr "インフィルライン距離"
  1450. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1451. msgctxt "infill_multiplier label"
  1452. msgid "Infill Line Multiplier"
  1453. msgstr "インフィルライン乗算"
  1454. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1455. msgctxt "infill_line_width label"
  1456. msgid "Infill Line Width"
  1457. msgstr "インフィルラインの幅"
  1458. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1459. msgctxt "infill_mesh label"
  1460. msgid "Infill Mesh"
  1461. msgstr "インフィルメッシュ"
  1462. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1463. msgctxt "infill_support_angle label"
  1464. msgid "Infill Overhang Angle"
  1465. msgstr "インフィルオーバーハング角度"
  1466. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1467. msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm label"
  1468. msgid "Infill Overlap"
  1469. msgstr "インフィル公差"
  1470. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1471. msgctxt "infill_overlap label"
  1472. msgid "Infill Overlap Percentage"
  1473. msgstr "インフィル公差量"
  1474. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1475. msgctxt "infill_pattern label"
  1476. msgid "Infill Pattern"
  1477. msgstr "インフィルパターン"
  1478. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1479. msgctxt "speed_infill label"
  1480. msgid "Infill Speed"
  1481. msgstr "インフィル速度"
  1482. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1483. msgctxt "infill_support_enabled label"
  1484. msgid "Infill Support"
  1485. msgstr "インフィルサポート"
  1486. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1487. msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization label"
  1488. msgid "Infill Travel Optimization"
  1489. msgstr "インフィル移動最適化"
  1490. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1491. msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist label"
  1492. msgid "Infill Wipe Distance"
  1493. msgstr "インフィル移動距離"
  1494. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1495. msgctxt "infill_offset_x label"
  1496. msgid "Infill X Offset"
  1497. msgstr "インフィルXオフセット"
  1498. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1499. msgctxt "infill_offset_y label"
  1500. msgid "Infill Y Offset"
  1501. msgstr "インフィルYオフセット"
  1502. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1503. msgctxt "initial_bottom_layers label"
  1504. msgid "Initial Bottom Layers"
  1505. msgstr "初期底面レイヤー"
  1506. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1507. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 label"
  1508. msgid "Initial Fan Speed"
  1509. msgstr "初期ファン速度"
  1510. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1511. msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 label"
  1512. msgid "Initial Layer Acceleration"
  1513. msgstr "初期レイヤー加速度"
  1514. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1515. msgctxt "skin_material_flow_layer_0 label"
  1516. msgid "Initial Layer Bottom Flow"
  1517. msgstr "初期レイヤーの底面フロー"
  1518. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1519. msgctxt "material_flow_layer_0 label"
  1520. msgid "Initial Layer Flow"
  1521. msgstr "初期レイヤーフロー"
  1522. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1523. msgctxt "layer_height_0 label"
  1524. msgid "Initial Layer Height"
  1525. msgstr "初期レイヤー高さ"
  1526. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1527. msgctxt "xy_offset_layer_0 label"
  1528. msgid "Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion"
  1529. msgstr "初期層水平展開"
  1530. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1531. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow_layer_0 label"
  1532. msgid "Initial Layer Inner Wall Flow"
  1533. msgstr "初期レイヤーインナーウォールのフロー"
  1534. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1535. msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 label"
  1536. msgid "Initial Layer Jerk"
  1537. msgstr "初期レイヤージャーク"
  1538. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1539. msgctxt "initial_layer_line_width_factor label"
  1540. msgid "Initial Layer Line Width"
  1541. msgstr "初期レイヤーのライン幅"
  1542. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1543. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow_layer_0 label"
  1544. msgid "Initial Layer Outer Wall Flow"
  1545. msgstr "初期レイヤーアウターウォールのフロー"
  1546. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1547. msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 label"
  1548. msgid "Initial Layer Print Acceleration"
  1549. msgstr "初期レイヤー印刷加速度"
  1550. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1551. msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 label"
  1552. msgid "Initial Layer Print Jerk"
  1553. msgstr "初期レイヤー印刷ジャーク"
  1554. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1555. msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 label"
  1556. msgid "Initial Layer Print Speed"
  1557. msgstr "初期レイヤー印刷速度"
  1558. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1559. msgctxt "speed_layer_0 label"
  1560. msgid "Initial Layer Speed"
  1561. msgstr "初期レイヤー速度"
  1562. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1563. msgctxt "support_initial_layer_line_distance label"
  1564. msgid "Initial Layer Support Line Distance"
  1565. msgstr "初期層サポートラインの距離"
  1566. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1567. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 label"
  1568. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Acceleration"
  1569. msgstr "初期レイヤー移動加速度"
  1570. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1571. msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 label"
  1572. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Jerk"
  1573. msgstr "初期レイヤー移動ジャーク"
  1574. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1575. msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 label"
  1576. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Speed"
  1577. msgstr "初期レイヤー移動速度"
  1578. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1579. msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap label"
  1580. msgid "Initial Layer Z Overlap"
  1581. msgstr "初期レイヤーZのオーバーラップ"
  1582. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1583. msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature label"
  1584. msgid "Initial Printing Temperature"
  1585. msgstr "初期印刷温度"
  1586. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1587. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x label"
  1588. msgid "Inner Wall Acceleration"
  1589. msgstr "内壁加速度"
  1590. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1591. msgctxt "wall_x_extruder_nr label"
  1592. msgid "Inner Wall Extruder"
  1593. msgstr "内壁用エクストルーダー"
  1594. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1595. msgctxt "jerk_wall_x label"
  1596. msgid "Inner Wall Jerk"
  1597. msgstr "内壁ジャーク"
  1598. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1599. msgctxt "speed_wall_x label"
  1600. msgid "Inner Wall Speed"
  1601. msgstr "内壁速度"
  1602. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1603. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow label"
  1604. msgid "Inner Wall(s) Flow"
  1605. msgstr "内壁のフロー"
  1606. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1607. msgctxt "wall_line_width_x label"
  1608. msgid "Inner Wall(s) Line Width"
  1609. msgstr "内側ウォールライン幅"
  1610. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1611. msgctxt "wall_0_inset description"
  1612. msgid "Inset applied to the path of the outer wall. If the outer wall is smaller than the nozzle, and printed after the inner walls, use this offset to get the hole in the nozzle to overlap with the inner walls instead of the outside of the model."
  1613. msgstr "外壁の経路にはめ込む。外壁がノズルよりも小さく、内壁の後に造形されている場合は、オフセットを使用して、ノズルの穴をモデルの外側ではなく内壁と重なるようにします。"
  1614. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1615. msgctxt "inset_direction option inside_out"
  1616. msgid "Inside To Outside"
  1617. msgstr "内側から外側へ"
  1618. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1619. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option interface_lines_overwrite_support_area"
  1620. msgid "Interface lines preferred"
  1621. msgstr ""
  1622. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1623. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option interface_area_overwrite_support_area"
  1624. msgid "Interface preferred"
  1625. msgstr ""
  1626. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1627. msgctxt "interlocking_beam_layer_count label"
  1628. msgid "Interlocking Beam Layer Count"
  1629. msgstr "インターロックビームレイヤー数"
  1630. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1631. msgctxt "interlocking_beam_width label"
  1632. msgid "Interlocking Beam Width"
  1633. msgstr "インターロックビーム幅"
  1634. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1635. msgctxt "interlocking_boundary_avoidance label"
  1636. msgid "Interlocking Boundary Avoidance"
  1637. msgstr "インターロック境界回避"
  1638. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1639. msgctxt "interlocking_depth label"
  1640. msgid "Interlocking Depth"
  1641. msgstr "インターロックの奥行"
  1642. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1643. msgctxt "interlocking_orientation label"
  1644. msgid "Interlocking Structure Orientation"
  1645. msgstr "インターロック構造の向き"
  1646. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1647. msgctxt "ironing_only_highest_layer label"
  1648. msgid "Iron Only Highest Layer"
  1649. msgstr "最上層のみアイロン"
  1650. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1651. msgctxt "acceleration_ironing label"
  1652. msgid "Ironing Acceleration"
  1653. msgstr "アイロン加速度"
  1654. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1655. msgctxt "ironing_flow label"
  1656. msgid "Ironing Flow"
  1657. msgstr "アイロンフロー"
  1658. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1659. msgctxt "ironing_inset label"
  1660. msgid "Ironing Inset"
  1661. msgstr "アイロンインセット"
  1662. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1663. msgctxt "jerk_ironing label"
  1664. msgid "Ironing Jerk"
  1665. msgstr "アイロンジャーク"
  1666. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1667. msgctxt "ironing_line_spacing label"
  1668. msgid "Ironing Line Spacing"
  1669. msgstr "アイロン線のスペース"
  1670. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1671. msgctxt "ironing_pattern label"
  1672. msgid "Ironing Pattern"
  1673. msgstr "アイロンパターン"
  1674. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1675. msgctxt "speed_ironing label"
  1676. msgid "Ironing Speed"
  1677. msgstr "アイロン速度"
  1678. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1679. msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero label"
  1680. msgid "Is Center Origin"
  1681. msgstr "中心位置"
  1682. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1683. msgctxt "material_crystallinity description"
  1684. msgid "Is this material the type that breaks off cleanly when heated (crystalline), or is it the type that produces long intertwined polymer chains (non-crystalline)?"
  1685. msgstr "この材料は加熱時にきれいに分解するタイプ (結晶性) または長く絡み合ったポリマー鎖 (非結晶) を作り出すタイプのいずれですか?"
  1686. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1687. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_outside_only description"
  1688. msgid "Jitter only the parts' outlines and not the parts' holes."
  1689. msgstr "部品の輪郭のみに振動が起こり、部品の穴には起こりません。"
  1690. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1691. msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons label"
  1692. msgid "Keep Disconnected Faces"
  1693. msgstr "スティッチできない部分を保持"
  1694. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1695. msgctxt "layer_height label"
  1696. msgid "Layer Height"
  1697. msgstr "レイヤー高さ"
  1698. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1699. msgctxt "layer_start_x label"
  1700. msgid "Layer Start X"
  1701. msgstr "レイヤー始点X"
  1702. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1703. msgctxt "layer_start_y label"
  1704. msgid "Layer Start Y"
  1705. msgstr "レイヤー始点Y"
  1706. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1707. msgctxt "raft_base_thickness description"
  1708. msgid "Layer thickness of the base raft layer. This should be a thick layer which sticks firmly to the printer build plate."
  1709. msgstr "ベースラフト層の層厚さ。プリンタのビルドプレートにしっかりと固着する厚い層でなければなりません。"
  1710. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1711. msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness description"
  1712. msgid "Layer thickness of the middle raft layer."
  1713. msgstr "中間のラフト層の層の厚さ。"
  1714. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1715. msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness description"
  1716. msgid "Layer thickness of the top raft layers."
  1717. msgstr "トップラフト層の層厚。"
  1718. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1719. msgctxt "support_skip_zag_per_mm description"
  1720. msgid "Leave out a connection between support lines once every N millimeter to make the support structure easier to break away."
  1721. msgstr "サポート毎行Nミリ時に、サポートの接続をわざと外し、後のサポート材の構造をもろくし、壊れやすくする。"
  1722. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1723. msgctxt "z_seam_position option left"
  1724. msgid "Left"
  1725. msgstr "左"
  1726. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1727. msgctxt "cool_lift_head label"
  1728. msgid "Lift Head"
  1729. msgstr "ヘッド持ち上げ"
  1730. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1731. msgctxt "infill_pattern option lightning"
  1732. msgid "Lightning"
  1733. msgstr "ライトニング"
  1734. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1735. msgctxt "lightning_infill_overhang_angle label"
  1736. msgid "Lightning Infill Overhang Angle"
  1737. msgstr "ライトニングインフィルオーバーハング角度"
  1738. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1739. msgctxt "lightning_infill_prune_angle label"
  1740. msgid "Lightning Infill Prune Angle"
  1741. msgstr "ライトニングインフィル刈り込み角度"
  1742. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1743. msgctxt "lightning_infill_straightening_angle label"
  1744. msgid "Lightning Infill Straightening Angle"
  1745. msgstr "ライトニングインフィル矯正角度"
  1746. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1747. msgctxt "lightning_infill_support_angle label"
  1748. msgid "Lightning Infill Support Angle"
  1749. msgstr "ライトニングインフィルサポート角度"
  1750. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1751. msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach description"
  1752. msgid "Limit how far each branch should travel from the point it supports. This can make the support more sturdy, but will increase the amount of branches (and because of that material usage/print time)"
  1753. msgstr ""
  1754. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1755. msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
  1756. msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
  1757. msgstr "このメッシュの大きさをを他のメッシュ内に制限します。この設定を使用することで、1つの特定のメッシュ領域の設定を、、全く別のエクストルーダーで作成することができます。"
  1758. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1759. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option limited"
  1760. msgid "Limited"
  1761. msgstr "制限あり"
  1762. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1763. msgctxt "line_width label"
  1764. msgid "Line Width"
  1765. msgstr "ライン幅"
  1766. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1767. msgctxt "infill_pattern option lines"
  1768. msgid "Lines"
  1769. msgstr "ライン"
  1770. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1771. msgctxt "roofing_pattern option lines"
  1772. msgid "Lines"
  1773. msgstr "直線"
  1774. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1775. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
  1776. msgid "Lines"
  1777. msgstr "ライン"
  1778. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1779. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option lines"
  1780. msgid "Lines"
  1781. msgstr "ライン"
  1782. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1783. msgctxt "support_pattern option lines"
  1784. msgid "Lines"
  1785. msgstr "ライン"
  1786. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1787. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
  1788. msgid "Lines"
  1789. msgstr "ライン"
  1790. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1791. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option lines"
  1792. msgid "Lines"
  1793. msgstr "直線"
  1794. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1795. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option lines"
  1796. msgid "Lines"
  1797. msgstr "直線"
  1798. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1799. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option MACH3"
  1800. msgid "Mach3"
  1801. msgstr "Mach3"
  1802. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1803. msgctxt "machine_settings label"
  1804. msgid "Machine"
  1805. msgstr "プリンター"
  1806. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1807. msgctxt "machine_depth label"
  1808. msgid "Machine Depth"
  1809. msgstr "プリンターの奥行"
  1810. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1811. msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon label"
  1812. msgid "Machine Head & Fan Polygon"
  1813. msgstr "プリントヘッドとファンポリゴン"
  1814. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1815. msgctxt "machine_height label"
  1816. msgid "Machine Height"
  1817. msgstr "プリンターの高さ"
  1818. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1819. msgctxt "machine_name label"
  1820. msgid "Machine Type"
  1821. msgstr "プリンターのタイプ"
  1822. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1823. msgctxt "machine_width label"
  1824. msgid "Machine Width"
  1825. msgstr "プリンターの幅"
  1826. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1827. msgctxt "machine_settings description"
  1828. msgid "Machine specific settings"
  1829. msgstr "プリンター詳細設定"
  1830. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1831. msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled label"
  1832. msgid "Make Overhang Printable"
  1833. msgstr "オーバーハング印刷可能"
  1834. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1835. msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap description"
  1836. msgid "Make meshes which are touching each other overlap a bit. This makes them bond together better."
  1837. msgstr "触れているメッシュを少し重ねてください。これによって、より良い接着をします。"
  1838. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1839. msgctxt "support_conical_enabled description"
  1840. msgid "Make support areas smaller at the bottom than at the overhang."
  1841. msgstr "オーバーハング部分よりも底面の支持領域を小さくする。"
  1842. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1843. msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
  1844. msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
  1845. msgstr "サポートメッシュの下のサポート材を全箇所に作ります、これはサポートメッシュ下にてオーバーハングしないようにするためです。"
  1846. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1847. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs description"
  1848. msgid "Make the extruder prime position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
  1849. msgstr "最後のヘッドの既知位置からではなく、エクストルーダー現在位置を絶対位置にします。"
  1850. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1851. msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap description"
  1852. msgid "Make the first and second layer of the model overlap in the Z direction to compensate for the filament lost in the airgap. All models above the first model layer will be shifted down by this amount."
  1853. msgstr "エアギャップ内で失われたフィラメントを補うために、モデルの第1層と第2層をZ方向にオーバーラップさせます。この値によって、最初のモデルレイヤーがシフトダウンされます。"
  1854. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1855. msgctxt "meshfix description"
  1856. msgid "Make the meshes more suited for 3D printing."
  1857. msgstr "3Dプリンティングにさらに適したメッシュを作成します。"
  1858. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1859. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Makerbot"
  1860. msgid "Makerbot"
  1861. msgstr "Makerbot"
  1862. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1863. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
  1864. msgid "Marlin"
  1865. msgstr "Marlin"
  1866. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1867. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Volumetric)"
  1868. msgid "Marlin (Volumetric)"
  1869. msgstr "Marlin (Volumetric)"
  1870. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1871. msgctxt "material description"
  1872. msgid "Material"
  1873. msgstr "マテリアル"
  1874. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1875. msgctxt "material label"
  1876. msgid "Material"
  1877. msgstr "マテリアル"
  1878. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1879. msgctxt "material_guid label"
  1880. msgid "Material GUID"
  1881. msgstr "マテリアルGUID"
  1882. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1883. msgctxt "max_extrusion_before_wipe label"
  1884. msgid "Material Volume Between Wipes"
  1885. msgstr "ワイプ間の材料の量"
  1886. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1887. msgctxt "retraction_combing_max_distance label"
  1888. msgid "Max Comb Distance With No Retract"
  1889. msgstr "引き戻しのない最大コム距離"
  1890. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1891. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x label"
  1892. msgid "Maximum Acceleration X"
  1893. msgstr "最大加速度X"
  1894. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1895. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y label"
  1896. msgid "Maximum Acceleration Y"
  1897. msgstr "最大加速度Y"
  1898. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1899. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z label"
  1900. msgid "Maximum Acceleration Z"
  1901. msgstr "最大加速度Z"
  1902. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1903. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_deviation label"
  1904. msgid "Maximum Deviation"
  1905. msgstr "最大偏差"
  1906. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1907. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation label"
  1908. msgid "Maximum Extrusion Area Deviation"
  1909. msgstr "最大押出領域偏差"
  1910. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1911. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max label"
  1912. msgid "Maximum Fan Speed"
  1913. msgstr "最大ファン速度"
  1914. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1915. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e label"
  1916. msgid "Maximum Filament Acceleration"
  1917. msgstr "フィラメント最大加速度"
  1918. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1919. msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle label"
  1920. msgid "Maximum Model Angle"
  1921. msgstr "最大モデル角度"
  1922. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1923. msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size label"
  1924. msgid "Maximum Overhang Hole Area"
  1925. msgstr "オーバーハングした穴の最大領域"
  1926. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1927. msgctxt "material_maximum_park_duration label"
  1928. msgid "Maximum Park Duration"
  1929. msgstr "最大留め期間"
  1930. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1931. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_resolution label"
  1932. msgid "Maximum Resolution"
  1933. msgstr "最大解像度"
  1934. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1935. msgctxt "retraction_count_max label"
  1936. msgid "Maximum Retraction Count"
  1937. msgstr "最大引き戻し回数"
  1938. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1939. msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion label"
  1940. msgid "Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion"
  1941. msgstr "表面展開最大角"
  1942. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1943. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e label"
  1944. msgid "Maximum Speed E"
  1945. msgstr "最大速度E"
  1946. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1947. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x label"
  1948. msgid "Maximum Speed X"
  1949. msgstr "最大速度X"
  1950. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1951. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y label"
  1952. msgid "Maximum Speed Y"
  1953. msgstr "最大速度Y"
  1954. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1955. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z label"
  1956. msgid "Maximum Speed Z"
  1957. msgstr "最大速度Z"
  1958. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1959. msgctxt "support_tower_maximum_supported_diameter label"
  1960. msgid "Maximum Tower-Supported Diameter"
  1961. msgstr "最大タワーサポート直径"
  1962. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1963. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_travel_resolution label"
  1964. msgid "Maximum Travel Resolution"
  1965. msgstr "最大移動解像度"
  1966. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1967. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x description"
  1968. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the X-direction"
  1969. msgstr "X方向のモーターの最大速度"
  1970. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1971. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y description"
  1972. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Y-direction."
  1973. msgstr "Y方向のモーターの最大加速度。"
  1974. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1975. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z description"
  1976. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Z-direction."
  1977. msgstr "Z方向のモーターの最大加速度。"
  1978. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1979. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e description"
  1980. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the filament."
  1981. msgstr "フィラメントのモーターの最大加速度。"
  1982. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1983. msgctxt "bridge_sparse_infill_max_density description"
  1984. msgid "Maximum density of infill considered to be sparse. Skin over sparse infill is considered to be unsupported and so may be treated as a bridge skin."
  1985. msgstr "スパース(疎)であると見なされるインフィルの最大密度。スパースインフィル上のスキンは、サポートされていないと見なされるため、ブリッジスキンとして扱われる可能性があります。"
  1986. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1987. msgctxt "support_tower_maximum_supported_diameter description"
  1988. msgid "Maximum diameter in the X/Y directions of a small area which is to be supported by a specialized support tower."
  1989. msgstr "特殊なサポートタワーにより支持される小さな領域のX / Y方向の最小直径。"
  1990. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1991. msgctxt "max_extrusion_before_wipe description"
  1992. msgid "Maximum material that can be extruded before another nozzle wipe is initiated. If this value is less than the volume of material required in a layer, the setting has no effect in this layer, i.e. it is limited to one wipe per layer."
  1993. msgstr "別のノズル拭き取りを行う前に押し出せる材料の最大量。この値がレイヤーに必要な材料の量よりも小さい場合、この設定はこのレイヤーには影響しません。つまり、レイヤーごとに1つの拭き取りに制限されます。"
  1994. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1995. msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap label"
  1996. msgid "Merged Meshes Overlap"
  1997. msgstr "重複メッシュのマージ"
  1998. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  1999. msgctxt "meshfix label"
  2000. msgid "Mesh Fixes"
  2001. msgstr "メッシュ修正"
  2002. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2003. msgctxt "mesh_position_x label"
  2004. msgid "Mesh Position X"
  2005. msgstr "メッシュ位置X"
  2006. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2007. msgctxt "mesh_position_y label"
  2008. msgid "Mesh Position Y"
  2009. msgstr "メッシュ位置Y"
  2010. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2011. msgctxt "mesh_position_z label"
  2012. msgid "Mesh Position Z"
  2013. msgstr "メッシュ位置Z"
  2014. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2015. msgctxt "infill_mesh_order label"
  2016. msgid "Mesh Processing Rank"
  2017. msgstr "メッシュ処理ランク"
  2018. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2019. msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix label"
  2020. msgid "Mesh Rotation Matrix"
  2021. msgstr "メッシュ回転マトリックス"
  2022. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2023. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance option middle"
  2024. msgid "Middle"
  2025. msgstr "中間"
  2026. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2027. msgctxt "mold_width label"
  2028. msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
  2029. msgstr "最小型幅"
  2030. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2031. msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window label"
  2032. msgid "Minimal Time Standby Temperature"
  2033. msgstr "スタンバイ温度までの最短時間"
  2034. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2035. msgctxt "bridge_wall_min_length label"
  2036. msgid "Minimum Bridge Wall Length"
  2037. msgstr "ブリッジ壁の最小長さ"
  2038. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2039. msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width label"
  2040. msgid "Minimum Even Wall Line Width"
  2041. msgstr "最小偶数ウォールライン幅"
  2042. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2043. msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window label"
  2044. msgid "Minimum Extrusion Distance Window"
  2045. msgstr "最小抽出距離範囲"
  2046. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2047. msgctxt "min_feature_size label"
  2048. msgid "Minimum Feature Size"
  2049. msgstr "最小フィーチャーサイズ"
  2050. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2051. msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate label"
  2052. msgid "Minimum Feedrate"
  2053. msgstr "最小送り速度"
  2054. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2055. msgctxt "min_infill_area label"
  2056. msgid "Minimum Infill Area"
  2057. msgstr "最小インフィル領域"
  2058. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2059. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time label"
  2060. msgid "Minimum Layer Time"
  2061. msgstr "最小レイヤー時間"
  2062. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2063. msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width label"
  2064. msgid "Minimum Odd Wall Line Width"
  2065. msgstr "最小奇数ウォールライン幅"
  2066. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2067. msgctxt "minimum_polygon_circumference label"
  2068. msgid "Minimum Polygon Circumference"
  2069. msgstr "最小ポリゴン円周"
  2070. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2071. msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion label"
  2072. msgid "Minimum Skin Width for Expansion"
  2073. msgstr "表面展開最小角"
  2074. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2075. msgctxt "cool_min_speed label"
  2076. msgid "Minimum Speed"
  2077. msgstr "最低速度"
  2078. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2079. msgctxt "minimum_support_area label"
  2080. msgid "Minimum Support Area"
  2081. msgstr "最小サポート領域"
  2082. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2083. msgctxt "minimum_bottom_area label"
  2084. msgid "Minimum Support Floor Area"
  2085. msgstr "最小サポートフロア領域"
  2086. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2087. msgctxt "minimum_interface_area label"
  2088. msgid "Minimum Support Interface Area"
  2089. msgstr "最小サポートインターフェイス領域"
  2090. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2091. msgctxt "minimum_roof_area label"
  2092. msgid "Minimum Support Roof Area"
  2093. msgstr "最小サポートルーフ領域"
  2094. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2095. msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang label"
  2096. msgid "Minimum Support X/Y Distance"
  2097. msgstr "最小サポートX/Y距離"
  2098. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2099. msgctxt "min_bead_width label"
  2100. msgid "Minimum Thin Wall Line Width"
  2101. msgstr "最小薄肉ウォールライン幅"
  2102. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2103. msgctxt "coasting_min_volume label"
  2104. msgid "Minimum Volume Before Coasting"
  2105. msgstr "コースティング前の最小ボリューム"
  2106. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2107. msgctxt "min_wall_line_width label"
  2108. msgid "Minimum Wall Line Width"
  2109. msgstr "最小ウォールライン幅"
  2110. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2111. msgctxt "minimum_interface_area description"
  2112. msgid "Minimum area size for support interface polygons. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support."
  2113. msgstr "サポートインターフェイスポリゴンの最小領域サイズ。この値より小さい領域のポリゴンは通常のサポートとしてプリントされます。"
  2114. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2115. msgctxt "minimum_support_area description"
  2116. msgid "Minimum area size for support polygons. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will not be generated."
  2117. msgstr "ポリゴンをサポートする最小領域サイズ。この領域よりポリゴンが小さい場合は生成されません。"
  2118. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2119. msgctxt "minimum_bottom_area description"
  2120. msgid "Minimum area size for the floors of the support. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support."
  2121. msgstr "サポートのフロアの最小領域サイズ。この値より小さい領域のポリゴンは通常のサポートとしてプリントされます。"
  2122. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2123. msgctxt "minimum_roof_area description"
  2124. msgid "Minimum area size for the roofs of the support. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support."
  2125. msgstr "サポートのルーフの最小領域サイズ。この値より小さい領域のポリゴンは通常のサポートとしてプリントされます。"
  2126. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2127. msgctxt "min_feature_size description"
  2128. msgid "Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will not be printed, while features thicker than the Minimum Feature Size will be widened to the Minimum Wall Line Width."
  2129. msgstr "薄いフィーチャーの最小厚さ。この値より薄いモデルフィーチャーはプリントされず、最小フィーチャーサイズより厚いフィーチャーは最小ウォールライン幅に広げられます。"
  2130. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2131. msgctxt "support_conical_min_width description"
  2132. msgid "Minimum width to which the base of the conical support area is reduced. Small widths can lead to unstable support structures."
  2133. msgstr "円錐形のサポート領域のベースが縮小される最小幅。幅が狭いと、サポートが不安定になる可能性があります。"
  2134. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2135. msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
  2136. msgid "Mold"
  2137. msgstr "型"
  2138. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2139. msgctxt "mold_angle label"
  2140. msgid "Mold Angle"
  2141. msgstr "型角度"
  2142. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2143. msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
  2144. msgid "Mold Roof Height"
  2145. msgstr "型ルーフ高さ"
  2146. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2147. msgctxt "ironing_monotonic label"
  2148. msgid "Monotonic Ironing Order"
  2149. msgstr "アイロン方向一貫性"
  2150. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2151. msgctxt "roofing_monotonic label"
  2152. msgid "Monotonic Top Surface Order"
  2153. msgstr "上面方向一貫性"
  2154. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2155. msgctxt "skin_monotonic label"
  2156. msgid "Monotonic Top/Bottom Order"
  2157. msgstr "上面/底面の方向一貫性"
  2158. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2159. msgctxt "skirt_line_count description"
  2160. msgid "Multiple skirt lines help to prime your extrusion better for small models. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt."
  2161. msgstr "複数のスカートラインを使用すると、小さなモデル形成時の射出をより良く行うことができます。これを0に設定するとスカートが無効になります。"
  2162. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2163. msgctxt "initial_layer_line_width_factor description"
  2164. msgid "Multiplier of the line width on the first layer. Increasing this could improve bed adhesion."
  2165. msgstr "最初のレイヤーに線幅の乗数です。この値を増やすと、ベッドの接着性が向上します。"
  2166. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2167. msgctxt "material_no_load_move_factor label"
  2168. msgid "No Load Move Factor"
  2169. msgstr "無負荷移動係数"
  2170. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2171. msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic label"
  2172. msgid "No Skin in Z Gaps"
  2173. msgstr "Z 軸ギャップにスキンなし"
  2174. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2175. msgctxt "blackmagic description"
  2176. msgid "Non-traditional ways to print your models."
  2177. msgstr "これまでにないモデルの印刷方法です。"
  2178. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2179. msgctxt "adhesion_type option none"
  2180. msgid "None"
  2181. msgstr "なし"
  2182. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2183. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_none"
  2184. msgid "None"
  2185. msgstr "なし"
  2186. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2187. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option normal"
  2188. msgid "Normal"
  2189. msgstr "標準"
  2190. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2191. msgctxt "support_structure option normal"
  2192. msgid "Normal"
  2193. msgstr "標準"
  2194. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2195. msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons description"
  2196. msgid "Normally Cura tries to stitch up small holes in the mesh and remove parts of a layer with big holes. Enabling this option keeps those parts which cannot be stitched. This option should be used as a last resort option when everything else fails to produce proper g-code."
  2197. msgstr "通常、Curaはメッシュ内の小さな穴をスティッチし、大きな穴のあるレイヤーの部分を削除しようとします。このオプションを有効にすると、スティッチできない部分が保持されます。このオプションは、他のすべてが適切なG-codeを生成できない場合の最後の手段として使用する必要があります。"
  2198. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2199. msgctxt "retraction_combing option noskin"
  2200. msgid "Not in Skin"
  2201. msgstr "スキン内にない"
  2202. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2203. msgctxt "retraction_combing option no_outer_surfaces"
  2204. msgid "Not on Outer Surface"
  2205. msgstr "外側表面には適用しない"
  2206. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2207. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle label"
  2208. msgid "Nozzle Angle"
  2209. msgstr "ノズル角度"
  2210. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2211. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
  2212. msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
  2213. msgstr "ノズル内径"
  2214. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2215. msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas label"
  2216. msgid "Nozzle Disallowed Areas"
  2217. msgstr "ノズル拒否エリア"
  2218. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2219. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_id label"
  2220. msgid "Nozzle ID"
  2221. msgstr "ノズルID"
  2222. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2223. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance label"
  2224. msgid "Nozzle Length"
  2225. msgstr "ノズル長さ"
  2226. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2227. msgctxt "switch_extruder_extra_prime_amount label"
  2228. msgid "Nozzle Switch Extra Prime Amount"
  2229. msgstr "ノズル切替え後のプライムに必要な余剰量"
  2230. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2231. msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed label"
  2232. msgid "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed"
  2233. msgstr "ノズルスイッチ押し戻し速度"
  2234. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2235. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed label"
  2236. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed"
  2237. msgstr "ノズルスイッチ引き込み速度"
  2238. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2239. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount label"
  2240. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance"
  2241. msgstr "ノズルスイッチ引き戻し距離"
  2242. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2243. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds label"
  2244. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed"
  2245. msgstr "ノズルスイッチ引き戻し速度"
  2246. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2247. msgctxt "machine_extruder_count label"
  2248. msgid "Number of Extruders"
  2249. msgstr "エクストルーダーの数"
  2250. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2251. msgctxt "extruders_enabled_count label"
  2252. msgid "Number of Extruders That Are Enabled"
  2253. msgstr "有効なエクストルーダーの数"
  2254. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2255. msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers label"
  2256. msgid "Number of Slower Layers"
  2257. msgstr "遅いレイヤーの数"
  2258. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2259. msgctxt "extruders_enabled_count description"
  2260. msgid "Number of extruder trains that are enabled; automatically set in software"
  2261. msgstr "有効なエクストルーダートレインの数(ソフトウェアが自動設定)"
  2262. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2263. msgctxt "machine_extruder_count description"
  2264. msgid "Number of extruder trains. An extruder train is the combination of a feeder, bowden tube, and nozzle."
  2265. msgstr "エクストルーダーの数。エクストルーダーの単位は、フィーダー、ボーデンチューブ、およびノズルを組合せたもの。"
  2266. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2267. msgctxt "wipe_repeat_count description"
  2268. msgid "Number of times to move the nozzle across the brush."
  2269. msgstr "ブラシ全体をノズルが移動する回数。"
  2270. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2271. msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps description"
  2272. msgid "Number of times to reduce the infill density by half when getting further below top surfaces. Areas which are closer to top surfaces get a higher density, up to the Infill Density."
  2273. msgstr "天井面の表面に近づく際にインフィル密度が半減する回数。天井面に近い領域ほど高い密度となり、インフィル密度まで達します。"
  2274. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2275. msgctxt "gradual_support_infill_steps description"
  2276. msgid "Number of times to reduce the support infill density by half when getting further below top surfaces. Areas which are closer to top surfaces get a higher density, up to the Support Infill Density."
  2277. msgstr "天井面より下に遠ざかる際にサポートのインフィル密度が半減する回数 天井面に近い領域ほど高い密度となり、サポートのインフィル密度になります。"
  2278. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2279. msgctxt "infill_pattern option tetrahedral"
  2280. msgid "Octet"
  2281. msgstr "オクテット"
  2282. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2283. msgctxt "retraction_combing option off"
  2284. msgid "Off"
  2285. msgstr "オフ"
  2286. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2287. msgctxt "mesh_position_x description"
  2288. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the x direction."
  2289. msgstr "オブジェクトの X 方向に適用されたオフセット。"
  2290. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2291. msgctxt "mesh_position_y description"
  2292. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the y direction."
  2293. msgstr "オブジェクトのY 方向適用されたオフセット。"
  2294. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2295. msgctxt "mesh_position_z description"
  2296. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the z direction. With this you can perform what was used to be called 'Object Sink'."
  2297. msgstr "オブジェクトの Z 方向に適用されたオフセット。この 'オブジェクト シンク' と呼ばれていたものを再現できます。"
  2298. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2299. msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords label"
  2300. msgid "Offset with Extruder"
  2301. msgstr "エクストルーダーのオフセット"
  2302. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2303. msgctxt "support_tree_rest_preference option graceful"
  2304. msgid "On Model If Necessary"
  2305. msgstr ""
  2306. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2307. msgctxt "print_sequence option one_at_a_time"
  2308. msgid "One at a Time"
  2309. msgstr "1つずつ"
  2310. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2311. msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides description"
  2312. msgid "Only perform a Z Hop when moving over printed parts which cannot be avoided by horizontal motion by Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling."
  2313. msgstr "走行時に印刷部品への衝突を避けるため、水平移動で回避できない造形物上を移動するときは、Zホップを実行します。"
  2314. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2315. msgctxt "ironing_only_highest_layer description"
  2316. msgid "Only perform ironing on the very last layer of the mesh. This saves time if the lower layers don't need a smooth surface finish."
  2317. msgstr "メッシュの最後のレイヤーでのみアイロンをかけます。下層にて滑らかな表面仕上げを必要としない場合、時間を節約します。"
  2318. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2319. msgctxt "brim_outside_only description"
  2320. msgid "Only print the brim on the outside of the model. This reduces the amount of brim you need to remove afterwards, while it doesn't reduce the bed adhesion that much."
  2321. msgstr "モデルの外側のみにブリムを印刷します。これにより、後で取り除くブリムの量が減少します。またプレートへの接着力はそれほど低下しません。"
  2322. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2323. msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle label"
  2324. msgid "Ooze Shield Angle"
  2325. msgstr "Ooze Shield角度"
  2326. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2327. msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist label"
  2328. msgid "Ooze Shield Distance"
  2329. msgstr "Ooze Shield距離"
  2330. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2331. msgctxt "optimize_wall_printing_order label"
  2332. msgid "Optimize Wall Printing Order"
  2333. msgstr "壁印刷順序の最適化"
  2334. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2335. msgctxt "optimize_wall_printing_order description"
  2336. msgid "Optimize the order in which walls are printed so as to reduce the number of retractions and the distance travelled. Most parts will benefit from this being enabled but some may actually take longer so please compare the print time estimates with and without optimization. First layer is not optimized when choosing brim as build plate adhesion type."
  2337. msgstr "撤回と移動距離を減らすために、壁のプリント順序を最適化します。ほとんどの部品がこの設定を有効にしている方が良い印刷結果につながりますが、実際には時間がかかることがありますので、最適化の有無に関わらず印刷時間を比較してください。ビルドプレートの接着タイプにブリムを選択すると最初のレイヤーは最適化されません。"
  2338. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2339. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter label"
  2340. msgid "Outer Nozzle Diameter"
  2341. msgstr "ノズル外径"
  2342. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2343. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 label"
  2344. msgid "Outer Wall Acceleration"
  2345. msgstr "外壁加速度"
  2346. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2347. msgctxt "wall_0_extruder_nr label"
  2348. msgid "Outer Wall Extruder"
  2349. msgstr "外壁用エクストルーダー"
  2350. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2351. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow label"
  2352. msgid "Outer Wall Flow"
  2353. msgstr "外壁のフロー"
  2354. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2355. msgctxt "wall_0_inset label"
  2356. msgid "Outer Wall Inset"
  2357. msgstr "外壁はめ込み"
  2358. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2359. msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 label"
  2360. msgid "Outer Wall Jerk"
  2361. msgstr "外壁ジャーク"
  2362. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2363. msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 label"
  2364. msgid "Outer Wall Line Width"
  2365. msgstr "外側ウォールライン幅"
  2366. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2367. msgctxt "speed_wall_0 label"
  2368. msgid "Outer Wall Speed"
  2369. msgstr "外壁速度"
  2370. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2371. msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist label"
  2372. msgid "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
  2373. msgstr "外壁移動距離"
  2374. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2375. msgctxt "inset_direction option outside_in"
  2376. msgid "Outside To Inside"
  2377. msgstr "外側から内側へ"
  2378. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2379. msgctxt "wall_overhang_angle label"
  2380. msgid "Overhanging Wall Angle"
  2381. msgstr "張り出し壁アングル"
  2382. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2383. msgctxt "wall_overhang_speed_factor label"
  2384. msgid "Overhanging Wall Speed"
  2385. msgstr "張り出し壁速度"
  2386. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2387. msgctxt "wall_overhang_speed_factor description"
  2388. msgid "Overhanging walls will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed."
  2389. msgstr "張り出し壁は、この割合で通常の印刷速度で印刷されます。"
  2390. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2391. msgctxt "wipe_pause description"
  2392. msgid "Pause after the unretract."
  2393. msgstr "引き戻し前に一時停止します。"
  2394. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2395. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed description"
  2396. msgid "Percentage fan speed to use when printing bridge walls and skin."
  2397. msgstr "ブリッジ壁とスキンを印刷する際に使用するファン速度の割合。"
  2398. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2399. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed_2 description"
  2400. msgid "Percentage fan speed to use when printing the second bridge skin layer."
  2401. msgstr "セカンドブリッジのスキンレイヤーを印刷する際に使用するファン速度の割合。"
  2402. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2403. msgctxt "support_supported_skin_fan_speed description"
  2404. msgid "Percentage fan speed to use when printing the skin regions immediately above the support. Using a high fan speed can make the support easier to remove."
  2405. msgstr "サポートを超えた直後にスキン領域に印字するときに使用するファン速度を割合で示します。高速ファンを使用すると、サポートが取り外しやすくなります。"
  2406. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2407. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed_3 description"
  2408. msgid "Percentage fan speed to use when printing the third bridge skin layer."
  2409. msgstr "サードブリッジのスキンレイヤーを印刷する際に使用するファン速度の割合。"
  2410. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2411. msgctxt "minimum_polygon_circumference description"
  2412. msgid "Polygons in sliced layers that have a circumference smaller than this amount will be filtered out. Lower values lead to higher resolution mesh at the cost of slicing time. It is meant mostly for high resolution SLA printers and very tiny 3D models with a lot of details."
  2413. msgstr "この量よりも小さい円周を持つスライスレイヤーのポリゴンは、除外されます。値を小さくすると、スライス時間のコストで、メッシュの解像度が高くなります。つまり、ほとんどが高解像 SLA プリンター、極小多機能 3D モデルです。"
  2414. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2415. msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation description"
  2416. msgid "Prevent transitioning back and forth between one extra wall and one less. This margin extends the range of line widths which follow to [Minimum Wall Line Width - Margin, 2 * Minimum Wall Line Width + Margin]. Increasing this margin reduces the number of transitions, which reduces the number of extrusion starts/stops and travel time. However, large line width variation can lead to under- or overextrusion problems."
  2417. msgstr "1つ外側のウォールと1つ内側のウォールの間を行き来することを防止します。このマージンは、続くライン幅の範囲を[最小ウォールライン幅 - マージン, 2 * 最小ウォールライン幅 + マージン]に拡張します。このマージンを増やすと移行の回数が減り、押出の開始/停止回数が減少し、移動時間が短縮されます。ただし、ライン幅の変化が大きいと、押出不足や押出過多の問題が発生することがあります。"
  2418. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2419. msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
  2420. msgid "Prime Tower Acceleration"
  2421. msgstr "プライムタワー加速度"
  2422. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2423. msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable label"
  2424. msgid "Prime Tower Brim"
  2425. msgstr "プライムタワーブリム"
  2426. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2427. msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
  2428. msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
  2429. msgstr "プライムタワーのフロー"
  2430. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2431. msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
  2432. msgid "Prime Tower Jerk"
  2433. msgstr "プライムタワージャーク"
  2434. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2435. msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
  2436. msgid "Prime Tower Line Width"
  2437. msgstr "プライムタワーのライン幅"
  2438. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2439. msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume label"
  2440. msgid "Prime Tower Minimum Volume"
  2441. msgstr "プライムタワー最小容積"
  2442. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2443. msgctxt "prime_tower_size label"
  2444. msgid "Prime Tower Size"
  2445. msgstr "プライムタワーのサイズ"
  2446. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2447. msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
  2448. msgid "Prime Tower Speed"
  2449. msgstr "プライムタワー印刷速度"
  2450. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2451. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x label"
  2452. msgid "Prime Tower X Position"
  2453. msgstr "プライムタワーX位置"
  2454. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2455. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y label"
  2456. msgid "Prime Tower Y Position"
  2457. msgstr "プライムタワーY位置"
  2458. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2459. msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
  2460. msgid "Prime-towers might need the extra adhesion afforded by a brim even if the model doesn't. Presently can't be used with the 'Raft' adhesion-type."
  2461. msgstr "モデルがない場合でも、プライムタワーには、ブリムによって与えられる追加の付着が必要なことがあります。現在は「ラフト」密着型では使用できません。"
  2462. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2463. msgctxt "acceleration_print label"
  2464. msgid "Print Acceleration"
  2465. msgstr "印刷加速度"
  2466. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2467. msgctxt "jerk_print label"
  2468. msgid "Print Jerk"
  2469. msgstr "印刷ジャーク"
  2470. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2471. msgctxt "print_sequence label"
  2472. msgid "Print Sequence"
  2473. msgstr "印刷頻度"
  2474. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2475. msgctxt "speed_print label"
  2476. msgid "Print Speed"
  2477. msgstr "印刷速度"
  2478. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2479. msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps label"
  2480. msgid "Print Thin Walls"
  2481. msgstr "薄壁印刷"
  2482. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2483. msgctxt "prime_tower_enable description"
  2484. msgid "Print a tower next to the print which serves to prime the material after each nozzle switch."
  2485. msgstr "印刷物の横にタワーを造形して、ノズル交換後にフィラメントの調整をします。"
  2486. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2487. msgctxt "infill_support_enabled description"
  2488. msgid "Print infill structures only where tops of the model should be supported. Enabling this reduces print time and material usage, but leads to ununiform object strength."
  2489. msgstr "面材構造を印刷するには、モデルの上部がサポートされている必要があります。これを有効にすると、印刷時間と材料の使用量が減少しますが、オブジェクトの強度が不均一になります。"
  2490. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2491. msgctxt "ironing_monotonic description"
  2492. msgid "Print ironing lines in an ordering that causes them to always overlap with adjacent lines in a single direction. This takes slightly more time to print, but makes flat surfaces look more consistent."
  2493. msgstr "アイロンラインを、隣接するラインと常に一方向で重なるような順序でプリントします。これにより、プリントにかかる時間は少し長くなりますが、平らな面の見た目の一貫性が高まります。"
  2494. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2495. msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
  2496. msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
  2497. msgstr "型を取るため印刷し、ビルドプレート上の同じようなモデルを得るためにキャスト用の印刷をします。"
  2498. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2499. msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps description"
  2500. msgid "Print pieces of the model which are horizontally thinner than the nozzle size."
  2501. msgstr "ノズルサイズよりも細い壁を作ります。"
  2502. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2503. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed_2 description"
  2504. msgid "Print speed to use when printing the second bridge skin layer."
  2505. msgstr "セカンドブリッジのスキンレイヤーを印刷する際に使用する印刷速度。"
  2506. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2507. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed_3 description"
  2508. msgid "Print speed to use when printing the third bridge skin layer."
  2509. msgstr "サードブリッジのスキンレイヤーを印刷する際に使用する印刷速度。"
  2510. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2511. msgctxt "infill_before_walls description"
  2512. msgid "Print the infill before printing the walls. Printing the walls first may lead to more accurate walls, but overhangs print worse. Printing the infill first leads to sturdier walls, but the infill pattern might sometimes show through the surface."
  2513. msgstr ""
  2514. "壁より前にインフィルをプリントします はじめに壁をプリントするとより精密な壁になりますが、オーバーハングのプリントは悪化します\n"
  2515. "はじめにインフィルをプリントすると丈夫な壁になりますが、インフィルの模様が時折表面から透けて表れます。"
  2516. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2517. msgctxt "roofing_monotonic description"
  2518. msgid "Print top surface lines in an ordering that causes them to always overlap with adjacent lines in a single direction. This takes slightly more time to print, but makes flat surfaces look more consistent."
  2519. msgstr "上面のラインを、隣接するラインと常に一方向で重なるような順序でプリントします。これにより、プリントにかかる時間は少し長くなりますが、平らな面の見た目の一貫性が高まります。"
  2520. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2521. msgctxt "skin_monotonic description"
  2522. msgid "Print top/bottom lines in an ordering that causes them to always overlap with adjacent lines in a single direction. This takes slightly more time to print, but makes flat surfaces look more consistent."
  2523. msgstr "上面/底面のラインを、隣接するラインと常に一方向で重なるような順序でプリントします。これにより、プリントにかかる時間は少し長くなりますが、平らな面の見た目の一貫性が高まります。"
  2524. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2525. msgctxt "material_print_temperature label"
  2526. msgid "Printing Temperature"
  2527. msgstr "印刷温度"
  2528. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2529. msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 label"
  2530. msgid "Printing Temperature Initial Layer"
  2531. msgstr "初期レイヤー印刷温度"
  2532. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2533. msgctxt "skirt_height description"
  2534. msgid "Printing the innermost skirt line with multiple layers makes it easy to remove the skirt."
  2535. msgstr ""
  2536. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2537. msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter description"
  2538. msgid "Prints an extra wall at every other layer. This way infill gets caught between these extra walls, resulting in stronger prints."
  2539. msgstr "すべてのレイヤーごとに予備の壁を印刷します。このようにして、インフィルは余分な壁の間に挟まれ、より強い印刷物が得られる。"
  2540. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2541. msgctxt "resolution label"
  2542. msgid "Quality"
  2543. msgstr "品質"
  2544. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2545. msgctxt "infill_pattern option quarter_cubic"
  2546. msgid "Quarter Cubic"
  2547. msgstr "クォーターキュービック"
  2548. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2549. msgctxt "adhesion_type option raft"
  2550. msgid "Raft"
  2551. msgstr "ラフト"
  2552. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2553. msgctxt "raft_airgap label"
  2554. msgid "Raft Air Gap"
  2555. msgstr "ラフト間のラップ"
  2556. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2557. msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr label"
  2558. msgid "Raft Base Extruder"
  2559. msgstr "ラフトベースエクストルーダー"
  2560. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2561. msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed label"
  2562. msgid "Raft Base Fan Speed"
  2563. msgstr "ラフトベースファン速度"
  2564. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2565. msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing label"
  2566. msgid "Raft Base Line Spacing"
  2567. msgstr "ラフトベースラインスペース"
  2568. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2569. msgctxt "raft_base_line_width label"
  2570. msgid "Raft Base Line Width"
  2571. msgstr "ラフトベースライン幅"
  2572. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2573. msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration label"
  2574. msgid "Raft Base Print Acceleration"
  2575. msgstr "ラフトベース印刷加速度"
  2576. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2577. msgctxt "raft_base_jerk label"
  2578. msgid "Raft Base Print Jerk"
  2579. msgstr "ラフトベース印刷ジャーク"
  2580. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2581. msgctxt "raft_base_speed label"
  2582. msgid "Raft Base Print Speed"
  2583. msgstr "ラフトベース印刷速度"
  2584. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2585. msgctxt "raft_base_thickness label"
  2586. msgid "Raft Base Thickness"
  2587. msgstr "ラフトベース厚さ"
  2588. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2589. msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count label"
  2590. msgid "Raft Base Wall Count"
  2591. msgstr "ラフトベースウォール数"
  2592. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2593. msgctxt "raft_margin label"
  2594. msgid "Raft Extra Margin"
  2595. msgstr "ラフトの余分なマージン"
  2596. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2597. msgctxt "raft_fan_speed label"
  2598. msgid "Raft Fan Speed"
  2599. msgstr "ラフトファン速度"
  2600. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2601. msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr label"
  2602. msgid "Raft Middle Extruder"
  2603. msgstr "ラフト中間エクストルーダー"
  2604. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2605. msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed label"
  2606. msgid "Raft Middle Fan Speed"
  2607. msgstr "ラフト中間層ファン速度"
  2608. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2609. msgctxt "raft_interface_layers label"
  2610. msgid "Raft Middle Layers"
  2611. msgstr "ラフト中間レイヤー"
  2612. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2613. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width label"
  2614. msgid "Raft Middle Line Width"
  2615. msgstr "ラフト中央ライン幅"
  2616. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2617. msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration label"
  2618. msgid "Raft Middle Print Acceleration"
  2619. msgstr "ラフト中間層印刷加速度"
  2620. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2621. msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk label"
  2622. msgid "Raft Middle Print Jerk"
  2623. msgstr "ラフト中間層印刷ジャーク"
  2624. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2625. msgctxt "raft_interface_speed label"
  2626. msgid "Raft Middle Print Speed"
  2627. msgstr "ラフト中間印刷速度"
  2628. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2629. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing label"
  2630. msgid "Raft Middle Spacing"
  2631. msgstr "ラフト中間スペース"
  2632. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2633. msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness label"
  2634. msgid "Raft Middle Thickness"
  2635. msgstr "ラフト中央厚さ"
  2636. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2637. msgctxt "raft_acceleration label"
  2638. msgid "Raft Print Acceleration"
  2639. msgstr "ラフト印刷加速度"
  2640. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2641. msgctxt "raft_jerk label"
  2642. msgid "Raft Print Jerk"
  2643. msgstr "ラフト印刷ジャーク"
  2644. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2645. msgctxt "raft_speed label"
  2646. msgid "Raft Print Speed"
  2647. msgstr "ラフト印刷速度"
  2648. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2649. msgctxt "raft_smoothing label"
  2650. msgid "Raft Smoothing"
  2651. msgstr "ラフト補整"
  2652. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2653. msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr label"
  2654. msgid "Raft Top Extruder"
  2655. msgstr "ラフトトップエクストルーダー"
  2656. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2657. msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed label"
  2658. msgid "Raft Top Fan Speed"
  2659. msgstr "ラフト上層ファン速度"
  2660. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2661. msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness label"
  2662. msgid "Raft Top Layer Thickness"
  2663. msgstr "ラフト最上層厚さ"
  2664. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2665. msgctxt "raft_surface_layers label"
  2666. msgid "Raft Top Layers"
  2667. msgstr "ラフト最上層"
  2668. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2669. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width label"
  2670. msgid "Raft Top Line Width"
  2671. msgstr "ラフト最上ライン幅"
  2672. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2673. msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration label"
  2674. msgid "Raft Top Print Acceleration"
  2675. msgstr "ラフト上層層印刷加速度"
  2676. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2677. msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk label"
  2678. msgid "Raft Top Print Jerk"
  2679. msgstr "ラフト上層印刷ジャーク"
  2680. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2681. msgctxt "raft_surface_speed label"
  2682. msgid "Raft Top Print Speed"
  2683. msgstr "ラフト上層印刷速度"
  2684. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2685. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing label"
  2686. msgid "Raft Top Spacing"
  2687. msgstr "ラフト最上面スペース"
  2688. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2689. msgctxt "z_seam_type option random"
  2690. msgid "Random"
  2691. msgstr "ランダム"
  2692. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2693. msgctxt "infill_randomize_start_location label"
  2694. msgid "Randomize Infill Start"
  2695. msgstr "インフィル開始のランダム化"
  2696. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2697. msgctxt "infill_randomize_start_location description"
  2698. msgid "Randomize which infill line is printed first. This prevents one segment becoming the strongest, but it does so at the cost of an additional travel move."
  2699. msgstr "どのインフィルラインが最初に印刷されるかをランダム化します。これによって1つのセグメントが強くなることを回避しますが、追加の移動距離が必要となります。"
  2700. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2701. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled description"
  2702. msgid "Randomly jitter while printing the outer wall, so that the surface has a rough and fuzzy look."
  2703. msgstr "外壁を印刷する際に振動が起こり、表面が粗くてぼやける。"
  2704. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2705. msgctxt "machine_shape option rectangular"
  2706. msgid "Rectangular"
  2707. msgstr "長方形"
  2708. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2709. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min label"
  2710. msgid "Regular Fan Speed"
  2711. msgstr "標準ファン速度"
  2712. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2713. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height label"
  2714. msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Height"
  2715. msgstr "標準ファン速度時の高さ"
  2716. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2717. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer label"
  2718. msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Layer"
  2719. msgstr "標準ファン速度時のレイヤー"
  2720. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2721. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max label"
  2722. msgid "Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold"
  2723. msgstr "標準/最大ファン速度のしきい値"
  2724. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2725. msgctxt "relative_extrusion label"
  2726. msgid "Relative Extrusion"
  2727. msgstr "相対押出"
  2728. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2729. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes label"
  2730. msgid "Remove All Holes"
  2731. msgstr "全穴除去"
  2732. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2733. msgctxt "remove_empty_first_layers label"
  2734. msgid "Remove Empty First Layers"
  2735. msgstr "空の最初のメッシュの削除"
  2736. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2737. msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes label"
  2738. msgid "Remove Mesh Intersection"
  2739. msgstr "重複メッシュの削除"
  2740. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2741. msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners label"
  2742. msgid "Remove Raft Inside Corners"
  2743. msgstr "ラフト内側コーナーの削除"
  2744. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2745. msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes description"
  2746. msgid "Remove areas where multiple meshes are overlapping with each other. This may be used if merged dual material objects overlap with each other."
  2747. msgstr "複数のメッシュが重なっている領域を削除します。これは、結合された2つのマテリアルのオブジェクトが互いに重なっている場合に使用されます。"
  2748. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2749. msgctxt "remove_empty_first_layers description"
  2750. msgid "Remove empty layers beneath the first printed layer if they are present. Disabling this setting can cause empty first layers if the Slicing Tolerance setting is set to Exclusive or Middle."
  2751. msgstr "最初に印刷したレイヤーの下に空のレイヤーがある場合は取り除きます。この設定を無効にすると、スライストレランスが「排他」または「中間」に設定されている場合に最初のレイヤーが空になる原因になります。"
  2752. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2753. msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners description"
  2754. msgid "Remove inside corners from the raft, causing the raft to become convex."
  2755. msgstr "ラフトから内側コーナーを削除し、ラフトが凸になるようにします。"
  2756. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2757. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes description"
  2758. msgid "Remove the holes in each layer and keep only the outside shape. This will ignore any invisible internal geometry. However, it also ignores layer holes which can be viewed from above or below."
  2759. msgstr "各レイヤーの穴を消し、外形のみを保持します。これにより、見えない部分の不要な部分が無視されますが、表面上にある穴も全て造形されなくなります。"
  2760. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2761. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (RepRap)"
  2762. msgid "RepRap"
  2763. msgstr "RepRap"
  2764. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2765. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Repetier"
  2766. msgid "Repetier"
  2767. msgstr "Repetier"
  2768. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2769. msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
  2770. msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
  2771. msgstr "上部/下部パターンの最も外側の部分を同心円の線で置き換えます。 1つまたは2つの線を使用すると、トップ部分の造形が改善されます。"
  2772. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2773. msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
  2774. msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
  2775. msgstr "外壁の前に引き戻す"
  2776. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2777. msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change label"
  2778. msgid "Retract at Layer Change"
  2779. msgstr "レイヤー変更時に引き戻す"
  2780. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2781. msgctxt "retraction_enable description"
  2782. msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area."
  2783. msgstr "ノズルが印刷しないで良い領域を移動する際にフィラメントを引き戻す。"
  2784. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2785. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_enable description"
  2786. msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area."
  2787. msgstr "ノズルが印刷しないで良い領域を移動する際にフィラメントを引き戻す。"
  2788. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2789. msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change description"
  2790. msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving to the next layer."
  2791. msgstr "ノズルは次の層に移動するときフィラメントを引き戻します。"
  2792. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2793. msgctxt "retraction_amount label"
  2794. msgid "Retraction Distance"
  2795. msgstr "引き戻し距離"
  2796. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2797. msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount label"
  2798. msgid "Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
  2799. msgstr "余分な押し戻し量の引き戻し"
  2800. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2801. msgctxt "retraction_min_travel label"
  2802. msgid "Retraction Minimum Travel"
  2803. msgstr "引き戻し最小移動距離"
  2804. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2805. msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed label"
  2806. msgid "Retraction Prime Speed"
  2807. msgstr "押し戻し速度の取り消し"
  2808. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2809. msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed label"
  2810. msgid "Retraction Retract Speed"
  2811. msgstr "引き戻し速度の取り消し"
  2812. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2813. msgctxt "retraction_speed label"
  2814. msgid "Retraction Speed"
  2815. msgstr "引き戻し速度"
  2816. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2817. msgctxt "z_seam_position option right"
  2818. msgid "Right"
  2819. msgstr "右"
  2820. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2821. msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one label"
  2822. msgid "Scale Fan Speed To 0-1"
  2823. msgstr "ファン速度を0~1にスケール"
  2824. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2825. msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one description"
  2826. msgid "Scale the fan speed to be between 0 and 1 instead of between 0 and 256."
  2827. msgstr "ファン速度は0〜256ではなく、0〜1になるようスケールします。"
  2828. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2829. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage label"
  2830. msgid "Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
  2831. msgstr "スケールファクタ収縮補正"
  2832. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2833. msgctxt "support_meshes_present label"
  2834. msgid "Scene Has Support Meshes"
  2835. msgstr "シーンにサポートメッシュがある"
  2836. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2837. msgctxt "z_seam_corner label"
  2838. msgid "Seam Corner Preference"
  2839. msgstr "シームコーナー設定"
  2840. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2841. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation description"
  2842. msgid "Set the height of the draft shield. Choose to print the draft shield at the full height of the model or at a limited height."
  2843. msgstr "ドラフトシールドの高さを設定します。ドラフトシールドは、モデルの全高、または限られた高さで印刷するように選択します。"
  2844. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2845. msgctxt "dual description"
  2846. msgid "Settings used for printing with multiple extruders."
  2847. msgstr "デュアルエクストルーダーで印刷するための設定。"
  2848. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2849. msgctxt "command_line_settings description"
  2850. msgid "Settings which are only used if CuraEngine isn't called from the Cura frontend."
  2851. msgstr "CuraエンジンがCuraフロントエンドから呼び出されない場合のみ使用される設定。"
  2852. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2853. msgctxt "machine_extruders_shared_nozzle_initial_retraction label"
  2854. msgid "Shared Nozzle Initial Retraction"
  2855. msgstr "共有ノズルの初期引き戻し"
  2856. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2857. msgctxt "z_seam_type option sharpest_corner"
  2858. msgid "Sharpest Corner"
  2859. msgstr "鋭い角"
  2860. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2861. msgctxt "shell description"
  2862. msgid "Shell"
  2863. msgstr "外郭"
  2864. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2865. msgctxt "z_seam_type option shortest"
  2866. msgid "Shortest"
  2867. msgstr "最短"
  2868. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2869. msgctxt "machine_show_variants label"
  2870. msgid "Show Machine Variants"
  2871. msgstr "プリンターのバリエーションの表示"
  2872. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2873. msgctxt "skin_edge_support_layers label"
  2874. msgid "Skin Edge Support Layers"
  2875. msgstr "スキンエッジサポートレイヤー"
  2876. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2877. msgctxt "skin_edge_support_thickness label"
  2878. msgid "Skin Edge Support Thickness"
  2879. msgstr "スキンエッジサポートの厚さ"
  2880. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2881. msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
  2882. msgid "Skin Expand Distance"
  2883. msgstr "表面展開距離"
  2884. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2885. msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm label"
  2886. msgid "Skin Overlap"
  2887. msgstr "表面公差"
  2888. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2889. msgctxt "skin_overlap label"
  2890. msgid "Skin Overlap Percentage"
  2891. msgstr "表面公差量"
  2892. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2893. msgctxt "skin_preshrink label"
  2894. msgid "Skin Removal Width"
  2895. msgstr "表面除去幅"
  2896. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2897. msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion description"
  2898. msgid "Skin areas narrower than this are not expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a slope close to the vertical."
  2899. msgstr "これより狭いスキン領域は展開されません。モデル表面に、垂直に近い斜面がある場合に作成される狭いスキン領域の拡大を回避するためです。"
  2900. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2901. msgctxt "support_zag_skip_count description"
  2902. msgid "Skip one in every N connection lines to make the support structure easier to break away."
  2903. msgstr "毎行Nミリ時に、サポートの接続をわざとスキップし、後のサポート材の構造をもろくし、壊れやすくする。"
  2904. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2905. msgctxt "support_skip_some_zags description"
  2906. msgid "Skip some support line connections to make the support structure easier to break away. This setting is applicable to the Zig Zag support infill pattern."
  2907. msgstr "サポートラインの接続部分をスキップし、サポート材部分を壊れやすくします。この設定はジグザクのサポートインフィル材のパターンにて適用できます。"
  2908. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2909. msgctxt "adhesion_type option skirt"
  2910. msgid "Skirt"
  2911. msgstr "スカート"
  2912. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2913. msgctxt "skirt_gap label"
  2914. msgid "Skirt Distance"
  2915. msgstr "スカート距離"
  2916. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2917. msgctxt "skirt_height label"
  2918. msgid "Skirt Height"
  2919. msgstr ""
  2920. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2921. msgctxt "skirt_line_count label"
  2922. msgid "Skirt Line Count"
  2923. msgstr "スカートライン数"
  2924. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2925. msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim label"
  2926. msgid "Skirt/Brim Acceleration"
  2927. msgstr "スカート/ブリム加速度"
  2928. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2929. msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr label"
  2930. msgid "Skirt/Brim Extruder"
  2931. msgstr "スカート/ブリムエクストルーダー"
  2932. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2933. msgctxt "skirt_brim_material_flow label"
  2934. msgid "Skirt/Brim Flow"
  2935. msgstr "スカート/ブリムのフロー"
  2936. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2937. msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim label"
  2938. msgid "Skirt/Brim Jerk"
  2939. msgstr "スカート/ブリムジャーク"
  2940. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2941. msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width label"
  2942. msgid "Skirt/Brim Line Width"
  2943. msgstr "スカート/ブリムラインの幅"
  2944. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2945. msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length label"
  2946. msgid "Skirt/Brim Minimum Length"
  2947. msgstr "スカート/ブリム最小長さ"
  2948. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2949. msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed label"
  2950. msgid "Skirt/Brim Speed"
  2951. msgstr "スカート/ブリム速度"
  2952. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2953. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance label"
  2954. msgid "Slicing Tolerance"
  2955. msgstr "スライス公差"
  2956. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2957. msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor_0 label"
  2958. msgid "Small Feature Initial Layer Speed"
  2959. msgstr "小型形体の初期レイヤー速度"
  2960. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2961. msgctxt "small_feature_max_length label"
  2962. msgid "Small Feature Max Length"
  2963. msgstr "小型形体の最大長さ"
  2964. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2965. msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor label"
  2966. msgid "Small Feature Speed"
  2967. msgstr ""
  2968. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2969. msgctxt "small_hole_max_size label"
  2970. msgid "Small Hole Max Size"
  2971. msgstr "小さい穴の最大サイズ"
  2972. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2973. msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
  2974. msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
  2975. msgstr "小さいレイヤーのプリント温度"
  2976. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2977. msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
  2978. msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
  2979. msgstr ""
  2980. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2981. msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor_0 description"
  2982. msgid "Small features on the first layer will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed. Slower printing can help with adhesion and accuracy."
  2983. msgstr "最初のレイヤーの小型形体は通常のプリント速度に対してこの割合でプリントされます。低速でプリントすると、接着と精度が向上します。"
  2984. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2985. msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor description"
  2986. msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed. Slower printing can help with adhesion and accuracy."
  2987. msgstr "小型形体は通常のプリント速度に対してこの割合でプリントされます。低速でプリントすると、接着と精度が向上します。"
  2988. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2989. msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
  2990. msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions."
  2991. msgstr ""
  2992. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2993. msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
  2994. msgid "Smart Brim"
  2995. msgstr ""
  2996. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  2997. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_weighted"
  2998. msgid "Smart Hiding"
  2999. msgstr "スマート・シーム"
  3000. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3001. msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
  3002. msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
  3003. msgstr "滑らかな輪郭"
  3004. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3005. msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
  3006. msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
  3007. msgstr "らせん状の輪郭を滑らかにしてZシームの視認性を低下させます (Zシームは印刷物上でほとんどみえませんが、層ビューでは確認できます)。スムージングは、細かい表面の詳細をぼかす傾向があることに注意してください。"
  3008. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3009. msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount description"
  3010. msgid "Some material can ooze away during a travel move, which can be compensated for here."
  3011. msgstr "マテリアルによっては、移動中に滲み出てきてしまうときがあり、ここで調整することができます。"
  3012. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3013. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_extra_prime_amount description"
  3014. msgid "Some material can ooze away during a wipe travel moves, which can be compensated for here."
  3015. msgstr "いくつかの材料は、ワイプ移動中ににじみ出るためここで補償することができます。"
  3016. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3017. msgctxt "blackmagic label"
  3018. msgid "Special Modes"
  3019. msgstr "特別モード"
  3020. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3021. msgctxt "speed description"
  3022. msgid "Speed"
  3023. msgstr "スピード"
  3024. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3025. msgctxt "speed label"
  3026. msgid "Speed"
  3027. msgstr "スピード"
  3028. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3029. msgctxt "wipe_hop_speed description"
  3030. msgid "Speed to move the z-axis during the hop."
  3031. msgstr "ホップ中に z 軸を移動する速度。"
  3032. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3033. msgctxt "magic_spiralize label"
  3034. msgid "Spiralize Outer Contour"
  3035. msgstr "滑らかな外側輪郭"
  3036. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3037. msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
  3038. msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
  3039. msgstr "Z軸の外側のエッジの動きを滑らかにします。全体の印刷に安定したZの動きを促し、この機能によりソリッドのモデルを固定した底辺と単一のウォールの印刷にします。この機能は各レイヤーが単一の部品を含んでいる場合のみに有効です。"
  3040. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3041. msgctxt "material_standby_temperature label"
  3042. msgid "Standby Temperature"
  3043. msgstr "スタンバイ温度"
  3044. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3045. msgctxt "machine_start_gcode label"
  3046. msgid "Start G-code"
  3047. msgstr "G-Codeの開始"
  3048. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3049. msgctxt "z_seam_type description"
  3050. msgid "Starting point of each path in a layer. When paths in consecutive layers start at the same point a vertical seam may show on the print. When aligning these near a user specified location, the seam is easiest to remove. When placed randomly the inaccuracies at the paths' start will be less noticeable. When taking the shortest path the print will be quicker."
  3051. msgstr "レイヤーの経路始点。連続するレイヤー経路が同じポイントで開始すると、縦のシームが印刷に表示されることがあります。ユーザーが指定した場所の近くでこれらを整列させる場合、継ぎ目は最も簡単に取り除くことができます。無作為に配置すると、経路開始時の粗さが目立たなくなります。最短経路をとると、印刷が速くなります。"
  3052. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3053. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_e label"
  3054. msgid "Steps per Millimeter (E)"
  3055. msgstr "ミリメートルあたりのステップ (E)"
  3056. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3057. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_x label"
  3058. msgid "Steps per Millimeter (X)"
  3059. msgstr "ミリメートルあたりのステップ (X)"
  3060. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3061. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_y label"
  3062. msgid "Steps per Millimeter (Y)"
  3063. msgstr "ミリメートルあたりのステップ (Y)"
  3064. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3065. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_z label"
  3066. msgid "Steps per Millimeter (Z)"
  3067. msgstr "ミリメートルあたりのステップ (Z)"
  3068. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3069. msgctxt "support description"
  3070. msgid "Support"
  3071. msgstr "サポート"
  3072. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3073. msgctxt "support label"
  3074. msgid "Support"
  3075. msgstr "サポート"
  3076. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3077. msgctxt "acceleration_support label"
  3078. msgid "Support Acceleration"
  3079. msgstr "サポート加速度"
  3080. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3081. msgctxt "support_bottom_distance label"
  3082. msgid "Support Bottom Distance"
  3083. msgstr "サポート底部距離"
  3084. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3085. msgctxt "support_bottom_wall_count label"
  3086. msgid "Support Bottom Wall Line Count"
  3087. msgstr "サポート底面ウォールライン数"
  3088. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3089. msgctxt "support_brim_line_count label"
  3090. msgid "Support Brim Line Count"
  3091. msgstr "サポートブリムのライン数"
  3092. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3093. msgctxt "support_brim_width label"
  3094. msgid "Support Brim Width"
  3095. msgstr "サポートブリムの幅"
  3096. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3097. msgctxt "support_zag_skip_count label"
  3098. msgid "Support Chunk Line Count"
  3099. msgstr "サポート分割ライン数"
  3100. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3101. msgctxt "support_skip_zag_per_mm label"
  3102. msgid "Support Chunk Size"
  3103. msgstr "サポート分割サイズ"
  3104. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3105. msgctxt "support_infill_rate label"
  3106. msgid "Support Density"
  3107. msgstr "サポート密度"
  3108. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3109. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z label"
  3110. msgid "Support Distance Priority"
  3111. msgstr "サポート距離優先順位"
  3112. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3113. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
  3114. msgid "Support Extruder"
  3115. msgstr "サポート用エクストルーダー"
  3116. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3117. msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
  3118. msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
  3119. msgstr "サポートフロア加速度"
  3120. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3121. msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
  3122. msgid "Support Floor Density"
  3123. msgstr "サポートフロア密度"
  3124. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3125. msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
  3126. msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
  3127. msgstr "サポートフロアエクストルーダー"
  3128. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3129. msgctxt "support_bottom_material_flow label"
  3130. msgid "Support Floor Flow"
  3131. msgstr "支持材床面フロー"
  3132. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3133. msgctxt "support_bottom_offset label"
  3134. msgid "Support Floor Horizontal Expansion"
  3135. msgstr "サポートフロア水平展開"
  3136. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3137. msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
  3138. msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
  3139. msgstr "サポートフロアジャーク"
  3140. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3141. msgctxt "support_bottom_angles label"
  3142. msgid "Support Floor Line Directions"
  3143. msgstr "サポートフロアライン方向"
  3144. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3145. msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
  3146. msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
  3147. msgstr "サポートフロアライン距離"
  3148. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3149. msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
  3150. msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
  3151. msgstr "サポートフロアのライン幅"
  3152. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3153. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
  3154. msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
  3155. msgstr "サポートフロアパターン"
  3156. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3157. msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
  3158. msgid "Support Floor Speed"
  3159. msgstr "サポートフロア速度"
  3160. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3161. msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
  3162. msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
  3163. msgstr "サポートフロア厚さ"
  3164. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3165. msgctxt "support_material_flow label"
  3166. msgid "Support Flow"
  3167. msgstr "支持材のフロー"
  3168. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3169. msgctxt "support_offset label"
  3170. msgid "Support Horizontal Expansion"
  3171. msgstr "サポート水平展開"
  3172. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3173. msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill label"
  3174. msgid "Support Infill Acceleration"
  3175. msgstr "サポートインフィル加速度"
  3176. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3177. msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr label"
  3178. msgid "Support Infill Extruder"
  3179. msgstr "サポート用インフィルエクストルーダー"
  3180. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3181. msgctxt "jerk_support_infill label"
  3182. msgid "Support Infill Jerk"
  3183. msgstr "サポートインフィルジャーク"
  3184. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3185. msgctxt "support_infill_sparse_thickness label"
  3186. msgid "Support Infill Layer Thickness"
  3187. msgstr "サポートインフィルレイヤー厚さ"
  3188. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3189. msgctxt "support_infill_angles label"
  3190. msgid "Support Infill Line Directions"
  3191. msgstr "サポートインフィルラインの向き"
  3192. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3193. msgctxt "speed_support_infill label"
  3194. msgid "Support Infill Speed"
  3195. msgstr "サポートインフィル速度"
  3196. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3197. msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface label"
  3198. msgid "Support Interface Acceleration"
  3199. msgstr "サポートインタフェース加速度"
  3200. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3201. msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
  3202. msgid "Support Interface Density"
  3203. msgstr "サポートインタフェース密度"
  3204. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3205. msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr label"
  3206. msgid "Support Interface Extruder"
  3207. msgstr "サポートインタフェースエクストルーダー"
  3208. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3209. msgctxt "support_interface_material_flow label"
  3210. msgid "Support Interface Flow"
  3211. msgstr "支持材界面フロー"
  3212. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3213. msgctxt "support_interface_offset label"
  3214. msgid "Support Interface Horizontal Expansion"
  3215. msgstr "サポートインターフェイス水平展開"
  3216. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3217. msgctxt "jerk_support_interface label"
  3218. msgid "Support Interface Jerk"
  3219. msgstr "サポートインタフェースジャーク"
  3220. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3221. msgctxt "support_interface_angles label"
  3222. msgid "Support Interface Line Directions"
  3223. msgstr "サポート面のライン方向"
  3224. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3225. msgctxt "support_interface_line_width label"
  3226. msgid "Support Interface Line Width"
  3227. msgstr "サポート面のライン幅"
  3228. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3229. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
  3230. msgid "Support Interface Pattern"
  3231. msgstr "サポートインタフェースパターン"
  3232. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3233. msgctxt "support_interface_priority label"
  3234. msgid "Support Interface Priority"
  3235. msgstr ""
  3236. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3237. msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
  3238. msgid "Support Interface Resolution"
  3239. msgstr "サポートインタフェース解像度"
  3240. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3241. msgctxt "speed_support_interface label"
  3242. msgid "Support Interface Speed"
  3243. msgstr "サポートインタフェース速度"
  3244. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3245. msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
  3246. msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
  3247. msgstr "サポートインタフェース厚さ"
  3248. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3249. msgctxt "support_interface_wall_count label"
  3250. msgid "Support Interface Wall Line Count"
  3251. msgstr "サポートインターフェースのウォールライン数"
  3252. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3253. msgctxt "jerk_support label"
  3254. msgid "Support Jerk"
  3255. msgstr "サポートジャーク"
  3256. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3257. msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
  3258. msgid "Support Join Distance"
  3259. msgstr "サポート接合距離"
  3260. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3261. msgctxt "support_line_distance label"
  3262. msgid "Support Line Distance"
  3263. msgstr "サポートライン距離"
  3264. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3265. msgctxt "support_line_width label"
  3266. msgid "Support Line Width"
  3267. msgstr "サポートライン幅"
  3268. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3269. msgctxt "support_mesh label"
  3270. msgid "Support Mesh"
  3271. msgstr "サポートメッシュ"
  3272. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3273. msgctxt "support_angle label"
  3274. msgid "Support Overhang Angle"
  3275. msgstr "サポートオーバーハング角度"
  3276. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3277. msgctxt "support_pattern label"
  3278. msgid "Support Pattern"
  3279. msgstr "サポートパターン"
  3280. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3281. msgctxt "support_type label"
  3282. msgid "Support Placement"
  3283. msgstr "サポート配置"
  3284. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3285. msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
  3286. msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
  3287. msgstr "サポートルーフ加速度"
  3288. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3289. msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
  3290. msgid "Support Roof Density"
  3291. msgstr "サポートルーフ密度"
  3292. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3293. msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
  3294. msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
  3295. msgstr "サポートルーフエクストルーダー"
  3296. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3297. msgctxt "support_roof_material_flow label"
  3298. msgid "Support Roof Flow"
  3299. msgstr "支持材天井面フロー"
  3300. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3301. msgctxt "support_roof_offset label"
  3302. msgid "Support Roof Horizontal Expansion"
  3303. msgstr "サポートルーフ水平展開"
  3304. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3305. msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
  3306. msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
  3307. msgstr "サポートルーフジャーク"
  3308. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3309. msgctxt "support_roof_angles label"
  3310. msgid "Support Roof Line Directions"
  3311. msgstr "サポートルーフライン方向"
  3312. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3313. msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
  3314. msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
  3315. msgstr "サポートルーフライン距離"
  3316. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3317. msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
  3318. msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
  3319. msgstr "サポートルーフのライン幅"
  3320. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3321. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
  3322. msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
  3323. msgstr "サポートルーフパターン"
  3324. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3325. msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
  3326. msgid "Support Roof Speed"
  3327. msgstr "サポートルーフ速度"
  3328. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3329. msgctxt "support_roof_height label"
  3330. msgid "Support Roof Thickness"
  3331. msgstr "サポートルーフ厚さ"
  3332. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3333. msgctxt "support_roof_wall_count label"
  3334. msgid "Support Roof Wall Line Count"
  3335. msgstr "サポートルーフウォールライン数"
  3336. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3337. msgctxt "speed_support label"
  3338. msgid "Support Speed"
  3339. msgstr "サポート速度"
  3340. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3341. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height label"
  3342. msgid "Support Stair Step Height"
  3343. msgstr "サポート階段高さ"
  3344. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3345. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
  3346. msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
  3347. msgstr "サポート階段最大幅"
  3348. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3349. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_min_slope label"
  3350. msgid "Support Stair Step Minimum Slope Angle"
  3351. msgstr "サポートステアステップ最小傾斜角度"
  3352. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3353. msgctxt "support_structure label"
  3354. msgid "Support Structure"
  3355. msgstr "サポート構造"
  3356. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3357. msgctxt "support_top_distance label"
  3358. msgid "Support Top Distance"
  3359. msgstr "サポート上部距離"
  3360. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3361. msgctxt "support_wall_count label"
  3362. msgid "Support Wall Line Count"
  3363. msgstr "サポートウォールライン数"
  3364. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3365. msgctxt "support_xy_distance label"
  3366. msgid "Support X/Y Distance"
  3367. msgstr "サポートX/Y距離"
  3368. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3369. msgctxt "support_z_distance label"
  3370. msgid "Support Z Distance"
  3371. msgstr "サポートZ距離"
  3372. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3373. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option support_lines_overwrite_interface_area"
  3374. msgid "Support lines preferred"
  3375. msgstr ""
  3376. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3377. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option support_area_overwrite_interface_area"
  3378. msgid "Support preferred"
  3379. msgstr ""
  3380. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3381. msgctxt "support_supported_skin_fan_speed label"
  3382. msgid "Supported Skin Fan Speed"
  3383. msgstr "サポート対象スキンファン速度"
  3384. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3385. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option surface"
  3386. msgid "Surface"
  3387. msgstr "表面"
  3388. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3389. msgctxt "material_surface_energy label"
  3390. msgid "Surface Energy"
  3391. msgstr "表面エネルギー"
  3392. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3393. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode label"
  3394. msgid "Surface Mode"
  3395. msgstr "表面モード"
  3396. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3397. msgctxt "material_adhesion_tendency description"
  3398. msgid "Surface adhesion tendency."
  3399. msgstr "表面の接着傾向。"
  3400. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3401. msgctxt "material_surface_energy description"
  3402. msgid "Surface energy."
  3403. msgstr "表面エネルギー。"
  3404. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3405. msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering description"
  3406. msgid "Swap print order of the innermost and second innermost brim lines. This improves brim removal."
  3407. msgstr ""
  3408. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3409. msgctxt "alternate_carve_order description"
  3410. msgid "Switch to which mesh intersecting volumes will belong with every layer, so that the overlapping meshes become interwoven. Turning this setting off will cause one of the meshes to obtain all of the volume in the overlap, while it is removed from the other meshes."
  3411. msgstr "交差するメッシュがどのレイヤーに属しているかを切り替えることで、オーバーラップしているメッシュを絡み合うようにします。この設定をオフにすると、一方のメッシュはオーバーラップ内のすべてのボリュームを取得し、他方のメッシュは他から削除されます。"
  3412. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3413. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_threshold description"
  3414. msgid "Target horizontal distance between two adjacent layers. Reducing this setting causes thinner layers to be used to bring the edges of the layers closer together."
  3415. msgstr "隣接する2つのレイヤー間の目標水平距離。この設定を小さくすると、レイヤーのエッジが近づくように薄いレイヤーが使用されます。"
  3416. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3417. msgctxt "layer_start_x description"
  3418. msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
  3419. msgstr "各レイヤーのプリントを開始する部分をしめすX座標。"
  3420. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3421. msgctxt "z_seam_x description"
  3422. msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  3423. msgstr ""
  3424. "レイヤー内の各印刷を開始するX座\n"
  3425. "標の位置。"
  3426. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3427. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
  3428. msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  3429. msgstr "プリント開始時のノズルの位置を表すX座標。"
  3430. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3431. msgctxt "layer_start_y description"
  3432. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
  3433. msgstr "各レイヤーのプリントを開始する部分をしめすY座標。"
  3434. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3435. msgctxt "z_seam_y description"
  3436. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  3437. msgstr "レイヤー内の各パーツの印刷を開始する場所の近くのY座標。"
  3438. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3439. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
  3440. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  3441. msgstr "プリント開始時にノズル位置を表すY座標。"
  3442. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3443. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z description"
  3444. msgid "The Z coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  3445. msgstr "印刷開始時にノズルがポジションを確認するZ座標。"
  3446. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3447. msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 description"
  3448. msgid "The acceleration during the printing of the initial layer."
  3449. msgstr "初期レイヤーの印刷中の加速度。"
  3450. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3451. msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 description"
  3452. msgid "The acceleration for the initial layer."
  3453. msgstr "初期レイヤーの加速度。"
  3454. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3455. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 description"
  3456. msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
  3457. msgstr "最初のレイヤー時の加速度。"
  3458. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3459. msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 description"
  3460. msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
  3461. msgstr "移動加速度は最初のレイヤーに適用されます。"
  3462. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3463. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x description"
  3464. msgid "The acceleration with which all inner walls are printed."
  3465. msgstr "内側のウォールがが出力される際のスピード。"
  3466. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3467. msgctxt "acceleration_infill description"
  3468. msgid "The acceleration with which infill is printed."
  3469. msgstr "インフィルの印刷の加速スピード。"
  3470. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3471. msgctxt "acceleration_ironing description"
  3472. msgid "The acceleration with which ironing is performed."
  3473. msgstr "アイロン時の加速度。"
  3474. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3475. msgctxt "acceleration_print description"
  3476. msgid "The acceleration with which printing happens."
  3477. msgstr "印刷の加速スピードです。"
  3478. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3479. msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration description"
  3480. msgid "The acceleration with which the base raft layer is printed."
  3481. msgstr "ラフトの底面印刷時の加速度。"
  3482. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3483. msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
  3484. msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
  3485. msgstr "サポートのフロアが印刷される加速度。より低い加速度で印刷すると、モデル上のサポートの接着性を向上させることができます。"
  3486. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3487. msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill description"
  3488. msgid "The acceleration with which the infill of support is printed."
  3489. msgstr "インフィルのサポート材のプリント時の加速度。"
  3490. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3491. msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration description"
  3492. msgid "The acceleration with which the middle raft layer is printed."
  3493. msgstr "ラフトの中間層印刷時の加速度。"
  3494. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3495. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 description"
  3496. msgid "The acceleration with which the outermost walls are printed."
  3497. msgstr "最も外側の壁をプリントする際の加速度。"
  3498. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3499. msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower description"
  3500. msgid "The acceleration with which the prime tower is printed."
  3501. msgstr "プライムタワーの印刷時のスピード。"
  3502. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3503. msgctxt "raft_acceleration description"
  3504. msgid "The acceleration with which the raft is printed."
  3505. msgstr "ラフト印刷時の加速度。"
  3506. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3507. msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
  3508. msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
  3509. msgstr "サポートの上面と下面が印刷される加速度。低加速度で印刷するとオーバーハングの品質が向上します。"
  3510. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3511. msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
  3512. msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
  3513. msgstr "サポートの上面がプリントされる加速度、低加速度で印刷するとオーバーハングの品質が向上します。"
  3514. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3515. msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim description"
  3516. msgid "The acceleration with which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done with the initial layer acceleration, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different acceleration."
  3517. msgstr "スカートとブリム印刷時の加速度。通常、初期レイヤーの印刷スピードにて適用されるが、異なる速度でスカートやブリムを印刷したい場合使用できる。"
  3518. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3519. msgctxt "acceleration_support description"
  3520. msgid "The acceleration with which the support structure is printed."
  3521. msgstr "サポート材プリント時の加速スピード。"
  3522. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3523. msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration description"
  3524. msgid "The acceleration with which the top raft layers are printed."
  3525. msgstr "ラフトのトップ印刷時の加速度。"
  3526. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3527. msgctxt "acceleration_wall description"
  3528. msgid "The acceleration with which the walls are printed."
  3529. msgstr "ウォールをプリントする際の加速度。"
  3530. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3531. msgctxt "acceleration_roofing description"
  3532. msgid "The acceleration with which top surface skin layers are printed."
  3533. msgstr "上部表面プリント時の加速度。"
  3534. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3535. msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom description"
  3536. msgid "The acceleration with which top/bottom layers are printed."
  3537. msgstr "トップとボトムのレイヤーの印刷加速度。"
  3538. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3539. msgctxt "acceleration_travel description"
  3540. msgid "The acceleration with which travel moves are made."
  3541. msgstr "移動中の加速度。"
  3542. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3543. msgctxt "ironing_flow description"
  3544. msgid "The amount of material, relative to a normal skin line, to extrude during ironing. Keeping the nozzle filled helps filling some of the crevices of the top surface, but too much results in overextrusion and blips on the side of the surface."
  3545. msgstr "アイロン時にノズルから出しておくフィラメントの量。多少出しておくと裂け目を綺麗にします。ただ出し過ぎると吐出過多になり、端が荒れます。"
  3546. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3547. msgctxt "infill_overlap description"
  3548. msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls as a percentage of the infill line width. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
  3549. msgstr "インフィルと壁のオーバーラップ量 (インフィルライン幅に対する%)。少しのオーバーラップによって壁がインフィルにしっかりつながります。"
  3550. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3551. msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm description"
  3552. msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
  3553. msgstr "インフィルと壁が交差する量、わずかな交差によって壁がインフィルにしっかりつながります。"
  3554. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3555. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount description"
  3556. msgid "The amount of retraction when switching extruders. Set to 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone."
  3557. msgstr "エクストルーダー切り替え時の引き込み量。引き込みを行わない場合は0に設定します。これは通常、ヒートゾーンの長さと同じに設定します。"
  3558. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3559. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle description"
  3560. msgid "The angle between the horizontal plane and the conical part right above the tip of the nozzle."
  3561. msgstr "水平面とノズル直上の円錐部分との間の角度。"
  3562. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3563. msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle description"
  3564. msgid "The angle of a rooftop of a tower. A higher value results in pointed tower roofs, a lower value results in flattened tower roofs."
  3565. msgstr "タワーの屋上の角度。値が高いほど尖った屋根が得られ、値が低いほど屋根が平らになります。"
  3566. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3567. msgctxt "mold_angle description"
  3568. msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
  3569. msgstr "型の外側の壁のオーバーハングの角度です。0度にすると垂直の外殻をつくります。 90度は輪郭に従いモデルの外側の外殻をつくります。"
  3570. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3571. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
  3572. msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
  3573. msgstr "基部に向かって徐々に太くなる枝の直径の角度。角度が0の場合、枝の太さは全長にわたって同じになります。少し角度を付けると、ツリーサポートの安定性が高まります。"
  3574. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3575. msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
  3576. msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
  3577. msgstr "円錐形のサポートの傾きの角度。 0度は垂直であり、90度は水平である。角度が小さいと、サポートはより頑丈になりますが、より多くのマテリアルが必要になります。負の角度は、サポートのベースがトップよりも広くなります。"
  3578. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3579. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density description"
  3580. msgid "The average density of points introduced on each polygon in a layer. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a low density results in a reduction of the resolution."
  3581. msgstr "レイヤー内の各ポリゴンに導入されたポイントの平均密度。ポリゴンの元の点は破棄されるため、密度が低いと解像度が低下します。"
  3582. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3583. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist description"
  3584. msgid "The average distance between the random points introduced on each line segment. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a high smoothness results in a reduction of the resolution. This value must be higher than half the Fuzzy Skin Thickness."
  3585. msgstr "各線分に導入されたランダム点間の平均距離。ポリゴンの元の点は破棄されるので、積層の値を低くすることで、なめらかな仕上がりになります。この値は、ファジースキンの厚さの半分よりも大きくなければなりません。"
  3586. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3587. msgctxt "machine_acceleration description"
  3588. msgid "The default acceleration of print head movement."
  3589. msgstr "プリントヘッド移動のデフォルトの加速度。"
  3590. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3591. msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature description"
  3592. msgid "The default temperature used for printing. This should be the \"base\" temperature of a material. All other print temperatures should use offsets based on this value"
  3593. msgstr "印刷中のデフォルトの温度。これはマテリアルの基本温度となります。他のすべての造形温度はこの値に基づいてオフセットする必要があります"
  3594. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3595. msgctxt "default_material_bed_temperature description"
  3596. msgid "The default temperature used for the heated build plate. This should be the \"base\" temperature of a build plate. All other print temperatures should use offsets based on this value"
  3597. msgstr "加熱式ビルドプレートのデフォルト温度。これはビルドプレートの「基本」温度でます。他のすべての印刷温度はこの値に基づいてオフセットする必要があります"
  3598. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3599. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density description"
  3600. msgid "The density of the bridge skin layer. Values less than 100 will increase the gaps between the skin lines."
  3601. msgstr "ブリッジスキンレイヤーの密度。100 以下の場合は、スキンライン間のギャップを増やします。"
  3602. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3603. msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
  3604. msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
  3605. msgstr "サポート構造のフロアの密度です。高い値は、サポートのよりよい接着を促します。"
  3606. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3607. msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
  3608. msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
  3609. msgstr "サポート材のルーフの部分の密度を調整します 大きな値ではオーバーハングの成功率があがりますが、サポート材が除去しにくくなります。"
  3610. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3611. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density_2 description"
  3612. msgid "The density of the second bridge skin layer. Values less than 100 will increase the gaps between the skin lines."
  3613. msgstr "セカンドブリッジスキンレイヤーの密度。100 以下の場合は、スキンライン間のギャップを増やします。"
  3614. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3615. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density_3 description"
  3616. msgid "The density of the third bridge skin layer. Values less than 100 will increase the gaps between the skin lines."
  3617. msgstr "サードブリッジスキンレイヤーの密度。100 以下の場合は、スキンライン間のギャップを増やします。"
  3618. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3619. msgctxt "machine_depth description"
  3620. msgid "The depth (Y-direction) of the printable area."
  3621. msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(Y方向)。"
  3622. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3623. msgctxt "support_tower_diameter description"
  3624. msgid "The diameter of a special tower."
  3625. msgstr "特別な塔の直径。"
  3626. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3627. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter description"
  3628. msgid "The diameter of the thinnest branches of tree support. Thicker branches are more sturdy. Branches towards the base will be thicker than this."
  3629. msgstr "ツリーサポートの最も細い枝の直径。枝は太いほど丈夫です。基部に近いところでは、枝はこれよりも太くなります。"
  3630. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3631. msgctxt "support_tree_tip_diameter description"
  3632. msgid "The diameter of the top of the tip of the branches of tree support."
  3633. msgstr ""
  3634. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3635. msgctxt "machine_feeder_wheel_diameter description"
  3636. msgid "The diameter of the wheel that drives the material in the feeder."
  3637. msgstr "材料をフィーダーに送るホイールの直径。"
  3638. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3639. msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter description"
  3640. msgid "The diameter of the widest branches of tree support. A thicker trunk is more sturdy; a thinner trunk takes up less space on the build plate."
  3641. msgstr "ツリーサポートの最も広い枝の直径。本体が太いほど丈夫です。本体が細いほど、ビルドプレートを占有するスペースが少なくなります。"
  3642. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3643. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_variation_step description"
  3644. msgid "The difference in height of the next layer height compared to the previous one."
  3645. msgstr "次のレイヤーの高さを前のレイヤーの高さと比べた差。"
  3646. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3647. msgctxt "ironing_line_spacing description"
  3648. msgid "The distance between the lines of ironing."
  3649. msgstr "アイロンライン同士の距離。"
  3650. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3651. msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance description"
  3652. msgid "The distance between the nozzle and already printed parts when avoiding during travel moves."
  3653. msgstr "ノズルが既に印刷された部分を移動する際の間隔。"
  3654. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3655. msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing description"
  3656. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the base raft layer. Wide spacing makes for easy removal of the raft from the build plate."
  3657. msgstr "ベースラフト層のラフトライン間の距離。広い間隔は、ブルドプレートからのラフトの除去を容易にする。"
  3658. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3659. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing description"
  3660. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the middle raft layer. The spacing of the middle should be quite wide, while being dense enough to support the top raft layers."
  3661. msgstr "中間ラフト層とラフト線の間の距離。中央の間隔はかなり広くなければならず、トップラフト層を支えるために十分な密度でなければならない。"
  3662. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3663. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing description"
  3664. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the top raft layers. The spacing should be equal to the line width, so that the surface is solid."
  3665. msgstr "上のラフト層とラフト線の間の距離。間隔は線の幅と同じにして、サーフェスがソリッドになるようにします。"
  3666. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3667. msgctxt "interlocking_depth description"
  3668. msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure, measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
  3669. msgstr "インターロック構造を生成するモデル間の境界からの距離(セル単位)。セルが少なすぎると密着性が低下します。"
  3670. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3671. msgctxt "brim_width description"
  3672. msgid "The distance from the model to the outermost brim line. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
  3673. msgstr "モデルから最外線のブリムまでの距離。大きなブリムは、ビルドプレートへの接着を高めますが、有効な印刷面積も減少させます。"
  3674. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3675. msgctxt "interlocking_boundary_avoidance description"
  3676. msgid "The distance from the outside of a model where interlocking structures will not be generated, measured in cells."
  3677. msgstr "インターロック構造が生成されないモデルの外側からの距離(セル単位で測定)。"
  3678. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3679. msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length description"
  3680. msgid "The distance from the tip of the nozzle in which heat from the nozzle is transferred to the filament."
  3681. msgstr "ノズルからの熱がフィラメントに伝達される距離。"
  3682. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3683. msgctxt "bottom_skin_expand_distance description"
  3684. msgid "The distance the bottom skins are expanded into the infill. Higher values makes the skin attach better to the infill pattern and makes the skin adhere better to the walls on the layer below. Lower values save amount of material used."
  3685. msgstr "スキンがインフィルまで到達する距離です。高い数値の場合、スキンはインフィルのパターンに隣接しやすく、近接する壁のレイヤーもスキンに密着しやすくなります。低値の場合、材料の使用量を節約します。"
  3686. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3687. msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance description"
  3688. msgid "The distance the skins are expanded into the infill. Higher values makes the skin attach better to the infill pattern and makes the walls on neighboring layers adhere better to the skin. Lower values save amount of material used."
  3689. msgstr "スキンがインフィルまで到達する距離です。高い数値の場合、スキンはインフィルのパターンに隣接しやすく、近接する壁のレイヤーもスキンに密着しやすくなります。低値の場合、材料の使用量を節約します。"
  3690. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3691. msgctxt "top_skin_expand_distance description"
  3692. msgid "The distance the top skins are expanded into the infill. Higher values makes the skin attach better to the infill pattern and makes the walls on the layer above adhere better to the skin. Lower values save amount of material used."
  3693. msgstr "スキンがインフィルまで到達する距離です。高い数値の場合、スキンはインフィルのパターンに隣接しやすく、近接する壁のレイヤーもスキンに密着しやすくなります。低値の場合、材料の使用量を節約します。"
  3694. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3695. msgctxt "wipe_move_distance description"
  3696. msgid "The distance to move the head back and forth across the brush."
  3697. msgstr "ブラシ全体でヘッド前後に動かす距離。"
  3698. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3699. msgctxt "lightning_infill_prune_angle description"
  3700. msgid "The endpoints of infill lines are shortened to save on material. This setting is the angle of overhang of the endpoints of these lines."
  3701. msgstr "インフィルラインのエンドポイントは短縮され、材料が節約されます。この設定は、これらのラインのエンドポイントにおけるオーバーハングの角度です。"
  3702. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3703. msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed description"
  3704. msgid "The extra speed by which the nozzle cools while extruding. The same value is used to signify the heat up speed lost when heating up while extruding."
  3705. msgstr "印刷中にノズルが冷える際の速度。同じ値が、加熱する際の加熱速度に割当られます。"
  3706. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3707. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 description"
  3708. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support infill. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3709. msgstr "サポートのインフィルの最初の層を印刷に使用するエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  3710. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3711. msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr description"
  3712. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3713. msgstr "ラフトの最初のレイヤーをプリントする際に使用するエクストルーダートレイン。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  3714. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3715. msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
  3716. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3717. msgstr "サポートのフロア面をプリントする際に使用するエクストルーダーの列。デュアルノズル時に使用します。"
  3718. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3719. msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr description"
  3720. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the infill of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3721. msgstr "サポート材のインフィルを印刷に使用するためのエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  3722. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3723. msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr description"
  3724. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the middle layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3725. msgstr "ラフトの中間レイヤーをプリントする際に使用するエクストルーダートレイン。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  3726. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3727. msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
  3728. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3729. msgstr "サポートのルーフおよび底面を印刷するために使用するエクストルーダーの列。デュアルノズル時に使用されます。"
  3730. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3731. msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
  3732. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3733. msgstr "サポートのルーフ面をプリントする際のエクストルーダー列。デュアルノズル時に使用します。"
  3734. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3735. msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr description"
  3736. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt or brim. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3737. msgstr "スカートまたはブリムをプリントする際に使用するエクストルーダートレイン。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  3738. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3739. msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr description"
  3740. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3741. msgstr "スカート/ブリム/ラフトをプリントする際のエクストルーダー。これはマルチエクストルージョン時に使用されます。"
  3742. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3743. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr description"
  3744. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3745. msgstr "サポート材を印刷するためのエクストルーダー。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  3746. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3747. msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr description"
  3748. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the top layer(s) of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3749. msgstr "ラフトのトップレイヤーをプリントする際に使用するエクストルーダートレイン。複数のエクストルーダーがある場合に使用されます。"
  3750. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3751. msgctxt "infill_extruder_nr description"
  3752. msgid "The extruder train used for printing infill. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3753. msgstr "インフィル造形時に使われるExtruder。デュアルノズルの場合に利用します。"
  3754. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3755. msgctxt "wall_x_extruder_nr description"
  3756. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the inner walls. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3757. msgstr "内壁印刷用のエクストルーダー。デュアルノズル印刷時に使用。"
  3758. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3759. msgctxt "wall_0_extruder_nr description"
  3760. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the outer wall. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3761. msgstr "外壁印刷用のエクストルーダー。デュアルノズル印刷時に使用。"
  3762. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3763. msgctxt "top_bottom_extruder_nr description"
  3764. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the top and bottom skin. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3765. msgstr "上部と下部の表面を印刷する時に使われるエクストルーダー。デュアルノズル印刷時に使用。"
  3766. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3767. msgctxt "roofing_extruder_nr description"
  3768. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the top most skin. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3769. msgstr "上部の表面印刷用のエクストルーダー。デュアルノズル印刷時に使用。"
  3770. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3771. msgctxt "wall_extruder_nr description"
  3772. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the walls. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3773. msgstr "壁造形用のエクストルーダー。デュアルノズル印刷時に使用。"
  3774. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3775. msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed description"
  3776. msgid "The fan speed for the base raft layer."
  3777. msgstr "ベースラフト層印刷時のファン速度。"
  3778. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3779. msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed description"
  3780. msgid "The fan speed for the middle raft layer."
  3781. msgstr "ミドルラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
  3782. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3783. msgctxt "raft_fan_speed description"
  3784. msgid "The fan speed for the raft."
  3785. msgstr "ラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
  3786. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3787. msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed description"
  3788. msgid "The fan speed for the top raft layers."
  3789. msgstr "トップラフト印刷時のファンの速度。"
  3790. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3791. msgctxt "cross_infill_density_image description"
  3792. msgid "The file location of an image of which the brightness values determine the minimal density at the corresponding location in the infill of the print."
  3793. msgstr "画像ファイルの位置。この画像の輝度値で印刷のインフィル内の対象箇所における最小密度が決まります。"
  3794. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3795. msgctxt "cross_support_density_image description"
  3796. msgid "The file location of an image of which the brightness values determine the minimal density at the corresponding location in the support."
  3797. msgstr "画像ファイルの位置。この画像の輝度値でサポートの対象箇所における最小密度が決まります。"
  3798. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3799. msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers description"
  3800. msgid "The first few layers are printed slower than the rest of the model, to get better adhesion to the build plate and improve the overall success rate of prints. The speed is gradually increased over these layers."
  3801. msgstr "最初の数層は印刷失敗の可能性を軽減させるために、設定した印刷スピードよりも遅く印刷されます。"
  3802. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3803. msgctxt "raft_airgap description"
  3804. msgid "The gap between the final raft layer and the first layer of the model. Only the first layer is raised by this amount to lower the bonding between the raft layer and the model. Makes it easier to peel off the raft."
  3805. msgstr "モデルの第一層のラフトと最終ラフト層の隙間。この値で第1層のみを上げることで、ラフトとモデルとの間の結合を低下させる。結果ラフトを剥がしやすくします。"
  3806. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3807. msgctxt "machine_height description"
  3808. msgid "The height (Z-direction) of the printable area."
  3809. msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(Z方向)。"
  3810. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3811. msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
  3812. msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
  3813. msgstr "型を印刷するためのモデルの水平部分上の高さ。"
  3814. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3815. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height description"
  3816. msgid "The height at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. At the layers below the fan speed gradually increases from Initial Fan Speed to Regular Fan Speed."
  3817. msgstr "通常速度でファンが回転するときの高さ。ここより下層レイヤーでは初期ファンのスピードから通常の速度まで徐々に増加します。"
  3818. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3819. msgctxt "gantry_height description"
  3820. msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the gantry system (X and Y axes)."
  3821. msgstr "ノズルの先端とガントリーシステムの高さの差(X軸とY軸)。"
  3822. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3823. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance description"
  3824. msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the lowest part of the print head."
  3825. msgstr "ノズル先端とプリントヘッドの最下部との高さの差。"
  3826. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3827. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch_height description"
  3828. msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop after extruder switch."
  3829. msgstr "エクストルーダースイッチ後のZホップを実行するときの高さの違い。"
  3830. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3831. msgctxt "retraction_hop description"
  3832. msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop."
  3833. msgstr "Zホップを実行するときの高さ。"
  3834. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3835. msgctxt "wipe_hop_amount description"
  3836. msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop."
  3837. msgstr "Zホップを実行するときの高さ。"
  3838. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3839. msgctxt "layer_height description"
  3840. msgid "The height of each layer in mm. Higher values produce faster prints in lower resolution, lower values produce slower prints in higher resolution."
  3841. msgstr "各レイヤーの高さ(mm)。値を大きくすると早く印刷しますが荒くなり、小さくすると印刷が遅くなりますが造形が綺麗になります。"
  3842. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3843. msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height description"
  3844. msgid "The height of infill of a given density before switching to half the density."
  3845. msgstr "密度が半分に切り替わる前の所定のインフィルの高さ。"
  3846. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3847. msgctxt "gradual_support_infill_step_height description"
  3848. msgid "The height of support infill of a given density before switching to half the density."
  3849. msgstr "密度が半分に切り替える前の所定のサポートのインフィルの高さ。"
  3850. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3851. msgctxt "interlocking_beam_layer_count description"
  3852. msgid "The height of the beams of the interlocking structure, measured in number of layers. Less layers is stronger, but more prone to defects."
  3853. msgstr "インターロック構造のビームの高さ(レイヤー数単位)。レイヤーが少ないほど強度は高くなりますが、欠陥が発生しやすくなります。"
  3854. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3855. msgctxt "interlocking_orientation description"
  3856. msgid "The height of the beams of the interlocking structure, measured in number of layers. Less layers is stronger, but more prone to defects."
  3857. msgstr "インターロック構造のビームの高さ(レイヤー数単位)。レイヤーが少ないほど強度は高くなりますが、欠陥が発生しやすくなります。"
  3858. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3859. msgctxt "layer_height_0 description"
  3860. msgid "The height of the initial layer in mm. A thicker initial layer makes adhesion to the build plate easier."
  3861. msgstr "初期レイヤーの高さ(mm)。厚い初期層はビルドプレートへの接着を容易にする。"
  3862. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3863. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
  3864. msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
  3865. msgstr "モデルにのっている階段状のサポートの底のステップの高さ。値を小さくするとサポートを除去するのが困難になりますが、値が大きすぎるとサポートの構造が不安定になる可能性があります。ゼロに設定すると、階段状の動作をオフにします。"
  3866. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3867. msgctxt "brim_gap description"
  3868. msgid "The horizontal distance between the first brim line and the outline of the first layer of the print. A small gap can make the brim easier to remove while still providing the thermal benefits."
  3869. msgstr "最初のブリムラインとプリントの最初のレイヤーの輪郭との間の水平距離。小さなギャップがあると、ブリムの取り外しが容易になり、断熱性の面でもメリットがあります。"
  3870. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3871. msgctxt "skirt_gap description"
  3872. msgid ""
  3873. "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\n"
  3874. "This is the minimum distance. Multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance."
  3875. msgstr ""
  3876. "スカートと印刷の最初の層の間の水平距離。\n"
  3877. "これは最小距離です。複数のスカートラインがこの距離から外側に展開されます。"
  3878. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3879. msgctxt "lightning_infill_straightening_angle description"
  3880. msgid "The infill lines are straightened out to save on printing time. This is the maximum angle of overhang allowed across the length of the infill line."
  3881. msgstr "インフィルラインは矯正され、プリント時間が節約されます。これは、インフィルラインの全長にわたって許可されるオーバーハングの最大角度です。"
  3882. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3883. msgctxt "infill_offset_x description"
  3884. msgid "The infill pattern is moved this distance along the X axis."
  3885. msgstr "インフィルパターンはX軸に沿ってこの距離を移動します。"
  3886. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3887. msgctxt "infill_offset_y description"
  3888. msgid "The infill pattern is moved this distance along the Y axis."
  3889. msgstr "インフィルパターンはY軸に沿ってこの距離を移動します。"
  3890. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3891. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
  3892. msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
  3893. msgstr "ノズルの内径。標準以外のノズルを使用する場合は、この設定を変更してください。"
  3894. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3895. msgctxt "raft_base_jerk description"
  3896. msgid "The jerk with which the base raft layer is printed."
  3897. msgstr "ベースラフト層印刷時のジャーク。"
  3898. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3899. msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk description"
  3900. msgid "The jerk with which the middle raft layer is printed."
  3901. msgstr "ミドルラフト層印刷時のジャーク。"
  3902. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3903. msgctxt "raft_jerk description"
  3904. msgid "The jerk with which the raft is printed."
  3905. msgstr "ラフトが印刷時のジャーク。"
  3906. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3907. msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk description"
  3908. msgid "The jerk with which the top raft layers are printed."
  3909. msgstr "トップラフト層印刷時のジャーク。"
  3910. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3911. msgctxt "bottom_skin_preshrink description"
  3912. msgid "The largest width of bottom skin areas which are to be removed. Every skin area smaller than this value will disappear. This can help in limiting the amount of time and material spent on printing bottom skin at slanted surfaces in the model."
  3913. msgstr "取り除くスキンエリアの最大幅。この値より小さいすべてのスキンエリアは消えます。これは、モデルの傾斜表面の上部/下部スキンに費やした時間のや材料の量を制限することができます。"
  3914. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3915. msgctxt "skin_preshrink description"
  3916. msgid "The largest width of skin areas which are to be removed. Every skin area smaller than this value will disappear. This can help in limiting the amount of time and material spent on printing top/bottom skin at slanted surfaces in the model."
  3917. msgstr "取り除くスキンエリアの最大幅。この値より小さいすべてのスキンエリアは消えます。これは、モデルの傾斜表面の上部/下部スキンに費やした時間のや材料の量を制限することができます。"
  3918. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3919. msgctxt "top_skin_preshrink description"
  3920. msgid "The largest width of top skin areas which are to be removed. Every skin area smaller than this value will disappear. This can help in limiting the amount of time and material spent on printing top skin at slanted surfaces in the model."
  3921. msgstr "取り除くスキンエリアの最大幅。この値より小さいすべてのスキンエリアは消えます。これは、モデルの傾斜表面の上部/下部スキンに費やした時間のや材料の量を制限することができます。"
  3922. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3923. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer description"
  3924. msgid "The layer at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. If regular fan speed at height is set, this value is calculated and rounded to a whole number."
  3925. msgstr "ファンが通常の速度で回転する時のレイヤー。通常速度のファンの高さが設定されている場合、この値が計算され、整数に変換されます。"
  3926. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3927. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max description"
  3928. msgid "The layer time which sets the threshold between regular fan speed and maximum fan speed. Layers that print slower than this time use regular fan speed. For faster layers the fan speed gradually increases towards the maximum fan speed."
  3929. msgstr "通常速度と最速の間でしきい値を設定する積層時間。この時間よりも遅く印刷する積層は、通常速度を使用します。より速い層の場合、ファンは最高速度に向かって徐々に加速します。"
  3930. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3931. msgctxt "retraction_amount description"
  3932. msgid "The length of material retracted during a retraction move."
  3933. msgstr "引き戻されるマテリアルの長さ。"
  3934. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3935. msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
  3936. msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
  3937. msgstr "プリンターに取り付けられているビルドプレートの材料です。"
  3938. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3939. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_variation description"
  3940. msgid "The maximum allowed height different from the base layer height."
  3941. msgstr "基準レイヤー高さと比較して許容される最大の高さ。"
  3942. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3943. msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle description"
  3944. msgid "The maximum angle a part in the ooze shield will have. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller angle leads to less failed ooze shields, but more material."
  3945. msgstr "壁(ooze shield)作成時の最大の角度。 0度は垂直であり、90度は水平である。角度を小さくすると、壁が少なくなりますが、より多くの材料が使用されます。"
  3946. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3947. msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
  3948. msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
  3949. msgstr "印刷可能になったオーバーハングの最大角度。 0°の値では、すべてのオーバーハングがビルドプレートに接続されたモデルの一部に置き換えられます。90°では、モデルは決して変更されません。"
  3950. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3951. msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
  3952. msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
  3953. msgstr ""
  3954. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3955. msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
  3956. msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable. Holes smaller than this will be retained. A value of 0 mm² will fill all holes in the models base."
  3957. msgstr "モデル底部にある穴の最大領域(「オーバーハング印刷可能」で削除する前の値)。これより小さい穴は保持されます。値が0 mm²の場合、モデル底部にあるすべての穴は充填されます。"
  3958. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3959. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_deviation description"
  3960. msgid "The maximum deviation allowed when reducing the resolution for the Maximum Resolution setting. If you increase this, the print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller. Maximum Deviation is a limit for Maximum Resolution, so if the two conflict the Maximum Deviation will always be held true."
  3961. msgstr "最大解像度設定の解像度を下げるときに許容される最大偏差です。これを大きくすると印刷の精度は低くなりますが、g-codeは小さくなります。最大偏差は最大解像度の限度であるため、最大偏差でこの2つが競合する場合には常にtrueとなります。"
  3962. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3963. msgctxt "support_join_distance description"
  3964. msgid "The maximum distance between support structures in the X/Y directions. When separate structures are closer together than this value, the structures merge into one."
  3965. msgstr "支持材間における X/Y 軸方向の最大距離。個別の支持材間の距離がこの値よりも近い場合、支持材は 1 つにマージされます。"
  3966. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3967. msgctxt "flow_rate_max_extrusion_offset description"
  3968. msgid "The maximum distance in mm to move the filament to compensate for changes in flow rate."
  3969. msgstr "流量の変化を補正するためにフィラメントを移動する最大距離(mm)。"
  3970. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3971. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation description"
  3972. msgid "The maximum extrusion area deviation allowed when removing intermediate points from a straight line. An intermediate point may serve as width-changing point in a long straight line. Therefore, if it is removed, it will cause the line to have a uniform width and, as a result, lose (or gain) a bit of extrusion area. If you increase this you may notice slight under- (or over-) extrusion in between straight parallel walls, as more intermediate width-changing points will be allowed to be removed. Your print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller."
  3973. msgstr "直線から中間点を削除する際に許容される、押出領域の最大偏差。長い直線では中間点が幅の変化点の役割を果たすこともあります。そのため、中間点を削除すると、ラインの幅が均一になり、結果として押出領域が少し減る(または増える)ことになります。この値を大きくすると、削除が許容される幅の変化点となる中間点が増えるため、真っ直ぐで平行なウォールの間で多少の押出不足(または過多)が発生することがあります。プリントの精度は落ちますが、G-codeは小さくなります。"
  3974. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3975. msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 description"
  3976. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change during the printing of the initial layer."
  3977. msgstr "初期レイヤー印刷中の最大瞬時速度の変化。"
  3978. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3979. msgctxt "jerk_print description"
  3980. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change of the print head."
  3981. msgstr "プリントヘッドの最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  3982. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3983. msgctxt "jerk_ironing description"
  3984. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change while performing ironing."
  3985. msgstr "アイロン時の最大加速度。"
  3986. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3987. msgctxt "jerk_wall_x description"
  3988. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which all inner walls are printed."
  3989. msgstr "内側のウォールがプリントされれう際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  3990. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3991. msgctxt "jerk_infill description"
  3992. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which infill is printed."
  3993. msgstr "インフィルの印刷時の瞬間速度の変更。"
  3994. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3995. msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
  3996. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
  3997. msgstr "どのサポートのフロア部分を印刷するかによって最大瞬間速度は変化します。"
  3998. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  3999. msgctxt "jerk_support_infill description"
  4000. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the infill of support is printed."
  4001. msgstr "サポート材の印刷時、最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  4002. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4003. msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 description"
  4004. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the outermost walls are printed."
  4005. msgstr "外側のウォールが出力される際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  4006. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4007. msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower description"
  4008. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the prime tower is printed."
  4009. msgstr "プライムタワーがプリントされる際の最大瞬間速度を変更します。"
  4010. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4011. msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
  4012. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
  4013. msgstr "どのルーフとフロアのサポート部分を印刷するかによって最大瞬間速度は変化します。"
  4014. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4015. msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
  4016. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
  4017. msgstr "どのサポートのルーフ部分を印刷するかによって最大瞬間速度は変化します。"
  4018. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4019. msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim description"
  4020. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the skirt and brim are printed."
  4021. msgstr "スカートとブリムがプリントされる最大瞬時速度の変更。"
  4022. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4023. msgctxt "jerk_support description"
  4024. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the support structure is printed."
  4025. msgstr "サポート材の印刷時の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  4026. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4027. msgctxt "jerk_wall description"
  4028. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the walls are printed."
  4029. msgstr "ウォールのプリント時の最大瞬間速度を変更。"
  4030. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4031. msgctxt "jerk_roofing description"
  4032. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which top surface skin layers are printed."
  4033. msgstr "上部表面プリント時の最大加速度。"
  4034. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4035. msgctxt "jerk_topbottom description"
  4036. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which top/bottom layers are printed."
  4037. msgstr "トップとボトムのレイヤーを印刷する際の最大瞬間速度の変更。"
  4038. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4039. msgctxt "jerk_travel description"
  4040. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which travel moves are made."
  4041. msgstr "移動する際の最大瞬時速度の変更。"
  4042. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4043. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x description"
  4044. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the X-direction."
  4045. msgstr "X方向のモーターの最大速度。"
  4046. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4047. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y description"
  4048. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Y-direction."
  4049. msgstr "Y方向のモーターの最大速度。"
  4050. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4051. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z description"
  4052. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Z-direction."
  4053. msgstr "Z方向のモーターの最大速度。"
  4054. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4055. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e description"
  4056. msgid "The maximum speed of the filament."
  4057. msgstr "フィラメントの最大速度。"
  4058. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4059. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
  4060. msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
  4061. msgstr "モデルにのっている階段のような下部のサポートのステップの最大幅。低い値にするサポートの除去が困難になり、高すぎる値は不安定なサポート構造につながります。"
  4062. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4063. msgctxt "mold_width description"
  4064. msgid "The minimal distance between the outside of the mold and the outside of the model."
  4065. msgstr "型の外側とモデルの外側との間の最小距離です。"
  4066. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4067. msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate description"
  4068. msgid "The minimal movement speed of the print head."
  4069. msgstr "プリントヘッドの最小移動速度。"
  4070. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4071. msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature description"
  4072. msgid "The minimal temperature while heating up to the Printing Temperature at which printing can already start."
  4073. msgstr "加熱中、印刷を開始することができる最低の温度。"
  4074. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4075. msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window description"
  4076. msgid "The minimal time an extruder has to be inactive before the nozzle is cooled. Only when an extruder is not used for longer than this time will it be allowed to cool down to the standby temperature."
  4077. msgstr "ノズルが冷却される前にエクストルーダーが静止しなければならない最短時間。この時間より長時間エクストルーダーを使用しない場合にのみ、スタンバイ温度に冷却することができます。"
  4078. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4079. msgctxt "infill_support_angle description"
  4080. msgid "The minimum angle of internal overhangs for which infill is added. At a value of 0° objects are totally filled with infill, 90° will not provide any infill."
  4081. msgstr "インフィルが追加される内部オーバーハングの最小角度。0° のとき、対象物は完全にインフィルが充填され、90° ではインフィルが提供されません。"
  4082. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4083. msgctxt "support_angle description"
  4084. msgid "The minimum angle of overhangs for which support is added. At a value of 0° all overhangs are supported, 90° will not provide any support."
  4085. msgstr "サポート材がつくオーバーハングの最小角度。0° のときはすべてのオーバーハングにサポートが生成され、90° ではサポートが生成されません。"
  4086. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4087. msgctxt "retraction_min_travel description"
  4088. msgid "The minimum distance of travel needed for a retraction to happen at all. This helps to get fewer retractions in a small area."
  4089. msgstr "フィラメントを引き戻す際に必要な最小移動距離。これは、短い距離内での引き戻しの回数を減らすために役立ちます。"
  4090. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4091. msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length description"
  4092. msgid "The minimum length of the skirt or brim. If this length is not reached by all skirt or brim lines together, more skirt or brim lines will be added until the minimum length is reached. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored."
  4093. msgstr "スカートまたはブリム最短の長さ。この長さにすべてのスカートまたはブリムが達していない場合は、最小限の長さに達するまで、スカートまたはブリムラインが追加されます。注:行数が0に設定されている場合、これは無視されます。"
  4094. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4095. msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width description"
  4096. msgid "The minimum line width for middle line gap filler polyline walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing two wall lines, to printing two outer walls and a single central wall in the middle. A higher Minimum Odd Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum even wall line width. The maximum odd wall line width is calculated as 2 * Minimum Even Wall Line Width."
  4097. msgstr "中央ラインギャップフィラーのポリラインウォールの最小ライン幅。この設定は、2本のウォールラインのプリントから、2個のアウターウォールと中央の1個の中心ウォールのプリントに切り替わるモデルの厚さを決定します。最小奇数ウォールライン幅を大きくすると、最大偶数ウォールライン幅も大きくなります。最大奇数ウォールライン幅は、2×最小偶数ウォールライン幅として計算されます。"
  4098. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4099. msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width description"
  4100. msgid "The minimum line width for normal polygonal walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing a single thin wall line, to printing two wall lines. A higher Minimum Even Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum odd wall line width. The maximum even wall line width is calculated as Outer Wall Line Width + 0.5 * Minimum Odd Wall Line Width."
  4101. msgstr "通常の多角形ウォールの最小ライン幅。この設定は、1本の薄いウォールラインのプリントから、2本のウォールラインのプリントに切り替わるモデルの厚さを決定します。最小偶数ウォールライン幅を大きくすると、最大奇数ウォールライン幅も大きくなります。最大偶数ウォールライン幅は、アウターウォールライン幅 + 0.5 * 最小奇数ウォールライン幅として計算されます。"
  4102. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4103. msgctxt "cool_min_speed description"
  4104. msgid "The minimum print speed, despite slowing down due to the minimum layer time. When the printer would slow down too much, the pressure in the nozzle would be too low and result in bad print quality."
  4105. msgstr "最遅印刷速度。印刷の速度が遅すぎると、ノズル内の圧力が低すぎて印刷品質が低下します。"
  4106. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4107. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_resolution description"
  4108. msgid "The minimum size of a line segment after slicing. If you increase this, the mesh will have a lower resolution. This may allow the printer to keep up with the speed it has to process g-code and will increase slice speed by removing details of the mesh that it can't process anyway."
  4109. msgstr "スライス後の線分の最小サイズ。これを増やすと、メッシュの解像度が低くなります。これにより、プリンタが g コードの処理速度に追いつくことができ、処理できないメッシュの詳細を取り除いてスライス速度を速めます。"
  4110. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4111. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_travel_resolution description"
  4112. msgid "The minimum size of a travel line segment after slicing. If you increase this, the travel moves will have less smooth corners. This may allow the printer to keep up with the speed it has to process g-code, but it may cause model avoidance to become less accurate."
  4113. msgstr "スライス後の移動線分の最小サイズ。これを増やすと、移動の跡が滑らかでなくなります。これにより、プリンタが g コードの処理速度に追いつくことができますが、精度が低下します。"
  4114. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4115. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_min_slope description"
  4116. msgid "The minimum slope of the area for stair-stepping to take effect. Low values should make support easier to remove on shallower slopes, but really low values may result in some very counter-intuitive results on other parts of the model."
  4117. msgstr "ステアステップ効果を発揮するための、エリアの最小スロープです。小さい値を指定すると勾配が緩くなりサポートを取り除きやすくなりますが、値が非常に小さいと、モデルの他の部品に直感的に非常にわかりにくい結果が表れる場合があります。"
  4118. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4119. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time description"
  4120. msgid "The minimum time spent in a layer. This forces the printer to slow down, to at least spend the time set here in one layer. This allows the printed material to cool down properly before printing the next layer. Layers may still take shorter than the minimal layer time if Lift Head is disabled and if the Minimum Speed would otherwise be violated."
  4121. msgstr "一つのレイヤーに最低限費やす時間。1つの層に必ず設定された時間を費やすため、場合によってはプリントに遅れが生じます。しかしこれにより、次の層をプリントする前に造形物を適切に冷却することができます。 Lift Headが無効になっていて、最小速度を下回った場合、最小レイヤー時間よりも短くなる場合があります。"
  4122. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4123. msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume description"
  4124. msgid "The minimum volume for each layer of the prime tower in order to purge enough material."
  4125. msgstr "プライムタワーの各層の最小容積。"
  4126. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4127. msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model description"
  4128. msgid "The most the diameter of a branch that has to connect to the model may increase by merging with branches that could reach the buildplate. Increasing this reduces print time, but increases the area of support that rests on model"
  4129. msgstr ""
  4130. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4131. msgctxt "machine_name description"
  4132. msgid "The name of your 3D printer model."
  4133. msgstr "3Dプリンターの機種名。"
  4134. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4135. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_id description"
  4136. msgid "The nozzle ID for an extruder train, such as \"AA 0.4\" and \"BB 0.8\"."
  4137. msgstr "\"AA 0.4\"や\"BB 0.8\"などのノズルID。"
  4138. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4139. msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts description"
  4140. msgid "The nozzle avoids already printed parts when traveling. This option is only available when combing is enabled."
  4141. msgstr "ノズルは、移動時に既に印刷されたパーツを避けます。このオプションは、コーミングが有効な場合にのみ使用できます。"
  4142. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4143. msgctxt "travel_avoid_supports description"
  4144. msgid "The nozzle avoids already printed supports when traveling. This option is only available when combing is enabled."
  4145. msgstr "ノズルは、移動時に既に印刷されたサポートを避けます。このオプションは、コーミングが有効な場合にのみ使用できます。"
  4146. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4147. msgctxt "bottom_layers description"
  4148. msgid "The number of bottom layers. When calculated by the bottom thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  4149. msgstr "最底面のレイヤー数。下の厚さで計算すると、この値は整数に変換されます。"
  4150. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4151. msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count description"
  4152. msgid "The number of contours to print around the linear pattern in the base layer of the raft."
  4153. msgstr "ラフトのベースレイヤーにある線状パターンの周囲にプリントする輪郭の数。"
  4154. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4155. msgctxt "skin_edge_support_layers description"
  4156. msgid "The number of infill layers that supports skin edges."
  4157. msgstr "スキンエッジをサポートするインフィルレイヤーの数。"
  4158. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4159. msgctxt "initial_bottom_layers description"
  4160. msgid "The number of initial bottom layers, from the build-plate upwards. When calculated by the bottom thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  4161. msgstr "ビルドプレートから上にある初期底面レイヤーの数。下の厚さで計算すると、この値は整数に変換されます。"
  4162. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4163. msgctxt "raft_interface_layers description"
  4164. msgid "The number of layers between the base and the surface of the raft. These comprise the main thickness of the raft. Increasing this creates a thicker, sturdier raft."
  4165. msgstr "ラフトのベースと表面の間にあるレイヤーの数。これらのレイヤーがラフトの厚さの主要部分を占めています。この値を増やすと、より厚さのある丈夫なラフトになります。"
  4166. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4167. msgctxt "brim_line_count description"
  4168. msgid "The number of lines used for a brim. More brim lines enhance adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
  4169. msgstr "ブリムに使用される線数。ブリムの線数は、ビルドプレートへの接着性を向上させるだけでなく、有効な印刷面積を減少させる。"
  4170. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4171. msgctxt "support_brim_line_count description"
  4172. msgid "The number of lines used for the support brim. More brim lines enhance adhesion to the build plate, at the cost of some extra material."
  4173. msgstr "サポートブリムに使用される線の数。ブリムの線数を増やすと、追加材料の費用でビルドプレートへの接着性が強化されます。"
  4174. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4175. msgctxt "raft_surface_layers description"
  4176. msgid "The number of top layers on top of the 2nd raft layer. These are fully filled layers that the model sits on. 2 layers result in a smoother top surface than 1."
  4177. msgstr "第2ラフト層の上の最上層の数。これらは、モデルが置かれる完全に塗りつぶされた積層です。 2つの層は、1よりも滑らかな上面をもたらす。"
  4178. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4179. msgctxt "top_layers description"
  4180. msgid "The number of top layers. When calculated by the top thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  4181. msgstr "最上面のレイヤー数。トップの厚さを計算する場合、この値は整数になります。"
  4182. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4183. msgctxt "roofing_layer_count description"
  4184. msgid "The number of top most skin layers. Usually only one top most layer is sufficient to generate higher quality top surfaces."
  4185. msgstr "上部表面のレイヤー数。通常一層で綺麗に出来上がります。"
  4186. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4187. msgctxt "support_wall_count description"
  4188. msgid "The number of walls with which to surround support infill. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used."
  4189. msgstr "サポートインフィルを囲むウォールの数。ウォールを加えることにより、サポートの印刷の信頼性が高まり、オーバーハングを支えやすくなりますが、印刷時間が長くなり、使用する材料の量が増えます。"
  4190. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4191. msgctxt "support_bottom_wall_count description"
  4192. msgid "The number of walls with which to surround support interface floor. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used."
  4193. msgstr "サポートインターフェースフロアを囲むウォールの数。ウォールを加えることにより、サポートの印刷の信頼性が高まり、オーバーハングを支えやすくなりますが、印刷時間が長くなり、使用する材料の量が増えます。"
  4194. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4195. msgctxt "support_roof_wall_count description"
  4196. msgid "The number of walls with which to surround support interface roof. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used."
  4197. msgstr "サポートインターフェースルーフを囲むウォールの数。ウォールを加えることにより、サポートの印刷の信頼性が高まり、オーバーハングを支えやすくなりますが、印刷時間が長くなり、使用する材料の量が増えます。"
  4198. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4199. msgctxt "support_interface_wall_count description"
  4200. msgid "The number of walls with which to surround support interface. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used."
  4201. msgstr "サポートインターフェースを囲むウォールの数。ウォールを加えることにより、サポートの印刷の信頼性が高まり、オーバーハングを支えやすくなりますが、印刷時間が長くなり、使用する材料の量が増えます。"
  4202. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4203. msgctxt "wall_distribution_count description"
  4204. msgid "The number of walls, counted from the center, over which the variation needs to be spread. Lower values mean that the outer walls don't change in width."
  4205. msgstr "中心から数えて、変化を広げる必要のあるウォールの数。値が小さいほど、アウターウォールの幅が変化しないことを意味します。"
  4206. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4207. msgctxt "wall_line_count description"
  4208. msgid "The number of walls. When calculated by the wall thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  4209. msgstr "ウォールの数。厚さから計算された場合、この値は整数になります。"
  4210. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4211. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter description"
  4212. msgid "The outer diameter of the tip of the nozzle."
  4213. msgstr "ノズルの外径。"
  4214. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4215. msgctxt "infill_pattern description"
  4216. msgid "The pattern of the infill material of the print. The line and zig zag infill swap direction on alternate layers, reducing material cost. The grid, triangle, tri-hexagon, cubic, octet, quarter cubic, cross and concentric patterns are fully printed every layer. Gyroid, cubic, quarter cubic and octet infill change with every layer to provide a more equal distribution of strength over each direction. Lightning infill tries to minimize the infill, by only supporting the ceiling of the object."
  4217. msgstr "プリントのインフィル材料のパターンラインおよびジグザグインフィルはレイヤーごとに方向を入れ替え、材料コストを削減します。グリッド、トライアングル、トライヘキサゴン、キュービック、オクテット、クォーターキュービック、クロスおよび同心円パターンはレイヤーごとに完全にプリントされます。ジャイロイド、キュービック、クォーターキュービックおよびオクテットインフィルはレイヤーごとに変化し、各方向にかけてより均一な強度分布を実現します。ライトニングインフィルは造形物の天井のみを支えることで、インフィルを最低限にするよう試みます。"
  4218. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4219. msgctxt "support_pattern description"
  4220. msgid "The pattern of the support structures of the print. The different options available result in sturdy or easy to remove support."
  4221. msgstr "サポート材の形。サポート材の除去の方法を頑丈または容易にする設定が可能です。"
  4222. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4223. msgctxt "roofing_pattern description"
  4224. msgid "The pattern of the top most layers."
  4225. msgstr "上層のパターン。"
  4226. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4227. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern description"
  4228. msgid "The pattern of the top/bottom layers."
  4229. msgstr "上層/底層のパターン。"
  4230. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4231. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 description"
  4232. msgid "The pattern on the bottom of the print on the first layer."
  4233. msgstr "第1層のプリントの底部のパターン。"
  4234. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4235. msgctxt "ironing_pattern description"
  4236. msgid "The pattern to use for ironing top surfaces."
  4237. msgstr "アイロンのパターン。"
  4238. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4239. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
  4240. msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
  4241. msgstr "サポートのフロアが印刷されるパターン。"
  4242. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4243. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern description"
  4244. msgid "The pattern with which the interface of the support with the model is printed."
  4245. msgstr "モデルとサポートのインタフェースが印刷されるパターン。"
  4246. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4247. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
  4248. msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
  4249. msgstr "サポートのルーフが印刷されるパターン。"
  4250. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4251. msgctxt "z_seam_position description"
  4252. msgid "The position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  4253. msgstr "レイヤー内の各パーツの印刷を開始する場所付近の位置。"
  4254. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4255. msgctxt "support_tree_angle_slow description"
  4256. msgid "The preferred angle of the branches, when they do not have to avoid the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle for branches to merge faster."
  4257. msgstr ""
  4258. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4259. msgctxt "support_tree_rest_preference description"
  4260. msgid "The preferred placement of the support structures. If structures can't be placed at the preferred location, they will be place elsewhere, even if that means placing them on the model."
  4261. msgstr ""
  4262. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4263. msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 description"
  4264. msgid "The print maximum instantaneous velocity change for the initial layer."
  4265. msgstr "初期レイヤーの最大瞬時速度の変更。"
  4266. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4267. msgctxt "machine_shape description"
  4268. msgid "The shape of the build plate without taking unprintable areas into account."
  4269. msgstr "造形不可領域を考慮しないビルドプレートの形状。"
  4270. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4271. msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
  4272. msgid "The shape of the print head. These are coordinates relative to the position of the print head, which is usually the position of its first extruder. The dimensions left and in front of the print head must be negative coordinates."
  4273. msgstr "プリントヘッドの形状。これらはプリントヘッドの位置を基準とした座標です。プリントヘッドの位置は通常、その最初のエクストルーダーの位置です。プリントヘッドの左側と手前側の寸法は、負の座標である必要があります。"
  4274. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4275. msgctxt "cross_infill_pocket_size description"
  4276. msgid "The size of pockets at four-way crossings in the cross 3D pattern at heights where the pattern is touching itself."
  4277. msgstr "四方でクロス3Dパターンが交差するポケットの大きさはそのパターンが触れている高さ。"
  4278. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4279. msgctxt "coasting_min_volume description"
  4280. msgid "The smallest volume an extrusion path should have before allowing coasting. For smaller extrusion paths, less pressure has been built up in the bowden tube and so the coasted volume is scaled linearly. This value should always be larger than the Coasting Volume."
  4281. msgstr "コースティングに必要な最小の容積。より小さい押出経路の場合、ボーデンチューブにはより少ない圧力しか蓄積されないので、コースティングの容積は比例する。この値は、常に、コースティングのボリュームよりも大きな必要があります。"
  4282. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4283. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed description"
  4284. msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle cools down averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
  4285. msgstr "ノズルが冷却される速度(℃/ s)は、通常の印刷温度とスタンバイ温度のウィンドウにわたって平均化されています。"
  4286. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4287. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed description"
  4288. msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle heats up averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
  4289. msgstr "ノズルが加熱する速度(℃/ s)は、通常の印刷時温度とスタンバイ時温度にて平均化されています。"
  4290. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4291. msgctxt "speed_wall_x description"
  4292. msgid "The speed at which all inner walls are printed. Printing the inner wall faster than the outer wall will reduce printing time. It works well to set this in between the outer wall speed and the infill speed."
  4293. msgstr "内側のウォールをプリントする速度 外壁より内壁を高速でプリントすると、印刷時間の短縮になります。外壁のプリント速度とインフィルのプリント速度の中間に設定するのが適切です。"
  4294. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4295. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed description"
  4296. msgid "The speed at which bridge skin regions are printed."
  4297. msgstr "ブリッジスキン領域が印刷される速度。"
  4298. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4299. msgctxt "speed_infill description"
  4300. msgid "The speed at which infill is printed."
  4301. msgstr "インフィルを印刷する速度。"
  4302. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4303. msgctxt "speed_print description"
  4304. msgid "The speed at which printing happens."
  4305. msgstr "印刷スピード。"
  4306. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4307. msgctxt "raft_base_speed description"
  4308. msgid "The speed at which the base raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
  4309. msgstr "ベースラフト層が印刷される速度。これは、ノズルから出てくるマテリアルの量がかなり多いので、ゆっくりと印刷されるべきである。"
  4310. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4311. msgctxt "bridge_wall_speed description"
  4312. msgid "The speed at which the bridge walls are printed."
  4313. msgstr "ブリッジ壁を印刷する速度。"
  4314. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4315. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 description"
  4316. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin at the start of the print. In subsequent layers the fan speed is gradually increased up to the layer corresponding to Regular Fan Speed at Height."
  4317. msgstr "プリント開始時にファンが回転する速度。後続のレイヤーでは、ファン速度は、高さに応じて早くなります。"
  4318. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4319. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min description"
  4320. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin before hitting the threshold. When a layer prints faster than the threshold, the fan speed gradually inclines towards the maximum fan speed."
  4321. msgstr "しきい値に達する前のファンの回転スピード。プリント速度がしきい値より速くなると、ファンの速度は上がっていきます。"
  4322. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4323. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max description"
  4324. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin on the minimum layer time. The fan speed gradually increases between the regular fan speed and maximum fan speed when the threshold is hit."
  4325. msgstr "最小積層時間でファンが回転する速度。しきい値に達すると、通常のファンの速度と最速の間でファン速度が徐々に加速しはじめます。"
  4326. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4327. msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed description"
  4328. msgid "The speed at which the filament is primed during a retraction move."
  4329. msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード。"
  4330. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4331. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_prime_speed description"
  4332. msgid "The speed at which the filament is primed during a wipe retraction move."
  4333. msgstr "ワイプ引き戻し移動時にフィラメントが押し戻されるスピード。"
  4334. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4335. msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed description"
  4336. msgid "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction."
  4337. msgstr "ノズル スイッチ後にフィラメントが押し戻される速度。"
  4338. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4339. msgctxt "retraction_speed description"
  4340. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a retraction move."
  4341. msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード。"
  4342. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4343. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_speed description"
  4344. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a wipe retraction move."
  4345. msgstr "ワイプ引き戻し中にフィラメントが引き戻される時の速度。"
  4346. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4347. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed description"
  4348. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a nozzle switch retract."
  4349. msgstr "ノズル切り替え中のフィラメントの引き込み速度。"
  4350. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4351. msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed description"
  4352. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a retraction move."
  4353. msgstr "フィラメントが引き戻される時のスピード。"
  4354. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4355. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_retract_speed description"
  4356. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a wipe retraction move."
  4357. msgstr "ワイプ引き戻し移動時にフィラメントが引き戻される速度。"
  4358. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4359. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds description"
  4360. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding."
  4361. msgstr "フィラメントを引き戻す速度。速度が早い程良いが早すぎるとフィラメントを削ってしまう可能性があります。"
  4362. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4363. msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
  4364. msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
  4365. msgstr "フロアのサポートがプリントされる速度。低速で印刷することで、サポートの接着性を向上させることができます。"
  4366. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4367. msgctxt "speed_support_infill description"
  4368. msgid "The speed at which the infill of support is printed. Printing the infill at lower speeds improves stability."
  4369. msgstr "サポート材のインフィルをプリントする速度 低速でプリントすると安定性が向上します。"
  4370. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4371. msgctxt "raft_interface_speed description"
  4372. msgid "The speed at which the middle raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
  4373. msgstr "ミドルラフト層が印刷される速度。ノズルから出てくるマテリアルの量がかなり多いので、ゆっくりと印刷されるべきである。"
  4374. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4375. msgctxt "speed_wall_0 description"
  4376. msgid "The speed at which the outermost walls are printed. Printing the outer wall at a lower speed improves the final skin quality. However, having a large difference between the inner wall speed and the outer wall speed will affect quality in a negative way."
  4377. msgstr "最も外側のウォールをプリントする速度。外側の壁を低速でプリントすると表面の質が改善しますが、内壁と外壁のプリント速度の差が大きすぎると、印刷の質が悪化します。"
  4378. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4379. msgctxt "speed_prime_tower description"
  4380. msgid "The speed at which the prime tower is printed. Printing the prime tower slower can make it more stable when the adhesion between the different filaments is suboptimal."
  4381. msgstr "プライムタワーをプリントする速度です。異なるフィラメントの印刷で密着性が最適ではない場合、低速にてプライム タワーをプリントすることでより安定させることができます。"
  4382. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4383. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed description"
  4384. msgid "The speed at which the print cooling fans spin."
  4385. msgstr "冷却ファンが回転する速度。"
  4386. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4387. msgctxt "raft_speed description"
  4388. msgid "The speed at which the raft is printed."
  4389. msgstr "ラフトが印刷される速度。"
  4390. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4391. msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
  4392. msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
  4393. msgstr "ルーフとフロアのサポート材をプリントする速度。低速でプリントするとオーバーハングの品質を向上できます。"
  4394. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4395. msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
  4396. msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
  4397. msgstr "ルーフとフロアのサポート材をプリントする速度 これらを低速でプリントするとオーバーハングの品質を向上できます。"
  4398. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4399. msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed description"
  4400. msgid "The speed at which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done at the initial layer speed, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different speed."
  4401. msgstr "スカートとブリムのプリント速度 通常は一層目のスピードと同じですが、異なる速度でスカートやブリムをプリントしたい場合に設定してください。"
  4402. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4403. msgctxt "speed_support description"
  4404. msgid "The speed at which the support structure is printed. Printing support at higher speeds can greatly reduce printing time. The surface quality of the support structure is not important since it is removed after printing."
  4405. msgstr "サポート材をプリントする速度です。高速でサポートをプリントすると、印刷時間を大幅に短縮できます。サポート材は印刷後に削除されますので、サポート構造の品質はそれほど重要ではありません。"
  4406. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4407. msgctxt "raft_surface_speed description"
  4408. msgid "The speed at which the top raft layers are printed. These should be printed a bit slower, so that the nozzle can slowly smooth out adjacent surface lines."
  4409. msgstr "トップラフト層が印刷される速度。この値はノズルが隣接するサーフェスラインをゆっくりと滑らかにするために、少し遅く印刷する必要があります。"
  4410. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4411. msgctxt "speed_z_hop description"
  4412. msgid "The speed at which the vertical Z movement is made for Z Hops. This is typically lower than the print speed since the build plate or machine's gantry is harder to move."
  4413. msgstr "Z 軸ホップに対して垂直 Z 軸方向の動きが行われる速度。これは通常、ビルドプレートまたはマシンのガントリーが動きにくいため、印刷速度よりも低くなります。"
  4414. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4415. msgctxt "speed_wall description"
  4416. msgid "The speed at which the walls are printed."
  4417. msgstr "ウォールを印刷する速度。"
  4418. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4419. msgctxt "speed_ironing description"
  4420. msgid "The speed at which to pass over the top surface."
  4421. msgstr "上部表面通過時の速度。"
  4422. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4423. msgctxt "material_break_speed description"
  4424. msgid "The speed at which to retract the filament in order to break it cleanly."
  4425. msgstr "フィラメントをきれいに引き出すために維持すべきフィラメントの引戻し速度。"
  4426. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4427. msgctxt "speed_roofing description"
  4428. msgid "The speed at which top surface skin layers are printed."
  4429. msgstr "上部表面プリント時の速度。"
  4430. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4431. msgctxt "speed_topbottom description"
  4432. msgid "The speed at which top/bottom layers are printed."
  4433. msgstr "トップ/ボトムのレイヤーのプリント速度。"
  4434. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4435. msgctxt "speed_travel description"
  4436. msgid "The speed at which travel moves are made."
  4437. msgstr "移動中のスピード。"
  4438. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4439. msgctxt "coasting_speed description"
  4440. msgid "The speed by which to move during coasting, relative to the speed of the extrusion path. A value slightly under 100% is advised, since during the coasting move the pressure in the bowden tube drops."
  4441. msgstr "コースティング中の移動速度。印刷時の経路の速度設定に比例します。ボーデンチューブの圧力が低下するので、100%よりわずかに低い値が推奨される。"
  4442. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4443. msgctxt "speed_layer_0 description"
  4444. msgid "The speed for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate. Does not affect the build plate adhesion structures themselves, like brim and raft."
  4445. msgstr "初期レイヤーでの速度。ビルドプレートへの接着を改善するため低速を推奨します。ブリムやラフトなどのビルドプレート接着構造自体には影響しません。"
  4446. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4447. msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 description"
  4448. msgid "The speed of printing for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate."
  4449. msgstr "一層目をプリントする速度 ビルトプレートへの接着を向上するため低速を推奨します。"
  4450. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4451. msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 description"
  4452. msgid "The speed of travel moves in the initial layer. A lower value is advised to prevent pulling previously printed parts away from the build plate. The value of this setting can automatically be calculated from the ratio between the Travel Speed and the Print Speed."
  4453. msgstr "最初のレイヤーを印刷する際のトラベルスピード。低速の方が、ビルドプレート剥がれるリスクを軽減することができます。この設定の値は、移動速度と印刷速度の比から自動的に計算されます。"
  4454. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4455. msgctxt "material_break_temperature description"
  4456. msgid "The temperature at which the filament is broken for a clean break."
  4457. msgstr "フィラメントがきれいに引き出される温度。"
  4458. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4459. msgctxt "build_volume_temperature description"
  4460. msgid "The temperature of the environment to print in. If this is 0, the build volume temperature will not be adjusted."
  4461. msgstr "印刷するプリンタ内の温度。これがゼロ (0) の場合、造形温度は調整できません。"
  4462. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4463. msgctxt "material_standby_temperature description"
  4464. msgid "The temperature of the nozzle when another nozzle is currently used for printing."
  4465. msgstr "印刷していないノズルの温度(もう一方のノズルが印刷中)"
  4466. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4467. msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature description"
  4468. msgid "The temperature to which to already start cooling down just before the end of printing."
  4469. msgstr "印刷終了直前に冷却を開始する温度。"
  4470. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4471. msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 description"
  4472. msgid "The temperature used for printing the first layer. Set at 0 to disable special handling of the initial layer."
  4473. msgstr "最初のレイヤーを印刷する温度。初期レイヤーのみ特別設定が必要ない場合は 0 に設定します。"
  4474. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4475. msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
  4476. msgid "The temperature used for printing."
  4477. msgstr "印刷中の温度。"
  4478. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4479. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 description"
  4480. msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate at the first layer. If this is 0, the build plate is left unheated during the first layer."
  4481. msgstr "最初のレイヤー印刷時の加熱式ビルドプレートの温度。これが0の場合、最初のレイヤー印刷時のビルドプレートは加熱されないままになります。"
  4482. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4483. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature description"
  4484. msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate. If this is 0, the build plate is left unheated."
  4485. msgstr "加熱式ビルドプレートの温度。これが0の場合、ビルドプレートは加熱されないままになります。"
  4486. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4487. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_temperature description"
  4488. msgid "The temperature used to purge material, should be roughly equal to the highest possible printing temperature."
  4489. msgstr "材料のパージに使用する温度は、許容最高プリンティング温度とほぼ等しくなければなりません。"
  4490. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4491. msgctxt "bottom_thickness description"
  4492. msgid "The thickness of the bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of bottom layers."
  4493. msgstr "プリント時の最底面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最低面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
  4494. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4495. msgctxt "skin_edge_support_thickness description"
  4496. msgid "The thickness of the extra infill that supports skin edges."
  4497. msgstr "スキンエッジをサポートする追加のインフィルの厚さ。"
  4498. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4499. msgctxt "support_interface_height description"
  4500. msgid "The thickness of the interface of the support where it touches with the model on the bottom or the top."
  4501. msgstr "底面または上部のモデルと接触するサポートのインターフェイスの厚さ。"
  4502. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4503. msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
  4504. msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
  4505. msgstr "サポート材の底部の厚さ。これは、サポートが置かれるモデル上の積層密度を制御します。"
  4506. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4507. msgctxt "support_roof_height description"
  4508. msgid "The thickness of the support roofs. This controls the amount of dense layers at the top of the support on which the model rests."
  4509. msgstr "サポートのルーフの厚さ。これは、モデルの下につくサポートの上部にある密度の量を制御します。"
  4510. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4511. msgctxt "top_thickness description"
  4512. msgid "The thickness of the top layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top layers."
  4513. msgstr "プリント時の最上面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最上面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
  4514. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4515. msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness description"
  4516. msgid "The thickness of the top/bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top/bottom layers."
  4517. msgstr "プリント時の最上面、最底面の厚み。これを積層ピッチで割った値で最上面、最低面のレイヤーの数を定義します。"
  4518. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4519. msgctxt "wall_thickness description"
  4520. msgid "The thickness of the walls in the horizontal direction. This value divided by the wall line width defines the number of walls."
  4521. msgstr "壁の厚さ。この値をラインの幅で割ることで壁の数が決まります。"
  4522. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4523. msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness description"
  4524. msgid "The thickness per layer of infill material. This value should always be a multiple of the layer height and is otherwise rounded."
  4525. msgstr "インフィルマテリアルの層ごとの厚さ。この値は常にレイヤーの高さの倍数でなければなりません。"
  4526. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4527. msgctxt "support_infill_sparse_thickness description"
  4528. msgid "The thickness per layer of support infill material. This value should always be a multiple of the layer height and is otherwise rounded."
  4529. msgstr "サポートのインフィルの厚さ。この値はレイヤーの倍数にする必要があり、違う場合は倍数に近い値に設定されます。"
  4530. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4531. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor description"
  4532. msgid "The type of g-code to be generated."
  4533. msgstr "生成するG-codeの種類です。"
  4534. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4535. msgctxt "coasting_volume description"
  4536. msgid "The volume otherwise oozed. This value should generally be close to the nozzle diameter cubed."
  4537. msgstr "はみ出るフィラメントのボリューム。この値は、一般に、ノズル直径の3乗に近い値でなければならない。"
  4538. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4539. msgctxt "machine_width description"
  4540. msgid "The width (X-direction) of the printable area."
  4541. msgstr "造形可能領域の幅(X方向)。"
  4542. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4543. msgctxt "support_brim_width description"
  4544. msgid "The width of the brim to print underneath the support. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, at the cost of some extra material."
  4545. msgstr "サポートの下に印刷されるブリムの幅。ブリムが大きいほど、追加材料の費用でビルドプレートへの接着性が強化されます。"
  4546. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4547. msgctxt "interlocking_beam_width description"
  4548. msgid "The width of the interlocking structure beams."
  4549. msgstr "インターロック構造ビームの幅。"
  4550. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4551. msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
  4552. msgid "The width of the prime tower."
  4553. msgstr "プライムタワーの幅。"
  4554. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4555. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness description"
  4556. msgid "The width within which to jitter. It's advised to keep this below the outer wall width, since the inner walls are unaltered."
  4557. msgstr "振動が起こる幅。内壁は変更されていないので、これを外壁の幅より小さく設定することをお勧めします。"
  4558. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4559. msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window description"
  4560. msgid "The window in which the maximum retraction count is enforced. This value should be approximately the same as the retraction distance, so that effectively the number of times a retraction passes the same patch of material is limited."
  4561. msgstr "最大の引き戻し回数。この値は引き戻す距離と同じであることで、引き戻しが効果的に行われます。"
  4562. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4563. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x description"
  4564. msgid "The x coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
  4565. msgstr "プライムタワーの位置のx座標。"
  4566. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4567. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y description"
  4568. msgid "The y coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
  4569. msgstr "プライムタワーの位置のy座標。"
  4570. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4571. msgctxt "support_meshes_present description"
  4572. msgid "There are support meshes present in the scene. This setting is controlled by Cura."
  4573. msgstr "シーンにはサポートメッシュがあります。この設定はCuraで制御されます。"
  4574. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4575. msgctxt "bridge_wall_coast description"
  4576. msgid "This controls the distance the extruder should coast immediately before a bridge wall begins. Coasting before the bridge starts can reduce the pressure in the nozzle and may produce a flatter bridge."
  4577. msgstr "この設定は、ブリッジ壁が始まる直前に、エクストルーダーを動かす距離を制御します。ブリッジが始まる前にコースティングすることにより、ノズル内が減圧され、ブリッジがより平らになります。"
  4578. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4579. msgctxt "raft_smoothing description"
  4580. msgid "This setting controls how much inner corners in the raft outline are rounded. Inward corners are rounded to a semi circle with a radius equal to the value given here. This setting also removes holes in the raft outline which are smaller than such a circle."
  4581. msgstr "この設定は、ラフトの輪郭の内側の角がどの程度丸められるかを制御します。内側の角は、ここで指定した値と等しい半径の半円に丸められます。この設定は、そのような円よりも小さいラフトの輪郭の穴を削除します。"
  4582. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4583. msgctxt "retraction_count_max description"
  4584. msgid "This setting limits the number of retractions occurring within the minimum extrusion distance window. Further retractions within this window will be ignored. This avoids retracting repeatedly on the same piece of filament, as that can flatten the filament and cause grinding issues."
  4585. msgstr "この設定は、決められた距離の中で起こる引き戻しの回数を制限します。制限数以上の引き戻しは無視されます。これによりフィーダーでフィラメントを誤って削ってしまう問題を軽減させます。"
  4586. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4587. msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled description"
  4588. msgid "This will create a wall around the model, which traps (hot) air and shields against exterior airflow. Especially useful for materials which warp easily."
  4589. msgstr "これにより、モデルの周囲に壁ができ、熱を閉じ込め、外気の流れを遮蔽します。特に反りやすい材料に有効です。"
  4590. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4591. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy description"
  4592. msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the XY-direction (horizontally)."
  4593. msgstr "材料の冷却時の収縮を補正するために、モデルはXY(水平)方向にこのファクタでスケールされます。"
  4594. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4595. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z description"
  4596. msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the Z-direction (vertically)."
  4597. msgstr "材料の冷却時の収縮を補正するために、モデルはZ(垂直)方向にこのファクタでスケールされます。"
  4598. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4599. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage description"
  4600. msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor."
  4601. msgstr "材料の冷却時の収縮を補正するために、モデルはこのスケールファクタでスケールされます。"
  4602. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4603. msgctxt "top_layers label"
  4604. msgid "Top Layers"
  4605. msgstr "上部レイヤー"
  4606. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4607. msgctxt "top_skin_expand_distance label"
  4608. msgid "Top Skin Expand Distance"
  4609. msgstr "上面展開距離"
  4610. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4611. msgctxt "top_skin_preshrink label"
  4612. msgid "Top Skin Removal Width"
  4613. msgstr "上面除去幅"
  4614. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4615. msgctxt "acceleration_roofing label"
  4616. msgid "Top Surface Skin Acceleration"
  4617. msgstr "最上面加速度"
  4618. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4619. msgctxt "roofing_extruder_nr label"
  4620. msgid "Top Surface Skin Extruder"
  4621. msgstr "上部表面用エクストルーダー"
  4622. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4623. msgctxt "roofing_material_flow label"
  4624. msgid "Top Surface Skin Flow"
  4625. msgstr "上部表面スキンフロー"
  4626. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4627. msgctxt "jerk_roofing label"
  4628. msgid "Top Surface Skin Jerk"
  4629. msgstr "最上面ジャーク"
  4630. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4631. msgctxt "roofing_layer_count label"
  4632. msgid "Top Surface Skin Layers"
  4633. msgstr "上部表面レイヤー"
  4634. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4635. msgctxt "roofing_angles label"
  4636. msgid "Top Surface Skin Line Directions"
  4637. msgstr "最上面のラインの向き"
  4638. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4639. msgctxt "roofing_line_width label"
  4640. msgid "Top Surface Skin Line Width"
  4641. msgstr "最上面のライン幅"
  4642. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4643. msgctxt "roofing_pattern label"
  4644. msgid "Top Surface Skin Pattern"
  4645. msgstr "上部表面パターン"
  4646. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4647. msgctxt "speed_roofing label"
  4648. msgid "Top Surface Skin Speed"
  4649. msgstr "最上面速度"
  4650. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4651. msgctxt "top_thickness label"
  4652. msgid "Top Thickness"
  4653. msgstr "上部厚さ"
  4654. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4655. msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion description"
  4656. msgid "Top and/or bottom surfaces of your object with an angle larger than this setting, won't have their top/bottom skin expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a near vertical slope. An angle of 0° is horizontal and will cause no skin to be expanded, while an angle of 90° is vertical and will cause all skin to be expanded."
  4657. msgstr "この設定より大きい角を持つオブジェクトの上部または底部の表面は、その表面のスキンを拡大しません。これにより、モデルの表面に垂直に近い斜面がある場合に作成される狭いスキン領域の拡大を回避します。0°の角度は水平方向で、スキンは拡大しません。90°の角度は垂直方向で、すべてのスキンが拡大します。"
  4658. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4659. msgctxt "top_bottom description"
  4660. msgid "Top/Bottom"
  4661. msgstr "トップ/ボトム"
  4662. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4663. msgctxt "top_bottom label"
  4664. msgid "Top/Bottom"
  4665. msgstr "トップ/ボトム"
  4666. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4667. msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom label"
  4668. msgid "Top/Bottom Acceleration"
  4669. msgstr "上面/底面加速度"
  4670. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4671. msgctxt "top_bottom_extruder_nr label"
  4672. msgid "Top/Bottom Extruder"
  4673. msgstr "上部/底面エクストルーダー"
  4674. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4675. msgctxt "skin_material_flow label"
  4676. msgid "Top/Bottom Flow"
  4677. msgstr "上面/下面フロー"
  4678. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4679. msgctxt "jerk_topbottom label"
  4680. msgid "Top/Bottom Jerk"
  4681. msgstr "上面/下面ジャーク"
  4682. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4683. msgctxt "skin_angles label"
  4684. msgid "Top/Bottom Line Directions"
  4685. msgstr "上層/底層ラインの向き"
  4686. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4687. msgctxt "skin_line_width label"
  4688. msgid "Top/Bottom Line Width"
  4689. msgstr "上下面ライン幅"
  4690. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4691. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern label"
  4692. msgid "Top/Bottom Pattern"
  4693. msgstr "上層/底層パターン"
  4694. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4695. msgctxt "speed_topbottom label"
  4696. msgid "Top/Bottom Speed"
  4697. msgstr "上面/底面速度"
  4698. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4699. msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness label"
  4700. msgid "Top/Bottom Thickness"
  4701. msgstr "上部/底面の厚さ"
  4702. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4703. msgctxt "support_type option buildplate"
  4704. msgid "Touching Buildplate"
  4705. msgstr "ビルドプレートにタッチ"
  4706. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4707. msgctxt "support_tower_diameter label"
  4708. msgid "Tower Diameter"
  4709. msgstr "タワー直径"
  4710. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4711. msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle label"
  4712. msgid "Tower Roof Angle"
  4713. msgstr "タワールーフ角度"
  4714. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4715. msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
  4716. msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
  4717. msgstr "ファイルから読み込むときに、モデルに適用するトランスフォーメーションマトリックス。"
  4718. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4719. msgctxt "travel label"
  4720. msgid "Travel"
  4721. msgstr "移動"
  4722. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4723. msgctxt "acceleration_travel label"
  4724. msgid "Travel Acceleration"
  4725. msgstr "移動か速度"
  4726. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4727. msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance label"
  4728. msgid "Travel Avoid Distance"
  4729. msgstr "移動回避距離"
  4730. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4731. msgctxt "jerk_travel label"
  4732. msgid "Travel Jerk"
  4733. msgstr "移動ジャーク"
  4734. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4735. msgctxt "speed_travel label"
  4736. msgid "Travel Speed"
  4737. msgstr "移動速度"
  4738. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4739. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode description"
  4740. msgid "Treat the model as a surface only, a volume, or volumes with loose surfaces. The normal print mode only prints enclosed volumes. \"Surface\" prints a single wall tracing the mesh surface with no infill and no top/bottom skin. \"Both\" prints enclosed volumes like normal and any remaining polygons as surfaces."
  4741. msgstr "モデルを表面のみ、ボリューム、または緩い表面のボリュームとして扱います。通常の印刷モードでは、囲まれた内部が印刷されます。 「Surface」は表面のみ印刷をして、インフィルもトップもボトムも印刷しません。 \"Both\"は通常と同様に囲まれた内部を印刷し残りのポリゴンをサーフェスとして印刷します。"
  4742. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4743. msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
  4744. msgid "Tree"
  4745. msgstr "ツリー"
  4746. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4747. msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
  4748. msgid "Tree Support Branch Density"
  4749. msgstr ""
  4750. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4751. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter label"
  4752. msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter"
  4753. msgstr "ツリーサポート枝直径"
  4754. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4755. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
  4756. msgid "Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle"
  4757. msgstr "ツリーサポート枝直径角度"
  4758. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4759. msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
  4760. msgid "Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model"
  4761. msgstr ""
  4762. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4763. msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
  4764. msgid "Tree Support Initial Layer Diameter"
  4765. msgstr ""
  4766. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4767. msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
  4768. msgid "Tree Support Limit Branch Reach"
  4769. msgstr ""
  4770. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4771. msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
  4772. msgid "Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle"
  4773. msgstr ""
  4774. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4775. msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
  4776. msgid "Tree Support Minimum Height To Model"
  4777. msgstr ""
  4778. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4779. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_reach_limit label"
  4780. msgid "Tree Support Optimal Branch Range"
  4781. msgstr ""
  4782. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4783. msgctxt "support_tree_angle_slow label"
  4784. msgid "Tree Support Preferred Branch Angle"
  4785. msgstr ""
  4786. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4787. msgctxt "support_tree_rest_preference label"
  4788. msgid "Tree Support Rest Preference"
  4789. msgstr ""
  4790. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4791. msgctxt "support_tree_tip_diameter label"
  4792. msgid "Tree Support Tip Diameter"
  4793. msgstr ""
  4794. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4795. msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter label"
  4796. msgid "Tree Support Trunk Diameter"
  4797. msgstr "ツリーをサポートする本体の直径"
  4798. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4799. msgctxt "infill_pattern option trihexagon"
  4800. msgid "Tri-Hexagon"
  4801. msgstr "トライヘキサゴン"
  4802. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4803. msgctxt "infill_pattern option triangles"
  4804. msgid "Triangles"
  4805. msgstr "トライアングル"
  4806. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4807. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
  4808. msgid "Triangles"
  4809. msgstr "トライアングル"
  4810. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4811. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option triangles"
  4812. msgid "Triangles"
  4813. msgstr "トライアングル"
  4814. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4815. msgctxt "support_pattern option triangles"
  4816. msgid "Triangles"
  4817. msgstr "トライアングル"
  4818. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4819. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
  4820. msgid "Triangles"
  4821. msgstr "トライアングル"
  4822. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4823. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option UltiGCode"
  4824. msgid "Ultimaker 2"
  4825. msgstr "Ultimaker 2"
  4826. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4827. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all label"
  4828. msgid "Union Overlapping Volumes"
  4829. msgstr "重複量"
  4830. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4831. msgctxt "bridge_wall_min_length description"
  4832. msgid "Unsupported walls shorter than this will be printed using the normal wall settings. Longer unsupported walls will be printed using the bridge wall settings."
  4833. msgstr "この値より短いサポートされていない壁が通常の壁設定で印刷されます。長いサポートされていない壁は、ブリッジ壁設定で印刷されます。"
  4834. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4835. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_enabled label"
  4836. msgid "Use Adaptive Layers"
  4837. msgstr "適応レイヤーの使用"
  4838. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4839. msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
  4840. msgid "Use Towers"
  4841. msgstr "使用タワー"
  4842. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4843. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_enabled description"
  4844. msgid "Use a separate acceleration rate for travel moves. If disabled, travel moves will use the acceleration value of the printed line at their destination."
  4845. msgstr "プリントヘッド移動に異なる加速度レートを使用します。これを無効にすると、プリントヘッドの移動速度は印刷範囲で加速されずに同じ速度が使用されます。"
  4846. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4847. msgctxt "jerk_travel_enabled description"
  4848. msgid "Use a separate jerk rate for travel moves. If disabled, travel moves will use the jerk value of the printed line at their destination."
  4849. msgstr "プリントヘッドの移動に異なるジャーク値を使用します。これを無効にすると、印刷範囲で設定されたジャーク値を使用します。"
  4850. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4851. msgctxt "relative_extrusion description"
  4852. msgid "Use relative extrusion rather than absolute extrusion. Using relative E-steps makes for easier post-processing of the g-code. However, it's not supported by all printers and it may produce very slight deviations in the amount of deposited material compared to absolute E-steps. Irrespective of this setting, the extrusion mode will always be set to absolute before any g-code script is output."
  4853. msgstr "絶対押出ではなく、相対押出を使用します。相対Eステップを使用すると、G-codeの後処理が容易になります。ただし、すべてのプリンタでサポートされているわけではありません。絶対的Eステップと比較して、材料の量にごくわずかな偏差が生じることがあります。この設定に関係なく、G-codeスクリプトが出力される前にエクストルーダーのモードは常に絶対値にて設定されています。"
  4854. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4855. msgctxt "support_use_towers description"
  4856. msgid "Use specialized towers to support tiny overhang areas. These towers have a larger diameter than the region they support. Near the overhang the towers' diameter decreases, forming a roof."
  4857. msgstr "特殊なタワーを使用して、小さなオーバーハングしているエリアをサポートします。これらの塔は、サポートできる領域より大きな直径を支えれます。オーバーハング付近では塔の直径が減少し、ルーフを形成します。"
  4858. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4859. msgctxt "infill_mesh description"
  4860. msgid "Use this mesh to modify the infill of other meshes with which it overlaps. Replaces infill regions of other meshes with regions for this mesh. It's suggested to only print one Wall and no Top/Bottom Skin for this mesh."
  4861. msgstr "このメッシュを使用して、重なる他のメッシュのインフィルを変更します。他のメッシュのインフィル領域を改なメッシュに置き換えます。これを利用する場合、1つのWallだけを印刷しTop / Bottom Skinは使用しないことをお勧めします。"
  4862. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4863. msgctxt "support_mesh description"
  4864. msgid "Use this mesh to specify support areas. This can be used to generate support structure."
  4865. msgstr "このメッシュを使用してサポート領域を指定します。これは、サポート構造を生成するために使用できます。"
  4866. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4867. msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh description"
  4868. msgid "Use this mesh to specify where no part of the model should be detected as overhang. This can be used to remove unwanted support structure."
  4869. msgstr "このメッシュを使用して、モデルのどの部分をオーバーハングとして検出する必要がないかを指定します。これは、不要なサポート構造を削除するために使用できます。"
  4870. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4871. msgctxt "z_seam_type option back"
  4872. msgid "User Specified"
  4873. msgstr "ユーザー指定"
  4874. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4875. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z label"
  4876. msgid "Vertical Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
  4877. msgstr "垂直スケールファクタ収縮補正"
  4878. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4879. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance description"
  4880. msgid "Vertical tolerance in the sliced layers. The contours of a layer are normally generated by taking cross sections through the middle of each layer's thickness (Middle). Alternatively each layer can have the areas which fall inside of the volume throughout the entire thickness of the layer (Exclusive) or a layer has the areas which fall inside anywhere within the layer (Inclusive). Inclusive retains the most details, Exclusive makes for the best fit and Middle stays closest to the original surface."
  4881. msgstr "スライスされたレイヤーにおける垂直方向の公差です。レイヤーの輪郭は通常、各レイヤーの厚さの中間を通る断面で生成されます(中間)。代わりに、レイヤーごとに、ボリューム内にレイヤーの厚さの分だけ入り込んだエリアにしたり(排他)、レイヤー内の任意の位置まで入り込んだエリアにしたりする(包括)こともできます。排他は最も細かく、包括は最もフィットし、中間は元の表面に最も近くなります。"
  4882. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4883. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait label"
  4884. msgid "Wait for Build Plate Heatup"
  4885. msgstr "ビルドプレート加熱待ち時間"
  4886. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4887. msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait label"
  4888. msgid "Wait for Nozzle Heatup"
  4889. msgstr "ノズル加熱待ち時間"
  4890. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4891. msgctxt "acceleration_wall label"
  4892. msgid "Wall Acceleration"
  4893. msgstr "ウォール加速度"
  4894. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4895. msgctxt "wall_distribution_count label"
  4896. msgid "Wall Distribution Count"
  4897. msgstr "ウォール分配数"
  4898. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4899. msgctxt "wall_extruder_nr label"
  4900. msgid "Wall Extruder"
  4901. msgstr "ウォールエクストルーダー"
  4902. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4903. msgctxt "wall_material_flow label"
  4904. msgid "Wall Flow"
  4905. msgstr "壁のフロー"
  4906. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4907. msgctxt "jerk_wall label"
  4908. msgid "Wall Jerk"
  4909. msgstr "ウォールジャーク"
  4910. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4911. msgctxt "wall_line_count label"
  4912. msgid "Wall Line Count"
  4913. msgstr "ウォールライン数"
  4914. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4915. msgctxt "wall_line_width label"
  4916. msgid "Wall Line Width"
  4917. msgstr "ウォールライン幅"
  4918. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4919. msgctxt "inset_direction label"
  4920. msgid "Wall Ordering"
  4921. msgstr "ウォール順序"
  4922. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4923. msgctxt "speed_wall label"
  4924. msgid "Wall Speed"
  4925. msgstr "ウォール速度"
  4926. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4927. msgctxt "wall_thickness label"
  4928. msgid "Wall Thickness"
  4929. msgstr "壁の厚さ"
  4930. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4931. msgctxt "wall_transition_length label"
  4932. msgid "Wall Transition Length"
  4933. msgstr "ウォール移行長さ"
  4934. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4935. msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance label"
  4936. msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Distance"
  4937. msgstr "ウォール移行フィルター距離"
  4938. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4939. msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation label"
  4940. msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Margin"
  4941. msgstr "ウォール移行フィルターマージン"
  4942. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4943. msgctxt "wall_transition_angle label"
  4944. msgid "Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle"
  4945. msgstr "ウォール移行しきい値角度"
  4946. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4947. msgctxt "shell label"
  4948. msgid "Walls"
  4949. msgstr "ウォール"
  4950. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4951. msgctxt "wall_overhang_angle description"
  4952. msgid "Walls that overhang more than this angle will be printed using overhanging wall settings. When the value is 90, no walls will be treated as overhanging. Overhang that gets supported by support will not be treated as overhang either."
  4953. msgstr "この角度以上に張り出した壁は、オーバーハング壁設定を使用してプリントされます。値が90の場合は、オーバーハング壁として処理されません。サポートによってサポートされているオーバーハングも、オーバーハングとして処理されません。"
  4954. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4955. msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
  4956. msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
  4957. msgstr "サポートの上下にモデルがあるかどうか確認するには、特定のサポートの高さを見ます。低い値はスライスに時間がかかり、高い値にするとサポートのインターフェイスがある場所に通常のサポートを印刷する可能性があります。"
  4958. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4959. msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
  4960. msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
  4961. msgstr "有効化すると、移動距離が減少するようにインフィルラインをプリントする順序が最適化されます。移動時間の削減は、スライスするモデル、インフィルパターン、密度などに大きく依存します。特に、インフィルを行う小さなエリアが多数あるモデルの場合、モデルをスライスする時間が大きく増えることがあります。"
  4962. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4963. msgctxt "support_fan_enable description"
  4964. msgid "When enabled, the print cooling fan speed is altered for the skin regions immediately above the support."
  4965. msgstr "有効にすると、サポートを超えた直後に印刷冷却ファンの速度がスキン領域に対して変更されます。"
  4966. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4967. msgctxt "z_seam_relative description"
  4968. msgid "When enabled, the z seam coordinates are relative to each part's centre. When disabled, the coordinates define an absolute position on the build plate."
  4969. msgstr "有効時は、Zシームは各パーツの真ん中に設定されます。無効時はプラットフォームのサイズによって設定されます。"
  4970. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4971. msgctxt "retraction_combing_max_distance description"
  4972. msgid "When greater than zero, combing travel moves that are longer than this distance will use retraction. If set to zero, there is no maximum and combing moves will not use retraction."
  4973. msgstr "ゼロを超える場合、この距離より長い移動量をコーミングすると、引き戻しが使用されます。ゼロに設定した場合、最大値はなく、コーミング移動では引き戻しを使用しません。"
  4974. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4975. msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
  4976. msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
  4977. msgstr ""
  4978. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4979. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
  4980. msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  4981. msgstr "ブリッジスキン領域を印刷するときは、材料の吐出量をこの値で乗算します。"
  4982. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4983. msgctxt "bridge_wall_material_flow description"
  4984. msgid "When printing bridge walls, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  4985. msgstr "ブリッジ壁を印刷するときは、材料の吐出量をこの値で乗算します。"
  4986. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4987. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow_2 description"
  4988. msgid "When printing the second bridge skin layer, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  4989. msgstr "セカンドブリッジスキンレイヤーを印刷するときは、材料の吐出量をこの値で乗算します。"
  4990. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4991. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow_3 description"
  4992. msgid "When printing the third bridge skin layer, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  4993. msgstr "サードブリッジスキンレイヤーを印刷するときは、材料の吐出量をこの値で乗算します。"
  4994. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4995. msgctxt "cool_lift_head description"
  4996. msgid "When the minimum speed is hit because of minimum layer time, lift the head away from the print and wait the extra time until the minimum layer time is reached."
  4997. msgstr "レイヤーの最小プリント時間より早く印刷が終わった場合、ヘッド部分を持ち上げてレイヤーの最小プリント時間に到達するまで待機します。"
  4998. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  4999. msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic description"
  5000. msgid "When the model has small vertical gaps of only a few layers, there should normally be skin around those layers in the narrow space. Enable this setting to not generate skin if the vertical gap is very small. This improves printing time and slicing time, but technically leaves infill exposed to the air."
  5001. msgstr "モデルの垂直方向に少数層のみの小さなギャップがある場合、通常は、その狭いスペース内にある層の周囲にスキンが存在する必要があります。垂直方向のギャップが非常に小さい場合は、この設定を有効にしてスキンが生成されないようにします。これにより、印刷時間とスライス時間が向上しますが、技術的には空気にさらされたインフィルを残します。"
  5002. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5003. msgctxt "wall_transition_angle description"
  5004. msgid "When to create transitions between even and odd numbers of walls. A wedge shape with an angle greater than this setting will not have transitions and no walls will be printed in the center to fill the remaining space. Reducing this setting reduces the number and length of these center walls, but may leave gaps or overextrude."
  5005. msgstr "偶数個と奇数個のウォールの間で移行を行うタイミング。この設定より大きい角度のくさび形状では移行が行われず、残りのスペースを埋めるために中心にウォールがプリントされることはありません。この設定を小さくすると、これらの中心にあるウォールの数と長さが減りますが、隙間ができたり、押し出されすぎたりすることがあります。"
  5006. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5007. msgctxt "wall_transition_length description"
  5008. msgid "When transitioning between different numbers of walls as the part becomes thinner, a certain amount of space is allotted to split or join the wall lines."
  5009. msgstr "部品が薄くなるにつれて異なる数のウォール間を移行する場合に、ウォールラインを分割または結合するために一定のスペースが割り当てられます。"
  5010. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5011. msgctxt "wipe_hop_enable description"
  5012. msgid "When wiping, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate."
  5013. msgstr "拭き取りの際、ビルドプレートが下降してノズルとプリントの間に隙間ができます。これは、ノズルの走行中にプリントに当たるのを防ぎ、プリントをビルドプレートから剥がしてしまう可能性を減らします。"
  5014. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5015. msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled description"
  5016. msgid "Whenever a retraction is done, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate."
  5017. msgstr "引き戻しが完了すると、ビルドプレートが下降してノズルとプリントの間に隙間ができます。ノズルの走行中に造形物に当たるのを防ぎ、造形物をビルドプレートから剥がしてしまう現象を減らします。"
  5018. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5019. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z description"
  5020. msgid "Whether the Support X/Y Distance overrides the Support Z Distance or vice versa. When X/Y overrides Z the X/Y distance can push away the support from the model, influencing the actual Z distance to the overhang. We can disable this by not applying the X/Y distance around overhangs."
  5021. msgstr "X /Y方向のサポートの距離がZ方向のサポートの距離を上書きしようとする時やまたその逆も同様。X または Y がZを上書きする際、X Y 方向の距離は印刷物からオーバーハングする Z 方向の距離に影響を及ぼしながらサポートを押しのけようとします。オーバー ハング周りのX Yの距離を無効にすることで、無効にできる。"
  5022. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5023. msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero description"
  5024. msgid "Whether the X/Y coordinates of the zero position of the printer is at the center of the printable area."
  5025. msgstr "プリンタのゼロポジションのX / Y座標が印刷可能領域の中心にあるかどうか。"
  5026. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5027. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_x description"
  5028. msgid "Whether the endstop of the X axis is in the positive direction (high X coordinate) or negative (low X coordinate)."
  5029. msgstr "X 軸のエンドストップがプラス方向(高い X 座標)またはマイナス方向(低い X 座標)のいずれかを示します。"
  5030. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5031. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_y description"
  5032. msgid "Whether the endstop of the Y axis is in the positive direction (high Y coordinate) or negative (low Y coordinate)."
  5033. msgstr "Y 軸のエンドストップがプラス方向(高い Y 座標)またはマイナス方向(低い Y 座標)のいずれかを示します。"
  5034. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5035. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_z description"
  5036. msgid "Whether the endstop of the Z axis is in the positive direction (high Z coordinate) or negative (low Z coordinate)."
  5037. msgstr "Z 軸のエンドストップがプラス方向(高い Z 座標)またはマイナス方向(低い Z 座標)のいずれかを示します。"
  5038. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5039. msgctxt "machine_extruders_share_heater description"
  5040. msgid "Whether the extruders share a single heater rather than each extruder having its own heater."
  5041. msgstr "各エクストルーダーが独自のヒーターを持つのではなく、単一のヒーターを共有するかどうか。"
  5042. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5043. msgctxt "machine_extruders_share_nozzle description"
  5044. msgid "Whether the extruders share a single nozzle rather than each extruder having its own nozzle. When set to true, it is expected that the printer-start gcode script properly sets up all extruders in an initial retraction state that is known and mutually compatible (either zero or one filament not retracted); in that case the initial retraction status is described, per extruder, by the 'machine_extruders_shared_nozzle_initial_retraction' parameter."
  5045. msgstr "各エクストルーダーが独自のノズルを持つのではなく、単一のノズルを共有するかどうか。初期設定した場合、プリンター起動gcodeスクリプトにより、すべてのエクストルーダーが初期の引き戻し状態が互換性のあるように設定されます(引き戻されていない状態のフィラメントが0個または1個のいずれか)。この場合、初期引き戻しステータスは「machine_extruders_shared_nozzle_initial_retraction」パラメーターによってエクストルーダーごとに規定されます。"
  5046. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5047. msgctxt "machine_heated_bed description"
  5048. msgid "Whether the machine has a heated build plate present."
  5049. msgstr "プリンターに加熱式ビルドプレートが付属しているかどうか。"
  5050. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5051. msgctxt "machine_heated_build_volume description"
  5052. msgid "Whether the machine is able to stabilize the build volume temperature."
  5053. msgstr "機器が造形温度を安定化処理できるかどうかです。"
  5054. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5055. msgctxt "center_object description"
  5056. msgid "Whether to center the object on the middle of the build platform (0,0), instead of using the coordinate system in which the object was saved."
  5057. msgstr "オブジェクトが保存された座標系を使用する代わりにビルドプラットフォームの中間(0,0)にオブジェクトを配置するかどうか。"
  5058. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5059. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled description"
  5060. msgid "Whether to control temperature from Cura. Turn this off to control nozzle temperature from outside of Cura."
  5061. msgstr "Curaから温度を制御するかどうか。これをオフにして、Cura外からノズル温度を制御することで無効化。"
  5062. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5063. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend description"
  5064. msgid "Whether to include build plate temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains build plate temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
  5065. msgstr "GCodeの開始時にビルドプレート温度設定を含めるかどうか。 既に最初のGCodeにビルドプレート温度設定が含まれている場合、Curaフロントエンドは自動的にこの設定を無効にします。"
  5066. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5067. msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend description"
  5068. msgid "Whether to include nozzle temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains nozzle temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
  5069. msgstr "GCodeの開始時にノズル温度設定を含めるかどうか。 既に最初のGCodeにノズル温度設定が含まれている場合、Curaフロントエンドは自動的にこの設定を無効にします。"
  5070. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5071. msgctxt "clean_between_layers description"
  5072. msgid "Whether to include nozzle wipe G-Code between layers (maximum 1 per layer). Enabling this setting could influence behavior of retract at layer change. Please use Wipe Retraction settings to control retraction at layers where the wipe script will be working."
  5073. msgstr "レイヤー間にノズル拭き取りG-Codeを含むかどうか(レイヤーごとに最大1つ)。この設定を有効にすると、レイヤー変更時の引き戻し動作に影響する可能性があります。拭き取りスクリプトが動作するレイヤーでの押し戻しを制御するには、ワイプ引き戻し設定を使用してください。"
  5074. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5075. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait description"
  5076. msgid "Whether to insert a command to wait until the build plate temperature is reached at the start."
  5077. msgstr "開始時にビルドプレートが温度に達するまで待つコマンドを挿入するかどうか。"
  5078. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5079. msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
  5080. msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
  5081. msgstr "印刷する前にフィラメントの小さな塊を作るかどうか。この設定をオンにすると、エクストルーダーがノズルにおいて印刷予定のマテリアルの下準備をします。印刷後ブリムまたはスカートも、上記と同じような意味を持ちます。この設定をオフにすると時間の節約にはなります。"
  5082. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5083. msgctxt "print_sequence description"
  5084. msgid "Whether to print all models one layer at a time or to wait for one model to finish, before moving on to the next. One at a time mode is possible if a) only one extruder is enabled and b) all models are separated in such a way that the whole print head can move in between and all models are lower than the distance between the nozzle and the X/Y axes."
  5085. msgstr "すべてのモデルをレイヤーごとに印刷するか、1つのモデルがプリント完了するのを待ち次のモデルに移動するかどうか。a)エクストルーダーが1つだけ有効であり、b)プリントヘッド全体がモデル間を通ることができるようにすべてのモデルが離れていて、すべてのモデルがノズルとX/Y軸間の距離よりも小さい場合、1つずつ印刷する事ができます。"
  5086. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5087. msgctxt "machine_show_variants description"
  5088. msgid "Whether to show the different variants of this machine, which are described in separate json files."
  5089. msgstr "このプリンターのバリエーションを表示するかどうかは、別のjsonファイルに記述されています。"
  5090. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5091. msgctxt "machine_firmware_retract description"
  5092. msgid "Whether to use firmware retract commands (G10/G11) instead of using the E property in G1 commands to retract the material."
  5093. msgstr "材料を引き戻すためにG1コマンドのEプロパティーを使用する代わりにファームウェア引き戻しコマンド (G10/G11) を使用するかどうか。"
  5094. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5095. msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait description"
  5096. msgid "Whether to wait until the nozzle temperature is reached at the start."
  5097. msgstr "開始時にノズルの温度が達するまで待つかどうか。"
  5098. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5099. msgctxt "infill_line_width description"
  5100. msgid "Width of a single infill line."
  5101. msgstr "インフィル線の幅。"
  5102. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5103. msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
  5104. msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
  5105. msgstr "サポートのルーフ、フロアのライン幅。"
  5106. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5107. msgctxt "roofing_line_width description"
  5108. msgid "Width of a single line of the areas at the top of the print."
  5109. msgstr "プリントの上部の 線の幅。"
  5110. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5111. msgctxt "line_width description"
  5112. msgid "Width of a single line. Generally, the width of each line should correspond to the width of the nozzle. However, slightly reducing this value could produce better prints."
  5113. msgstr "1ラインの幅。一般に、各ラインの幅は、ノズルの幅に対応する必要があります。ただし、この値を少し小さくすると、より良い造形が得られます。"
  5114. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5115. msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width description"
  5116. msgid "Width of a single prime tower line."
  5117. msgstr "単一のプライムタワーラインの幅。"
  5118. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5119. msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width description"
  5120. msgid "Width of a single skirt or brim line."
  5121. msgstr "単一のスカートまたはブリムラインの幅。"
  5122. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5123. msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
  5124. msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
  5125. msgstr "サポートのフロアのラインの一幅。"
  5126. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5127. msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
  5128. msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
  5129. msgstr "サポートルーフのライン一幅。"
  5130. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5131. msgctxt "support_line_width description"
  5132. msgid "Width of a single support structure line."
  5133. msgstr "単一のサポート構造のライン幅。"
  5134. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5135. msgctxt "skin_line_width description"
  5136. msgid "Width of a single top/bottom line."
  5137. msgstr "上辺/底辺線のライン幅。"
  5138. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5139. msgctxt "wall_line_width_x description"
  5140. msgid "Width of a single wall line for all wall lines except the outermost one."
  5141. msgstr "一番外側のウォールラインを除くすべてのウォールラインのラインの幅。"
  5142. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5143. msgctxt "wall_line_width description"
  5144. msgid "Width of a single wall line."
  5145. msgstr "ウォールラインの幅。"
  5146. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5147. msgctxt "raft_base_line_width description"
  5148. msgid "Width of the lines in the base raft layer. These should be thick lines to assist in build plate adhesion."
  5149. msgstr "ベースラフト層の線幅。ビルドプレートの接着のため太い線でなければなりません。"
  5150. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5151. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width description"
  5152. msgid "Width of the lines in the middle raft layer. Making the second layer extrude more causes the lines to stick to the build plate."
  5153. msgstr "中間ラフト層の線の幅。第2層をより押し出すと、ラインがビルドプレートに固着します。"
  5154. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5155. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width description"
  5156. msgid "Width of the lines in the top surface of the raft. These can be thin lines so that the top of the raft becomes smooth."
  5157. msgstr "ラフトの上面の線の幅。これらは細い線で、ラフトの頂部が滑らかになります。"
  5158. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5159. msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 description"
  5160. msgid "Width of the outermost wall line. By lowering this value, higher levels of detail can be printed."
  5161. msgstr "最も外側のウォールラインの幅。この値を下げると、より詳細な印刷できます。"
  5162. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5163. msgctxt "min_bead_width description"
  5164. msgid "Width of the wall that will replace thin features (according to the Minimum Feature Size) of the model. If the Minimum Wall Line Width is thinner than the thickness of the feature, the wall will become as thick as the feature itself."
  5165. msgstr "モデルの薄いフィーチャーを(最小フィーチャーサイズに従って)置き換えるウォールの幅。最小ウォールライン幅がフィーチャーの厚さより薄い場合、ウォールの厚さはフィーチャー自体の厚さと同じになります。"
  5166. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5167. msgctxt "wipe_brush_pos_x label"
  5168. msgid "Wipe Brush X Position"
  5169. msgstr "ワイプブラシXの位置"
  5170. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5171. msgctxt "wipe_hop_speed label"
  5172. msgid "Wipe Hop Speed"
  5173. msgstr "ワイプホップ速度"
  5174. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5175. msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled label"
  5176. msgid "Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower"
  5177. msgstr "プライムタワーノズル拭き取り"
  5178. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5179. msgctxt "wipe_move_distance label"
  5180. msgid "Wipe Move Distance"
  5181. msgstr "ワイプ移動距離"
  5182. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5183. msgctxt "clean_between_layers label"
  5184. msgid "Wipe Nozzle Between Layers"
  5185. msgstr "レイヤー間のノズル拭き取り"
  5186. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5187. msgctxt "wipe_pause label"
  5188. msgid "Wipe Pause"
  5189. msgstr "ワイプ一時停止"
  5190. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5191. msgctxt "wipe_repeat_count label"
  5192. msgid "Wipe Repeat Count"
  5193. msgstr "ワイプ繰り返し回数"
  5194. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5195. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_amount label"
  5196. msgid "Wipe Retraction Distance"
  5197. msgstr "ワイプリトラクト無効"
  5198. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5199. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_enable label"
  5200. msgid "Wipe Retraction Enable"
  5201. msgstr "ワイプリトラクト有効"
  5202. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5203. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_extra_prime_amount label"
  5204. msgid "Wipe Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
  5205. msgstr "ワイプ引き戻し時の余分押し戻し量"
  5206. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5207. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_prime_speed label"
  5208. msgid "Wipe Retraction Prime Speed"
  5209. msgstr "ワイプ引き戻し下準備速度"
  5210. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5211. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_retract_speed label"
  5212. msgid "Wipe Retraction Retract Speed"
  5213. msgstr "ワイプ引き戻し速度"
  5214. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5215. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_speed label"
  5216. msgid "Wipe Retraction Speed"
  5217. msgstr "ワイプリトラクト速度"
  5218. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5219. msgctxt "wipe_hop_enable label"
  5220. msgid "Wipe Z Hop"
  5221. msgstr "ワイプZホップ"
  5222. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5223. msgctxt "wipe_hop_amount label"
  5224. msgid "Wipe Z Hop Height"
  5225. msgstr "ワイプZホップ高さ"
  5226. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5227. msgctxt "retraction_combing option infill"
  5228. msgid "Within Infill"
  5229. msgstr "インフィル内"
  5230. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5231. msgctxt "machine_always_write_active_tool description"
  5232. msgid "Write active tool after sending temp commands to inactive tool. Required for Dual Extruder printing with Smoothie or other firmware with modal tool commands."
  5233. msgstr "非アクティブなツールに一時コマンドを送信した後にアクティブなツールを書き込みます。Smoothieまたはその他のモーダルツールコマンドを使用するファームウェアを使用したデュアルエクストルーダープリントに必要です。"
  5234. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5235. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_x label"
  5236. msgid "X Endstop in Positive Direction"
  5237. msgstr "プラス方向の X エンドストップ"
  5238. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5239. msgctxt "wipe_brush_pos_x description"
  5240. msgid "X location where wipe script will start."
  5241. msgstr "ワイプスクリプトを開始するX位置。"
  5242. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5243. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option xy_overrides_z"
  5244. msgid "X/Y overrides Z"
  5245. msgstr "X/YがZを上書き"
  5246. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5247. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_y label"
  5248. msgid "Y Endstop in Positive Direction"
  5249. msgstr "プラス方向の Y エンドストップ"
  5250. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5251. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_z label"
  5252. msgid "Z Endstop in Positive Direction"
  5253. msgstr "プラス方向の Z エンドストップ"
  5254. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5255. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch label"
  5256. msgid "Z Hop After Extruder Switch"
  5257. msgstr "エクストルーダースイッチ後のZホップ"
  5258. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5259. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch_height label"
  5260. msgid "Z Hop After Extruder Switch Height"
  5261. msgstr "エクストルーダースイッチ高さ後のZホップ"
  5262. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5263. msgctxt "retraction_hop label"
  5264. msgid "Z Hop Height"
  5265. msgstr "Zホップ高さ"
  5266. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5267. msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides label"
  5268. msgid "Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts"
  5269. msgstr "印刷パーツに対するZホップ"
  5270. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5271. msgctxt "speed_z_hop label"
  5272. msgid "Z Hop Speed"
  5273. msgstr "Z 軸ホップ速度"
  5274. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5275. msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled label"
  5276. msgid "Z Hop When Retracted"
  5277. msgstr "引き戻し時のZホップ"
  5278. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5279. msgctxt "z_seam_type label"
  5280. msgid "Z Seam Alignment"
  5281. msgstr "Zシーム合わせ"
  5282. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5283. msgctxt "z_seam_position label"
  5284. msgid "Z Seam Position"
  5285. msgstr "Zシーム位置"
  5286. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5287. msgctxt "z_seam_relative label"
  5288. msgid "Z Seam Relative"
  5289. msgstr "相対Zシーム"
  5290. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5291. msgctxt "z_seam_x label"
  5292. msgid "Z Seam X"
  5293. msgstr "ZシームX"
  5294. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5295. msgctxt "z_seam_y label"
  5296. msgid "Z Seam Y"
  5297. msgstr "ZシームY"
  5298. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5299. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option z_overrides_xy"
  5300. msgid "Z overrides X/Y"
  5301. msgstr "ZがX/Yを上書き"
  5302. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5303. msgctxt "infill_pattern option zigzag"
  5304. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5305. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5306. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5307. msgctxt "ironing_pattern option zigzag"
  5308. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5309. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5310. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5311. msgctxt "roofing_pattern option zigzag"
  5312. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5313. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5314. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5315. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
  5316. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5317. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5318. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5319. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option zigzag"
  5320. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5321. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5322. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5323. msgctxt "support_pattern option zigzag"
  5324. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5325. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5326. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5327. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
  5328. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5329. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5330. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5331. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
  5332. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5333. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5334. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5335. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option zigzag"
  5336. msgid "Zig Zag"
  5337. msgstr "ジグザグ"
  5338. #: fdmprinter.def.json
  5339. msgctxt "travel description"
  5340. msgid "travel"
  5341. msgstr "移動"
  5342. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option compensate"
  5343. #~ msgid "Compensate"
  5344. #~ msgstr "補正"
  5345. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_top_jump description"
  5346. #~ msgid "Creates a small knot at the top of an upward line, so that the consecutive horizontal layer has a better chance to connect to it. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5347. #~ msgstr "上向きの線の上端に小さな結び目を作成し、連続する水平レイヤーを接着力を高めます。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5348. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay description"
  5349. #~ msgid "Delay time after a downward move. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5350. #~ msgstr "下降後の遅延時間。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5351. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_top_delay description"
  5352. #~ msgid "Delay time after an upward move, so that the upward line can harden. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5353. #~ msgstr "上向きの線が硬くなるように、上向きの動きの後の時間を遅らせる。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5354. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_flat_delay description"
  5355. #~ msgid "Delay time between two horizontal segments. Introducing such a delay can cause better adhesion to previous layers at the connection points, while too long delays cause sagging. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5356. #~ msgstr "2つの水平セグメント間の遅延時間。このような遅延を挿入すると、前のレイヤーとの接着性が向上することがありますが、遅延が長すぎると垂れ下がりが発生します。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5357. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_nozzle_clearance description"
  5358. #~ msgid "Distance between the nozzle and horizontally downward lines. Larger clearance results in diagonally downward lines with a less steep angle, which in turn results in less upward connections with the next layer. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5359. #~ msgstr "ノズルと水平方向に下向きの線間の距離。大きな隙間がある場合、急な角度で斜め下方線となり、次の層が上方接続しずらくなる。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
  5360. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_up_half_speed description"
  5361. #~ msgid ""
  5362. #~ "Distance of an upward move which is extruded with half speed.\n"
  5363. #~ "This can cause better adhesion to previous layers, while not heating the material in those layers too much. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5364. #~ msgstr "半分の速度で押出される上方への移動距離。過度にマテリアルを加熱することなく、前の層とのより良い接着を作ります。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5365. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_fall_down description"
  5366. #~ msgid "Distance with which the material falls down after an upward extrusion. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5367. #~ msgstr "上向き押出後にマテリアルが落下する距離。この距離は補正される。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5368. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_drag_along description"
  5369. #~ msgid "Distance with which the material of an upward extrusion is dragged along with the diagonally downward extrusion. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5370. #~ msgstr "斜め下方への押出に伴い上向き押出しているマテリアルが引きずられる距離。この距離は補正される。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5371. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_flow_connection description"
  5372. #~ msgid "Flow compensation when going up or down. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5373. #~ msgstr "上下に動くときの吐出補正。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5374. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_flow_flat description"
  5375. #~ msgid "Flow compensation when printing flat lines. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5376. #~ msgstr "フラットラインを印刷する際の吐出補正。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5377. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_flow description"
  5378. #~ msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5379. #~ msgstr "流れ補正:押出されたマテリアルの量はこの値の乗算になります。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5380. #~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance description"
  5381. #~ msgid "How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove."
  5382. #~ msgstr "枝がモデルに接触するところで確保する枝の間隔。この間隔を小さくするとツリーサポートがモデルに接触する点が増え、支える効果が高まりますが、サポートの取り外しが難しくなります。"
  5383. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option knot"
  5384. #~ msgid "Knot"
  5385. #~ msgstr "ノット"
  5386. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_straight_before_down description"
  5387. #~ msgid "Percentage of a diagonally downward line which is covered by a horizontal line piece. This can prevent sagging of the top most point of upward lines. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5388. #~ msgstr "水平方向の直線部分で覆われた斜めに下降線の割合です。これは上向きラインのほとんどのポイント、上部のたるみを防ぐことができます。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
  5389. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_enabled description"
  5390. #~ msgid "Print only the outside surface with a sparse webbed structure, printing 'in thin air'. This is realized by horizontally printing the contours of the model at given Z intervals which are connected via upward and diagonally downward lines."
  5391. #~ msgstr "薄い空気中に印刷し、疎なウエブ構造で外面のみを印刷します。これは、上向きおよび斜め下向きの線を介して接続された所定のZ間隔でモデルの輪郭を水平に印刷することによって実現される。"
  5392. #~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution description"
  5393. #~ msgid "Resolution to compute collisions with to avoid hitting the model. Setting this lower will produce more accurate trees that fail less often, but increases slicing time dramatically."
  5394. #~ msgstr "モデルに干渉しないようにする衝突計算の精細度。小さい値を設定すると、失敗の少ない正確なツリーが生成されますが、スライス時間は大きく増加します。"
  5395. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy option retract"
  5396. #~ msgid "Retract"
  5397. #~ msgstr "引き戻し"
  5398. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed description"
  5399. #~ msgid "Speed at which the nozzle moves when extruding material. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5400. #~ msgstr "マテリアルを押し出すときにノズルが動く速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5401. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_down description"
  5402. #~ msgid "Speed of printing a line diagonally downward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5403. #~ msgstr "斜め下方に線を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5404. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_up description"
  5405. #~ msgid "Speed of printing a line upward 'in thin air'. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5406. #~ msgstr "薄い空気の中で上向きに線を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5407. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_bottom description"
  5408. #~ msgid "Speed of printing the first layer, which is the only layer touching the build platform. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5409. #~ msgstr "ブルドプラットフォームに接触する第1層の印刷速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5410. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_flat description"
  5411. #~ msgid "Speed of printing the horizontal contours of the model. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5412. #~ msgstr "モデルの水平輪郭を印刷する速度。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5413. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy description"
  5414. #~ msgid "Strategy for making sure two consecutive layers connect at each connection point. Retraction lets the upward lines harden in the right position, but may cause filament grinding. A knot can be made at the end of an upward line to heighten the chance of connecting to it and to let the line cool; however, it may require slow printing speeds. Another strategy is to compensate for the sagging of the top of an upward line; however, the lines won't always fall down as predicted."
  5415. #~ msgstr "各接続ポイントで2つの連続したレイヤーが密着していることを確認するためのストラテジー。収縮すると上向きの線が正しい位置で硬化しますが、フィラメントの研削が行われる可能性があります。上向きの線の終わりに結び目をつけて接続する機会を増やし、線を冷やすことができます。ただし、印刷速度が遅くなることがあります。別の方法は、上向きの線の上端のたるみを補償することである。しかし、予測どおりにラインが必ずしも落ちるとは限りません。"
  5416. #~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
  5417. #~ msgid "The angle of the branches. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
  5418. #~ msgstr "枝の角度。枝を垂直で安定したものにするためには小さい角度を使用します。高さを得るためには大きい角度を使用します。"
  5419. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset description"
  5420. #~ msgid "The distance covered when making a connection from a roof outline inward. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5421. #~ msgstr "ルーフから内側に輪郭を描くときの距離。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5422. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_drag_along description"
  5423. #~ msgid "The distance of the end piece of an inward line which gets dragged along when going back to the outer outline of the roof. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5424. #~ msgstr "ルーフの外側の輪郭に戻る際に引きずる内側ラインの終わり部分の距離。この距離は補正されていてワイヤ印刷のみ適用されます。"
  5425. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_fall_down description"
  5426. #~ msgid "The distance which horizontal roof lines printed 'in thin air' fall down when being printed. This distance is compensated for. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5427. #~ msgstr "水平ルーフが ”薄い空気”に印刷され落ちる距離。この距離は補正されています。ワイヤ印刷に適用されます。"
  5428. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_height description"
  5429. #~ msgid "The height of the upward and diagonally downward lines between two horizontal parts. This determines the overall density of the net structure. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5430. #~ msgstr "2つの水平なパーツ間の、上向きおよび斜め下向きの線の高さ。これは、ネット構造の全体密度を決定します。ワイヤ印刷のみに適用されます。"
  5431. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_outer_delay description"
  5432. #~ msgid "Time spent at the outer perimeters of hole which is to become a roof. Longer times can ensure a better connection. Only applies to Wire Printing."
  5433. #~ msgstr "トップレイヤーにある穴の外側に掛ける時間。長い時間の方はより良い密着を得られます。ワイヤ印刷にのみ適用されます。"
  5434. #~ msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
  5435. #~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Angle"
  5436. #~ msgstr "ツリーサポート枝角度"
  5437. #~ msgctxt "support_tree_branch_distance label"
  5438. #~ msgid "Tree Support Branch Distance"
  5439. #~ msgstr "ツリーサポート枝間隔"
  5440. #~ msgctxt "support_tree_collision_resolution label"
  5441. #~ msgid "Tree Support Collision Resolution"
  5442. #~ msgstr "ツリーサポート衝突精細度"
  5443. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_bottom_delay label"
  5444. #~ msgid "WP Bottom Delay"
  5445. #~ msgstr "WP底面遅延"
  5446. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_bottom label"
  5447. #~ msgid "WP Bottom Printing Speed"
  5448. #~ msgstr "WP底面印字速度"
  5449. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_flow_connection label"
  5450. #~ msgid "WP Connection Flow"
  5451. #~ msgstr "WP接続フロー"
  5452. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_height label"
  5453. #~ msgid "WP Connection Height"
  5454. #~ msgstr "WPの高さ"
  5455. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_down label"
  5456. #~ msgid "WP Downward Printing Speed"
  5457. #~ msgstr "WP下向き印字速度"
  5458. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_drag_along label"
  5459. #~ msgid "WP Drag Along"
  5460. #~ msgstr "WP引きづり距離"
  5461. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_up_half_speed label"
  5462. #~ msgid "WP Ease Upward"
  5463. #~ msgstr "WP低速移動距離"
  5464. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_fall_down label"
  5465. #~ msgid "WP Fall Down"
  5466. #~ msgstr "WP落下距離"
  5467. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_flat_delay label"
  5468. #~ msgid "WP Flat Delay"
  5469. #~ msgstr "WP水平遅延"
  5470. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_flow_flat label"
  5471. #~ msgid "WP Flat Flow"
  5472. #~ msgstr "WPフラットフロー"
  5473. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_flow label"
  5474. #~ msgid "WP Flow"
  5475. #~ msgstr "WPフロー"
  5476. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_flat label"
  5477. #~ msgid "WP Horizontal Printing Speed"
  5478. #~ msgstr "WP水平印字速度"
  5479. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_top_jump label"
  5480. #~ msgid "WP Knot Size"
  5481. #~ msgstr "WPノットサイズ"
  5482. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_nozzle_clearance label"
  5483. #~ msgid "WP Nozzle Clearance"
  5484. #~ msgstr "WPノズル隙間"
  5485. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_drag_along label"
  5486. #~ msgid "WP Roof Drag Along"
  5487. #~ msgstr "WPルーフ引きずり距離"
  5488. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_fall_down label"
  5489. #~ msgid "WP Roof Fall Down"
  5490. #~ msgstr "WPルーフ落下距離"
  5491. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_inset label"
  5492. #~ msgid "WP Roof Inset Distance"
  5493. #~ msgstr "WPルーフ距離のオフセット"
  5494. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_roof_outer_delay label"
  5495. #~ msgid "WP Roof Outer Delay"
  5496. #~ msgstr "WPルーフ外側処理時間"
  5497. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed label"
  5498. #~ msgid "WP Speed"
  5499. #~ msgstr "WP速度"
  5500. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_straight_before_down label"
  5501. #~ msgid "WP Straighten Downward Lines"
  5502. #~ msgstr "WP下向き直線ライン"
  5503. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_strategy label"
  5504. #~ msgid "WP Strategy"
  5505. #~ msgstr "WPストラテジー"
  5506. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_top_delay label"
  5507. #~ msgid "WP Top Delay"
  5508. #~ msgstr "WP上面遅延"
  5509. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_printspeed_up label"
  5510. #~ msgid "WP Upward Printing Speed"
  5511. #~ msgstr "WP上向き印字速度"
  5512. #~ msgctxt "wireframe_enabled label"
  5513. #~ msgid "Wire Printing"
  5514. #~ msgstr "ワイヤ印刷"