state_type.rb 711 B

  1. FactoryBot.define do
  2. factory :'ticket/state_type', aliases: %i[ticket_state_type] do
  3. name do
  4. # The following line ensures that the name generated by Faker
  5. # does not conflict with any existing names in the DB.
  6. # There's a special syntax for this
  7. # (Faker::Verb.unique.exclude(:past_participle, [], Ticket::StateType.pluck(:name)),
  8. # but it's not available yet in the current release of Faker (1.9.1).
  9. Faker::Verb.unique
  10. .instance_variable_get(:@previous_results)[[:past_participle, []]]
  11. .merge(Ticket::StateType.pluck(:name))
  12. Faker::Verb.unique.past_participle
  13. end
  14. updated_by_id { 1 }
  15. created_by_id { 1 }
  16. end
  17. end