19 KB

Change Log

3.5.1 (2020-11-16)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

  • In certain cases not all content of an html email is shown (HTML sanitizer will remove to much) 3255 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • StatusCode: 500 When searching for an article in a ticket and enter one digit 3148 [bug] [knowledge base] [search]
  • Migration from OTRS error - could not find a valid input encoding (EncodingError) 3250 [bug] [import]
  • link_template for ticket no longer shows a button after update to 3.5 3214 [bug] [object manager attribute] [prioritised by payment]
  • DataPrivacyTask - Can't remove user if still referenced in Overview(s) 3220 [bug] [data privacy]
  • Knowldge Base internal answer view goes out of screen if previous or next answer title is very long 3246 [UX/UI] [knowledge base] [prioritised by payment]
  • KnowledgeBase Broken 500 3231 [bug] [knowledge base]
  • In the role settings a role can not be agent and customer at the same time 3226 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Hybrid Office-Accounts can't authenticate via Office 365 login 3230 [authentication] [bug] [prioritised by payment] [third party issue]

3.5.0 (2020-09-22)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Ability of deleting customers and / or all ticket at once. 2074 [admin area] [enhancement] [prioritised by payment]
  • Raise default password security for new instances 2943 [enhancement]
  • Implement generic SSO button on login page 3128 [UX/UI] [enhancement]
  • Improve CTI / open user profile or new ticket screen based on last customer activity 3107 [enhancement] [prioritised by payment]
  • RTL in CTI page log 3102 [UX/UI] [enhancement]
  • Attribute changes remove Owner of closed Ticket 3136 [enhancement] [prioritised by payment]
  • Change Opps to Oops to be more gramatically correct 3126 [enhancement]
  • Enhance/rework message header of forwarded mails 3091 [enhancement] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • Can't add attributes manually to LDAP sync 1326 [LDAP] [enhancement]
  • Empty "issues" attribute of Monitoring / HealthCheck result causes errors in Zabbix 3077 [API] [enhancement] [prioritised by payment]
  • Allow uploaded S/MIME certificates to download in admin interface (like in other certificate managers) 3108 [enhancement] [prioritised by payment]
  • relative dates in macros, triggers and scheduler 864 [enhancement] [macros] [prioritised by payment] [trigger]

Fixed bugs:

  • Unable to open ticket/content not loading 3198 [bug]
  • data privacy obsolete column name 3191 [bug]
  • Endpoint api/v1/ticket_articles/by_ticket ignores X-On-Behalf-Of 3186 [API] [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Reply Article box closes when replying multiple times and placeholder covers input 3040 [UX/UI] [bug] [frontend / JS app]
  • Added List-Unsubscribe tag to identify newsletters 3176
  • Logo image ratio goes wrong when resizing to specific height 3169 [bug]
  • Changing article visibility will not update ticket view for customers 2672 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • Active Google channels cause Email channels to loose email address every 86400s 3167 [bug] [channel]
  • Adding LDAP group retrieval for objectClass 'groupOfNames' 3041
  • Restore script uses postgres user and nukes restoration of hosted dumps 3139 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Backup script restoration order causes issues if version difference causes ruby version differences 3160 [backup] [bug]
  • Entering pending till time for Waiting status is difficult to enter with Firefox 2887 [UX/UI] [prioritised by payment]
  • Retweet conversion setting not working 2736 [bug] [channel] [prioritised by payment]
  • greyed out Avatar is not displayed correctly in the caller log 3159 [CTI] [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Update chat.js and chat.min.js to fix inactiveClass option access 3157
  • Access to my own Tickets (where I'm customer of) in a Group im not Agent 967 [feature backlog] [prioritised by payment]
  • admin.user token permission doesn't allow fetching details of specific user 3111 [API] [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • S/MIME signing fails because of message encoding 3147 [bug] [mail processing] [prioritised by payment]
  • Inline images are cut during forward and reply (quotation) 3093 [bug] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • knowledge base public interface does not get crawled by search engines 3151 [bug] [knowledge base]
  • Make channels trusted 3150 [bug] [mail processing]
  • Search details sidebar name shows URL-encoded gibberish 3058 [bug]
  • Race condition between #lookup and .update causes caching of obsolete data 3109 [bug] [overviews] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • Zammad shows Customers in Owner-Selection on IE 2609 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment] [regression]
  • unprocessible mail "FrozenError: can't modify frozen String" 3143 [bug] [mail processing] [prioritised by payment]
  • IMAP channel cannot connect to ProtonMail bridge 3146 [bug] [mail processing]
  • Ticket removal of merged / linked tickets doesn't remove references 2960 [UX/UI] [bug] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • Article body gets updated/re-sanitized when updating other Article attribute 3138 [bug] [trigger]
  • Merging Tickets/Users/... does not update ExternalSync references 3123 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Object lookup by text attribute fails if symbol is given 3121 [developer experience]
  • Adding a note during bulk operation only works for one ticket 2985 [UX/UI] [bug] [bulk] [overviews] [prioritised by payment] [ticket]
  • KB answer search in ticket is broken 3083 [bug] [knowledge base]
  • improve weak password error on initial user creation 3106 [bug] [frontend / JS app]
  • Deletion of communication article works for admins 3086 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Plus characters are stripped from email addresses and urls in ticket body 2494 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Too large article body fails OTRS import 2107 [bug] [import]
  • Embedding Youtube Videos in KB containing "-" does not work 3039 [bug] [knowledge base]
  • Domain based assignment can be enabled without domain being filled in 3089 [bug]
  • Not all attributes if chats are indexed by elasticsearch ( and tags are missing) 3095 [bug]
  • ServiceNow mails from other service providers are not detected 3110 [bug] [mail processing] [prioritised by payment]
  • Added relative pending_time to Macro/Trigger/Scheduler Functionality 2862
  • Meaningless error message in the production log, when editing / creating overviews 3100 [bug] [prioritised by payment]
  • Failed to run import backend 'Import::Exchange'. Cause: Missing implementation of 'mapping' method for 'Sequencer::Unit::Import::Exchange::FolderContact::Mapping::Login' 3090 [bug] [import] [regression]
  • Search taskbars cause DeadLocks 3087 [UX/UI] [bug] [performance] [prioritised by payment]
  • KB within Zammad UI (as agent) breaks words (break-all) 3023 [UX/UI] [bug] [knowledge base]
  • KB search bar doesn't find indexed attachments 3070 [bug] [knowledge base] [search]
  • Required Doorkeeper scope is missing and fails authentication 3085 [API] [bug] [prioritised by payment]