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Change Log

2.6.1 (2018-10-25)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

  • rake searchindex:rebuild is not working after Elasticsearch 2.4 upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.6 "Limit of total fields [1000] in index" 2297 [bug]
  • Performance issue in bulk action selection in overview 2279 [bug] [frontend] [overviews] [regression]
  • Note is not shown for customer / organisations if it's empty. 2277 [bug] [regression]
  • Bulk Form javascript error when checking item 2273 [bug] [frontend] [needs verification] [overviews] [regression]
  • Permission issue: response templates only usable when admin is also agent 2285 [admin area] [bug]
  • Records in Reporting not updated when single ActiveRecord can not be found 2246 [bug] [reporting]
  • Users deactivated by the LDAP sync get updated on every run 2256 [LDAP] [bug] [integration]
  • Search with id:123 does not work anymore 2195 [bug] [search]
  • Invalid date causes errors 2173 [bug] [frontend]
  • Check the correct hash array if the agent is present 2243 [bug] [needs verification]
  • Boolean object set to false is not visible 2233 [bug] [object manager attribute]
  • Unable to process spam email "ERROR: #<Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity: Invalid email>" 2254 [bug]
  • Unable to process email "ERROR: #<NoMethodError: undefined methodmatch' for nil:NilClass>"` 2252 [bug]
  • Naming an attribute "attribute" causes ActiveRecord failure 2236 [bug] [object manager attribute]
  • Bulk action should not be shown if user has no change permissions 2026 [bug] [bulk] [frontend] [overviews]
  • Unable to process spam mail with invalid date field 2245 [bug]
  • Overview setting isn't applied on submit 2235 [bug] [frontend]
  • Wrong Recent viewed tickets list 2194 [bug] [frontend]
  • LDAP/Exchange UTF-8 Status Code 500 2140 [LDAP] [bug] [import]
  • Unprocessable email ERROR: # 2227 [bug]
  • Printed documents do not contain the whole ticket content, if it gets too much 2162 [bug]
  • Unable to process email (Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError: code converter not found (Windows-1258 to UTF-8)) 2224 [bug]
  • Email IMAP fetch stops working if mailserver is once unreachable 1861 [bug]
  • Unable to use exchange sync (stack level too deep (SystemStackError)) 2220 [bug] [integration]
  • Exchange import fails if folder names can't be converted to Unicode 2152 [bug] [import] [waiting for feedback]
  • CTI Caller Log blocks user deletion/destroy and fails 2218 [bug]
  • Unprocessable Mail if sender contains 2199 [bug]
  • Call log shows only orga infos on event, not on site load 2075 [CTI] [bug] [frontend] [needs verification]
  • Unable to modify tree_select attributes with fresh 2.6 2206 [bug]
  • Order of relation select fields (Group, State etc.) values is broken 2209 [bug] [frontend]
  • Max size of tabs is not recognised 2204 [bug]
  • Unable to process email EncodingError: could not find a valid input encoding 2200 [bug]
  • Bulk-Action: Not possible to change owner 1864 [UX/UI] [bug] [frontend]
  • Incorrect reset after deleting single object-selection 2020 [bug] [object manager attribute]
  • Puma performance is going worst if users with phone attribute are updated or new tickets are created. 2193 [bug]
  • Sometimes automatisation is not executed 2191 [bug]
  • Problem while updating to 2.6: Mysql2::Error: Invalid default value for 'start_at' 2183 [bug] [update]
  • LDAP / Exchange update (save!) records unnecessarily 2187 [bug] [import]
  • Overview not showing unassigned tickets "if not defined" (e. g. for owner but also for select or input fields) 2171 [bug]
  • Incorrect encoding of email messages in HTML format (Windows-1250) 2167 [bug]