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Change Log

1.3.2 (2017-04-21)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed issue #912 - Long Twitter direct messages are shown as link after 140 chars. #912 [enhancement]
  • Placeholder in triggers with created_by & updated_by / > in article.body #883 [bug]
  • Changing "Product Name" breaks "Admin" menu #859 [bug]
  • Follow up detection is broken for Ticket::Number::Date ticket number generator. #899 [bug]

1.3.1 (2017-03-16)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • multiplication of the attachment-field in #channels/form #833 [bug]
  • Disabled macros are still shown in ticket screen #838 [bug]
  • Can't select object with type date as filter for overviews #821 [bug]
  • Simple triggers resulting in error condition #779 [bug]
  • User password reset doesn't work - user not able to login #791 [bug]
  • admin interface -> time accounting setting will not be saved #677 [bug] [UX/UI]
  • Telegram: Open communication with only a picture #774 [bug]

1.3.0 (2017-02-15)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

  • OTRS import breaks a lot of assumptions in Zammad #689 [bug]
  • Unable to process emails if "Additional follow-up detection" was checked and unchecked again #740 [bug]
  • Time accounting works only with dot #705 [bug]
  • "Close Tab" & "Next in Overview" don't work #730 [bug]
  • Missing comma in 'manual button' causes syntax error #664 [bug] [UX/UI]
  • Prevent attachment preview in browser attachment download #617 [bug]
  • Group follow up check for closed tickets does not work. #643 [bug]
  • Feedback form not working in Safari #685 [bug]
  • Changing Sound problem #219 [bug]
  • Unable to process emails with email addresses longer then 140 signs. #650 [bug]
  • Sending emails via SMTPS (Port 465 and SSL) not possible. #648 [bug]
  • Error 500 opening a ticket view #639 [bug]
  • Error 500 after upgrading to 1.2.0 (existing Taskbar entries in DB) #638 [bug]
  • Customer get forced to save time for time accounting in customer interface - only allow it for agents. #636 [bug]
  • Unable to activate time accounting in admin interface. #633 [bug]
  • Follow up detection not working if ticket_hook_position "none" is used. #686 [bug]

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator