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Change Log

1.0.4 (2017-02-15)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Ticket without Subject is blocked - can't do anything with it ("Title needed") #719 [enhancement]
  • Unable to process emails with email addresses longer then 140 signs. #650 [bug]
  • Unable to process emails if "Additional follow-up detection" was checked and unchecked again #740 [bug]
  • Prevent attachment preview in browser attachment download #617 [bug]
  • Follow up detection not working if ticket_hook_position "none" is used. #686 [bug]

1.0.3 (2017-01-16)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Imap sort errors with gmail in production.log #568 [bug]
  • Agent - Group assignment shows "<br>" #566 [bug]
  • Overview is not show it organization is used as row and first ticket has no organization (app is not responding anymore) #554 [bug]
  • Error message at creation of new overview with not existing specific customer #545 [bug]
  • Renaming standard roles breaks ticket views #499 [bug]
  • New users won't get initial user group #249 [bug]
  • add e.g. screenshots form clipboard doesn't work (FireFox 45.3.0) #235 [bug]

1.0.2 (2016-12-14)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

  • Wrong recipient on reply to Received call #206 [bug]
  • New users won't get initial user group #249 [bug]
  • bugfix: added missing join table #541 bug
  • Object manager allows method names as attributes #433 [bug]
  • Max times for escalation 99 hours #418 [bug]
  • Pending event time after 22:59 jumps back to 22:59 #329 [bug]
  • "Get latest Translations" fails(?) without error #502 [bug]
  • Token without expiration timestamp expires "01/01/1970" #478 [bug]
  • "Password has been changed" email contains unresolved placeholders #468 [bug]
  • Search result won't get updated after focus is lost and new search is started #466 [bug]
  • Missing quotation marks on sender address #402 [bug]
  • New overview with article conditions not working #448 [bug]
  • Customer should not have the internal attribute to set in customer interface. #437 [bug]
  • Unable to set owner + customer in postmaster/email filter #419 [bug]
  • Can't process email / Error creating ticket with changed Ticket Number Format #413 [bug]
  • "Ticket will escalate soon" in online notifications is not translated. #408 [bug]

1.0.1 (2016-11-14)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Some windows in the config area too wide in firefox #392 [bug]
  • [Critical] Short display of "Setup a new system" on public site while restarting Zammad! #389 [bug]
  • Mailresponse to customer not working at all after editing a "Trigger" event text #385 [bug]
  • Click on "Reports" leads to Error 500 #384 [bug]
  • TicketSelector in Overview or SLA not working with filter for ticket customer or owner #383 [bug]
  • Changelog generator breaks builds #379 [bug]
  • script/scheduler.rb crashes after recreation of Zammad database #374 [bug]
  • ticket search cache issue #349 [bug]
  • IMAP mail fetching stops because of broken spam email (invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding header) #348 [bug]
  • IMAP mail fetching stops working on spam mail and invalid email format #345 [bug]
  • Unable to create tickets #323 [bug]
  • Admin -> Channels -> Email -> Filters not shown / no name shown #313 [bug]
  • In object manager, blank line in object deleted all values for selections #312 [bug]
  • triggers do not work? #306 [bug]
  • Answers from google mail shows complete quote #286 [minor bug]
  • Avatar in Chat not showing - wrong url #275 [bug]
  • chat not working / http 404 #274 [bug]
  • Zammad Docker container for rpi/ARM #271 [bug]
  • Zendesk: unknown article type fails import. #270 [bug]
  • No space at comment on ticket bulk action #268 [bug]
  • After adding a new attribute - zammad won't start #248 [bug]
  • Images/Avatars blank #217 [bug]
  • Docker/Ubuntu Not starting postgresql-9.6 service #213 [bug]
  • Can´t choose Organization for Customer #211 [bug]
  • CentOS 7 HTTPS Error 404 - Not Found #210 [bug]

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator