123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375 |
- <!-- Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ -->
- <script setup lang="ts">
- import { useEventListener } from '@vueuse/core'
- import { noop } from 'lodash-es'
- import { computed, watch, nextTick } from 'vue'
- import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
- import { useStickyHeader } from '#shared/composables/useStickyHeader.ts'
- import type {
- PageInfo,
- TicketArticleUpdatesSubscription,
- TicketArticleUpdatesSubscriptionVariables,
- } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts'
- import {
- convertToGraphQLId,
- getIdFromGraphQLId,
- } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts'
- import { getApolloClient } from '#shared/server/apollo/client.ts'
- import { QueryHandler } from '#shared/server/apollo/handler/index.ts'
- import { useSessionStore } from '#shared/stores/session.ts'
- import { edgesToArray, waitForElement } from '#shared/utils/helpers.ts'
- import CommonLoader from '#mobile/components/CommonLoader/CommonLoader.vue'
- import { useHeader } from '#mobile/composables/useHeader.ts'
- import TicketArticlesList from '../components/TicketDetailView/ArticlesList.vue'
- import TicketHeader from '../components/TicketDetailView/TicketDetailViewHeader.vue'
- import TicketTitle from '../components/TicketDetailView/TicketDetailViewTitle.vue'
- import { useTicketArticlesQueryVariables } from '../composable/useTicketArticlesVariables.ts'
- import { useTicketInformation } from '../composable/useTicketInformation.ts'
- import { useTicketArticlesQuery } from '../graphql/queries/ticket/articles.api.ts'
- import { TicketArticleUpdatesDocument } from '../graphql/subscriptions/ticketArticlesUpdates.api.ts'
- interface Props {
- internalId: string
- }
- const props = defineProps<Props>()
- const ticketId = computed(() => convertToGraphQLId('Ticket', props.internalId))
- const {
- ticketArticlesMin,
- markTicketArticlesLoaded,
- getTicketArticlesQueryVariables,
- } = useTicketArticlesQueryVariables()
- const articlesQuery = new QueryHandler(
- useTicketArticlesQuery(() => getTicketArticlesQueryVariables(ticketId.value)),
- { errorShowNotification: false },
- )
- const result = articlesQuery.result()
- const allArticleLoaded = computed(() => {
- if (!result.value?.articles.totalCount) return false
- return result.value?.articles.edges.length < result.value?.articles.totalCount
- })
- const refetchArticlesQuery = (pageSize: Maybe<number>) => {
- articlesQuery.refetch({
- ticketId: ticketId.value,
- pageSize,
- })
- }
- const loadPreviousArticles = async () => {
- markTicketArticlesLoaded(ticketId.value)
- await articlesQuery.fetchMore({
- variables: {
- pageSize: null,
- loadDescription: false,
- beforeCursor: result.value?.articles.pageInfo.startCursor,
- },
- })
- }
- // When the last article is deleted, cursor has to be adjusted
- // to show newly created articles in the list (if any).
- // Cursor is offset-based, so the old cursor is pointing to an unavailable article,
- // thus using the cursor for the last article of the already filtered edges.
- const adjustPageInfoAfterDeletion = (nextEndCursorEdge?: Maybe<string>) => {
- const newPageInfo: Pick<PageInfo, 'startCursor' | 'endCursor'> = {}
- if (nextEndCursorEdge) {
- newPageInfo.endCursor = nextEndCursorEdge
- } else {
- newPageInfo.startCursor = null
- newPageInfo.endCursor = null
- }
- return newPageInfo
- }
- const {
- ticket,
- liveUserList,
- ticketQuery,
- scrolledToBottom,
- newArticlesIds,
- scrollDownState,
- } = useTicketInformation()
- const scrollElement = (element: Element) => {
- scrolledToBottom.value = true
- element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' })
- return true
- }
- const session = useSessionStore()
- const scheduleMyArticleScroll = async (
- articleInternalId: number,
- originalTime = new Date().getTime(),
- ): Promise<void> => {
- // try to scroll for 5 seconds
- const difference = new Date().getTime() - originalTime
- if (difference >= 5000 || typeof document === 'undefined') return
- const element = document.querySelector(
- `#article-${articleInternalId}`,
- ) as HTMLDivElement | null
- if (!element) {
- return new Promise((r) => requestAnimationFrame(r)).then(() =>
- scheduleMyArticleScroll(articleInternalId, originalTime),
- )
- }
- if (element.dataset.createdBy === session.userId) {
- element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' })
- }
- }
- const isAtTheBottom = () => {
- const scrollHeight =
- document.querySelector('main')?.scrollHeight || window.innerHeight
- const scrolledHeight = window.scrollY + window.innerHeight
- const scrollToBottom = scrollHeight - scrolledHeight
- return scrollToBottom < 20
- }
- const hasScroll = () => {
- const scrollHeight =
- document.querySelector('main')?.scrollHeight || window.innerHeight
- return scrollHeight > window.innerHeight
- }
- articlesQuery.subscribeToMore<
- TicketArticleUpdatesSubscriptionVariables,
- TicketArticleUpdatesSubscription
- >(() => ({
- document: TicketArticleUpdatesDocument,
- variables: {
- ticketId: ticketId.value,
- },
- onError: noop,
- updateQuery(previous, { subscriptionData }) {
- const updates = subscriptionData.data.ticketArticleUpdates
- if (!previous.articles || updates.updateArticle) return previous
- const previousArticlesEdges = previous.articles.edges
- const previousArticlesEdgesCount = previousArticlesEdges.length
- if (updates.removeArticleId) {
- const edges = previousArticlesEdges.filter(
- (edge) => edge.node.id !== updates.removeArticleId,
- )
- const removedArticleVisible = edges.length !== previousArticlesEdgesCount
- if (removedArticleVisible && !allArticleLoaded.value) {
- refetchArticlesQuery(ticketArticlesMin.value)
- return previous
- }
- const result = {
- ...previous,
- articles: {
- ...previous.articles,
- edges,
- totalCount: previous.articles.totalCount - 1,
- },
- }
- if (removedArticleVisible) {
- const nextEndCursorEdge =
- previousArticlesEdges[previousArticlesEdgesCount - 2]
- result.articles.pageInfo = {
- ...previous.articles.pageInfo,
- ...adjustPageInfoAfterDeletion(nextEndCursorEdge.cursor),
- }
- }
- // Trigger cache garbage collection after the returned article deletion subscription
- // updated the article list.
- nextTick(() => {
- getApolloClient().cache.gc()
- })
- return result
- }
- if (updates.addArticle) {
- scrollDownState.value = hasScroll()
- newArticlesIds.add(updates.addArticle.id)
- scheduleMyArticleScroll(getIdFromGraphQLId(updates.addArticle.id))
- const needRefetch =
- !previousArticlesEdges[previousArticlesEdgesCount - 1] ||
- updates.addArticle.createdAt <=
- previousArticlesEdges[previousArticlesEdgesCount - 1].node.createdAt
- if (!allArticleLoaded.value || needRefetch) {
- refetchArticlesQuery(null)
- } else {
- articlesQuery.fetchMore({
- variables: {
- pageSize: null,
- loadDescription: false,
- afterCursor: result.value?.articles.pageInfo.endCursor,
- },
- })
- }
- }
- return previous
- },
- }))
- const isLoadingTicket = computed(() => {
- return ticketQuery.loading().value && !ticket.value
- })
- const isRefetchingTicket = computed(
- () => ticketQuery.loading().value && !!ticket.value,
- )
- const totalCount = computed(() => result.value?.articles.totalCount || 0)
- const toMs = (date: string) => new Date(date).getTime()
- const articles = computed(() => {
- if (!result.value) {
- return []
- }
- const nodes = edgesToArray(result.value.articles)
- const totalCount = result.value.articles.totalCount || 0
- // description might've returned with "articles"
- const description = result.value.description?.edges[0]?.node
- if (totalCount > nodes.length && description) {
- nodes.unshift(description)
- }
- return nodes.sort((a, b) => toMs(a.createdAt) - toMs(b.createdAt))
- })
- useHeader({
- title: computed(() => {
- if (!ticket.value) return ''
- const { number, title } = ticket.value
- return `#${number} - ${title}`
- }),
- })
- // don't scroll only if articles are already loaded when you opened the page
- // and there is a saved scroll position
- // otherwise if we only check the scroll position we will never scroll to the bottom
- // because it can be defined when we open the page the first time
- if (result.value && window.history?.state?.scroll) {
- scrolledToBottom.value = true
- }
- const route = useRoute()
- let ignoreQuery = false
- // scroll to the article in the hash or to the last available article
- const initialScroll = async () => {
- if (route.hash) {
- const articleNode = document.querySelector(route.hash)
- if (articleNode) {
- return scrollElement(articleNode)
- }
- if (!articleNode && !ignoreQuery) {
- ignoreQuery = true
- await loadPreviousArticles()
- const node = document.querySelector(route.hash)
- if (node) {
- return scrollElement(node)
- }
- }
- }
- const internalId = articles.value[articles.value.length - 1]?.internalId
- if (!internalId) return false
- const lastArticle = await waitForElement(`#article-${internalId}`)
- if (!lastArticle) return false
- return scrollElement(lastArticle)
- }
- const stopScrollWatch = watch(
- () => articles.value.length,
- async () => {
- if (hasScroll() && !isAtTheBottom()) {
- scrollDownState.value = true
- }
- const scrolled = await initialScroll()
- if (scrolled) stopScrollWatch()
- },
- { immediate: true, flush: 'post' },
- )
- const { stickyStyles, headerElement } = useStickyHeader([
- isLoadingTicket,
- ticket,
- ])
- useEventListener(
- window.document,
- 'scroll',
- () => {
- scrollDownState.value = !isAtTheBottom()
- },
- { passive: true },
- )
- </script>
- <template>
- <div
- id="ticket-header"
- ref="headerElement"
- class="relative backdrop-blur-lg"
- :style="stickyStyles.header"
- >
- <TicketHeader
- :ticket="ticket"
- :live-user-list="liveUserList"
- :loading-ticket="isLoadingTicket"
- :refetching-ticket="isRefetchingTicket"
- />
- <CommonLoader
- :loading="isLoadingTicket"
- data-test-id="loader-title"
- class="flex border-b-[0.5px] border-white/10 bg-gray-600/90 px-4 py-5"
- >
- <TicketTitle v-if="ticket" :ticket="ticket" />
- </CommonLoader>
- </div>
- <div
- id="ticket-articles-list"
- class="flex flex-1 flex-col"
- :style="stickyStyles.body"
- >
- <CommonLoader
- data-test-id="loader-list"
- :loading="isLoadingTicket"
- class="mt-2"
- >
- <TicketArticlesList
- v-if="ticket"
- :ticket="ticket"
- :articles="articles"
- :total-count="totalCount"
- @load-previous="loadPreviousArticles"
- />
- </CommonLoader>
- </div>
- </template>