threads.rb 1.9 KB

  1. # Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation,
  2. module ThreadsHelper
  3. # Ensure that any new threads which might be spawned by the block will be cleaned up
  4. # to not interfere with any subsequent tests.
  5. def ensure_threads_exited()
  6. initial_threads = Thread.list
  7. yield
  8. ensure
  9. superfluous_threads = -> { Thread.list - initial_threads }
  10. # Keep going until no more changes are needed to catch threads spawned in between.
  11. 3.times do
  12. do |t|
  13. t.kill
  14. t.join # From `Timeout.timeout`: make sure thread is dead.
  15. end
  16. break if
  17. sleep 1 # Wait a bit for stuff to settle before trying again.
  18. end
  19. if
  20. superfluous_threads.each do |thread|
  21. warn "Error: found a superfluous thread after clean-up: #{thread}"
  22. warn "Backtrace: #{thread.backtrace.join("\n")}"
  23. end
  24. raise 'Superfluous threads found after clean-up.'
  25. end
  26. # Sometimes connections are not checked back in after thread is killed
  27. # This recovers connections from the workers
  28. ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.reap
  29. end
  30. # Thread control loops usually run forever. This method can test that they were started.
  31. def ensure_block_keeps_running(timeout: 2.seconds, &block)
  32. # Stop after timeout and return true if everything was ok.
  33. Timeout.timeout(timeout, &block)
  34. raise 'Process ended unexpectedly.'
  35. rescue SystemExit
  36. # Convert SystemExit to a RuntimeError as otherwise rspec will shut down without an error.
  37. raise 'Process tried to shut down unexpectedly.'
  38. rescue Timeout::Error
  39. # Default case: process started fine and kept running, interrupted by timeout.
  40. true
  41. end
  42. end
  43. RSpec.configure do |config|
  44. config.include ThreadsHelper
  45. config.around(:each, :ensure_threads_exited) do |example|
  46. ensure_threads_exited { }
  47. end
  48. end