Gemfile 4.3 KB

  1. source ''
  2. # core - base
  3. ruby '2.5.5'
  4. gem 'rails', '5.2.3'
  5. # core - rails additions
  6. gem 'activerecord-import'
  7. gem 'activerecord-session_store'
  8. gem 'bootsnap', require: false
  9. gem 'composite_primary_keys'
  10. gem 'json'
  11. gem 'rails-observers'
  12. # core - application servers
  13. gem 'puma', group: :puma
  14. gem 'unicorn', group: :unicorn
  15. # core - supported ORMs
  16. gem 'activerecord-nulldb-adapter', group: :nulldb
  17. gem 'mysql2', '0.4.10', group: :mysql
  18. gem 'pg', '0.21.0', group: :postgres
  19. # core - asynchrous task execution
  20. gem 'daemons'
  21. gem 'delayed_job_active_record'
  22. # core - websocket
  23. gem 'em-websocket'
  24. gem 'eventmachine'
  25. # core - password security
  26. gem 'argon2'
  27. # core - state machine
  28. gem 'aasm'
  29. # performance - Memcached
  30. gem 'dalli'
  31. # asset handling - coffee-script
  32. gem 'coffee-rails'
  33. gem 'coffee-script-source'
  34. # asset handling - frontend templating
  35. gem 'eco'
  36. # asset handling - SASS
  37. gem 'sassc-rails'
  38. # asset handling - pipeline
  39. gem 'sprockets'
  40. gem 'uglifier'
  41. gem 'autoprefixer-rails'
  42. # asset handling - javascript execution for e.g. linux
  43. gem 'execjs'
  44. gem 'libv8'
  45. gem 'mini_racer'
  46. # authentication - provider
  47. gem 'doorkeeper'
  48. gem 'oauth2'
  49. # authentication - third party
  50. gem 'omniauth-rails_csrf_protection'
  51. # authentication - third party providers
  52. gem 'omniauth-facebook'
  53. gem 'omniauth-github'
  54. gem 'omniauth-gitlab'
  55. gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2'
  56. gem 'omniauth-linkedin-oauth2'
  57. gem 'omniauth-microsoft-office365'
  58. gem 'omniauth-oauth2'
  59. gem 'omniauth-twitter'
  60. gem 'omniauth-weibo-oauth2'
  61. # channels
  62. gem 'koala'
  63. gem 'telegramAPI'
  64. gem 'twitter', git: ''
  65. # channels - email additions
  66. gem 'htmlentities'
  67. gem 'mail', git: '', branch: '2-7-stable'
  68. gem 'mime-types'
  69. gem 'rchardet', '>= 1.8.0'
  70. gem 'valid_email2'
  71. # feature - business hours
  72. gem 'biz'
  73. # feature - signature diffing
  74. gem 'diffy'
  75. # feature - excel output
  76. gem 'writeexcel'
  77. # feature - device logging
  78. gem 'browser'
  79. # feature - iCal export
  80. gem 'icalendar'
  81. gem 'icalendar-recurrence'
  82. # feature - phone number formatting
  83. gem 'telephone_number'
  84. # feature - SMS
  85. gem 'twilio-ruby'
  86. # feature - ordering
  87. gem 'acts_as_list'
  88. # integrations
  89. gem 'clearbit'
  90. gem 'net-ldap'
  91. gem 'slack-notifier'
  92. gem 'zendesk_api'
  93. # integrations - exchange
  94. gem 'autodiscover', git: ''
  95. gem 'rubyntlm', git: ''
  96. gem 'viewpoint'
  97. # image processing
  98. gem 'rszr', '0.5.2'
  99. # Gems used only for develop/test and not required
  100. # in production environments by default.
  101. group :development, :test do
  102. # app boottime improvement
  103. gem 'spring'
  104. gem 'spring-commands-rspec'
  105. gem 'spring-commands-testunit'
  106. # debugging
  107. gem 'byebug'
  108. gem 'pry-rails'
  109. gem 'pry-remote'
  110. gem 'pry-rescue'
  111. gem 'pry-stack_explorer'
  112. # test frameworks
  113. gem 'rails-controller-testing'
  114. gem 'rspec-rails'
  115. gem 'shoulda-matchers'
  116. gem 'test-unit'
  117. # code coverage
  118. gem 'coveralls', require: false
  119. gem 'simplecov'
  120. gem 'simplecov-rcov'
  121. # UI tests w/ Selenium
  122. gem 'capybara'
  123. gem 'selenium-webdriver'
  124. # livereload on template changes (html, js, css)
  125. gem 'guard', require: false
  126. gem 'guard-livereload', require: false
  127. gem 'rack-livereload', require: false
  128. gem 'rb-fsevent', require: false
  129. # auto symlinking
  130. gem 'guard-symlink', require: false
  131. # code QA
  132. gem 'coffeelint'
  133. gem 'pre-commit'
  134. gem 'rubocop'
  135. gem 'rubocop-performance'
  136. gem 'rubocop-rails'
  137. gem 'rubocop-rspec'
  138. # changelog generation
  139. gem 'github_changelog_generator'
  140. # generate random test data
  141. gem 'factory_bot_rails'
  142. gem 'faker'
  143. # mock http calls
  144. gem 'webmock'
  145. # record and replay TCP/HTTP transactions
  146. gem 'tcr', git: ''
  147. gem 'vcr'
  148. # handle deprecations in core and addons
  149. gem 'deprecation_toolkit'
  150. end
  151. # Want to extend Zammad with additional gems?
  152. # ZAMMAD USERS: Specify them in Gemfile.local
  153. # (That way, you can customize the Gemfile
  154. # without having your changes overwritten during upgrades.)
  155. # ZAMMAD DEVS: Consult the internal wiki
  156. # (or else risk pushing unwanted changes to Gemfile.lock!)
  157. #
  158. eval_gemfile 'Gemfile.local' if File.exist?('Gemfile.local')