useValue.ts 1.3 KB

  1. // Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation,
  2. import { computed, type Ref } from 'vue'
  3. import { type FormFieldContext } from '../types/field.ts'
  4. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  5. const useValue = <T = any>(
  6. context: Ref<FormFieldContext<{ multiple?: boolean }>>,
  7. ) => {
  8. const currentValue = computed(() => context.value._value as T)
  9. const hasValue = computed(() => {
  10. return context.value.fns.hasValue(currentValue.value)
  11. })
  12. const valueContainer = computed(() =>
  13. context.value.multiple ? currentValue.value : [currentValue.value],
  14. )
  15. const isCurrentValue = (value: T) => {
  16. if (!hasValue.value) return false
  17. return (valueContainer.value as unknown as T[]).includes(value)
  18. }
  19. const clearValue = (asyncSettling = true) => {
  20. if (!hasValue.value) return
  21. // if value is undefined, it is not sent to the backend
  22. // we want to clear the value, so we set it to null
  23. context.value.node.input(null, asyncSettling)
  24. }
  25. const localValue = computed({
  26. get: () => currentValue.value,
  27. set: (value) => {
  28. context.value.node.input(value)
  29. },
  30. })
  31. return {
  32. localValue,
  33. currentValue,
  34. hasValue,
  35. valueContainer,
  36. isCurrentValue,
  37. clearValue,
  38. }
  39. }
  40. export default useValue