123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453 |
- <!-- Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ -->
- <script setup lang="ts">
- import { useWindowSize } from '@vueuse/core'
- import { isEqual } from 'lodash-es'
- import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
- import {
- computed,
- onActivated,
- onDeactivated,
- ref,
- type Ref,
- toRef,
- useTemplateRef,
- watch,
- } from 'vue'
- import { onBeforeRouteLeave, onBeforeRouteUpdate, useRouter } from 'vue-router'
- import { useSorting } from '#shared/composables/list/useSorting.ts'
- import { usePagination } from '#shared/composables/usePagination.ts'
- import { useQueryPolling } from '#shared/composables/useQueryPolling.ts'
- import type { TicketById } from '#shared/entities/ticket/types.ts'
- import {
- EnumObjectManagerObjects,
- EnumOrderDirection,
- type TicketsCachedByOverviewQueryVariables,
- } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts'
- import { getIdFromGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts'
- import { QueryHandler } from '#shared/server/apollo/handler/index.ts'
- import { useApplicationStore } from '#shared/stores/application.ts'
- import { useSessionStore } from '#shared/stores/session.ts'
- import type { ObjectWithId } from '#shared/types/utils.ts'
- import hasPermission from '#shared/utils/hasPermission.ts'
- import { edgesToArray } from '#shared/utils/helpers.ts'
- import CommonButton from '#desktop/components/CommonButton/CommonButton.vue'
- import CommonAdvancedTable from '#desktop/components/CommonTable/CommonAdvancedTable.vue'
- import CommonTableSkeleton from '#desktop/components/CommonTable/Skeleton/CommonTableSkeleton.vue'
- import CommonTicketPriorityIndicatorIcon from '#desktop/components/CommonTicketPriorityIndicator/CommonTicketPriorityIndicatorIcon.vue'
- import CommonTicketStateIndicatorIcon from '#desktop/components/CommonTicketStateIndicator/CommonTicketStateIndicatorIcon.vue'
- import { useElementScroll } from '#desktop/composables/useElementScroll.ts'
- import { useScrollPosition } from '#desktop/composables/useScrollPosition.ts'
- import { useTicketsCachedByOverviewCache } from '#desktop/entities/ticket/composables/useTicketsCachedByOverviewCache.ts'
- import { useTicketsCachedByOverviewQuery } from '#desktop/entities/ticket/graphql/queries/ticketsCachedByOverview.api.ts'
- import { useTicketOverviewsStore } from '#desktop/entities/ticket/stores/ticketOverviews.ts'
- import { useLifetimeCustomerTicketsCount } from '#desktop/entities/user/current/composables/useLifetimeCustomerTicketsCount.ts'
- import TicketOverviewsEmptyText from '#desktop/pages/ticket-overviews/components/TicketOverviewsEmptyText.vue'
- interface Props {
- overviewId: string
- orderBy: string
- orderDirection: EnumOrderDirection
- headers: string[]
- overviewName: string
- groupBy?: string
- overviewCount?: number
- }
- const props = defineProps<Props>()
- const router = useRouter()
- const { readTicketsByOverviewCache, forceTicketsByOverviewCacheOnlyFirstPage } =
- useTicketsCachedByOverviewCache()
- const { queryPollingConfig } = storeToRefs(useTicketOverviewsStore())
- let lastFirstPageCollectionSignature: string
- const foreground = ref(true)
- const pollingInterval = computed(
- () =>
- (foreground.value
- ? queryPollingConfig.value.foreground.interval_sec
- : queryPollingConfig.value.background.interval_sec) * 1000,
- )
- const ticketsQueryVariables = computed<TicketsCachedByOverviewQueryVariables>(
- (currentVariables) => {
- const newVariables: TicketsCachedByOverviewQueryVariables = {
- pageSize: queryPollingConfig.value.page_size,
- overviewId: props.overviewId,
- orderBy: props.orderBy,
- orderDirection: props.orderDirection,
- cacheTtl: queryPollingConfig.value.foreground.cache_ttl_sec,
- renewCache: currentVariables?.overviewId !== props.overviewId,
- }
- const cachedTickets = readTicketsByOverviewCache(newVariables)
- newVariables.knownCollectionSignature =
- cachedTickets?.ticketsCachedByOverview?.collectionSignature
- if (currentVariables && isEqual(currentVariables, newVariables)) {
- return currentVariables
- }
- return newVariables
- },
- )
- const ticketsQuery = new QueryHandler(
- useTicketsCachedByOverviewQuery(ticketsQueryVariables, {
- fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
- nextFetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
- context: {
- batch: {
- active: false,
- },
- },
- }),
- )
- const ticketsResult = ticketsQuery.result()
- const loading = ticketsQuery.loading()
- const currentCollectionSignature = computed(() => {
- return ticketsResult.value?.ticketsCachedByOverview?.collectionSignature
- })
- const isLoadingTickets = computed(() => {
- if (ticketsResult.value !== undefined) return false
- return loading.value
- })
- const tickets = computed(() =>
- edgesToArray(ticketsResult.value?.ticketsCachedByOverview),
- )
- onActivated(() => {
- if (foreground.value) return
- ticketsQuery.refetch({
- renewCache: true,
- })
- foreground.value = true
- })
- onDeactivated(() => {
- foreground.value = false
- })
- const pagination = usePagination(
- ticketsQuery,
- 'ticketsCachedByOverview',
- queryPollingConfig.value.page_size,
- () => ({
- knownCollectionSignature: null,
- renewCache: false,
- }),
- )
- const scrollContainerElement = useTemplateRef('scroll-container')
- const {
- sort,
- orderBy: localOrderBy,
- orderDirection: localOrderDirection,
- isSorting,
- } = useSorting(
- ticketsQuery,
- toRef(props, 'orderBy'),
- toRef(props, 'orderDirection'),
- scrollContainerElement,
- )
- const resort = (column: string, direction: EnumOrderDirection) => {
- forceTicketsByOverviewCacheOnlyFirstPage(
- {
- ...ticketsQueryVariables.value,
- orderBy: localOrderBy.value,
- orderDirection: localOrderDirection.value,
- },
- lastFirstPageCollectionSignature,
- queryPollingConfig.value.page_size,
- )
- const cachedTickets = readTicketsByOverviewCache({
- ...ticketsQueryVariables.value,
- orderBy: column,
- orderDirection: direction,
- })
- sort(column, direction, {
- knownCollectionSignature:
- cachedTickets?.ticketsCachedByOverview?.collectionSignature,
- renewCache: false,
- })
- }
- const { startPolling, stopPolling } = useQueryPolling(
- ticketsQuery,
- pollingInterval,
- () => ({
- knownCollectionSignature: currentCollectionSignature.value,
- renewCache: false,
- pageSize: queryPollingConfig.value.page_size * pagination.currentPage,
- }),
- () => ({
- enabled: queryPollingConfig.value.enabled && !isSorting.value,
- }),
- )
- ticketsQuery.watchOnceOnResult((result) => {
- if (!queryPollingConfig.value.enabled) return
- lastFirstPageCollectionSignature =
- result.ticketsCachedByOverview.collectionSignature
- startPolling()
- })
- onBeforeRouteLeave(() => {
- forceTicketsByOverviewCacheOnlyFirstPage(
- ticketsQueryVariables.value,
- lastFirstPageCollectionSignature,
- queryPollingConfig.value.page_size,
- )
- })
- watch(
- () => props.overviewId,
- () => {
- ticketsQuery.watchOnceOnResult((result) => {
- if (!queryPollingConfig.value.enabled) return
- lastFirstPageCollectionSignature =
- result.ticketsCachedByOverview.collectionSignature
- startPolling()
- })
- },
- )
- onBeforeRouteUpdate(() => {
- forceTicketsByOverviewCacheOnlyFirstPage(
- ticketsQueryVariables.value,
- lastFirstPageCollectionSignature,
- queryPollingConfig.value.page_size,
- )
- if (!queryPollingConfig.value.enabled) return
- stopPolling()
- })
- ticketsQuery.onResult((result) => {
- if (isSorting.value && !result.loading) {
- // If sorting comes from the cache, we immediately dispose the loading state
- isSorting.value = false
- }
- })
- const totalCount = computed(
- () => ticketsResult.value?.ticketsCachedByOverview.totalCount || 0,
- )
- const loadMore = async () => pagination.fetchNextPage()
- const { config } = storeToRefs(useApplicationStore())
- const { user, userId } = storeToRefs(useSessionStore())
- const storageKeyId = computed(
- () => `${userId.value}-table-headers-${props.overviewId}`,
- )
- // Scrolling position is preserved when user visits another page and returns to overview page
- const { scrollPosition, restoreScrollPosition } = useScrollPosition(
- scrollContainerElement,
- )
- const resetScrollPosition = () => {
- scrollPosition.value = 0
- restoreScrollPosition()
- }
- // Reset scroll-position back to the start, when user navigates between overviews
- onBeforeRouteUpdate(resetScrollPosition)
- const { reachedTop } = useElementScroll(
- scrollContainerElement as Ref<HTMLDivElement>,
- )
- const { hasAnyTicket } = useLifetimeCustomerTicketsCount()
- const isCustomerAndCanCreateTickets = computed(
- () =>
- hasPermission('ticket.customer', user.value?.permissions?.names ?? []) &&
- config.value.customer_ticket_create,
- )
- const goToTicket = (ticket: ObjectWithId) =>
- router.push(`/tickets/${getIdFromGraphQLId(ticket.id)}`)
- const goToTicketLinkColumn = {
- internal: true,
- getLink: (item: ObjectWithId) => `/tickets/${getIdFromGraphQLId(item.id)}`,
- }
- const localHeaders = computed(() => {
- const extendedHeaders = [...props.headers]
- extendedHeaders.unshift('stateIcon')
- if (config.value.ui_ticket_priority_icons) {
- extendedHeaders.unshift('priorityIcon')
- }
- return extendedHeaders
- })
- const maxItems = computed(() => config.value.ui_ticket_overview_ticket_limit)
- const { height: screenHeight } = useWindowSize()
- const visibleOverviewCount = computed(() => {
- const maxVisibleRowCount = Math.ceil(screenHeight.value / 40)
- if (props.overviewCount && props.overviewCount > maxVisibleRowCount)
- return maxVisibleRowCount
- return props.overviewCount
- })
- </script>
- <template>
- <div
- ref="scroll-container"
- class="overflow-y-auto focus-visible:outline-none"
- >
- <div v-if="isLoadingTickets && !pagination.loadingNewPage">
- <CommonTableSkeleton
- data-test-id="table-skeleton"
- :rows="visibleOverviewCount"
- />
- </div>
- <template v-else-if="!isLoadingTickets && !tickets.length">
- <TicketOverviewsEmptyText
- v-if="isCustomerAndCanCreateTickets && !hasAnyTicket"
- class="space-y-2.5"
- :title="$t('Welcome!')"
- >
- <CommonLabel class="block" tag="p">{{
- $t('You have not created a ticket yet.')
- }}</CommonLabel>
- <CommonLabel class="block" tag="p">{{
- $t('The way to communicate with us is this thing called "ticket".')
- }}</CommonLabel>
- <CommonLabel class="block" tag="p">{{
- $t('Please click on the button below to create your first one.')
- }}</CommonLabel>
- <CommonButton
- size="large"
- class="mx-auto !mt-8"
- variant="primary"
- @click="router.push({ name: 'TicketCreate' })"
- >{{ $t('Create your first ticket') }}
- </CommonButton>
- </TicketOverviewsEmptyText>
- <TicketOverviewsEmptyText
- v-else
- :title="$t('Empty Overview')"
- :text="$t('No tickets in this state.')"
- with-illustration
- />
- </template>
- <div v-else-if="tickets.length">
- <CommonAdvancedTable
- v-model:order-by="localOrderBy"
- v-model:order-direction="localOrderDirection"
- :caption="$t('Overview: %s', overviewName)"
- :headers="localHeaders"
- :object="EnumObjectManagerObjects.Ticket"
- :group-by="groupBy"
- :reached-scroll-top="reachedTop"
- :table-id="overviewId"
- :scroll-container="scrollContainerElement"
- :attributes="[
- {
- name: 'priorityIcon',
- label: __('Priority Icon'),
- headerPreferences: {
- noResize: true,
- hideLabel: true,
- displayWidth: 25,
- },
- columnPreferences: {},
- dataType: 'icon',
- },
- {
- name: 'stateIcon',
- label: __('State Icon'),
- headerPreferences: {
- noResize: true,
- hideLabel: true,
- displayWidth: 30,
- },
- columnPreferences: {},
- dataType: 'icon',
- },
- ]"
- :attribute-extensions="{
- title: {
- columnPreferences: {
- link: goToTicketLinkColumn,
- },
- },
- number: {
- label: config.ticket_hook,
- columnPreferences: {
- link: goToTicketLinkColumn,
- },
- },
- }"
- :items="tickets"
- :total-items="totalCount"
- :storage-key-id="storageKeyId"
- :max-items="maxItems"
- :is-sorting="isSorting"
- :is-loading="loading"
- @load-more="loadMore"
- @click-row="goToTicket"
- @sort="resort"
- >
- <template #column-cell-priorityIcon="{ item, isRowSelected }">
- <CommonTicketPriorityIndicatorIcon
- :ui-color="(item as TicketById).priority?.uiColor"
- with-text-color
- class="shrink-0 group-hover:text-black group-focus-visible:text-white group-active:text-white group-hover:dark:text-white group-active:dark:text-white"
- :class="{
- 'ltr:text-black rtl:text-black dark:text-white': isRowSelected,
- }"
- />
- </template>
- <template #column-cell-stateIcon="{ item, isRowSelected }">
- <CommonTicketStateIndicatorIcon
- class="shrink-0 group-hover:text-black group-focus-visible:text-white group-active:text-white group-hover:dark:text-white group-active:dark:text-white"
- :class="{
- 'ltr:text-black rtl:text-black dark:text-white': isRowSelected,
- }"
- :color-code="(item as TicketById).stateColorCode"
- :label="(item as TicketById).state.name"
- :aria-labelledby="(item as TicketById).id"
- icon-size="tiny"
- />
- </template>
- </CommonAdvancedTable>
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>