file.rb 3.3 KB

  1. # Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation,
  2. class Store < ApplicationModel
  3. class File < ApplicationModel
  4. include ApplicationLib
  5. after_destroy :destroy_provider
  6. =begin
  7. add new file to store
  8. store_file_id = Store::File.add(binary_data)
  9. do also verify of written data
  10. store_file_id = Store::File.add(binary_data, true)
  11. =end
  12. def self.add(data, verify = true, *args)
  13. sha = checksum(data)
  14. file = Store::File.find_by(sha: sha)
  15. if file.nil?
  16. # load backend based on config
  17. adapter_name = Setting.get('storage_provider') || 'DB'
  18. if !adapter_name
  19. raise __("The setting 'storage_provider' was not configured.")
  20. end
  21. adapter = "Store::Provider::#{adapter_name}".constantize
  22. adapter.add(data, sha, args)
  23. file = Store::File.create(
  24. provider: adapter_name,
  25. sha: sha,
  26. )
  27. # verify
  28. if verify
  29. read_data = adapter.get(sha)
  30. read_sha = checksum(read_data)
  31. if sha != read_sha
  32. raise "Content not written correctly (provider #{adapter_name})."
  33. end
  34. end
  35. end
  36. file
  37. end
  38. =begin
  39. read content of a file
  40. store = Store::File.find(123)
  41. store.content # returns binary
  42. =end
  43. def content
  44. "Store::Provider::#{provider}".constantize.get(sha)
  45. end
  46. =begin
  47. file system check of store, check data and sha (in case fix it)
  48. Store::File.verify
  49. read each file which should be in backend and verify against sha hash
  50. in case of fixing sha hash use:
  51. Store::File.verify(true)
  52. =end
  53. def self.verify(fix_it = nil)
  54. success = true
  55. Store::File.find_each(batch_size: 10) do |item|
  56. sha = checksum(item.content)
  57. "CHECK: Store::File.find(#{})"
  58. next if sha == item.sha
  59. success = false
  60. logger.error "DIFF: sha diff of Store::File.find(#{}) current:#{sha}/db:#{item.sha}/provider:#{item.provider}"
  61. store = Store.find_by(store_file_id:
  62. logger.error "STORE: #{store.inspect}"
  63. item.update_attribute(:sha, sha) if fix_it # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
  64. end
  65. success
  66. end
  67. =begin
  68. move file from one to other provider
  69. move files from file backend to db
  70. Store::File.move('File', 'DB')
  71. move files from db backend to fs
  72. Store::File.move('DB', 'File')
  73. nice move to keep system responsive
  74. Store::File.move('DB', 'File', delay_in_sec) # e. g. 1
  75. =end
  76. def self.move(source, target, delay = nil)
  77. adapter_source = "Store::Provider::#{source}".constantize
  78. adapter_target = "Store::Provider::#{target}".constantize
  79. Store::File.where(provider: source).find_each(batch_size: 10) do |item|
  80. adapter_target.add(item.content, item.sha)
  81. item.update_attribute(:provider, target) # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
  82. adapter_source.delete(item.sha)
  83. "Moved file #{item.sha} from #{source} to #{target}"
  84. sleep delay if delay
  85. end
  86. true
  87. end
  88. =begin
  89. generate a checksum for the given content
  90. Store::File.checksum(binary_data)
  91. =end
  92. def self.checksum(content)
  93. Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(content)
  94. end
  95. private
  96. def destroy_provider
  97. "Store::Provider::#{provider}".constantize.delete(sha)
  98. end
  99. end
  100. end