search_index_backend_spec.rb 4.3 KB

  1. require 'rails_helper'
  2. RSpec.describe SearchIndexBackend, searchindex: true do
  3. before do
  4. configure_elasticsearch
  5. rebuild_searchindex
  6. end
  7. describe '.build_query' do
  8. subject(:query) { described_class.build_query('', query_extension: params) }
  9. let(:params) { { 'bool' => { 'filter' => { 'term' => { 'a' => 'b' } } } } }
  10. it 'coerces :query_extension hash keys to symbols' do
  11. expect(query.dig(:query, :bool, :filter, :term, :a)).to eq('b')
  12. end
  13. end
  14. describe '.search' do
  15. subject(:search) {, index, limit: 3000) }
  16. context 'for query with no results' do
  17. let(:query) { 'preferences.notification_sound.enabled:*' }
  18. context 'on a single index' do
  19. let(:index) { 'User' }
  20. it { be_an(Array).and be_empty }
  21. end
  22. context 'on multiple indices' do
  23. let(:index) { %w[User Organization] }
  24. it { be_an(Array).and not_include(nil).and be_empty }
  25. end
  26. end
  27. end
  28. describe '.append_wildcard_to_simple_query' do
  29. context 'with "simple" queries' do
  30. let(:queries) { << { |x| x.split('#')[0] }.map(&:strip) }
  31. M
  32. Max
  33. Max. # dot and underscore are acceptable characters in simple queries
  34. A_
  35. A_B
  36. äöü
  37. 123
  38. *ax # wildcards are allowed in simple queries
  39. Max*
  40. M*x
  41. M?x
  43. test@example.
  44. test@example
  45. test@
  47. it 'appends a * to the original query' do
  48. expect(
  49. .to eq( { |q| "#{q}*" })
  50. end
  51. end
  52. context 'with "complex" queries (using search operators)' do
  53. let(:queries) { << { |x| x.split('#')[0] }.map(&:strip) }
  54. title:"some words with spaces" # exact phrase / without quotation marks " an AND search for the words will be performed (in Zammad 1.5 and lower an OR search will be performed)
  55. title:"some wor*" # exact phrase beginning with "some wor*" will be searched
  56. created_at:[2017-01-01 TO 2017-12-31] # a time range
  57. created_at:>now-1h # created within last hour
  58. state:new OR state:open
  59. (state:new OR state:open) OR priority:"3 normal"
  60. (state:new OR state:open) AND customer.lastname:smith
  61. state:(new OR open) AND title:(full text search) # state: new OR open & title: full OR text OR search
  62. tags: "some tag"
  63. "" AND state: (new OR open OR pending*) # show all open tickets of a certain agent
  64. state:closed AND _missing_:tag # all closed objects without tags
  65. article_count: [1 TO 5] # tickets with 1 to 5 articles
  66. article_count: [10 TO *] # tickets with 10 or more articles
  67. article.from: bob # also article.from can be used
  68. article.body: heat~ # using the fuzzy operator will also find terms that are similar, in this case also "head"
  69. article.body: /joh?n(ath[oa]n)/ # using regular expressions
  70. user:M
  71. user:Max
  72. user:Max.
  73. user:Max*
  74. organization:A_B
  75. organization:A_B*
  76. user: M
  77. user: Max
  78. user: Max.
  79. user: Max*
  80. organization: A_B
  81. organization: A_B*
  82. id:123
  83. number:123
  84. id:"123"
  85. number:"123"
  87. it 'returns the original query verbatim' do
  88. expect(
  89. .to eq(queries)
  90. end
  91. end
  92. end
  93. describe '.remove' do
  94. context 'ticket' do
  95. it 'from index after ticket delete' do
  96. skip('No ES configured') if !SearchIndexBackend.enabled?
  97. ticket = create :ticket
  98. described_class.add('Ticket', ticket)
  99. # give es time to rebuild index
  100. sleep 2
  101. result =, 'Ticket', sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc'])
  102. expect(result).to eq([{ id:, type: 'Ticket' }])
  103. described_class.remove('Ticket',
  104. # give es time to rebuild index
  105. sleep 2
  106. result =, 'Ticket', sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc'])
  107. expect(result).to eq([])
  108. end
  109. end
  110. end
  111. end