frontend.yml 1.4 KB

  1. .template_vitest_shard:
  2. stage: test
  3. extends:
  4. - .job_rules_default
  5. cache: !reference [.cache, read_only_nodejs]
  6. before_script:
  7. - !reference [.scripts, yarn_install]
  8. script:
  9. # Only run one worker to avoid load peaks affecting other jobs.
  10. - yarn test --min-workers=1 --max-workers=1 --shard $VITEST_SHARD
  11. # Stop here, except on the first shard.
  12. - "[[ $VITEST_SHARD = 1/* ]] || exit 0"
  13. - echo "Also test eslint-plugin-zammad…"
  14. - cd .eslint-plugin-zammad
  15. - yarn install || yarn install || yarn install # retry on errors
  16. - yarn test
  17. frontend:vitest:1:
  18. extends:
  19. - .template_vitest_shard
  20. variables:
  21. VITEST_SHARD: 1/3
  22. frontend:vitest:2:
  23. extends:
  24. - .template_vitest_shard
  25. variables:
  26. VITEST_SHARD: 2/3
  27. frontend:vitest:3:
  28. extends:
  29. - .template_vitest_shard
  30. variables:
  31. VITEST_SHARD: 3/3
  32. frontend:cypress:
  33. stage: test
  34. extends:
  35. - .job_rules_default
  36. - .tags_docker_low_concurrency
  37. cache: !reference [.cache, read_only_nodejs]
  38. before_script:
  39. - !reference [.scripts, yarn_install]
  40. - yarn cypress:install
  41. script:
  42. - sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 # see
  43. - yarn test:ci:ct
  44. artifacts:
  45. expire_in: 1 week
  46. when: on_failure
  47. paths:
  48. - app/frontend/cypress/**/__image_snapshots__/**/*
  49. - .dev/cypress/**/__diff_output__/*
  50. - .dev/cypress/videos/**/*
  51. - .dev/cypress/screenshots/**/*