123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- module BootstrapRakeHelper
- APP_CACHE = Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('tmp', 'cache*'))
- SERVER_LOG = Rails.root.join('log', "#{Rails.env}.log")
- AUTO_WIZARD = { source: Rails.root.join('contrib', 'auto_wizard_test.json'),
- dest: Rails.root.join('auto_wizard.json') }.freeze
- DB_CONFIG = { source: Rails.root.join('config', 'database', 'database.yml'),
- dest: Rails.root.join('config', 'database.yml') }.freeze
- def flush_cache_and_logs
- FileUtils.rm_rf(APP_CACHE)
- File.write(SERVER_LOG, '')
- end
- def run_auto_wizard
- FileUtils.ln(AUTO_WIZARD[:source], AUTO_WIZARD[:dest], force: true)
- AutoWizard.setup
- # set system init to done
- UserInfo.current_user_id = 1
- Setting.set('system_init_done', true)
- end
- def add_database_config
- raise Errno::ENOENT, 'config/database.yml not found' unless File.exist?(DB_CONFIG[:source])
- if File.exist?(DB_CONFIG[:dest])
- return if FileUtils.identical?(DB_CONFIG[:source], DB_CONFIG[:dest])
- printf 'config/database.yml: File exists. Overwrite? [Y/n] '
- return if STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase == 'n'
- end
- FileUtils.cp(DB_CONFIG[:source], DB_CONFIG[:dest])
- end
- end
- namespace :bs do
- desc 'Bootstrap the application'
- task :init => %i[db_config db:create db:migrate db:seed] do
- include BootstrapRakeHelper
- run_auto_wizard
- end
- desc 'Reset the application to its initial state'
- task :reset => %i[db:reset] do
- include BootstrapRakeHelper
- run_auto_wizard
- flush_cache_and_logs
- end
- task :db_config do
- include BootstrapRakeHelper
- add_database_config
- end
- end