123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- # Run back-end subscription add-on tests to check if it is still compatible.
- addon:subscription:
- stage: test
- extends:
- - .job_rules_default
- rules:
- - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == 'develop'
- when: on_success
- # Complain if breaking changes were merged and subscription is not ported.
- allow_failure: false
- - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^(private|develop)/
- when: on_success
- # It could happen that in a branch we need to make breaking changes, so
- # only hint at the situation but don't block the pipeline.
- allow_failure: true
- - when: never
- services:
- - !reference [.services, postgresql]
- - !reference [.services, redis]
- - !reference [.services, memcached]
- variables:
- script:
- - git clone --depth 1 https://gitlab-ci-token:$CI_JOB_TOKEN@git.zammad.com/zammad/subscription.git $SUBSCRIPTION_CHECKOUT_DIR
- - !reference [.scripts, zammad_db_init]
- - bundle exec rails runner "pp Package.link('${SUBSCRIPTION_CHECKOUT_DIR}')"
- - !reference [.scripts, bundle_install]
- - bundle exec rake zammad:package:migrate
- # Run actual subscription tests
- - (cd $SUBSCRIPTION_CHECKOUT_DIR/; find spec -type f -name "*.rb" | grep -v '/system/')
- - bundle exec rspec $(cd $SUBSCRIPTION_CHECKOUT_DIR/; find spec -type f -name "*.rb" | grep -v '/system/')
- - (cd $SUBSCRIPTION_CHECKOUT_DIR/; find test -type f -name "*.rb")
- - bundle exec ruby -Itest $(cd $SUBSCRIPTION_CHECKOUT_DIR/; find test -type f -name "*.rb")