123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267 |
- # Top-level shortcuts for various view template helper methods,
- # to be included in view templates via
- #
- # JST["path/to/template"](_.extend(App.ViewHelpers))
- App.ViewHelpers =
- # define print name helper
- P: (object, attributeName, attributes, table = false) ->
- App.viewPrint(object, attributeName, attributes, table)
- # define date format helper
- date: (time) ->
- return '' if !time
- timeObject = new Date(time)
- d = App.Utils.formatTime(timeObject.getDate(), 2)
- m = App.Utils.formatTime(timeObject.getMonth() + 1, 2)
- y = timeObject.getFullYear()
- "#{y}-#{m}-#{d}"
- # define datetime format helper
- datetime: (time) ->
- return '' if !time
- timeObject = new Date(time)
- d = App.Utils.formatTime(timeObject.getDate(), 2)
- m = App.Utils.formatTime(timeObject.getMonth() + 1, 2)
- y = timeObject.getFullYear()
- S = App.Utils.formatTime(timeObject.getSeconds(), 2)
- M = App.Utils.formatTime(timeObject.getMinutes(), 2)
- H = App.Utils.formatTime(timeObject.getHours(), 2)
- "#{y}-#{m}-#{d} #{H}:#{M}:#{S}"
- # define decimal format helper
- decimal: (data, positions = 2) ->
- App.Utils.decimal(data, positions)
- # define time_duration / mm:ss / hh:mm:ss format helper
- time_duration: (time) ->
- return '' if !time
- return '' if isNaN(parseInt(time))
- # Hours, minutes and seconds
- hrs = ~~parseInt((time / 3600))
- mins = ~~parseInt(((time % 3600) / 60))
- secs = parseInt(time % 60)
- # Output like "1:01" or "4:03:59" or "123:03:59"
- mins = "0#{mins}" if mins < 10
- secs = "0#{secs}" if secs < 10
- if hrs > 0
- return "#{hrs}:#{mins}:#{secs}"
- "#{mins}:#{secs}"
- # define time_duration / hh:mm
- time_duration_hh_mm: (time_in_minutes) ->
- return '' if !time_in_minutes
- return '' if isNaN(parseInt(time_in_minutes))
- # Hours, minutes and seconds
- hrs = ~~parseInt((time_in_minutes / 60))
- mins = ~~parseInt((time_in_minutes % 60))
- hrs = "0#{hrs}" if hrs < 10
- mins = "0#{mins}" if mins < 10
- "#{hrs}:#{mins}"
- # define mask helper
- # mask an value like 'a***********yz'
- M: (item, start = 1, end = 2) ->
- return '' if !item
- string = ''
- end = item.length - end - 1
- for n in [0..item.length-1]
- if start <= n && end >= n
- string += '*'
- else
- string += item[n]
- string
- # define translation helper
- T: (item, args...) ->
- App.i18n.translateContent(item, args...)
- # define translation inline helper
- Ti: (item, args...) ->
- App.i18n.translateInline(item, args...)
- # define translation for date helper
- Tdate: (item, args...) ->
- App.i18n.translateDate(item, args...)
- # define translation for timestamp helper
- Ttimestamp: (item, args...) ->
- App.i18n.translateTimestamp(item, args...)
- # define linkify helper
- L: (item) ->
- if item && typeof item is 'string'
- return App.Utils.linkify(item)
- item
- # define config helper
- C: (key) ->
- App.Config.get(key)
- # define session helper
- S: (key) ->
- App.Session.get(key)
- # define view helper for rendering partial views
- V: (name, params) ->
- App.view(name)(params)
- # define address line helper
- AddressLine: (line) ->
- return '' if !line
- items = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(line)
- # line was not parsable
- return App.Utils.htmlEscape(line) if !items
- # set markup
- result = ''
- for item in items
- if result
- result = result + ', '
- if item.name
- item.name = item.name
- .replace(',', '')
- .replace(';', '')
- .replace('"', '')
- .replace('\'', '')
- if item.name.match(/\@|,|;|\^|\+|#|§|\$|%|&|\/|\(|\)|=|\?|\*/)
- item.name = "\"#{item.name}\""
- result = "#{result}#{App.Utils.htmlEscape(item.name)} "
- if item.address
- result = result + " <span class=\"text-muted\"><#{App.Utils.htmlEscape(item.address)}></span>"
- result
- # define file size helper
- humanFileSize: (size) ->
- App.Utils.humanFileSize(size)
- # define pretty/human time helper
- humanTime: (time, escalation = false, cssClass = '', setTitle = true) ->
- timestamp = App.i18n.translateTimestamp(time)
- if escalation
- cssClass += ' escalation'
- humanTime = App.PrettyDate.humanTime(time, escalation)
- title = " title=\"#{timestamp}\""
- if !setTitle
- title = ''
- cssClass += ' noTitle'
- "<time class=\"humanTimeFromNow #{cssClass}\" datetime=\"#{time}\"#{title}>#{humanTime}</time>"
- # Why not just use `Icon: App.Utils.icon`?
- # Because App.Utils isn't loaded until after this file.
- Icon: (name, className = '') ->
- App.Utils.icon(name, className)
- fontIcon: (name, font, className = '') ->
- App.Utils.fontIcon(name, font, className)
- # define richtext helper
- RichText: (string) ->
- return string if !string
- if string.match(/@T\('/)
- string = string.replace(/@T\('(.+?)'\)/g, (match, capture) ->
- App.i18n.translateContent(capture)
- )
- return marked(string)
- App.i18n.translateContent(string)
- ContentOrMimeType: (attachment) ->
- types = ['Content-Type', 'content_type', 'Mime-Type', 'mime_type']
- _.values(_.pick(attachment?.preferences, types))[0]
- ContentTypeIcon: (contentType) ->
- contentType = App.Utils.contentTypeCleanup(contentType)
- icons =
- # image
- 'image/jpeg': 'file-image'
- 'image/jpg': 'file-image'
- 'image/png': 'file-image'
- 'image/svg': 'file-image'
- 'image/gif': 'file-image'
- # documents
- 'application/pdf': 'file-pdf'
- 'application/msword': 'file-word' # .doc, .dot
- 'application/vnd.ms-word': 'file-word'
- 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text': 'file-word'
- 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document': 'file-word' # .docx
- 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template': 'file-word' # .dotx
- 'application/vnd.ms-excel': 'file-excel' # .xls
- 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet': 'file-excel' # .xlsx
- 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet': 'file-excel'
- 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint': 'file-powerpoint' # .ppt
- 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation': 'file-powerpoint' # .pptx
- 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation': 'file-powerpoint'
- 'text/plain': 'file-text'
- 'text/html': 'file-code'
- 'application/json': 'file-code'
- 'message/rfc822': 'file-email'
- # code
- 'application/json': 'file-code'
- # text
- 'text/plain': 'file-text'
- 'text/rtf': 'file-text'
- # archives
- 'application/gzip': 'file-archive'
- 'application/zip': 'file-archive'
- return icons[contentType]
- canDownload: (contentType) ->
- contentType = App.Utils.contentTypeCleanup(contentType)
- return false if contentType is 'application/pdf'
- contentType != 'text/html'
- canPreview: (contentType) ->
- return false if _.isEmpty(contentType)
- return true if contentType.match(/image\/(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)/i)
- false
- unique_avatar: (seed, text, size = 40) ->
- baseSize = 40
- width = 300 * size/baseSize
- height = 226 * size/baseSize
- rng = new Math.seedrandom(seed)
- x = rng() * (width - size)
- y = rng() * (height - size)
- return App.view('avatar_unique')
- x: x
- y: y
- initials: text
- # icon with modifier based on visibility state
- # params: className, iconset, addStateClass
- iconWithModifier: (item, params) ->
- if !params.className
- params.className = ''
- if params.addStateClass
- params.className += " state-#{item.state}"
- App.view('knowledge_base/_icon_with_modifier')(
- item: item
- className: params.className
- iconset: params.iconset
- )
- replacePlaceholder: (template, items, encodeLink = false) ->
- App.Utils.replaceTags(template, items, encodeLink)
- # prints value depending on direction of active locale
- dir: (ltr, rtl) ->
- if App.i18n.dir() == 'ltr'
- ltr
- else
- rtl