CommonAdvancedTable.spec.ts.snapshot.txt 5.3 KB

  1. <table
  2. class="relative table-fixed pb-3"
  3. data-v-fd04734e=""
  4. >
  5. <table-caption-stub
  6. data-v-fd04734e=""
  7. show="false"
  8. />
  9. <thead
  10. class="sticky top-0 z-10 bg-neutral-50 dark:bg-gray-500"
  11. data-v-fd04734e=""
  12. >
  13. <tr
  14. data-v-fd04734e=""
  15. >
  16. <th
  17. class="relative h-10 p-2.5 text-xs ltr:text-left rtl:text-right"
  18. data-v-fd04734e=""
  19. id="title-header"
  20. >
  21. <!-- TODO: Implement with bulk edit -->
  22. <common-label-stub
  23. aria-label="Sorted descending"
  24. class="-:font-normal -:text-gray-100 -:dark:text-neutral-400 block select-none truncate ltr:text-left rtl:text-right hover:cursor-pointer hover:text-black focus-visible:rounded-sm focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-1 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-800 dark:hover:text-white"
  25. data-v-fd04734e=""
  26. role="button"
  27. size="small"
  28. tabindex="0"
  29. tag="span"
  30. />
  31. <header-resize-line-stub
  32. data-v-fd04734e=""
  33. />
  34. </th>
  35. <th
  36. class="relative h-10 p-2.5 text-xs ltr:text-left rtl:text-right"
  37. data-v-fd04734e=""
  38. id="owner_id-header"
  39. >
  40. <!-- TODO: Implement with bulk edit -->
  41. <common-label-stub
  42. aria-label="Sorted descending"
  43. class="-:font-normal -:text-gray-100 -:dark:text-neutral-400 block select-none truncate ltr:text-left rtl:text-right hover:cursor-pointer hover:text-black focus-visible:rounded-sm focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-1 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-800 dark:hover:text-white"
  44. data-v-fd04734e=""
  45. role="button"
  46. size="small"
  47. tabindex="0"
  48. tag="span"
  49. />
  50. <header-resize-line-stub
  51. data-v-fd04734e=""
  52. />
  53. </th>
  54. <th
  55. class="relative h-10 p-2.5 text-xs ltr:text-left rtl:text-right"
  56. data-v-fd04734e=""
  57. id="state_id-header"
  58. >
  59. <!-- TODO: Implement with bulk edit -->
  60. <common-label-stub
  61. aria-label="Sorted descending"
  62. class="-:font-normal -:text-gray-100 -:dark:text-neutral-400 block select-none truncate ltr:text-left rtl:text-right hover:cursor-pointer hover:text-black focus-visible:rounded-sm focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-1 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-800 dark:hover:text-white"
  63. data-v-fd04734e=""
  64. role="button"
  65. size="small"
  66. tabindex="0"
  67. tag="span"
  68. />
  69. <header-resize-line-stub
  70. data-v-fd04734e=""
  71. />
  72. </th>
  73. <th
  74. class="relative h-10 p-2.5 text-xs ltr:text-left rtl:text-right"
  75. data-v-fd04734e=""
  76. id="priority_id-header"
  77. >
  78. <!-- TODO: Implement with bulk edit -->
  79. <common-label-stub
  80. aria-label="Sorted descending"
  81. class="-:font-normal -:text-gray-100 -:dark:text-neutral-400 block select-none truncate ltr:text-left rtl:text-right hover:cursor-pointer hover:text-black focus-visible:rounded-sm focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-1 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-800 dark:hover:text-white"
  82. data-v-fd04734e=""
  83. role="button"
  84. size="small"
  85. tabindex="0"
  86. tag="span"
  87. />
  88. <header-resize-line-stub
  89. data-v-fd04734e=""
  90. />
  91. </th>
  92. <th
  93. class="relative h-10 p-2.5 text-xs ltr:text-right rtl:text-left"
  94. data-v-fd04734e=""
  95. id="created_at-header"
  96. >
  97. <!-- TODO: Implement with bulk edit -->
  98. <common-label-stub
  99. aria-label="Sorted descending"
  100. class="-:font-normal -:text-gray-100 -:dark:text-neutral-400 block select-none truncate ltr:text-right rtl:text-left hover:cursor-pointer hover:text-black focus-visible:rounded-sm focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-1 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-800 dark:hover:text-white"
  101. data-v-fd04734e=""
  102. role="button"
  103. size="small"
  104. tabindex="0"
  105. tag="span"
  106. />
  107. <!--v-if-->
  108. </th>
  109. <th
  110. class="h-10 w-0 p-2.5 text-center"
  111. data-v-fd04734e=""
  112. >
  113. <common-label-stub
  114. class="font-normal text-stone-200 dark:text-neutral-500"
  115. data-v-fd04734e=""
  116. size="small"
  117. tag="span"
  118. />
  119. </th>
  120. </tr>
  121. </thead>
  122. <!-- :TODO tabindex should be -1 re-evaluate when we work on bulk action with checkbox -->
  123. <!-- SR should not be able to focus the row but each action node -->
  124. <tbody
  125. class="relative"
  126. data-v-fd04734e=""
  127. inert="false"
  128. >
  129. <!--v-if-->
  130. <table-row-stub
  131. data-v-fd04734e=""
  132. hascheckbox="false"
  133. isrowselected="false"
  134. item="[object Object]"
  135. tabindex="-1"
  136. withevenstripes="false"
  137. />
  138. <transition-stub
  139. appear="false"
  140. css="true"
  141. data-v-fd04734e=""
  142. leaveactiveclass="absolute"
  143. persisted="false"
  144. >
  145. <!--v-if-->
  146. </transition-stub>
  147. </tbody>
  148. </table>