.gitlab-ci.yml 1.5 KB

  1. default:
  2. image: registry.znuny.com/docker/zammad-ruby:2.6.5
  3. include:
  4. - local: '/.gitlab/ci/base.yml'
  5. - local: '/.gitlab/ci/pre.yml'
  6. - local: '/.gitlab/ci/integration.yml'
  7. - local: '/.gitlab/ci/rspec.yml'
  8. - local: '/.gitlab/ci/unit.yml'
  9. - local: '/.gitlab/ci/browser-core.yml'
  10. - local: '/.gitlab/ci/browser-integration.yml'
  11. # Stages
  12. stages:
  13. - pre
  14. - test
  15. - browser-core
  16. - browser-integration
  17. # Global variables added to the ENV of each job
  18. variables:
  19. # for faster translation loading
  20. Z_LOCALES: "en-us:de-de"
  21. # Browser tests and variables
  23. REMOTE_URL: "http://selenium:24444/wd/hub"
  24. TZ: "Europe/London"
  25. # docker elgalu/selenium variables for parallel browser instance creation
  26. MAX_INSTANCES: "50"
  27. MAX_SESSIONS: "50"
  28. # docker-imap-devel variables required for browser tests
  29. MAILNAME: "mail.test.dc.zammad.com"
  30. MAILBOX_INIT: "zammad@mail.test.dc.zammad.com:zammad"
  31. MAIL_ADDRESS: "zammad@mail.test.dc.zammad.com"
  32. MAIL_PASS: "zammad"
  33. # Cache gems in between jobs and pipelines
  34. # ATTENTION: We use a combination of the Ruby major and minor version number
  35. # as a key for the cache to avoid cache growth and incompatibilities between
  36. # the gems. Search hook: 2.6.5 (change it when updating the Ruby version too)
  37. cache:
  38. key: "ruby26"
  39. paths:
  40. - vendor/ruby
  41. # Initialize application env
  42. before_script:
  43. - bundle install -j $(nproc) --path vendor
  44. - bundle exec ruby script/build/database_config.rb