pre.yml 694 B

  1. # Workaround to enable usage of mixed SSH and Docker GitLab CI runners
  2. .template_pre: &template_pre
  3. stage: pre
  4. extends:
  5. - .tags_docker
  6. - .rules_singletest
  7. before_script:
  8. - '' # disable before_script for pre "non-application" env
  9. rubocop:
  10. <<: *template_pre
  11. script:
  12. - bundle install -j $(nproc) --path vendor
  13. - bundle exec rubocop
  14. coffeelint:
  15. <<: *template_pre
  16. script:
  17. - coffeelint app/
  18. bundle-audit:
  19. <<: *template_pre
  20. script:
  21. - gem install bundler-audit
  22. - bundle-audit update
  23. - bundle-audit --ignore CVE-2015-9284
  24. github:
  25. <<: *template_pre
  26. tags:
  27. - deploy
  28. script:
  29. - script/build/