123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428 |
- module NotificationFactory
- =begin
- get notification settings for user and notification type
- result = NotificationFactory.notification_settings(user, ticket, type)
- type: create | update | reminder_reached | pending
- returns
- {
- user: user,
- channels: {
- online: true,
- email: true,
- },
- }
- =end
- def self.notification_settings(user, ticket, type)
- return if !user.preferences
- return if !user.preferences['notification_config']
- matrix = user.preferences['notification_config']['matrix']
- return if !matrix
- # check if group is in selecd groups
- if ticket.owner_id != user.id
- selected_group_ids = user.preferences['notification_config']['group_ids']
- if selected_group_ids
- if selected_group_ids.class == Array
- hit = nil
- if selected_group_ids.empty?
- hit = true
- elsif selected_group_ids[0] == '-' && selected_group_ids.count == 1
- hit = true
- else
- hit = false
- selected_group_ids.each {|selected_group_id|
- if selected_group_id.to_s == ticket.group_id.to_s
- hit = true
- break
- end
- }
- end
- return if !hit
- end
- end
- end
- return if !matrix[type]
- data = matrix[type]
- return if !data
- return if !data['criteria']
- channels = data['channel']
- return if !channels
- if data['criteria']['owned_by_me'] && ticket.owner_id == user.id
- return {
- user: user,
- channels: channels
- }
- end
- if data['criteria']['owned_by_nobody'] && ticket.owner_id == 1
- return {
- user: user,
- channels: channels
- }
- end
- return if !data['criteria']['no']
- {
- user: user,
- channels: channels
- }
- end
- =begin
- # deprecated, will be removed with 2.0
- result_string = NotificationFactory.build(
- string: 'Hi #{recipient.firstname},',
- objects: {
- ticket : ticket,
- recipient: User.find(2),
- },
- locale: 'en',
- )
- =end
- def self.build(data)
- data[:string].gsub!( / \#\{ \s* ( .+? ) \s* \} /xm ) { |placeholder|
- # store possible callback to work with
- # and check if it's valid for execution
- original_string = $&
- callback = $1
- object_name = nil
- object_method = nil
- if callback =~ /\A ( [\w]+ )\.( [\w\.]+ ) \z/x
- object_name = $1
- object_method = $2
- end
- # do validaton, ignore some methodes
- if callback =~ /(`|\.(|\s*)(save|destroy|delete|remove|drop|update\(|update_att|create\(|new|all|where|find))/i
- placeholder = "#{original_string} (not allowed)"
- # get value based on object_name and object_method
- elsif object_name && object_method
- # use config params
- if object_name == 'config'
- placeholder = Setting.get(object_method)
- # if object_name dosn't exist
- elsif !data[:objects][object_name.to_sym]
- placeholder = "\#{#{object_name} / no such object}"
- else
- value = nil
- object_refs = data[:objects][object_name.to_sym]
- object_methods = object_method.split('.')
- object_methods_s = ''
- object_methods.each {|method|
- if object_methods_s != ''
- object_methods_s += '.'
- end
- object_methods_s += method
- # if method exists
- if !object_refs.respond_to?( method.to_sym )
- value = "\#{#{object_name}.#{object_methods_s} / no such method}"
- break
- end
- object_refs = object_refs.send( method.to_sym )
- # add body quote
- next if object_name != 'article'
- next if method != 'body'
- next if data[:objects][:article].content_type != 'text/html'
- object_refs = object_refs.html2text.chomp
- }
- placeholder = if !value
- object_refs
- else
- value
- end
- end
- end
- placeholder
- }
- # translate
- data[:string].gsub!( /i18n\((|.+?)\)/ ) {
- string = $1
- locale = data[:locale] || 'en'
- Translation.translate( locale, string )
- }
- data[:string]
- end
- =begin
- success = NotificationFactory.send(
- recipient: User.find(123),
- subject: 'sime subject',
- body: 'some body',
- content_type: '', # optional, e. g. 'text/html'
- references: ['message-id123', 'message-id456'],
- )
- =end
- def self.send(data)
- sender = Setting.get('notification_sender')
- Rails.logger.info "Send notification to: #{data[:recipient][:email]} (from #{sender})"
- content_type = 'text/plain'
- if data[:content_type]
- content_type = data[:content_type]
- end
- # get active Email::Outbound Channel and send
- channel = Channel.find_by(area: 'Email::Notification', active: true)
- channel.deliver(
- {
- # in_reply_to: in_reply_to,
- from: sender,
- to: data[:recipient][:email],
- subject: data[:subject],
- references: data[:references],
- body: data[:body],
- content_type: content_type,
- },
- true
- )
- end
- =begin
- NotificationFactory.notification(
- template: 'password_reset',
- user: User.find(2),
- objects: {
- recipient: User.find(2),
- },
- main_object: ticket.find(123), # optional
- references: ['message-id123', 'message-id456'],
- )
- =end
- def self.notification(data)
- # get subject
- result = NotificationFactory.template(
- template: data[:template],
- locale: data[:user].preferences[:locale],
- objects: data[:objects],
- )
- # rebuild subject
- if data[:main_object] && data[:main_object].respond_to?(:subject_build)
- result[:subject] = data[:main_object].subject_build(result[:subject])
- end
- NotificationFactory.send(
- recipient: data[:user],
- subject: result[:subject],
- body: result[:body],
- content_type: 'text/html',
- references: data[:references],
- )
- end
- =begin
- get count of already sent notifications
- count = NotificationFactory.already_sent?(ticket, recipient_user, type)
- retunes
- 8
- =end
- def self.already_sent?(ticket, recipient, type)
- result = ticket.history_get()
- count = 0
- result.each {|item|
- next if item['type'] != 'notification'
- next if item['object'] != 'Ticket'
- next if item['value_to'] !~ /#{recipient.email}/i
- next if item['value_to'] !~ /#{type}/i
- count += 1
- }
- count
- end
- =begin
- result = NotificationFactory.template(
- template: 'password_reset',
- locale: 'en-us',
- objects: {
- recipient: User.find(2),
- },
- )
- result = NotificationFactory.template(
- templateInline: "Invitation to <%= c 'product_name' %> at <%= c 'fqdn' %>",
- locale: 'en-us',
- objects: {
- recipient: User.find(2),
- },
- )
- only raw subject/body
- result = NotificationFactory.template(
- template: 'password_reset',
- locale: 'en-us',
- objects: {
- recipient: User.find(2),
- },
- raw: true,
- )
- returns
- {
- subject: 'some sobject',
- body: 'some body',
- }
- =end
- def self.template(data)
- if data[:templateInline]
- return NotificationFactory::Template.new(data[:objects], data[:locale], data[:templateInline], false).render
- end
- template_subject = nil
- template_body = ''
- locale = data[:locale] || 'en'
- template = data[:template]
- root = Rails.root
- location = "#{root}/app/views/mailer/#{template}/#{locale}.html.erb"
- # as fallback, use 2 char locale
- if !File.exist?(location)
- locale = locale[0, 2]
- location = "#{root}/app/views/mailer/#{template}/#{locale}.html.erb"
- end
- # as fallback, use en
- if !File.exist?(location)
- location = "#{root}/app/views/mailer/#{template}/en.html.erb"
- end
- File.open(location, 'r:UTF-8').each do |line|
- if !template_subject
- template_subject = line
- next
- end
- template_body += line
- end
- message_subject = NotificationFactory::Template.new(data[:objects], data[:locale], template_subject, false).render
- message_body = NotificationFactory::Template.new(data[:objects], data[:locale], template_body).render
- if !data[:raw]
- application_template = nil
- File.open("#{root}/app/views/mailer/application.html.erb", 'r:UTF-8') do |file|
- application_template = file.read
- end
- data[:objects][:message] = message_body
- message_body = NotificationFactory::Template.new(data[:objects], data[:locale], application_template).render
- end
- {
- subject: message_subject,
- body: message_body,
- }
- end
- class Template
- def initialize(objects, locale, template, escape = true)
- @objects = objects
- @locale = locale || 'en-us'
- @template = template
- @escape = escape
- end
- def render
- ERB.new(@template).result(binding)
- end
- def d(key, escape = nil)
- # do validaton, ignore some methodes
- if key =~ /(`|\.(|\s*)(save|destroy|delete|remove|drop|update\(|update_att|create\(|new|all|where|find))/i
- return "#{key} (not allowed)"
- end
- value = nil
- object_methods = key.split('.')
- object_name = object_methods.shift.to_sym
- object_refs = @objects[object_name]
- object_methods_s = ''
- object_methods.each {|method|
- if object_methods_s != ''
- object_methods_s += '.'
- end
- object_methods_s += method
- # if method exists
- if !object_refs.respond_to?( method.to_sym )
- value = "\#{#{object_name}.#{object_methods_s} / no such method}"
- break
- end
- object_refs = object_refs.send( method.to_sym )
- }
- placeholder = if !value
- object_refs
- else
- value
- end
- return placeholder if escape == false || (escape.nil? && !@escape)
- h placeholder
- end
- def c(key, escape = nil)
- config = Setting.get(key)
- return config if escape == false || (escape.nil? && !@escape)
- h config
- end
- def t(key, escape = nil)
- translation = Translation.translate(@locale, key)
- return translation if escape == false || (escape.nil? && !@escape)
- h translation
- end
- def a(article)
- content_type = d "#{article}.content_type", false
- if content_type =~ /html/
- return d "#{article}.body", false
- end
- d("#{article}.body", false).text2html
- end
- def h(key)
- return key if !key
- CGI.escapeHTML(key.to_s)
- end
- end
- end