123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331 |
- class App.TicketZoomArticleView extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- super
- @article_controller = {}
- execute: (params) ->
- all = []
- for ticket_article_id in params.ticket_article_ids
- if !@article_controller[ticket_article_id]
- el = $('<div></div>')
- @article_controller[ticket_article_id] = new ArticleViewItem(
- ticket: @ticket
- ticket_article_id: ticket_article_id
- el: el
- ui: @ui
- highligher: @highligher
- )
- all.push el
- @el.append( all )
- class ArticleViewItem extends App.Controller
- hasChangedAttributes: ['from', 'to', 'cc', 'subject', 'body', 'preferences']
- elements:
- '.textBubble-content': 'textBubbleContent'
- '.textBubble-overflowContainer': 'textBubbleOverflowContainer'
- events:
- 'click .show_toogle': 'show_toogle'
- 'click .textBubble': 'toggle_meta_with_delay'
- 'click .textBubble a': 'stopPropagation'
- 'click .js-unfold': 'unfold'
- constructor: ->
- super
- @seeMore = false
- @render()
- # set expand of text area only once
- @bind(
- 'ui::ticket::shown'
- (data) =>
- return if data.ticket_id.toString() isnt @ticket.id.toString()
- # set highlighter
- @setHighlighter()
- # set see more
- @setSeeMore()
- )
- # subscribe to changes
- @subscribeId = App.TicketArticle.full(@ticket_article_id, @render, false, true)
- release: =>
- App.TicketArticle.unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
- setHighlighter: =>
- return if @el.is(':hidden')
- # use delay do no ui blocking
- #@highligher.loadHighlights(@ticket_article_id)
- d = =>
- @highligher.loadHighlights(@ticket_article_id)
- @delay(d, 200)
- hasChanged: (article) =>
- # if no last article exists, remember it and return true
- if !@articleAttributesLastUpdate
- @articleAttributesLastUpdate = {}
- for item in @hasChangedAttributes
- @articleAttributesLastUpdate[item] = article[item]
- return true
- # compare last and current article attributes
- articleAttributesLastUpdateCheck = {}
- for item in @hasChangedAttributes
- articleAttributesLastUpdateCheck[item] = article[item]
- diff = difference(@articleAttributesLastUpdate, articleAttributesLastUpdateCheck)
- return false if !diff || _.isEmpty( diff )
- @articleAttributesLastUpdate = articleAttributesLastUpdateCheck
- true
- render: (article) =>
- # get articles
- @article = App.TicketArticle.fullLocal( @ticket_article_id )
- # set @el attributes
- if !article
- @el.addClass("ticket-article-item #{@article.sender.name.toLowerCase()}")
- @el.attr('data-id', @article.id)
- @el.attr('id', "article-#{@article.id}")
- # set internal change directly in dom, without rerender while article
- if !article || ( @lastArticle && @lastArticle.internal isnt @article.internal )
- if @article.internal is true
- @el.addClass('is-internal')
- else
- @el.removeClass('is-internal')
- # check if rerender is needed
- if !@hasChanged(@article)
- @lastArticle = @article.attributes()
- return
- # prepare html body
- signatureDetected = false
- if @article.content_type is 'text/html'
- @article['html'] = @article.body
- else
- # check if signature got detected in backend
- body = @article.body
- if @article.preferences && @article.preferences.signature_detection
- signatureDetected = '########SIGNATURE########'
- body = body.split("\n")
- body.splice(@article.preferences.signature_detection, 0, signatureDetected)
- body = body.join("\n")
- body = App.Utils.textCleanup(body)
- @article['html'] = App.Utils.text2html(body)
- if signatureDetected
- @article['html'] = @article['html'].replace(signatureDetected, '<span class="js-signatureMarker"></span>')
- else
- @article['html'] = App.Utils.signatureIdentify( @article['html'] )
- @html App.view('ticket_zoom/article_view')(
- ticket: @ticket
- article: @article
- isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
- )
- new App.WidgetAvatar(
- el: @$('.js-avatar')
- user_id: @article.created_by_id
- size: 40
- )
- new App.TicketZoomArticleActions(
- el: @$('.js-article-actions')
- ticket: @ticket
- article: @article
- )
- # set see more
- @shown = false
- a = =>
- @setSeeMore()
- @delay( a, 50 )
- # set highlighter
- @setHighlighter()
- # set see more options
- setSeeMore: =>
- return if @el.is(':hidden')
- return if @shown
- @shown = true
- maxHeight = 560
- bubbleContent = @textBubbleContent
- bubbleOvervlowContainer = @textBubbleOverflowContainer
- # expand if see more is already clicked
- if @seeMore
- bubbleContent.css('height', 'auto')
- bubbleOvervlowContainer.addClass('hide')
- return
- # reset bubble heigth and "see more" opacity
- bubbleContent.css('height', '')
- bubbleOvervlowContainer.css('opacity', '')
- # remember offset of "see more"
- offsetTop = bubbleContent.find('.js-signatureMarker').position()
- # remember bubble heigth
- heigth = bubbleContent.height()
- if offsetTop && heigth
- bubbleContent.attr('data-height', heigth)
- bubbleContent.css('height', "#{offsetTop.top + 30}px")
- bubbleOvervlowContainer.removeClass('hide')
- else if heigth > maxHeight
- bubbleContent.attr('data-height', heigth)
- bubbleContent.css('height', "#{maxHeight}px")
- bubbleOvervlowContainer.removeClass('hide')
- else
- bubbleOvervlowContainer.addClass('hide')
- show_toogle: (e) ->
- e.stopPropagation()
- e.preventDefault()
- #$(e.target).hide()
- if $(e.target).next('div')[0]
- if $(e.target).next('div').hasClass('hide')
- $(e.target).next('div').removeClass('hide')
- $(e.target).text( App.i18n.translateContent('Fold in') )
- else
- $(e.target).text( App.i18n.translateContent('See more') )
- $(e.target).next('div').addClass('hide')
- stopPropagation: (e) ->
- e.stopPropagation()
- toggle_meta_with_delay: (e) =>
- # allow double click select
- # by adding a delay to the toggle
- if @lastClick and +new Date - @lastClick < 100
- clearTimeout(@toggleMetaTimeout)
- else
- @toggleMetaTimeout = setTimeout(@toggle_meta, 100, e)
- @lastClick = +new Date
- toggle_meta: (e) =>
- e.preventDefault()
- animSpeed = 300
- article = $(e.target).closest('.ticket-article-item')
- metaTopClip = article.find('.article-meta-clip.top')
- metaBottomClip = article.find('.article-meta-clip.bottom')
- metaTop = article.find('.article-content-meta.top')
- metaBottom = article.find('.article-content-meta.bottom')
- if @elementContainsSelection( article.get(0) )
- @stopPropagation(e)
- return false
- if !metaTop.hasClass('hide')
- article.removeClass('state--folde-out')
- # scroll back up
- article.velocity 'scroll',
- container: article.scrollParent()
- offset: -article.offset().top - metaTop.outerHeight()
- duration: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- metaTop.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: 0
- opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
- options:
- speed: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- complete: -> metaTop.addClass('hide')
- metaBottom.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [ -metaBottom.outerHeight(), 0 ]
- opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
- options:
- speed: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- complete: -> metaBottom.addClass('hide')
- metaTopClip.velocity({ height: 0 }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
- metaBottomClip.velocity({ height: 0 }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
- else
- article.addClass('state--folde-out')
- metaBottom.removeClass('hide')
- metaTop.removeClass('hide')
- # balance out the top meta height by scrolling down
- article.velocity('scroll',
- container: article.scrollParent()
- offset: -article.offset().top + metaTop.outerHeight()
- duration: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- )
- metaTop.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [ 0, metaTop.outerHeight() ]
- opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
- options:
- speed: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- metaBottom.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [ 0, -metaBottom.outerHeight() ]
- opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
- options:
- speed: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- metaTopClip.velocity({ height: metaTop.outerHeight() }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
- metaBottomClip.velocity({ height: metaBottom.outerHeight() }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
- unfold: (e) ->
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- @seeMore = true
- bubbleContent = @textBubbleContent
- bubbleOvervlowContainer = @textBubbleOverflowContainer
- bubbleOvervlowContainer.velocity
- properties:
- opacity: 0
- options:
- duration: 300
- bubbleContent.velocity
- properties:
- height: bubbleContent.attr('data-height')
- options:
- duration: 300
- complete: -> bubbleOvervlowContainer.addClass('hide')
- isOrContains: (node, container) ->
- while node
- if node is container
- return true
- node = node.parentNode
- false
- elementContainsSelection: (el) ->
- sel = window.getSelection()
- if sel.rangeCount > 0 && sel.toString()
- for i in [0..sel.rangeCount-1]
- if !@isOrContains(sel.getRangeAt(i).commonAncestorContainer, el)
- return false
- return true
- false