123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277 |
- // Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/
- import { within } from '@testing-library/vue'
- import createArticle from '#tests/graphql/factories/TicketArticle.ts'
- import { getTestRouter } from '#tests/support/components/renderComponent.ts'
- import { visitView } from '#tests/support/components/visitView.ts'
- import { mockApplicationConfig } from '#tests/support/mock-applicationConfig.ts'
- import { mockPermissions } from '#tests/support/mock-permissions.ts'
- import { mockTicketArticlesQuery } from '#shared/entities/ticket/graphql/queries/ticket/articles.mocks.ts'
- import { mockTicketQuery } from '#shared/entities/ticket/graphql/queries/ticket.mocks.ts'
- import { createDummyArticle } from '#shared/entities/ticket-article/__tests__/mocks/ticket-articles.ts'
- import { createDummyTicket } from '#shared/entities/ticket-article/__tests__/mocks/ticket.ts'
- import type { TicketArticleEdge } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts'
- import { convertToGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts'
- import { mockTicketChecklistQuery } from '#desktop/pages/ticket/graphql/queries/ticketChecklist.mocks.ts'
- import { getTicketChecklistUpdatesSubscriptionHandler } from '#desktop/pages/ticket/graphql/subscriptions/ticketChecklistUpdates.mocks.ts'
- describe('ticket detail view', () => {
- describe('errors', () => {
- it.todo('redirects if ticket id is not found', async () => {
- mockPermissions(['ticket.agent'])
- // :TODO test test as soon as the bug for the Query has complexity of 19726, has been resolved
- mockTicketQuery({
- ticket: null,
- })
- await visitView('/tickets/232')
- const router = getTestRouter()
- expect(router.currentRoute.value.name).toEqual('Error')
- })
- })
- it('shows see more button', async () => {
- mockPermissions(['ticket.agent'])
- mockTicketQuery({
- ticket: createDummyTicket(),
- })
- const firstArticleEdges: TicketArticleEdge[] = []
- const articlesEdges: TicketArticleEdge[] = []
- let count = 27
- while (count > 0) {
- const first = createArticle()
- const article = createArticle()
- if (count <= 5)
- firstArticleEdges.push(<TicketArticleEdge>{
- cursor: Buffer.from(count.toString()).toString('base64'),
- node: { ...first, internalId: count, sender: { name: 'Agent' } },
- })
- if (count > 5)
- articlesEdges.push(<TicketArticleEdge>{
- cursor: Buffer.from(count.toString()).toString('base64'),
- node: {
- ...article,
- internalId: 50 - count,
- sender: { name: 'Customer' },
- },
- })
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
- count--
- }
- mockTicketArticlesQuery({
- articles: {
- totalCount: 50,
- edges: articlesEdges,
- pageInfo: {
- hasPreviousPage: articlesEdges.length > 0,
- startCursor:
- articlesEdges.length > 0 ? articlesEdges[0].cursor : null,
- endCursor: btoa('50'),
- },
- },
- firstArticles: {
- edges: firstArticleEdges,
- },
- })
- const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
- const feed = view.getByRole('feed')
- const articles = within(feed).getAllByRole('article')
- expect(articles).toHaveLength(26) // 20 articles from end && 5 articles from the beginning 1 more button
- expect(
- within(articles.at(6) as HTMLElement).getByRole('button', {
- name: 'See more',
- }),
- ).toBeInTheDocument()
- })
- beforeEach(() => {
- mockPermissions(['ticket.agent'])
- mockTicketQuery({
- ticket: createDummyTicket(),
- })
- const testArticle = createDummyArticle({
- bodyWithUrls: 'foobar',
- })
- mockTicketArticlesQuery({
- articles: {
- totalCount: 1,
- edges: [{ node: testArticle }],
- },
- firstArticles: {
- edges: [{ node: testArticle }],
- },
- })
- })
- it('shows meta information if article is clicked', async () => {
- mockPermissions(['ticket.agent'])
- const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
- expect(
- view.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Test Ticket', level: 2 }),
- ).toBeInTheDocument()
- expect(view.getByLabelText('Breadcrumb navigation')).toBeInTheDocument()
- expect(view.getByTestId('article-content')).toHaveTextContent('foobar')
- await view.events.click(view.getByTestId('article-bubble-body-1'))
- expect(
- await view.findByLabelText('Article meta information'),
- ).toBeInTheDocument()
- await view.events.click(view.getByTestId('article-bubble-body-1'))
- expect(
- view.queryByLabelText('Article meta information'),
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
- })
- it('shows checklist if it is enabled and user is agent', async () => {
- mockPermissions(['ticket.agent'])
- await mockApplicationConfig({ checklist: true })
- const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
- await view.events.click(view.getByLabelText('Checklist'))
- expect(
- view.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Checklist', level: 2 }),
- ).toBeInTheDocument()
- })
- it('hides checklist if it is disabled and user is agent', async () => {
- mockPermissions(['ticket.agent'])
- await mockApplicationConfig({ checklist: false })
- const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
- expect(
- view.queryByRole('heading', { name: 'Checklist', level: 2 }),
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
- })
- it('hides checklist if it is enabled and user is customer', async () => {
- mockPermissions(['ticket.customer'])
- await mockApplicationConfig({ checklist: true })
- const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
- expect(
- view.queryByRole('heading', { name: 'Checklist', level: 2 }),
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
- })
- it('shows checklist ticket link for readonly agent', async () => {
- await mockApplicationConfig({ checklist: true })
- mockPermissions(['ticket.agent'])
- mockTicketChecklistQuery({
- ticketChecklist: {
- id: convertToGraphQLId('Checklist', 1),
- name: 'Checklist title',
- items: [
- {
- __typename: 'ChecklistItem',
- id: convertToGraphQLId('Checklist::Item', 2),
- text: 'Checklist item B',
- ticketAccess: null,
- checked: false,
- ticket: createDummyTicket(),
- },
- ],
- },
- })
- const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
- await view.events.click(view.getByLabelText('Checklist'))
- const checklist = view.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Checklist', level: 2 })
- expect(checklist).toBeInTheDocument()
- // Checking display of ticket link
- expect(view.getByRole('link', { name: 'Test Ticket' })).toBeInTheDocument()
- // Ticket link has single item menu, hence we have to test it does not exist in readonly
- expect(
- within(checklist).queryByRole('button', { name: 'Remove item' }),
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
- })
- it('updates incomplete checklist item count', async () => {
- mockPermissions(['ticket.agent'])
- await mockApplicationConfig({ checklist: true })
- mockTicketChecklistQuery({
- ticketChecklist: {
- id: convertToGraphQLId('Checklist', 1),
- name: 'Checklist title',
- items: [
- { text: 'Item 1', checked: true, ticketAccess: null, ticket: null },
- { text: 'Item 2', checked: false, ticketAccess: null, ticket: null },
- ],
- incomplete: 1,
- },
- })
- const view = await visitView('/tickets/1')
- await view.events.click(view.getByLabelText('Checklist'))
- expect(
- view.getByRole('status', { name: 'Incomplete checklist items' }),
- ).toHaveTextContent('1')
- const checklistCheckboxes = view.getAllByRole('checkbox')
- await getTicketChecklistUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
- ticketChecklistUpdates: {
- ticketChecklist: {
- id: convertToGraphQLId('Checklist', 1),
- name: 'Checklist title',
- items: [
- { text: 'Item 1', checked: true },
- { text: 'Item 2', checked: true },
- ],
- incomplete: 0,
- },
- },
- })
- expect(
- view.queryByRole('status', { name: 'Incomplete checklist items' }),
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
- // Click manually in the frontend again on one of the checklist to show
- // the incomplete state again(without a subscription = manual cache update).
- await view.events.click(checklistCheckboxes[1])
- expect(
- await view.findByRole('status', { name: 'Incomplete checklist items' }),
- ).toBeInTheDocument()
- })
- })