routes.rb 526 B

  1. Zammad::Application.routes.draw do
  2. # app init
  3. match '/init', to: 'init#index', via: :get
  4. match '/app', to: 'init#index', via: :get
  5. # You can have the root of your site routed with "root"
  6. # just remember to delete public/index.html.
  7. root to: 'init#index', via: :get
  8. # load routes from external files
  9. dir = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__)
  10. files = Dir.glob( "#{dir}/routes/*.rb" )
  11. files.each { |file|
  12. if Rails.configuration.cache_classes
  13. require file
  14. else
  15. load file
  16. end
  17. }
  18. end