123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133 |
- # Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/
- require 'vcr'
- VCR_IGNORE_MATCHING_HOSTS = %w[elasticsearch selenium zammad.org zammad.com znuny.com google.com login.microsoftonline.com github.com].freeze
- %r{^192\.168\.\d+\.\d+$}, # typical home network address
- %r{^172\.17\.0\.\d+$}, # docker
- ].freeze
- VCR.configure do |config|
- config.cassette_library_dir = 'test/data/vcr_cassettes'
- config.hook_into :webmock
- config.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = false
- config.ignore_localhost = true
- config.ignore_request do |request|
- uri = URI(request.uri)
- next true if VCR_IGNORE_MATCHING_HOSTS.any? { |elem| uri.host.include? elem }
- next true if VCR_IGNORE_MATCHING_REGEXPS.any? { |elem| uri.host.match? elem }
- puts "Using cassette for request #{request.uri}"
- end
- config.register_request_matcher(:oauth_headers) do |r1, r2|
- without_onetime_oauth_params = ->(params) { params.gsub(%r{oauth_(nonce|signature|timestamp)="[^"]+", }, '') }
- r1.headers.except('Authorization') == r2.headers.except('Authorization') &&
- r1.headers['Authorization']&.map(&without_onetime_oauth_params) ==
- r2.headers['Authorization']&.map(&without_onetime_oauth_params)
- end
- end
- module RSpec
- VCR_ADVISORY = <<~MSG.freeze
- If this test is failing unexpectedly, the VCR cassette may be to blame.
- This can happen when changing `describe`/`context` labels on some specs;
- see commit message 1ebddff95 for details.
- Check `git status` to see if a new VCR cassette has been generated.
- If so, rename the old cassette to replace the new one and try again.
- module Support
- module VCRHelper
- def self.inject_advisory(example)
- # block argument is an #<RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError>
- define_method(:notify_failure) do |e, options = {}|
- super(e.exception(VCR_ADVISORY + e.message), options)
- end
- example.run
- ensure
- remove_method(:notify_failure)
- end
- end
- singleton_class.send(:prepend, VCRHelper)
- end
- module Expectations
- module VCRHelper
- def self.inject_advisory(example)
- define_method(:handle_matcher) do |*args|
- super(*args)
- rescue => e
- raise e.exception(VCR_ADVISORY + e.message)
- end
- example.run
- ensure
- remove_method(:handle_matcher)
- end
- end
- PositiveExpectationHandler.singleton_class.send(:prepend, VCRHelper)
- NegativeExpectationHandler.singleton_class.send(:prepend, VCRHelper)
- end
- end
- RSpec.configure do |config|
- config.around(:each, use_vcr: true) do |example|
- # Perform live integration tests without using VCR cassettes if CI_IGNORE_CASSETTES is set.
- if example.metadata[:integration] && %w[1 true].include?(ENV['CI_IGNORE_CASSETTES'])
- next VCR.turned_off(ignore_cassettes: true) do
- WebMock.disable!
- example.run
- ensure
- WebMock.enable!
- end
- end
- vcr_options = Array(example.metadata[:use_vcr])
- spec_path = Pathname.new(example.file_path).realpath
- cassette_path = spec_path.relative_path_from(Rails.root.join('spec')).sub(%r{_spec\.rb$}, '')
- cassette_name = "#{example.metadata[:example_group][:full_description]}/#{example.description}".gsub(%r{[^0-9A-Za-z\-]+}, '_').downcase
- # handle file name limit of 255 chars
- if cassette_name.length > 253
- hexdigest_cassette_name = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(cassette_name)
- shortened_casset_name = "#{cassette_name.first(30)}-#{cassette_name.last(30)}-#{hexdigest_cassette_name}"
- Rails.logger.info "Detected too long VCR filename '#{cassette_name}' (#{cassette_name.length}) and therefore converted it to '#{shortened_casset_name}'"
- cassette_name = shortened_casset_name
- end
- request_profile = [
- :method,
- :uri,
- vcr_options.include?(:with_oauth_headers) ? :oauth_headers : nil
- ].compact
- VCR.use_cassette(cassette_path.join(cassette_name), match_requests_on: request_profile) do |cassette|
- if vcr_options.include?(:time_sensitive) && !cassette.recording?
- travel_to(cassette.http_interactions.interactions.first.recorded_at)
- end
- example.run
- end
- end
- config.around(:each, use_vcr: true) do |example|
- RSpec::Support::VCRHelper.inject_advisory(example)
- end
- config.around(:each, use_vcr: true) do |example|
- RSpec::Expectations::VCRHelper.inject_advisory(example)
- end
- end