comment_spec.rb 5.3 KB

  1. # Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation,
  2. require 'rails_helper'
  3. require 'zendesk_api'
  4. RSpec.describe ::Sequencer::Sequence::Import::Zendesk::Ticket::Comment, sequencer: :sequence, db_strategy: :reset, required_envs: %w[IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT] do
  5. let(:hostname) { URI.parse(ENV['IMPORT_ZENDESK_ENDPOINT']).hostname }
  6. context 'when importing ticket comments from Zendesk' do
  7. let(:customer) { create(:customer) }
  8. let(:ticket) { create(:ticket) }
  9. let(:inline_image_url) { "https://#{hostname}/attachments/token/khRQTQjm8ODhA0FjbS39i4xOb/?name=1a3496b9-53d9-494d-bbb0-e1d2e22074f8.jpeg" }
  10. let(:resource) do
  12. nil,
  13. {
  14. 'id' => 31_964_468_581,
  15. 'type' => 'Comment',
  16. 'author_id' => 1_150_734_731,
  17. 'html_body' => "<div class=\"zd-comment\" dir=\"auto\"><p dir=\"auto\">This is the latest comment for this ticket. You also changed the ticket status to Pending.</p><span style=\"opacity: 1;\"><img src=\"#{inline_image_url}\"></span></div>",
  18. 'public' => true,
  19. 'attachments' => [
  20. {
  21. 'id' => 1_282_310_719,
  22. 'file_name' => '1a3496b9-53d9-494d-bbb0-e1d2e22074f8.jpeg',
  23. 'content_url' => "https://#{hostname}/attachments/token/khRQTQjm8ODhA0FjbS39i4xOb/?name=1a3496b9-53d9-494d-bbb0-e1d2e22074f8.jpeg",
  24. 'mapped_content_url' => "https://#{hostname}/attachments/token/khRQTQjm8ODhA0FjbS39i4xOb/?name=1a3496b9-53d9-494d-bbb0-e1d2e22074f8.jpeg",
  25. 'content_type' => 'image/jpeg',
  26. 'size' => 164_934,
  27. 'width' => 1600,
  28. 'height' => 1200,
  29. 'inline' => false,
  30. 'deleted' => false,
  31. 'thumbnails' => []
  32. }
  33. ],
  34. 'audit_id' => 31_964_468_571,
  35. 'via' => {
  36. 'channel' => 'email',
  37. 'source' => {
  38. 'from' => {
  39. 'address' => '',
  40. 'name' => 'John Doe',
  41. 'original_recipients' => [
  42. ''
  43. ]
  44. },
  45. 'to' => {
  46. 'name' => 'Znuny',
  47. 'address' => ''
  48. },
  49. 'rel' => nil
  50. },
  51. },
  52. 'created_at' => '2018-09-28T12:00:00Z',
  53. 'metadata' => {
  54. 'system' => {},
  55. 'custom' => {}
  56. }
  57. }
  58. )
  59. end
  60. let(:user_map) do
  61. {
  62. 1_150_734_731 =>,
  63. }
  64. end
  65. let(:process_payload) do
  66. {
  67. import_job: build_stubbed(:import_job, name: 'Import::Zendesk', payload: {}),
  68. dry_run: false,
  69. instance: ticket,
  70. resource: resource,
  71. user_map: user_map,
  72. field_map: {},
  73. }
  74. end
  75. let(:imported_article) do
  76. {
  77. from: '',
  78. to: '',
  79. body: "\n<div dir=\"auto\">\n<p dir=\"auto\">This is the latest comment for this ticket. You also changed the ticket status to Pending.</p>\n<span><img src=\"\"></span>\n</div>\n",
  80. created_at:'2018-09-28T12:00:00Z'),
  81. updated_at:'2018-09-28T12:00:00Z'),
  82. }
  83. end
  84. let(:imported_attachment) do
  85. {
  86. 'filename' => '1a3496b9-53d9-494d-bbb0-e1d2e22074f8.jpeg',
  87. 'size' => '3',
  88. 'preferences' => {
  89. 'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg',
  90. 'resizable' => false,
  91. 'content_preview' => true,
  92. }
  93. }
  94. end
  95. before do
  96. stub_request(:get, "https://#{hostname}/attachments/token/khRQTQjm8ODhA0FjbS39i4xOb/?name=1a3496b9-53d9-494d-bbb0-e1d2e22074f8.jpeg").to_return(status: 200, body: '123', headers: {})
  97. end
  98. context 'with an email article' do
  99. it 'imports article correctly' do
  100. expect { process(process_payload) }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(1)
  101. end
  102. it 'imports ticket data correctly' do
  103. process(process_payload)
  104. expect(Ticket::Article.last).to have_attributes(imported_article)
  105. end
  106. it 'adds correct number of attachments' do
  107. process(process_payload)
  108. expect(Ticket::Article.last.attachments.size).to eq 1
  109. end
  110. it 'adds attachment content' do
  111. process(process_payload)
  112. expect(Ticket::Article.last.attachments.last).to have_attributes(imported_attachment)
  113. end
  114. end
  115. context 'when attachment request has an error' do
  116. before do
  117. allow_any_instance_of(Sequencer::Unit::Import::Zendesk::Ticket::Comment::Attachment::Request).to receive(:sleep)
  118. stub_request(:get, "https://#{hostname}/attachments/token/khRQTQjm8ODhA0FjbS39i4xOb/?name=1a3496b9-53d9-494d-bbb0-e1d2e22074f8.jpeg").to_return(status: 503, headers: {}).then.to_return(status: 200, body: '123', headers: {})
  119. end
  120. it 'adds attachment content after one request error' do
  121. process(process_payload)
  122. expect(Ticket::Article.last.attachments.last).to have_attributes(imported_attachment)
  123. end
  124. end
  125. end
  126. end