123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166 |
- <!-- Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ -->
- <script setup lang="ts">
- import { markRaw, ref, toRef, watch } from 'vue'
- import useValue from '#shared/components/Form/composables/useValue.ts'
- import type {
- AutoCompleteOption,
- AutoCompleteProps,
- AutocompleteSelectValue,
- } from '#shared/components/Form/fields/FieldAutocomplete/types.ts'
- import type { FormFieldContext } from '#shared/components/Form/types/field.ts'
- import useSelectOptions from '#shared/composables/useSelectOptions.ts'
- import { useFormBlock } from '#shared/form/useFormBlock.ts'
- import { i18n } from '#shared/i18n.ts'
- import type { ObjectLike } from '#shared/types/utils.ts'
- import { useDialog } from '#mobile/composables/useDialog.ts'
- interface Props {
- context: FormFieldContext<AutoCompleteProps>
- }
- const props = defineProps<Props>()
- const contextReactive = toRef(props, 'context')
- const { hasValue, valueContainer, currentValue, clearValue } =
- useValue<AutocompleteSelectValue>(contextReactive)
- const localOptions = ref(props.context.options || [])
- watch(
- () => props.context.options,
- (options) => {
- localOptions.value = options || []
- },
- )
- const nameDialog = `field-auto-complete-${props.context.id}`
- const dialog = useDialog({
- name: nameDialog,
- prefetch: true,
- component: () => import('./FieldAutoCompleteInputDialog.vue'),
- })
- const openModal = () => {
- return dialog.open({
- context: contextReactive,
- name: nameDialog,
- options: localOptions,
- optionIconComponent: props.context.optionIconComponent
- ? markRaw(props.context.optionIconComponent)
- : null,
- onUpdateOptions: (options: AutoCompleteOption[]) => {
- localOptions.value = options
- },
- onAction() {
- props.context.onActionClick?.()
- },
- })
- }
- const {
- optionValueLookup,
- getSelectedOptionIcon,
- getSelectedOptionValue,
- getSelectedOptionLabel,
- } = useSelectOptions(localOptions, contextReactive)
- // Remember current optionValueLookup in node context.
- contextReactive.value.optionValueLookup = optionValueLookup
- // Initial options prefill for non-multiple fields (multiple fields needs to be handled in the form updater).
- if (
- !props.context.multiple &&
- hasValue.value &&
- props.context.initialOptionBuilder &&
- !getSelectedOptionLabel(currentValue.value)
- ) {
- const initialOption = props.context.initialOptionBuilder(
- props.context.node.at('$root')?.context?.initialEntityObject as ObjectLike,
- currentValue.value,
- props.context,
- )
- if (initialOption) localOptions.value.push(initialOption)
- }
- const toggleDialog = async (isVisible: boolean) => {
- if (isVisible) {
- await openModal()
- return
- }
- await dialog.close()
- }
- const onInputClick = () => {
- if (dialog.isOpened.value) return
- toggleDialog(true)
- }
- useFormBlock(contextReactive, onInputClick)
- </script>
- <template>
- <div
- :class="{
- [context.classes.input]: true,
- 'ltr:pr-9 rtl:pl-9': context.clearable && hasValue && !context.disabled,
- }"
- class="flex h-auto rounded-none bg-transparent"
- data-test-id="field-autocomplete"
- >
- <output
- :id="context.id"
- role="combobox"
- :name="context.node.name"
- class="formkit-disabled:pointer-events-none flex grow items-center focus:outline-none"
- :aria-disabled="context.disabled ? 'true' : undefined"
- :aria-labelledby="`label-${context.id}`"
- aria-haspopup="dialog"
- aria-autocomplete="none"
- :aria-controls="`dialog-${nameDialog}`"
- :aria-owns="`dialog-${nameDialog}`"
- :aria-expanded="dialog.isOpened.value"
- tabindex="0"
- :data-multiple="context.multiple ? 'true' : undefined"
- v-bind="context.attrs"
- @keyup.shift.down.prevent="toggleDialog(true)"
- @keypress.space.prevent="toggleDialog(true)"
- @blur="context.handlers.blur"
- >
- <div v-if="hasValue" class="flex grow flex-wrap gap-1" role="list">
- <div
- v-for="(selectedValue, idx) in valueContainer"
- :key="getSelectedOptionValue(selectedValue)?.toString()"
- class="flex items-center text-base leading-[19px]"
- role="listitem"
- >
- <CommonIcon
- v-if="getSelectedOptionIcon(selectedValue)"
- :name="getSelectedOptionIcon(selectedValue)"
- size="tiny"
- class="ltr:mr-1 rtl:ml-1"
- />{{
- getSelectedOptionLabel(selectedValue) ||
- i18n.t('%s (unknown)', getSelectedOptionValue(selectedValue))
- }}{{ idx === valueContainer.length - 1 ? '' : ',' }}
- </div>
- </div>
- <CommonIcon
- v-if="context.clearable && hasValue && !context.disabled"
- :aria-label="i18n.t('Clear Selection')"
- class="text-gray absolute -mt-5 shrink-0 ltr:right-2 rtl:left-2"
- name="close-small"
- size="base"
- role="button"
- tabindex="0"
- @click.stop="clearValue()"
- @keypress.space.prevent.stop="clearValue()"
- />
- </output>
- </div>
- </template>