# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ module CreatesTicketArticles extend ActiveSupport::Concern private def article_create(ticket, params) # create article if given form_id = params[:form_id] params.delete(:form_id) subtype = params.delete(:subtype) # check min. params raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, __("Need at least an 'article body' field.") if params[:body].blank? # fill default values if params[:type_id].blank? && params[:type].blank? params[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'note').id end if params[:sender_id].blank? && params[:sender].blank? sender = 'Customer' if current_user.permissions?('ticket.agent') sender = 'Agent' end params[:sender_id] = Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: sender).id end # remember time accounting time_unit = params[:time_unit] clean_params = Ticket::Article.association_name_to_id_convert(params) clean_params = Ticket::Article.param_cleanup(clean_params, true) # overwrite params if !current_user.permissions?('ticket.agent') clean_params[:sender_id] = Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: 'Customer').id clean_params.delete(:sender) clean_params.delete(:origin_by_id) type = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(id: clean_params[:type_id]) if !type.name.match?(%r{^(note|web)$}) clean_params[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'note').id end clean_params.delete(:type) clean_params[:internal] = false end article = Ticket::Article.new(clean_params) article.ticket_id = ticket.id # store dataurl images to store attachments_inline = [] if article.body && article.content_type =~ %r{text/html}i (article.body, attachments_inline) = HtmlSanitizer.replace_inline_images(article.body, ticket.id) end # find attachments in upload cache attachments = [] if form_id attachments += UploadCache.new(form_id).attachments end # store inline attachments attachments_inline.each do |attachment| attachments << { data: attachment[:data], filename: attachment[:filename], preferences: attachment[:preferences], } end # add attachments as param if params[:attachments].present? required_keys = %w[mime-type filename data] preferences_keys = %w[charset mime-type] params[:attachments].each_with_index do |attachment, index| # validation required_keys.each do |key| next if attachment[key] raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "Attachment needs '#{key}' param for attachment with index '#{index}'" end preferences = {} preferences_keys.each do |key| next if !attachment[key] store_key = key.tr('-', '_').camelize.gsub(%r{(.+)([A-Z])}, '\1_\2').tr('_', '-') preferences[store_key] = attachment[key] end begin base64_data = attachment[:data].gsub(%r{[\r\n]}, '') attachment_data = Base64.strict_decode64(base64_data) rescue ArgumentError raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "Invalid base64 for attachment with index '#{index}'" end attachments << { data: attachment_data, filename: attachment[:filename], preferences: preferences, } end end article.attachments = attachments # set subtype of present article.preferences[:subtype] = subtype if subtype.present? article.save! # account time if time_unit.present? Ticket::TimeAccounting.create!( ticket_id: article.ticket_id, ticket_article_id: article.id, time_unit: time_unit ) end return article if form_id.blank? # clear in-progress state from taskbar Taskbar .where(user_id: current_user.id) .first { |taskbar| taskbar.persisted_form_id == form_id } &.update!(state: {}) # remove temporary attachment cache UploadCache.new(form_id).destroy article end end