# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Channel, type: :model do describe '.fetch' do describe '#refresh_xoauth2! fails' do let(:channel) { create(:channel, area: 'SomeXOAUTH2::Account', options: { adapter: 'DummyXOAUTH2', auth: { type: 'XOAUTH2' } }) } before do allow(ExternalCredential).to receive(:refresh_token).and_raise(RuntimeError) end it 'changes Channel status to error' do expect { described_class.fetch }.to change { channel.reload.status_in }.to('error') end end context 'when one adapter fetch fails' do let(:failing_adapter_class) do Class.new(Channel::Driver::Null) do def fetchable?(...) true end def fetch(...) raise 'some error' end end end let(:dummy_adapter_class) do Class.new(Channel::Driver::Null) do def fetchable?(...) true end end end let(:failing_channel) do create(:email_channel, inbound: { adapter: 'failing', options: {} }) end let(:other_channel) do create(:email_channel, inbound: { adapter: 'dummy', options: {} }) end before do allow(described_class).to receive(:driver_class).with('dummy').and_return(dummy_adapter_class) allow(described_class).to receive(:driver_class).with('failing').and_return(failing_adapter_class) failing_channel other_channel end it 'adds error flag to the failing Channel' do expect { described_class.fetch }.to change { failing_channel.reload.preferences[:last_fetch] }.and change { failing_channel.reload.status_in }.to('error') end it 'fetches others anyway' do expect { described_class.fetch }.to change { other_channel.reload.preferences[:last_fetch] }.and change { other_channel.reload.status_in }.to('ok') end end end context 'when authentication type is XOAUTH2' do shared_examples 'common XOAUTH2' do context 'when token refresh fails' do let(:exception) { DummyExternalCredentialsBackendError.new('something unexpected happened here') } before do stub_const('DummyExternalCredentialsBackendError', Class.new(StandardError)) allow(ExternalCredential).to receive(:refresh_token).and_raise(exception) end it 'raises RuntimeError' do expect { channel.refresh_xoauth2! }.to raise_exception(RuntimeError, %r{#{exception.message}}) end end context 'when non-XOAUTH2 channels are present' do let!(:email_address) { create(:email_address, channel: create(:channel, area: 'Some::Other')) } before do # XOAUTH2 channels refresh their tokens on initialization allow(ExternalCredential).to receive(:refresh_token).and_return({ access_token: 'S3CR3T' }) channel end it "doesn't remove email address assignments" do expect { described_class.where(area: channel.area).find_each { nil } }.not_to change { email_address.reload.channel_id } end end end context 'when provider is Google' do it_behaves_like 'common XOAUTH2' do let(:channel) { create(:google_channel) } end end context 'when provider is Microsoft365' do it_behaves_like 'common XOAUTH2' do let(:channel) { create(:microsoft365_channel) } end end end end