# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Calendar, type: :model do subject(:calendar) { create(:calendar) } describe 'attributes' do describe '#default' do before { expect(described_class.pluck(:default)).to eq([true]) } context 'when set to true on creation' do subject(:calendar) { build(:calendar, default: true) } it 'stays true and sets all other calendars to default: false' do expect { calendar.tap(&:save).reload }.not_to change(calendar, :default) expect(described_class.where(default: true) - [calendar]).to be_empty end end context 'when set to true on update' do subject(:calendar) { create(:calendar, default: false) } before { calendar.default = true } it 'stays true and sets all other calendars to default: false' do expect { calendar.tap(&:save).reload }.not_to change(calendar, :default) expect(described_class.where(default: true) - [calendar]).to be_empty end end context 'when set to false on update' do it 'sets default: true on earliest-created calendar' do expect { described_class.first.update(default: false) } .not_to change { described_class.first.default } end end context 'when default calendar is destroyed' do subject!(:calendar) { create(:calendar, default: false) } it 'sets default: true on earliest-created remaining calendar' do expect { described_class.first.destroy } .to change { calendar.reload.default }.to(true) end context 'when sla has destroyed calendar set' do let(:sla) { create(:sla, calendar: described_class.first) } before do sla end it 'sets the new default calendar to the sla' do expect { described_class.first.destroy } .to change { sla.reload.calendar }.to(calendar) end end end end describe '#public_holidays' do subject(:calendar) do create(:calendar, ical_url: Rails.root.join('test/data/calendar/calendar1.ics')) end before { travel_to Time.zone.parse('2017-08-24T01:04:44Z0') } context 'on creation' do it 'is computed from iCal event data (implicitly via #sync), from one year before to three years after' do expect(calendar.public_holidays).to eq( '2016-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2018-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2019-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, ) end context 'with one-time and n-time (recurring) events' do subject(:calendar) do create(:calendar, ical_url: Rails.root.join('test/data/calendar/calendar3.ics')) end it 'accurately computes/imports events' do expect(calendar.public_holidays).to eq( '2016-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2016-12-26' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'day3', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2016-12-28' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'day5', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-01-26' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'day3', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-02-26' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'day3', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-03-26' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'day3', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-04-26' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'day3', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2018-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2019-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, ) end end end end end describe '#sync' do subject(:calendar) do create(:calendar, ical_url: Rails.root.join('test/data/calendar/calendar1.ics'), default: false) end before { travel_to Time.zone.parse('2017-08-24T01:04:44Z0') } context 'when called explicitly after creation' do it 'writes #public_holidays to the cache (valid for 1 day)' do expect(Rails.cache.read("CalendarIcal::#{calendar.id}")).to be_nil expect { calendar.sync } .to change { Rails.cache.read("CalendarIcal::#{calendar.id}") } .to(calendar.attributes.slice('public_holidays', 'ical_url').symbolize_keys) end context 'and neither current date nor iCal URL have changed' do it 'is idempotent' do expect { calendar.sync } .not_to change(calendar, :public_holidays) end it 'does not create a background job for escalation rebuild' do calendar # create and sync (1 inital background job is created) expect { calendar.sync } # a second sync right after calendar create .to not_change { Delayed::Job.count } end end context 'and current date has changed but neither public_holidays nor iCal URL have changed (past cache expiry)' do before do calendar # create and sync travel 2.days end it 'is idempotent' do expect { calendar.sync } .not_to change(calendar, :public_holidays) end it 'does not create a background job for escalation rebuild' do expect { calendar.sync } .not_to change(Delayed::Job, :count) end end context 'and current date has changed (past cache expiry)', performs_jobs: true do before do calendar # create and sync clear_jobs # clear (speak: process) created jobs travel 1.year end it 'appends newly computed event data to #public_holidays' do expect { calendar.sync }.to change(calendar, :public_holidays).to( '2016-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2018-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2019-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2020-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, ) end it 'does create a background job for escalation rebuild' do expect { calendar.sync }.to have_enqueued_job(TicketEscalationRebuildJob) end end context 'and iCal URL has changed' do before { calendar.assign_attributes(ical_url: Rails.root.join('test/data/calendar/calendar2.ics')) } it 'replaces #public_holidays with event data computed from new iCal URL' do expect { calendar.save } .to change(calendar, :public_holidays).to( '2016-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2016-12-25' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas2', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2017-12-25' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas2', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2018-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2018-12-25' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas2', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2019-12-24' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas1', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, '2019-12-25' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'Christmas2', 'feed' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(calendar.ical_url) }, ) end end end end describe '#validate_hours' do context 'when business_hours are invalid' do it 'fails for hours ending at 00:00' do expect do create(:calendar, business_hours: { mon: { active: true, timeframes: [['09:00', '00:00']] }, tue: { active: true, timeframes: [['09:00', '00:00']] }, wed: { active: true, timeframes: [['09:00', '00:00']] }, thu: { active: true, timeframes: [['09:00', '00:00']] }, fri: { active: true, timeframes: [['09:00', '00:00']] }, sat: { active: false, timeframes: [['09:00', '00:00']] }, sun: { active: false, timeframes: [['09:00', '00:00']] } }) end.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, %r{nonsensical hours provided}) end it 'fails for blank structure' do expect do create(:calendar, business_hours: {}) end.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, %r{There are no business hours configured.}) end end end describe '#biz' do it 'overnight minutes are counted correctly' do travel_to Time.current.noon calendar = create(:calendar, '23:59/7') biz = calendar.biz expect(biz.time(24, :hours).after(Time.current)).to eq 1.day.from_now end end describe '#business_hours_to_hash' do it 'returns a hash with all weekdays' do calendar = create(:calendar, '23:59/7') hash = calendar.business_hours_to_hash expect(hash.keys).to eq %i[mon tue wed thu fri sat sun] end context 'with mocked hours' do let(:calendar) { create(:calendar, '23:59/7') } let(:result) { calendar.business_hours_to_hash } before do calendar.business_hours = { day_1: { active: true, timeframes: [['09:00', '17:00']] }, day_2: { active: true, timeframes: [['00:01', '02:00'], ['09:00', '17:00']] }, day_3: { active: false, timeframes: [['09:00', '17:00']] } } end it { expect(result.keys).to eq %i[day_1 day_2] } it { expect(result[:day_1]).to eq({ '09:00' => '17:00' }) } it { expect(result[:day_2]).to eq({ '09:00' => '17:00', '00:01' => '02:00' }) } end end context 'when updated Calendar no longer matches Ticket', :performs_jobs do subject(:ticket) { create(:ticket, created_at: '2016-11-01 13:56:21 UTC', updated_at: '2016-11-01 13:56:21 UTC') } let(:calendar) do create(:calendar, business_hours: { mon: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['08:00', '20:00'] ] }, tue: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['08:00', '20:00'] ] }, wed: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['08:00', '20:00'] ] }, thu: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['08:00', '20:00'] ] }, fri: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['08:00', '20:00'] ] }, sat: { active: false, timeframes: [ ['08:00', '17:00'] ] }, sun: { active: false, timeframes: [ ['08:00', '17:00'] ] }, }, public_holidays: { '2016-11-01' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'test 1', }, }) end let(:sla) { create(:sla, condition: {}, calendar: calendar, first_response_time: 60, response_time: 120, solution_time: nil) } before do queue_adapter.perform_enqueued_jobs = true queue_adapter.perform_enqueued_at_jobs = true sla ticket create(:'ticket/article', :inbound_web, ticket: ticket, created_at: '2016-11-01 13:56:21 UTC', updated_at: '2016-11-01 13:56:21 UTC') ticket.reload create(:'ticket/article', :outbound_email, ticket: ticket, created_at: '2016-11-07 13:26:36 UTC', updated_at: '2016-11-07 13:26:36 UTC') ticket.reload end it 'calculates escalation_at attributes' do expect(ticket.escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.first_response_escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.update_escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.close_escalation_at).to be_nil # set sla's for timezone "Europe/Berlin" wintertime (+1), so UTC times are 3:00-18:00 calendar.update!( business_hours: { mon: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['04:00', '20:00'] ] }, tue: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['04:00', '20:00'] ] }, wed: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['04:00', '20:00'] ] }, thu: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['04:00', '20:00'] ] }, fri: { active: true, timeframes: [ ['04:00', '20:00'] ] }, sat: { active: false, timeframes: [ ['04:00', '13:00'] ] # this changed from '17:00' => '13:00' }, sun: { active: false, timeframes: [ ['04:00', '17:00'] ] }, }, public_holidays: { '2016-11-01' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'test 1', }, }, ) ticket.reload expect(ticket.escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.first_response_escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.update_escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.close_escalation_at).to be_nil end end context 'when SLA relevant timezone holidays are configured' do let(:calendar) do create(:calendar, public_holidays: { '2015-09-22' => { 'active' => true, 'summary' => 'test 1', }, '2015-09-23' => { 'active' => false, 'summary' => 'test 2', }, '2015-09-24' => { 'removed' => false, 'summary' => 'test 3', }, }) end let(:sla) do create(:sla, calendar: calendar, condition: {}, first_response_time: 120, response_time: 180, solution_time: 240) end before do sla ticket.reload end context 'when a Ticket is created in working hours but not affected by the configured holidays' do subject(:ticket) { create(:ticket, created_at: '2013-10-21 09:30:00 UTC', updated_at: '2013-10-21 09:30:00 UTC') } it 'calculates escalation_at attributes' do expect(ticket.escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2013-10-21 11:30:00 UTC') expect(ticket.first_response_escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2013-10-21 11:30:00 UTC') expect(ticket.update_escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.close_escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2013-10-21 13:30:00 UTC') end end context 'when a Ticket is created before the working hours but not affected by the configured holidays' do subject(:ticket) { create(:ticket, created_at: '2013-10-21 05:30:00 UTC', updated_at: '2013-10-21 05:30:00 UTC') } it 'calculates escalation_at attributes' do expect(ticket.escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2013-10-21 09:00:00 UTC') expect(ticket.first_response_escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2013-10-21 09:00:00 UTC') expect(ticket.update_escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.close_escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2013-10-21 11:00:00 UTC') end end context 'when a Ticket is created before the holidays but escalation should take place while holidays are' do subject(:ticket) { create(:ticket, created_at: '2015-09-21 14:30:00 UTC', updated_at: '2015-09-21 14:30:00 UTC') } it 'calculates escalation_at attributes' do expect(ticket.escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2015-09-23 08:30:00 UTC') expect(ticket.first_response_escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2015-09-23 08:30:00 UTC') expect(ticket.update_escalation_at).to be_nil expect(ticket.close_escalation_at.gmtime.to_s).to eq('2015-09-23 10:30:00 UTC') end end end end